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That very day the boss organized for my transfer from that hospital and he insisted that I be taken care of from his home until I was ready to go for the treatment in India. He had deployed security at his place and no one came in for whatever reason and the only person that was allowed in and out of the house was Candy who was most of the times escorted to wherever she was going. That life was quite uncomfortable for her but with people looking for loopholes to get rid of me out there, it wasn't safe because even her could get compromised and it's not like I didn't trust her but with her doubts about us and her being forced to marry someone else, there had to be restrictions. The boss came to the room he had assigned me and sat on a chair beside me after the hospital settle me in. He told me I looked like crap, he same thing I told him when he was in a comma and couldn't talk to me when I needed his guidance. Boss: things were not supposed to end this way. Me: I know.. if only Finch was here. Boss: he is not, I feel like you are like this because you don't find any value in life any more. Finch lived his life, you should live yours to the fullest. Me: you think I want to be like this, I have a mother at home that candy and I have been lying to about my wareabouts and I know she is worried but she chooses to believe that I'm okay anyway. I want to see her, but not like this. Sometimes I feel like I deserve what's happening to me. Boss: don't talk like that son. You are Beast. You need to find that guy somewhere within you. The guy that would stop at nothing to get things done, the one who fought to keep both of us alive. Now it's my turn to take care of you and I spoke to your doctor. He believes you will be okay. One week later my boss and his wife flew me to India. Candy was to come with us but her passport had issues so she remained behind but she promised to sort the passport issues then she would join us. In India, my boss booked us into a good hotel and then called for an ambulance that responded minutes later. I saw my doctor a day after I had been admitted into the hospital. The doctor checked my medical history then treatment began immediately. I waited for candy to show up a week later but she never did. I called her through my boss's phone but the number had been switched off. I was worried bit I thought maybe I was just being paranoid so I talked myself into relaxing and getting treatment as I urged my Boss to keep trying Candy's number. Two weeks still nothing from Candy, no communication no nothing then I realized that maybe she bleed down to pressure from her parents to marry that guy they wanted her to marry.. I was hurt and broken despite having felt like candy should move on, she kept telling me she going nowhere and when the doctor said there was a possibility that I could walk again,the excitement on her face made me believe she would never leave.. The surgery to remove the bullet that was stuck in my back was successful and I was now given a physical therapist who took me through the process of training my legs to walk again and so far I was doing pretty well that my boss was actually so impressed. Boss: I'm happy with the progress you are making. Your therapist said if you keep training you should be back on your feet sooner than you know it. I smiled. That was true as now I could support myself with stuff and walk around in only three months. If I had been brought to India earlier than this, I would be okay and going about my daily business. My boss left me in India and went back to Kenya with his wife, they had two seminars to attend in that same month so they were forced to go back and take care of the situation there before he could finally come back for me. I missed my mother and siblings so much and I couldn't stop thinking of how life had been for them and especially my mother whom I had not heard from since I lay on the hospital. Sabrina called my phone every week asking to talk to me but she was told I had travelled out of the country and I would see her once I got back which was a lie bit I definitely wanted to see her and see how her business was doing. All these thinking landed me on Finch. I missed him too and if I could reverse the entire process, I would have him right here with me. How could he even die before he killed all the police in the hood like he promised he would. The thoughts of him made me smile to myself as we had made alot of crazy memories together and one of my best being the day I reveled my real face to him. He was hillarious. I stayed in India for eight months and on that eighth month, I was fully and completely healed. I could not only walk but run as well. The pain in my back was nolonger there and my feet had learned to walk again. Need I to say that I was the happiest man alive, yes I was. Before Finch died,we had plans to convince our boss to go into legit business and I had even started making plans but when I was in the hospital back in Kenya, someone paid me a visit with in the hospital with a gun pretending to be doctor and I needed to get into the bottom of that. Could it be that the ghosts from the past were haunting me or were they just my boss's enemies? My boss booked our flight back home and even thought his wife didn't come back when he did, we found her waiting at the airport and she was not alone.. she was with my mother and mama nilitilie, the two women that meant alot to me. I was not the type of a guy to get emotional but I cried as they both hugged me and refused to let go. That was the best gift I received that year and even though I was very happy to see them,my eyes could not stop searching for Candy. I thought she would be here to receive me and see that I was walking again. When we left the airport, we all headed to my bosses home for a good dinner then mama nitilie took my mother with her and they walked within getting to know each other. I got my phone from my boss after candy dropped it at his place and when I called her, her number was out of . service and I think it was time to move on with my life because I had been dumped. Two days later my mum went back to the village of having been happy that she saw me. Candy had faithfully sent her the money and mum told me she had the biggest shop in the village. My biggest joy was to see my mother happy for that woman had suffered. My father's two wives were now jealous of her for her life had drastically changed. Their lives were now the opposite of what mum's life was. My mum had a good heart and despite everything those women did to her