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Candy had been gone for months and though still in denial that she would really leave, I had to let her go. Maybe she was somewhere having a good time in her marriage and yeah she deserved to be happy only that she should have told me she had decided to move on. While still wandering in my thoughts, I get a knock on my door and I quickly get up not sure of who it could be since my boss had gone to the mortuary. He couldn't have come back that soon. I got up and walked to the door and when I opened the door, it was the lady from the other side of the road, the one whose house I had barged in to watch the CCTV footage. She stood there staring at me with a smile on her face and I was not so sure if it was the right time to usher her in. I barely knew her and I didn't see a reason why she would come to my place. Her: Hey.. Me: hey Her: I'm Emily. Me: Steve... Emily: I'm here to apologize about earlier and I'm here to give my condolences to your mum. She was a good woman. I nodded then said thanks and hopped she was going to walk away but she did not. Emily: I saw you with a gun, is it yours? Me:'s a licensed gun why? I was lying but what business did she have with my gun?... I couldn't tell her the truth because i didn't trust her.. Emily: I want you to help me kill someone. My eyes widened and I looked at her like I didn't hear what she had said. Emily: I mean it. There's this guy.. he has been bothering me alot and I don't know what to do. Me: have you tried the police and what makes you think I'd just go killing people because you are asking?.. Emily: he has the police in his pocket. I reported him twice and he came matching back like nothing happened, that night...he almost killed me. Me: well I'm not a killer and I don't do such businesses. If that guy has the police in his pocket then it means there is more to the story. What does the guy do for a living? She was hesitant then I realized maybe, just maybe her guy could be one of those guys I was looking for or she was being used to get to me. In this shady business, I learned to be open minded and use my brains more than I use my feelings. Me: I can't help you if I don't know the guy's background, I need to know what I'm getting myself into. Emily: you are right. She said looking around as if someone was supposed to be watching then she pulled a photo from under her sleeves. Emily: that's the guy... Please... I looked at the photo and the guy in the photo was not not familiar, in my years as a gangster I had not come across him. I watched her walk away and once she was out of the gate I got back inside and dumped the photo on the table and got back to my phone. I needed to know if my boss was okay and if there was anything I could do about the situation. The guy loved his wife and they were that perfect example and testimony that marriage worked. Boss: Beast. Me: is everything over there? Boss: I'm done at the mortuary and I will be meeting a supplier before I come back. Any leads? Me: not yet but working on it. The guys have a tattoo on their arm, it's like a code or something. I can't figure it out. Boss: send me the photo of the tattoo, I might know something about it. I did as he had asked then I got into the bathroom to hit a shower. Nothing changed about me except for my mask. A lot of people knew me with the mask on and it meant without the mask I would end up getting everyone coming at the boss. Elsewhere Candy was seated on a chair with both hands taped to it. She looked tired as she had her head bowed down as if she was asleep. The door opened and in walked a man with some food in a dish and a glass of water.. he put the dish down then raised her face and poured the water on her and she woke up. She opened her eyes and tried to break free from the tape but she could not... Candy: please let me go.. everyone is looking for me.. Him: you know what you need to do. Tell us what we need to know and you will walk free. He pulled a photo from the back of his jeans. Him: where do we find this man? Candy: I don't know.. Him: you don't know yet you were seen I. His company several times. He pulled out another photo of beast and her. Him: is this not you? Candy: it is but we parted ways along time. I don't know where he is or where he stays. The guy held her mouth and pressed it hard and candy struggled in pain. The door opened again and another man walked in. He was about the age of the Boss and it looked like he was the one heading that crew.. his name was Dondi. He was given that name because of his ability to punch anyone at any given time. Dondi meant "a blow" in Swahili language. Dondi: anything from her? Him: no. Not yet. Dondi walked up to Candy and had the other guy step back. Dondi: we know you know where the guy we are looking for is and if I were you, I would start talking. Candy: I don't know where he is. Dondi: I think she needs to jog her memory. Put her on the electric chair. It seems like that's the only language she will understand. The guy got out of the room and came back with the electric chair and set it up and when candy saw that she froze. She was scared because she know just how bad the seat could get but how could she sell beat out? Dondi: are you ready to talk to me? He asked looking her in the eyes. Candy: I don't know anything. He cut of the tape off her hands and grabbed her arm and forcefully made her seat on that chair and had her hands tied up again.. Dondi: you see this, this will get you talking, I will raise the voltage to fifty and you will feel it in your bones.. do you know how painful that is? Candy shook her head with tears rolling down her cheeks. Dondi: when I hit a hundred, the blood in your system will