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He couldn't believe that was me holding a gun to his face. General: what is this? Me: this is me seeking revenge for my boss and my friend Kevo, you remember him, that guy whom I shot when you tried to kill me and my boss? General: We can talk about this, what do you want? Me: I want to kill you because you have made my life hell for the past few weeks. Oh and I know about your Spy and am going after him when am done with you. That man in a mask? Yeah the one you have been looking for, that man is standing right in front of you. General: what, did you manage to fool everyone? Me: how else, am smart and I don't leave anything to chance. Next time you hire someone to do a job for you, make sure you do a proper background check.Oh! wait, I don't even think there is going to be a next time.. I pulled the trigger and shot him twice in the head and he dropped off the seat. I shot him once more and he died. I ran and hid behind the door knowing his boys would come running in, see that's the stupid thing about loyalty. You see death coming and you run to meet it halfway and true to my words the door was kicked and they both came running in. I shot them on the back then ran out. It was already chaotic because Finch had led the team in when he heard the first gun shots. They split up towards different directions taking out anyone that was within. Despite the fact that these guys didn't know there was going to be an attack they were well prepared. While in action another van drove in and guys dressed in dark attires jumped out with Marvins on their heads with some carrying rifles while others had ordinary guns. I was able to see everything because I was upstairs and it had a good view of what was happening around. I decided to go down shooting anyone I met on my way as I tried to trace Finch and warn him, this is not the type of situation you make phone calls, you warn those you can reach and watch the people you couldn't get to die. This is not what I had expected. As I was going down the last bit of the stairs someone pulled me saving me from a bullet that almost got me, it was Finch and he had seen someone point a gun at me. Finch: who are those guys? Me: I don't know but I think they are the crew you were talking about. As we were talking another bullet hit the wall close to where we were hiding. Finch took my hand and we ran to certain corridor. Me: where is everyone else? Finch: we all scattered I don't know who went where. Me: okay, I will take the left wing you take the right. He nodded and just as I was about to leave. Finch: Hey, be careful. Me: you too. We took our different wings and got back to business. I passed a number of dead bodies and I dropped a few more. People in the neighborhood must have heard the commotion and gun shots and called the police. I spotted a police land Rover and just as I turned to try and find my way out before things got more than messy someone pointed a gun to my face. I turned slowly to check who it was and to my surprise it was Sally. Sally: drop that gun. She said with no tremble in her voice almost like she was used to giving such command. Me: Sally? Sally: shut up and put the gun down before I could obey her commands someone shot me on the arm and I fell. Sally tried to run and another person grabbed her. Two men grabbed me and led both me and Sally down the stairs shooting any one they came across and this mess had just gotten real. On our way to the car that had been parked at an entrance at the back of the building, I spotted a few cops down and if my guess was right, that must have been Finch in action. Some police men had camped at the main entrance waiting for anyone who attempted to find their way out, they were not doing any arresting but killing on sight. Some took the stairs while others took the different wings and my guess is that they met angry dudes, you know the likes of Finch and I don't want to imagine what is going on back there. Both Sally and I were pushed into the car and they drove off. We drove for a while with me sitting next to Sally still shocked. if only my gun hadn't dropped when I was shot I would have put a bullet in her head. I thought I knew her and even though I had my doubts about her I didn't think she would be this. A gangster! I held on to my hand as the pain was getting unbearable. I have never been shot before not even a bruise when the bullet where flying everywhere. So this is what pain really feels like? We got to a place that rather looked familiar, the car stopped and we got pulled out of the van. It was the carwash you remember that first place I started working in? Yes that carwash. What I still don't understand is why those guys were operating from there yet that place was said to be out of bounds for anyone. We were taken inside and they forcefully made us sit on not so comfortable wooden chairs, they tied Sally's hands from behind but I excused because of my wound. When they were done they stepped out. Me: so, this is the real you huh? Finch: your lack of cooperation got us captured. Me: and how far