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There was a female officer who sat at the reception when I was taken in and the other one, I hadn't seen him before. Officer: took you long enough. Me: I was naked and I had to get dressed. The lady officer raised her brows. We are here to ask a few questions Me: okay. Officer: there is a day you were taken to the police station and after being questioned you left with the two police officers and they were found dead the following morning. Me: they died? Officer: Don't act smart with us. The CCTV footage showed you and another guy flee the scene after shooting the cops. I have no idea what you are talking about. Lady: you were at the police station I saw you leave with them. Me: yeah I haven't denied that bit; the only Part I can't remember is the killing part. Officer: we will refresh your memory when we get to the police station. This time they didn't handcuff me I think it's because of the way I was dressed. They pushed me at the back and the two of them got in the front seats and that was their mistake. I got my phone and sent Finch the direction we were headed and he told me he will be on that road in a few. I didn't know the plan he had but I had to be ready with mine. I got a text from Finch telling me he was near and was looking out for a police car. I knew that was my chance to strike I jumped on the neck of the male police officer with the hand that had the wood and pulled it hard. Before the lady police realized what was happening the car was swaying from one end of the road to the other, I pushed her head hard hitting the window and she got unconscious. Finch was following the car closely not sure of what was going on but from the look of things, he knew that was my doing. The car hit a pole and stopped Finch stopped too and came rushing toward the police car as I quickly got out. He took his gun and shot the lady twice and the man once. Before people could realize what was happening and start taking photos we sped off. When we were a little far from the scene we slowed down not to attract any other police's attention. We drove for a while trying to catch our breath. I untapped the wood on arm and threw it on the back seat. Finch looked at me weirdly. Me: what? Finch: were you born a murderer or you just woke up and decided to be one? Me: why did you kill that lady cop? (Ignoring his question) Finch: why do you care, aren't you the one who said everyone is everyone's mother, brother, cousin and so on? Me: I didn't mention cousin Finch: but you said something like that and besides why are you asking me that while you killed the other cop? I ignored that question again. Me: tell me something, do you have something personal against cops or you are just lighting fire on our asses? He was quiet so that meant there was something. We got to the site and I wore my mask as we went inside side by side. When we got to the office I fetched some water from the dispenser and sat. He leaned on the wall near the window looking outside then turned and looked at me and started narrating his story. Finch: there's this day I went to the club with my brother, a cousin and two friends. We were just having fun dancing to music taking alcohol and hunting ladies as usual. All over sudden there were some running battles between the police and some thugs, some of the thugs ran into the club to take cover. One came running and sat at our table. When the police came in people scattered and I found myself behind the counter with the bar tender as my boys were left at the table. the police pointed the gun at them and they raised their hands as a sign of surrender even though they had nothing to do with whatever was going on, the next thing we heard were gun shots and everyone at that table died. Of cause the police were gunned down by the other thugs two dying on the spot and the other escaped with an injury. Me: am sorry about that encounter. Is that why you go killing cops? Finch: they took away my brother, the only person I was left with after my parents died in a car accident. Do you think I enjoyed being a gangster and a drug peddler; I had to do it for survival. I had to find a way to make ends meet after being thrown out of our rented house since I had no job and couldn't afford to pay the rent. He walked to the chair opposite me and sat. Looked down for some time then raised his face and looked at me with tears rolling down his eyes. Whatever happened must have really affected him. Finch: you asked if I have something personal against the cops, the answer is yes and I will kill every single one of them I get a chance to kill until I find that cop who got away after killing my brother even if it means this place remaining cop less. I didn't know what to say to that so I remained silent and waited for him to pull himself back together. A few minutes later he was okay and could even afford to smile again. He got up and went to the boss's seat. Finch: there is a day you talked about a traitor still being around. Why haven't you dealt with him, aren't you worried that he could be the one causing all these trouble? Me: am not worried about him. His time is coming. Finch: what is your plan with General? Me: am thinking we strike tomorrow in the evening, get the team in order and make sure you tell them what they are getting into, it has to be voluntary. Don't mention where we are striking as we don't want any more surprises. Finch: understood. Your car is here you want to check it out? Me: sure. We went to see the car and it was just what I had expected it would be. I got in to take it for a road test and of cause I wasn't going to come back so I told Finch to meet me here at 7:00am the following day. This road test ended up getting me to the hospital to see Candy that was after passing by the supermarket to do some shopping for my little comfort zone. She said she couldn't have lunch so I was going to see if maybe we could have coffee or dinner. I wanted to get to know her. I wanted to see that smile a little more often. I got to the hospital at 4:00pm. I didn't need to be directed since I had already known where to find her. I went straight to the reception and this time she wasn't seated there. I