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A few roads were blocked as a result of what had happened at General's. We met with a few ambulances which were headed towards that direction as some were coming from the same place. Finch knew different routes so he tried as much as possible to avoid the police. We decided to go back to the office and get my bullet removed before going to Finch's place to get my car... I really wanted to avoid a lot of movements especially with Finch's car having been at the site where the crime took place, am not sure if the cops spotted his car but I just wanted to be safe especially with one hand not functioning. Finch had really come through I wonder how he found his way out and Even before I could ask Finch: do you know how bad ass of a team we have been of late? Me: yeah, and the way you hated me at first, so how did you know how to find me? Finch: I saw you being dragged to the car and I used the same escape route you guys used and I followed you. All that time I had just parked my car by the road side waiting for the right moment to strike. Got to the office and I asked Finch to drag Sally everywhere we were going. She was too dangerous to be left in the car alone. Finch grabbed her arm and pulled her as we headed to the room where they normally treated the wounds. I wouldn't really call it a clinic but it had everything we needed. Finch pushed Sally to a corner where we could see her then had me seat ready to take out the bullet. He grabbed the scarf on Sally's neck, folded it then handed it to me. Finch: bite this as hard as you can, this is going to hurt as hell. Those words scared me. I couldn't imagine anything worse than what I am feeling right now. I took the scarf and followed instructions. Finch: ready? I nodded holding the seat tightly and as he was keenly digging his finger into the wounds to take out the bullet. Sally attempted to run and so he stopped being a doctor and grabbed her by the neck and pushed her back to the corner and pinned her on the wall. Finch: If you dare move from that spot again I will kill you myself. I gave him a weird look. I'm not him.. He said pointing at me. I had never seen Finch that serious.. Finch: okay, am kidding. (He whispered.) He stuck his hand in the wound and however much pain I was feeling I couldn't shout. When my dad said men shouldn't cry, he hadn't come across such a situation. Finch pulled the bullet and dropped it in a disposable cup. He took something that l assumed was spirit and poured it in the wound. the way that thing stings is beyond my explanation that wasn't spirit I pulled the scarf out of my mouth and watched Finch tie a bandage on it. Me: what was that? Finch: something peroxide it will kill bacteria Me: really, something peroxide how long have you been here again? He ignored that question. He walked to the sink washed his hands then came back with a small bottle that had some pain killers. Finch: open your mouth I did and he put two tablets in my mouth. He then gave me some water to push the medicine down then he gave me a few tablets for later then gave Sally her scarf. Finch: we are done here. Me: let's get moving He grabbed Sally's arm again. As we took the corner that led to where we had left the car, we bumped into our spy he saw me and attempted to run. Finch pulled out his gun and shot his leg. That was the only way to paralyze him. Finch didn't know he was the spy but the fact that he was running meant he was guilty of something. My guess is that he had seen Sally. He must have known of the relationship between Sally and Generali. We got to where he was and I took Finch's gun from him. Me: it's about time we met face to face. Finch: I didn't do it. Me: you didn't do what? Finch: I didn't spy Me: why were you running? He was silent holding on to his leg and cry like a baby. It’s not romantic to hear a man crying in base. Me: I gave you a chance to change but you never took it. I have tolerated you enough. Do you know this woman? Sally looked away. Finch: No. I shot him and Sally screamed. We walked back to Finch's car and drove off. I don't understand what was there to scream about. Women exaggerate things, what type of a gangster was she? Hadn’t she seen Kevo or Generali kill someone before? I asked Finch to drive us to a quiet place where there were no too many people I wanted to have a serious discussion with Sally. Finch had an idea of what I meant while Sally didn't. In her mind she still thought I saved her because I loved her. It was dark, cold and drizzling. Finch stopped the car and said we could have our talk from there. I got out the car then helped Sally get out as her hands were still tied. Sally: what are we doing here? Me: I want us to talk and clear any bad blood between us. Sally: okay but can't we go somewhere else it's drizzling. Me: I prefer here, Sally: make it quick. Me: Do you know why I brought you here? Sally: No. why did you bring me here? Me: Do you know why I save you and didn't leave you back there? Sally: No, get to the point its freezing. Me: yeah you better get used to the freezing because that's going to be your life for a long time. Sally: what do you mean by that? Me: I saved you so that I can kill you myself. Don’t even think about screaming because I will kill you anyway. Sally: No, Steve don’t do this please she got down on her knees. Me: get up! She did still begging me. Me: what you did to Kevo is unforgivable and bragging about it in my face was a big mistake. Sally: Steve I swear it will never happen again I will never mess with you again. Me: you promise? Sally: I swear on my life. I untied her hand and she said a thank you in between her sobs. Me: you have 10 seconds to run for your life and if you dare scream I will shoot you. 10........9.... she started running Me: 5....3... 