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I drove back home in a killer speed, see even after the near death experience, there are certain things that didn't change about Beast..the speed, the shot on target and maybe this time I was more agressive than I was before. There is nothing that screws the brain like trying to solve a puzzle with no leads but maybe I had leads. That Emily lady was going to tell me what she knew and why she was following me. When I was paralyzed, there were alot of things I had wished to make right but I couldn't. Did I regret the killings I had committed over the years? No. I however blamed myself for Finch's death because had I been there. He would still be alive. Finch and I had and watched each other's backs and he shouldn't have died like that. I got home and Candy was seated by the flower bed at the gate and when I got there, I got out and opened the gate. I didn't want to talk to Candy from outside because I knew that Emily was either spying on me or she had some sort of interest towards me, something I was yet to find out. I ushered Candy in and the truth is despite being gone for that long, I was still happy to see her. I wanted to wrap her up in my arms and kiss her passionately but i couldn't, not just yet. If you have ever loved somebody you would know what I'm saying. After we got inside the gate, we awkwardly stood there staring at each other probably both of us waiting for the other to talk first. Candy: I know you are mad at me but... Me: I'm not mad at you, I'm just surprised that you would show your face here after turning your back on me. I waited for you to show up in India. Candy: yeah.... About that... Me: I don't want to hear it.. you are here because? I cut her short and that seemed to piss her off but she couldn't say anything because she knew there was nothing she could have told me that could undo that feeling of anxiety. Holding on and fighting so hard just so that I could get back on my feet for her. I didn't want to be that man that paid wrong for wrong so I didn't want any explanation of whatever decision she made.. Candy: I got captured by a guy called Dondi. He wanted to find out information about you and he put me on an electric seat and made me tell him stuff. Me: stuff like what? Candy: where you were a few months back, where you live, what you do and such kind of things. Me: and you did? She was silent and she didn't have to answer that of cause because she was here and with a message from the guy meaning she said everything there was to say. Candy: I didn't mean to Steve I swear.. Me: stop... You did what you had to do to survive and I don't blame you. I know what it means to seat on that electric chair. Candy: you do?.. Me: I've been through worse.. I started walking to the house and she followed me but I didn't stop her. The place was very quiet unlike the days my boss's wife was around. She would put some music and the place would look lively or rather sound lively. We got in the house and Candy stood by the door as I dropped the car keys on the table. I reached for my pocket and dropped the photo I had been given earlier by Emily and when Candy saw the photo she walked towards the table as I went to the kitchen area to get a her a glass of juice. Candy stared at the photo for a while and I noticed her reaction when she looked up and our eyes met. Candy: where did you get this photo? Me: why are you asking me that,you know that guy?.. Candy: this is Dondi. The man who sent me to you. I narrowed my eyes at her then made my way to where she was standing holding the glass of juice in my hand. Me: tell me what he said, what does he want?. Candy: I don't know. He told me to tell you to get ready for war. I don't know how he knows you but he seemed so pissed off when he spoke about you.. I studied candy keenly and she was being honest. She was also very afraid of the Dondi guy and I could tell from the look on her face. Me: I've gotten the message. You can leave now. I need to... Candy: you are chasing me out of your house? Why was she even getting mad, she needed to pass a message and she did, what else was there to discuss. Maybe I was doing that just to annoy her or maybe see if she was really over me..the thing is I didn't really care.. she hadn't been captured for all those months had she, why was I even concerned about that when I asked her not to tell me those stuff?.. Me: listen, I'm not really in a good place to do this with you. You brought me a message and the message is home, as a matter of fact, you should have just told me that over the phone you didn't needed to show up. She got up very upset and the next thing was her walking up to me. She was furious and maybe that's what I wanted. To provoke her.... Candy: who do you think you are Steve.... She shouted pushing me but I was rooted to the ground.. I put the glass of juice on the table and stood there waiting to hear what she had to say.. Candy: why are you being that rude, you think it was easy for me to come back here and face you after everything that happened? She was getting emotional and I was not going to react because that's exactly what she was looking for. Candy: you think i gladly chose not to show up when I could have been there for you?.. I didn't say a word to her.. Candy: you know what, screw you Beast!.. go to hell! She shouted as she pushed me out of her way and walked away angry. The Dondi guy, who was he and why was he calling me for a fight. I needed to find answers and I needed to know who he was. I got to my laptop, a laptop I had been given by the boss to keep track of files and all the financial statements and