do you think you would have gone before I put a bullet in your head? Sally: you wouldn't do that. Me: why not? Sally: because you are in love with me. I laughed so hard that one of the guys peeped then I remembered we were prisoners. Me: how long have you been doing this? Sally: long enough to earn me a good life. Did Kevo tell you I’m the one who introduced him to General? Of cause not because you never talked about such. Oh! And just so you know, General and I have been having a thing and all that time I was using you to get information that could bring your boss down only that you were smart enough. You are one hard nut I couldn't c***k. Me: Why are you telling me all these? Sally: because from the look of things, we are dead anyway not unless General decides to come for me. Me: Well, that's going to be a long wait General is dead! Sally: what did you just say? Me: I killed him myself. I saw tears roll down her cheeks and for the first time I wasn't sorry to see a woman crying. Just as we were both processing the information we got from each other, a guy walked in with two others who stood by the door. Him: Friends welcome to this little get together, my name is Apolos and am your host. That must have been the biggest joke in my entire gangster life. Me: why are we here? Apolos: to have fun... No am the one who is going to have fun. Killing you! Me: who between us do you want to kill because I don't know you we haven't crossed paths before? He took a gun from one of his guys and moved closer pressing the gun on my head. Apolos: you don't know me but I do. You are the i***t who has been going around blowing people heads everywhere alongside your girlfriend here; she was very helpful in finding you. At this point I didn't know if he was talking about beast or Steve. Steve never killed anyone and Sally had no idea beast existed because if she did, she would have sold me out to General. I made a long sigh. I could have grabbed the gun with my right hand and shot him but on second thoughts that was a bad idea. His guys were standing right there and they would have shot me dead and besides that the pain I was feeling in my arm with a bullet still stuck inside was something else so I decided to be calm. He was proud of his achievement of having captured me, he bragged on how he was going to make an example of me. He put the gun to my tempo and i closed my eyes, maybe this was the last of it. Maybe this was the end of the game but who was this guy that i have never come across before.. before he could do anything stupid, He got a call and stepped outside. My mind wondered off a bit thinking about Finch and the rest of the crew. I kept wondering if they were safe and if they had managed to get their way out. You remember the “don’t get caught” rule? Some rules only apply when you are not the one in the situation I couldn't remember how many times I had found myself in life threatening situations. Apolos came back in and smiled some of his teeth had been knocked out and am guessing he went "thugging" somewhere and met his match. Apolos: looks like we will get back to this in a few... I have to go (he turned to look at the two guys) Apolos: if anyone attempts to move kill them. He walked out and immediately I started cooking a plan in my head. the fact that my left arm is wounded doesn't mean I can't do damage with my right I was ready to bear the pain and do whatever it took to get out of there... I heard the car drive off and it was only a matter of minutes before I executed my plans. Sally got up and asked to go to the ladies; she was forced down with a gun to her head. The guy really wanted to shoot her but he drew his gun back for reasons only known to him since Apolos said if we move we should be killed. Me: are you trying to get us killed? Sally: with the type of life you are leading, I doubt if you fear death. Me: No I don't. I just don't want to die by your side and don't roll your eyes on me. There was silence then all over sudden I heard a car drive into the compound. I thought this Apolos guy had forgotten something. If it was him then that meant I couldn't carry out my plan and so there was no way out. No, General was my main threat and if I killed him then who is this Apolos? Gun shots interrupted my thoughts. The guys ran out ready to shoot at whoever the attacker's were. When the car drove in they never bothered to check who it was, maybe they also thought it was their boss. I got up and rushed to the window to check what was happening. it was Finch, I felt like the heavens had just given me a hug. He came rushing in surveying the room Finch: Four down anyone else? Me: I don't think so, let's get out of here. Sally: Guys, you are leaving me here? Finch was already out ready to start the car. I looked at Sally her hands were still tied meaning she was defenseless. I grabbed her arm and we ran to car. We got in and Finch drove off. I know a lot of you think it was a stupid move to save Sally and bring her with us but she was my friend's girl and I have better plans for her.
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