1 I shot her severally on the back and she fell flat on her face.. I got into the car and Finch drove off like a vehicle carrying perishable goods. Finch: was that necessary? Me: yes. I should have killed her a long time ago. Finch: what held you back? Me: I thought she was worth protecting she made me believe her friendship was legit. Finch: how do you feel? Me: there are no regrets if that's what you are asking. He shrugged his shoulder like he wasn't satisfied. We got to Finch's place and I had to crash at his place as I couldn't drive. That night we talked about a lot of stuff. Finch was no longer just another guy but he was more like a brother despite the fact that we had started off on a not so friendly way. The following morning he dropped me at my place. This was the first time he got to know Not only where I lived but where the boss lived. That’s how much the trust had grown. I told him about the boss having been away for medication since all along him and the other crew members knew he was at home recovering. Finch looked at me with an eye that suggested I was one wicked soul I mean how the Boss could be injured to a point of being flown out for medication and all I told them was that the boss was doing well. I decided to call the boss's wife and see how he was progressing she picked the call almost immediately. Her: Hi Steve, is everything okay? Me: yes, apart from the guards who threatened to leave because of delayed salary but I sorted them out. How are you and the boss fairing? Her: we are doing well. Your boss can now walk but with a little support would you like to talk to him? Me: yes please. Boss: Beast, Me: yes sir, Boss: did you miss me? Me: well, you know... just a little bit. He laughed. Boss: I can see you still haven't changed. How are things back there? Me: everything is okay, I suggest you get well first then when you get back you will get an update in both words and diagrams. Boss: how is Finch doing? Me: He is here; let him tell you the many achievements he's made so far. That was me getting Finch in trouble, I handed him the phone as I got up to take the painkillers. Later In the day I got a call from Candy, she wanted to see me. I debated on whether to see her or not because seeing her meant explaining the little situation going on with my hand and that also meant telling her the entire truth because I didn't want to get into a relationship as Steve and end up being the lying and calculative beast. this isn't about playing my cards right anymore, it's a fifty situation bearing in mind that she might freak out and leave or decide to stay and face the challenges of dating a gangster. When you love someone you tell them the truth then you let them make the decision because finding out such nasty things about me later would be the biggest betrayal ever. I asked her to come to my place since I couldn't go driving around and by that time Finch had already left. I gave her directions to my place and a few hours later she was here. When she saw my hand, she immediately asked what had happened to me and my mouth went dry. I ushered her in and instead of sitting she touched my hand and on an attempt to decline she insisted. Candy: wait let me take a look at it. Me: it's nothing really please have a seat. Candy: you got shot? Of cause I couldn't deny because she is a doctor and she knows these things. Me: yes I got shot Candy: when, where, how did that even happen? I didn't respond. I showed her to the seat again this time making sure she sat. Me: what do I offer you? Candy: what do you have? Me: juice, or maybe coffee? Candy: juice should do. I got up took a glass, poured her some mango juice and handed it to her. She took a sip then got back to her questioning. Candy: what really happened was it a robbery? Me: it was more of kidnap than a Robbery. Candy: kidnap? Me: listen there is something that I need to tell you. Candy: okay. I pulled a plastic chair and sat right in front of her. I held the hand that wasn't holding the glass and took a deep breath. Me: I like you a lot, in fact I’m in love with you but am not really who you think I am the surprise look kicked in. Candy: what do you mean by that? Me: am a bad man, there's nothing really good about me except for my good a gangster and a murder and this wound is as a result of someone trying to kill me at an