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THIRD DREAM Many things have happened and a lot of time has passed. When we were close to graduation, some events happened and thinking back in a nutshell to how much I remember of that time, was that Thomas and Diego finally assumed they were gay and are in a relationship. Cody and Jessica this one like when you throw a ball to the dog and she was always going to catch it "I don't know how they are doing now" If you still have a good memory, what I remember about Kathya's former dance partner, was that he eventually came back from the military academy very different and was becoming the biggest flirt after high school "he doesn't even look like the shy nerd" Finally the math teacher from my school days got a boyfriend so to put an end to her bad mood that "got a lot better", we can finally have a dazzle of a smiling one. "Looks like she really needed a man in her life!" - Leaving that aside, I couldn't seem to get over how Jane and her g**g were doing. Starting with Irina, the last time I had seen her she still had her lemon-sucked face and would go for any boy, but to her bad luck she "didn't protect herself as she should have", she ended up finding out that she had HIV and was now undergoing treatment and would have to live with it for the rest of her life. If you saw Vanessa in person you wouldn't even recognize her because she was fatter than ever, "even more so for a girl who was practically thin in high school", from what Kathy said? she was dumped by the guy she was in love with and had gone off with another girl. Vanessa went into depression and put on 30 pounds and ended up eating so much candy and not being careful about going to the doctor. It was only after things got worse that she discovered she had type 1 diabetes and "this type has no cure. If only she had taken care or consulted earlier. She could have been more careful with her own health, maybe she could have been treated earlier - Now she needed to be watched closely by her parents and from the looks of it she had a tendency to eat candy on the sly and now in addition to treating her depression she needs to lose weight and avoid sugar. Jane became thinner than usual and walked the halls of the school rather pale. At this time there were rumors that she was dating a biker and that when he drank he got violent and beat her. At these moments I even felt sorry for her, because, unlike her, I don't wish for the worst fate in the world "as was happening to her and her friends" - It was something bad, but now they were reaping what they had sown. In the meantime, Jane found out that she was pregnant and was kicked out of her house. When she stopped going to school, rumors spread, and it was quickly discovered that she was living with this biker. Among the many violent acts and she ended up having a miscarriage and lost the baby - To her relief, her father let her come home on one condition that she break up with the biker. "This happened," but it seems that the man threatened her life and even had custody where the biker was not allowed to go near the school where we studied at the time. There was a lot of talk about the events in her life for the saying "you have to be careful about the people you have relationships with". After that, the Jane from before changed and I could see that she was always looking to the side all the time, afraid that he would break into custody and at any moment hurt her or worse. We could see her in the corridors of the school very scared and by the looks of it she became "a little paranoid", believing that at any moment he would come to get her. Next to them... I believe that of all of them, she is the one who was the most calm in a way, because Jane with the time was traumatized by the time she was beaten and half out of the area, walking like a ghost until the bell rang. {***} I woke up startled looking around my dark room, next to me was my husband sleeping peacefully, I smiled running my hand through his hair. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror and got some water to wet my face. Remembering what these girls did and how they were back then was horrible, "I wonder how they are living today", did they get worse or better. Despite everything they have ever tried to do to me, I couldn't even wish for a horrible ending that they had "not even for their worst enemy", I left the bathroom sighing and Arthur woke up confused. - What happened? - he asked, scratching his eyes. - Nothing, I just went to the bathroom - I said as I lay down and he clung to me and kissed my head and then finally my lips. Arthur went back to sleep quickly and I laid my head on his chest, knowing that my thoughts were going back to the past and would end up going back to the memories... The phase of dreams coming back in the past diminished and with all of this I realized that my story changed completely after I met my husband - Today I am married to the love of my life and we have our daughter who was every day more beautiful and perfect "just like her father", and to get even better I just found out that I am pregnant; two months pregnant. I came back from work surprised by the positive test but super happy, so I prepared dinner and stayed on the couch waiting for Arthur to arrive from where he worked - He and William opened their own law firm. "My husband is the owner and William is the director of finance" I heard his car parking and was in anticipation when I saw him coming through the door, Tina dropped the drawing she was doing to run to jump in it and her father her beautiful "smile I love so much", - I always observed the love between the two of them and how affectionate they were to each other. Arthur opened a wonderful smile as soon as his eyes came to me, took our daughter in his arms and sat her down on the floor, without first kissing her head and coming to my side and kissing my mouth. - Baby! I have news for you. - I whispered, and he looked at me with shining eyes. It was amazing that despite the years of marriage, he had the same love stamped on his face. - Say... - he asked, drawing closer to me. - Christina is going to get a little brother, or maybe a little sister? - I said and saw his eyes fill with tears and a smile spread across his face. There was nothing better than to see my husband happy and it seemed that this news had touched him as much as it had touched me. - Lena, I... - He tried to say something, but nothing came out. He dried my tears and the happiness only seemed to increase as time passed. Then he kissed me, "an overwhelming kiss. When I was already in the seventh month of pregnancy, we found out that I was pregnant with twins and I was caught totally off guard, since there is no history of double pregnancies in my family. I remember how excited we were when we found out at the baby shower that they were a girl and a boy. After many discussions and doubts... we chose the names of our little angels: Benjamin and Beatrice. We created, evolved and showed that we would always be complete with our friends, nephews, relatives, our children with the construction of our family.

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