was told she was attending to a patient so I had to wait. I waited for a few minutes then she showed up holding a little girls hand leading her to her mother who was seated at the waiting area. She spoke to the woman briefly then gave the little girl a hug as they left. She came walking towards me and I pretended to be busy on my phone. Candy: I see you can't keep off this place. Me: how about hey "Steve it's good to see you, you are here to take me for coffee?" She laughed. Then tucked her hands in the pockets of the doctor's coat she was wearing. Candy: you said you would call. Me: yes but I thought why call when I can just drop by and see that beautiful smile. Candy: you are flirting with me Me: you did notice, so are you coming with me for that coffee? Candy: No. Me: No? okay. I looked around and saw a nurse who was coming towards our direction Me: excuse me nurse Nurse: yes, Me: this handsome man here would like to take you out for coffee. Would you like to come with me? Even before she could answer candy jumped in Candy: don't mind him Jane, he is just kidding. Me: I’m actually not. Candy: he is my boyfriend. I smiled and let the nurse proceed to wherever she was going. Me: (to candy) boyfriend huh? That was easy; pick your bag we are leaving. The date went well. We talked for hours then later dropped her home and even though I didn't tell her about Beast, am happy that I got to know her and should I die tomorrow, I will die a happy man. That night I didn't sleep, I had butterflies in my tummy and here I thought only female had such experiences. I was anxious not knowing what would happen because I had decided to face General and make him pay. I thought of taking some sleeping tablets to make me sleep but I fear that type of medications I always feel like if I take them I might sleep and never wake up so I turned and tossed until eventually I slept. The following day my alarm went off at 6:00am so I got up prepared myself. I called Finch to let him know I was on my way but I couldn't reach him. His phone was off so I decided to drive to his place just to make sure he was alive. I got to his place at 7:15am and from the look of things he was still asleep as I had knocked severally. I happen to know where every single member of the crew lives of because they don't know that and none of them knows where I live because I live where the boss lives. A few minutes later he opened and he almost dropped dead when he saw me as he was in his boxer and a bare chest. Finch: what the hell are you doing here, how did you even know this place? I walked in and had a seat. Me: we were to meet at 7:00am why is your phone off? Finch: I must have dropped it somewhere when I was doing some you know, businesses. Just then I saw a lady walk out of his bedroom and kiss him as she left. I smiled, that must have been the business that got him to oversleep. Me: get dressed we don't have time to waste. He got to the bedroom to dress up and a few minutes later another lady walked out said hello and left. I was speechless. Finch came out and we left. I kept stealing glances at him as I smiled. We decided to use his car and leave mine behind but just as we were driving out of the gate I saw Sally walking by. At that point i was not sure of where she was going or where she had come from but our eyes met and she smiled and before I could smile back Finch drove away then turned to me.. Finch: who is that woman? Me: my dead friend's girlfriend. Finch: why did you blush when she smiled at you? Me: because we had a moment and it was awkward. Finch: you had a moment with your friend's girl? (He shook his head) Me: you forgot the dead part and besides its none of your business. Finch: friend's girl huh, aaaaah not cool! Me: comes from a guy who enjoys the company of two women every night, where do you get all that energy from? Finch: you know what, you are right, completely none of my business. Me: that's what i thought. I smiled and rolled down the window for some fresh air still trying to figure out where Sally was coming from. Shortly after, we were at the warehouse. We went inside and Finch prepared some coffee as I picked some bullets for my gun. From the office I could hear gun shots and Finch told me it was the guys training. They were in early as Finch had told them of the plan. Finch: so how are we going to go about this? Me: I will go in first as I have access into the area. Your signal will be a gun shot. We took the coffee, prepared guns for the attack and even joined the rest in training. I wanted to confirm that Alex had done a good job with his sessions because this was the day we got to depend on each other. Evening came and I called General to let him know I managed to get Beast and I wanted to see him. He agreed to see me in his office and so I was on my way with my guys close behind. I was with Finch in his car as I had left mine at his place. Finch: are you sure you will be okay in there alone? Me: yes just wait for the signal. We had a team of 12 guys as the rest were not ready. see you don't force people to put their lives on the line, it should be a choice, as long as they don't run off or snitch they were safe from my wrath. We parked outside the gate to the building as the rest of the team parked their van right across the road. I took off my mask and walked into the compound. I got into his office and two of his men were there with him. General: I must say am impressed. It didn't take you that much time, where is he? Me: I will tell you that but I need your boys to step out as there is something else I discovered, it's only meant for your ears. He asked his guys to leave and now it was just me and him. General: so where is he? He asked again Me: he is sitting in the car with his hands tied and blindfolded as well. General: how did you do it? Me: after my errands he asked if he could drop me off to my place and I agreed, that's when I took the chance to knock his head and tie him up. General: very good. I must say I underestimated your capabilities. So what did you discover? I drew my gun and pointed it at him. Me: yes you did underestimate my capabilities and I discovered that you are a fool!
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