attack of a certain gang. The glass dropped spilling the content on the floor she pulled her hand from mine and got up in shock, the exact reaction I had expected. She attempted to leave and I stood on her way. This was a risk I had decided to take and I was very prepared of the consequences that came with it. Candy: get out of my way. Me: I will when am done. She took a step back and stood there staring at me. Candy: so you are the one who killed the cops? Me: not exactly, the cops were not part of the plan they just happened to be on the way. Candy: they just happened to be on the way, how many people have you killed? Me: countless. Look I needed to tell you this so that you know what type of a man I am. You are beautiful and caring and you deserve to be with someone better. Someone who has no blood stains of a thousand people all over him. Am not sure if those words upset her but she picked her little purse and stormed out. I was not only telling her the truth but I was testing her by giving her an easy way out. I didn't follow her; I decided to let her deal with the news her own way. I wasn't worried about her telling the police because Finch and I knew the best way to deal with them. After that conversation with Candy I felt horrible. I needed to clear my head so I decided to take a cab and drive around and see how everything was outside. see I don't watch news because I don't always want to see a reminder of the things I have done. I took a cab and asked the driver to take me to Sabrina's restaurant when we got there I asked him to park at the side of the road right opposite her restaurant. I didn't get out but sat for a while watching her attend to her customers and from the look of things, the place was doing well and she was happy as I could see her laugh from here. I asked the driver to make another stop at an mpesa shop because I needed to send mum some money to start her own small business and send something for grandma and the other two widows dad left behind. When I was done with all that I gave mum a call to check on her like the good son that I was then I headed back home to rest. For the past one week everything has been okay, no drama, no killings and all we have been doing is setting up a new office and slowly moving the boss's stuff and preparing to welcome him back, Finch and I decided to lay low for some time as there was not much to do in the office. there were no more threats from rivals and not even the police was a threat anymore as most of them got killed and we didn't leave any trail's that could be traced back to us. Most of our guys had died including kwesi. Kwesi lit up the place with his jokes and hearty laugher. When he laughed, everyone laughed not because something was too funny but because of the way he was laughing. I did like him. Apart from that, we kind of felt like the place were full of bad memories. I didn't hear from Candy from the day she left until today when I heard a knock on the door and when I opened she rushed in and waited for me to lock the door before she went off on me like a time bomb Candy: today you don't get to talk, you are listening. My eyes grew narrower as I waited for the bomb to explode. Candy: it was so heartbreaking to hear your confession last week. I asked myself a lot of questions like how can someone as beautiful on the outside be so heartless on the inside? How did you even get to a point of killing people? I have gone out with you and you treated me so well, was that an act? But again if it was an act why did you trust me enough to tell me the truth? All that time I was still standing at the door with my arms crossed waiting for her to finish ranting. Candy: you don't get to choose for me the life I should live. You have no right to suggest that I need someone better. You might see a gangster and a total wreck in yourself but I see a kind hearted gentleman. There is a part of you that is still human and that's the part am here for. I don't really care about the past or the future, all I want is to be with you in this lifetime because I love you, so next time you go making suggestions and decisions ask me how I feel first. That was the longest but heartwarming speech I have heard in a long time. I walked up to her and hugged her. Me: am sorry for making a decision for you. She wrapped her arms around my neck and we shared a passionate kiss that was shortly interrupted by a call. I excused myself to pick the call and checking the screen it was Finch. He sounded as if he was running as I could feel the breeze and his heavy breathing. Finch: Have you seen the news? Me: No why? Finch: the office is on fire, someone set the entire building on fire. Me: What? Finch: it's happening now turn on the Tv. I did immediately and true to his words it was all over the news. Me: Finch where are you now? Finch: am at the site Me: get out of there immediately Finch: why? Me: because it’s a trap to lure us..... Before I could finish that sentence I heard two gun shots then finch went silent. My heart sank...
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