dry up and you will become a statue, I'm sure you've come across one or two, i know you don't want that so I will ask again.. what do you know about that guy Beast? Candy remained quiet then Dondi plugged in the machine and candy screamed but Dondi did not stop. He raised the voltage to 30 and candy tightly held on to the seat and clinched her teeth together.. Candy: stop.....! She shouted and he did stop. Dondi: I can't hear anything... Nope...not yet... He raised the voltage to 60 and candy couldn't hold on anymore... Candy: I will talk...I will talk!.. He switched it off and candy was still gasping for her breath... Candy: he went to India for treatment. He was shot and a bullet got stuck on his back. I don't know if he is back I have not been in touch with him. Dondi: where does he live?.. Candy: don't ask me that please... Dondi: answer the question. Candy: he moved from where I knew. Like I said, we have not been in touch for a while.. Dondi: mh!...the warehouse where he worked it was partly burnt down... I want to give you a message to take to him. Candy: I don't know where he is. Dondi: you will find a way.. girls always find a way to find the men they love.. you have twenty four hours to do that and deliver a message. Dondi got up from the chair he was sitting on. Dondi: free her... The other guy cut off the tape and candy was free. Dondi: go tell Beast I'm coming for him and he better be ready for me.. now go.. I was done taking a shower I got dressed in my suit as usual, put bullets in my gun and was ready to leave the house. I was feeling like the old beast and now I was ready to get down to business as usual. My boss needed me and I needed to find the guys behind his wife's shooting. I was going to pass by Sabrina's restaurant and check how she was doing with business then follow some leads starting with the photo that Emily lady had brought me. I left the house, got in one of the cars and drove off. My boss had tainted all the windows and made them bullet proof because anytime bullets could be flying our way. Emily was on stand by with her car and when she saw beast drive off, she waited until he was past the main gate then followed him trying to maintain a distance behind him. Emily was not alone, she was with some guy who had come in shortly after beast had attacked.. his name was Tosh..he was member of some gang that beast had attacked once. The guys whom he short at the car wash the day his boss got attacked. The gang called themselves the brothers and they were spread around. When beast s**t most of them that night and later, he thought he had finished up the crew but the group didn't die. They were after beast and they were also after the man Emily asked beast to find. Emily made it seem like she was in a relationship with Dondi but she actually wanted both of them dead and she knew if she made them meet up, they would probably kill each other. Everyone who knew about beast knew just how dangerous he was and Dondi was the only one who could be his match.. Tosh: are you sure that guy is Beast, he does not have a mask on. The beast i know had this mask he wore all the time. Emily: trust me he is. Why do you think I put up that CCTV camera. I have been following him around and I thought the best way to know everything that was going on is if I got a house here. Tosh: and what have you gathered so far?. She didn't answer that. Tosh: I hope we are not backing the wrong horse, plus if you want him and Dondi to kill each other why are we following him? Emily: you don't get it do you? Dondi told me I will never stop working for him and the day I will opt out, he will kill me. He wants Beast's head for God knows what and maybe sending Beast to him gives me a free ticket... I don't want to be a part of this. I want out, I want to raise my kid in a drug free environment and I can only do that when Dondi is dead.... I'm hoping Beast will kill him. Tosh: what if Beast realizes that it's a set up? Emily: I don't know Tosh...I don't know... As I was driving through traffic and stuff, I noticed this one blue-ish car driving a few cars behind me and I knew I was being followed because if I took a corner and went a different way, it was still with me. I got my gun and fixed a silencer to it. Somebody was asking for death and what I was feeling inside especially after watching the boss's wife die, it was the wrong day to ask for trouble. I took a left knowing so well that road led to a dead end, not many vehicles followed it and I was just leading whoever was following me on.. I got somewhere parked the car and got out then rushed towards some unfinished building and hid there waiting to see who it was. I remember seeing that car in my hood but I had no idea who was inside. Few minutes later I saw the blueish car approach then stop and it took a while before anyone got out of it. Emily: why did it stop? Tosh: we are fools. He was leading us on. He knows we are following him. Come on, let's get out of here... He reversed the car and drove off as I came out of my hiding place and watched the car disappear. I walked back to my car and when I got in, my phone rang and it was a strange number. Me: yes, who is this? Candy: steve... Me: candy? Candy: I need to see you. I was quiet for a bit. First of all she sounded as if she was in some sort of trouble. I knew that voice, candy was not okay but where had she been all that while?. Me: where are you at?. Candy: your place.. the gate is locked so I'm just standing out here. Me: wait for me.. I'm coming.. I hanged up and started the car. I was going back home to see Candy. She must have had a good reason for coming back after months of disappearing on me...
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