cocaine distribution. I had become a pro in this "thuggish" life and I had made a decision to thrive by it. Google search, I checked the name Dondi and there was alot of stuff I could not understand,..then there was that tattoo I had seen on the arm of the guys that shot the boss's wife. There! That's the lead I was looking for besides Emily whom by the way I was still going to see before the day ended and it was not going to be a friendly visit. I checked out the tattoo for the second time because the first time I did, I got nothing on it. My guess was right. This was a brotherhood kind of tattoo and these guys normally swore some loyalty crap and if Dondi was looking for me, it's because maybe, just maybe in my killing spree, I had killed someone that was close to him or one of the guys in their brotherhood or maybe it was Finch I don't know. The tattoo belonged to the Fujo brothers. I don't know why they called themselves that but they were somehow related to the forty two brothers which was the hugest gang ever terrorizing people in the community. This was the gang that was calling out to me?.. I was indeed shaken and when those guys waged war, they meant war. I closed my laptop and took a deep breath. The Fujo gang shot my boss's wife to send us a message and that meant that not even my boss was safe. I Beast could take care of myself but I couldn't stand having to loose another person I cared about. I thought for a while then got up and paced a bit. The Fujo guys knew where I lived and they even sent guys over with messages that was delivered in a harsh way so if anyone could lead me to them,it had to be Emily. It was one thing to expect war and it was another not to know where the war was coming from.. I needed to be fit and I needed to get my shooting skills back on point. I reached for a small bag that had been lying in my wardrobe for a while and I checked inside. I had some wires that we had been using on the employees at the warehouse when they were sent out on missions. The wires were hidden somewhere they couldn't tell so that incase they compromised the mission, Finch and I would control the situation by blowing their hearts off the chest. Personally I could tolerate anything but not a traitor and the boys knew that and most of them died in my hands for that. Loyalty was everything to me... I got a wire and left my house for Emily's.I rang the bell and waited patiently for her to open and a few minutes later, the gate opened. She thought I was there for a friendly visit and maybe I was depending on how much she was willing to cooperate with me. I looked around the compound to see if I could spot the car that had followed me earlier but it was not in the compound. Emily was smart and I know she opened the gate because she thought I didn't see them because why else would she risk it? She ushered me in and I could tell just how suspecious she was. I settled on the couch and she offered to bring me juice which I declined. I didn't know her and I knew her intentions weren't right.. Me: so, how are things? Emily: still complicated, I still get threats from that guy I told you about. Me: okay... Tell me something about this tattoo... I reached for my phone and showed her the photo after scrolling through the photos. Emily: this is the Fujo gang. They are dangerous. The gang is headed by the guy I told you about. Me: Dondi? She nodded and she was still a bit uneasy. Me: you are nervous, what are you hiding?. Emily: I'm just scared that any of his guys might meet you here. These are guys you don't want to mess with. I know how dangerous you are and I know you are the one who can fight him. I smiled abit maybe feeling good about her confidence in me but how the hell did she know anything about me?.. I supported myself as I got up while I tucked the wire in between the cushions. Me: okay... Why didn't you tell me that you knew the guys who shot my boss's wife when you came around? Emily: I was warned not to. There is something you should know. The CCTV camera you took a look at is not the only one active. Me: what do you mean. Emily: when I came to your house, someone was here and I had a camera on. I said exactly what they wanted me to tell you and I couldn't warn you or tell you anything else because I was being monitored.. Steve, you and your boss should get the hell out of this place because things will get ugly and I don't think you will beat the Fujo gang on your own. This was confusing. What was Emily saying? I couldn't get it. Why would she send me after Dondi if she knew I couldn't beat him on my own and why was she following me earlier?... I started to walk away but stopped abruptly and looked at her again. Me: I don't get it. Who are you? Emily: that is not important right now. Don't go after Dondi, not alone. Listen whenever I come to your place, play along because someone will be monitoring me and don't answer truthfully anything I'm asking you. I don't know why I'm telling you all this but I'm not the enemy, I don't even know how to get myself out of this shit... You know I was one very smart guy but if there was something I couldn't figure out it was Emily. I couldn't tell if she was lying or saying the truth. I was stuck... Just as I was about to go back to my place, we heard a car drive into her compound and she quickly rushed to the window then the panic mode kicked in. Emily: oh my God! Me: what? Emily: he's here, you can't be here when he comes in or we are both dead.... Me: who is here? Emily: Dondi... Before we could figure out what to do, there was a loud knock on the door and we both froze...
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