in the past, she was still able to help them when they were in need. I saw mum off to the village two days later and I made sure that she got there fine. Now that I was on my feet again, what was the way forward. I had a meeting with my boss and we talked the future. He told me that going into a legit business was a good idea but not untill we were free from the people that were still coming after us and in short, he didn't want us to give up the drug business for the money that came with it was so good and we couldn't drop off the market like that. Me: the warehouse was burnt down with cocaine worth millions of shillings in it. Even if we are to go back to business, how will we do it? Boss: the cocaine leave to me. I've got connection. My biggest worry is if you would want to go down this road. You have an option not to. I thought for a while and the last thing I wanted to do was let my boss down. I had the powers to make a decision and I did.. Me: I'm all in boss, where do we start. He looked at me and smiled then walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. Boss: get some rest as I figure out the cocaine. Our products will move so fast once people know we are back in the market. The show room that Finch and I had put up is where we were going to do that business now that the car wash had been sold and warehouse was no more. I got back to my target training. The boss had a huge compound and we both trained together. I had to teach him how to aim and shoot because he needed to learn how to look after himself especially now that people were after him. Speaking of people who were after him, it had been so quiet since I got back home. No one was killing anybody, no threats just yet and for a moment I thought there was no need for an alarm until one evening, just when I was in my house, the one the boss had given me the first days when I had no where to sleep, yeah that remained my place so while inside taking my coffee as I went through a list my boss had sent me of former guys he has dealt with in shipping and selling of the cocaine, I heard a car drive by then stopped at the gate. Two shots were fired then I heard screeching sounds of a vehicle taking off. I got my gun and quickly ran out so that I could see what was going on and when I got there, the car had disappeared and my boss's wife had been shot in the head. Me: crap!.. I said tucking my gun behind and quickly opening the door to her side then I realized she was dead and I stood back... I ran back to the house, got my phone and called my Boss who was within but had not checked in yet. Me: we have a problem.. I said after he picked the call. Boss: what's up? Me: come home now!.. I hung up then went around and two of the security guards were dead, shot with a gun that must have had a silencer because I realized the guys who made the loud shots did it to attract attention. But why would they kill an innocent woman?. The boss called again. I think telling him to come home kind of gave him some feeling that things were not okay and when I picked the call, he demanded to know what was going on and I told him someone had shot his wife and she was dead! He hanged up immediately and now I wasn't sure of what to do. I thought for a second then called the police as I waited for my boss to show up... While doing rounds, I noticed a CCTV camera right opposite our gate. It belonged to a neighbor that I had not met before but I went there a the same because I needed the footage of whatever transpired so that I could know who exactly were after us and what they wanted. I rang the bell several times and finally I heard the door open but before the lady could open the gate, she asked who I was and what I wanted.. ofcause she knew who I was, I mean if she had a CCTV picking up trail then she should have known where I live. Me: I'm your neighbor and there has been a killing out here, I am requesting to check the CCTV footage for any leads. Her: are you a cop? Me: no. Her: then leave this place before I call the police on you. That didn't go well but I wasn't going to give up. That footage was the only thing that would give me leads on where to start looking lest those guys came finishing us off.. I stood by that gate for a minute and it's like the lady was peeping to check if I was leaving because when I started to walk away, she opened the gate and I knew that was the right time to commit a crime and if she was not going to cooperate, it was going to be her loss. I took steps back and jumped to the gate and pulled my gun and showed it to her face. Me: now move! I commanded and she started walking towards her house and when we were about to get in, she shouted "thief, somebody help!" and I knocked her on the head with the gun then pulled her inside and dropped her on the floor. I checked around to see if there was someone else in the house but I only saw a toddler say around one year? I don't know know... I walked to the table where the laptop was and went through the CCTV footage. I played it back and saw how the black car followed my the other car and how they got out and cleared the security then shot at the boss's wife. The guy who had shot at her was the same guy who had visited at the hospital and the camera caught his face because he was the only one not wearing a ski mask. On all of the guys arms, there was a tattoo that seemed similar and even though I zoomed it out, it never made much sense. I got my phone and too photos of the tattoo and the guys face as well then I quickly made my way out when my boss call me. I got out of the woman's house and my boss arrived almost the same time with the police. I couldn't left them see my gun so I dropped it on a flower pot before I crossed to the other side. The officers took my statement and did rounds confirming the dead bodies then they had them put in the landrover and they drove off. I grabbed my bosses shoulder and squeezed it before he got in the car. He was to follow the police and make sure his wife was taken to the mortuary. Me: I'm sorry about her. I know where to start looking. Boss: get on it.. He closed the door to his car and drove off as I crossed back to the other side to get my gun. I sat in my room studying the tattoo on the guy's arm and I realized it was some sort of pact. Like a brotherhood or something so I googled the tattoo but Google brought nothing on it. I didn't have a name to the guy whose face I had in my phone and this situation was just messed up. 'Think beast think!' I told myself laying back on the bed staring at the empty ceiling..
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