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Candy and I sat there staring at each other wondering what had just happened, I thought Candy could fight I mean I had trained her a few times before I got bed ridden. I use to give her a bit of self defense classes and she could atleast have pressed her wound and alerted me that something was going on and how did she even go past the gate. I went to the kitchen and got some ice, wrapped it in a piece of clean clothe and put it on her head to reduce the swelling. Candy: I'm sorry.. Me: it's not your fault. Candy: but why would she run away yet you literally saved her life?. Me: or maybe she had other plans. I told you before in this field you cannot trust someone a hundred percent. Emily might not even be who we think she is. Let's get to bed, I don't think she will be coming here again because I will kill her. I checked her head and she would be okay... We were going to bed at around 4:30am and my body and mind were literally tired. I needed some rest before I got to start looking for stich the following day. Emily met up with Dondi after she had been driven to his place. Dondi had several houses and the house that was raised that morning was the one where they did all their shady businesses.. Dondi: how is your shoulder? Emily: what do you think? Dondi: you know I had to sell the act. Emily: by throwing me off like that? You could have killed me. Dondi: I slowed down before I did that. So you said they bought the story? Emily: that woman Candy thinks she is smart. Working with the Beast guy has totally got her thinking like him. Dondi: what do they know apart from Finch being alive, do they know where he is? Emily: no. Not yet. Loketo told Beast stuff and he also told him that stitch had Finch. Beast killed Loketo meaning he will be going after stitch. We need to find stitch before Beast finds him.. Finch from the room he had been confined in checked, he looked out the grilled window and saw Tosh being taken inside the house. He didn't know Tosh but from the way he saw him being handled he knew he was just another prisoner. Shortly after he heard footsteps up the stairs then heard the next door being opened and Tosh was thrown in then the steel door was closed. Finch had been in that room for like two weeks after he was taken from stitch and he couldn't stop planning how to get out of there or get a message to beast. Finch had been weak and couldn't have taken the guys by himself. The person who had him hostage was a prominent person. He knew that because the boys who worked for him had an open discussion by the door. One of those days and even though they didn't mention names, Finch knew they were holding him for some sort of benefit. The wall separating the two rooms was made of gypsum and Finch was already thinking of how to communicate with the other guy since the rooms had no windows connecting to the other room. It was morning and as usual his breakfast would be brought in any moment from then and he had a plan. Finch had no idea how the house looked like because when he was brought in, he had blind folds on but he had already made up atleast three guys.. two that liked to gossip on the hall away and one that was guarding the gate.. I woke up when my boss came knocking and calling my name and checking the time by my phone, it was 8:00am. Candy was asleep by my side and she didn't hear the knock, could have been because of how exhausted we both were. I jumped out of the bed and lazily walked to the door and when I opened he was fully dressed. Boss: still asleep boy? Me: are we going somewhere? Boss: no. But I would like you to join me later on... I'm meeting the Chinese clients.. Me: over cocaine? Boss: no. Chinese don't do cocaine. We are meeting over the construction of the new warehouse. We agreed to get the business running right. I already have five of our old customers looking into being supplied. Me: right... I need something from Joe.. Boss: what? I got out and pulled the door closed, I had my reasons.. Me: I need a scanner and I need a Taser. Boss: what are we scanning?.. Me: the house, Emily ran away yesterday and when she did, Candy was unconscious. I don't know if she planted some listening devices when she left, I think she is a spy who needs something from me but I still haven't understood what. If she really wanted me dead she could have organized for that by now. Boss: what about the guys who showed up last night? Me: I don't think they came for me. They came for her. Boss: this is getting complicated. what do we do with those bodies?. Me: come I will show you. We both walked to the room where we had kept the guys from the previous night and both of them were dead. Me: where is that machete you had the other night? He left then came back with it.. I took it and pulled one of the guys towards me then looked at my boss. He didn't know why I had asked him for that machete but he knew my ungodly behaviors.. Boss: what do you want to do with that? Me: send a message?. Boss: whooa... Are you serious? I didn't respond to that but butchered the arm that had a tattoo then got a polythene bag and put it in. Me: now we can get rid of the bodies. Boss: where are you taking that? Me: to Dondi's territory when Loketo Ied me there yesterday. Boss: Lo..what? He seemed surprised at the name just like I did the first time I heard it... Boss: what sort of s**t ass name is that?.. Me: I asked myself the same damn question. I need to go back to that place and check out Loketo's car. I feel like there was more to what happened last night. Boss: anything on Finch? Me: not yet but I'm closing in on getting information. I know for a fact that he is alive, I just don't know where he is or why he is not reaching out. I taught that i***t to be smart, he should have made a move. Boss: what if he is paralyzed from the bullets like you were. Maybe he is waiting for us to find him. The Loketo guy, did he tell you what really happened that day they saved Finch?. Me: no. But I have to find someone who knows everything that happened that day.. Boss: you do that. I'm asking Joe to send the stuff over and also keep me posted. Me: what time are we meeting the Chinese? Boss: three o'clock. I watched her him get in his car and drive off. My boss had become a pro like he never got scared of going out and ever since he learned to use a gun he was more bold and in control. I didn't have to drive him to places like I did before.. I went back to the house and Candy was still asleep so I got into the shower and when she heard the water run she woke up and started preparing breakfast. Candy was a wifey material, whatever that meant. She treated me like her baby, making sure I was well fed and stuff. I loved her but the depth of my love for her, only I understood. Candy was brave and so out of herself. She knew what she wanted and I saw how she handled herself around crazy situations with guns blazing, she was definitely my kind of girl... Breakfast was brought in for Finch this time not with one of the guys but with a lady. She wore a kitchen apron meaning she worked in the kitchen or as a maid. Her: I brought your breakfast. She said setting the breakfast on the table a metre away from his bed and turned to walk away. Finch: wait.. She turned and looked at him. Finch: what's your name? Her: queen. Finch: beautiful name. He said getting closer to her but she tempted to walk out and when he grabbed her shoulder she turned and shocked him with a Taser and he dropped then she locked the door and walked out. Candy: going somewhere? She asked as she set the table for breakfast. Me: I need to do something. Candy: find Finch... Me: yeah I responded then I put my finger on my mouth asking her to be quiet and she shrugged her shoulder as if asking me what was going on. I took her hand and walked her to the bathroom and run the shower. Me: I don't trust Emily, she must have planted a listening device in here. Candy: how do you know that? Me: because I'm Beast and I'm learning that we could have been played by Emily. I didn't know what angle she is working but if she wanted to kill me she could have already. The guy who called her has Finch, I know that because when I texted stitch he told me that somebody attacked him and took Finch. So I need to meet up with him and get all the details of what went down the night Finch was shot. Listen, right now until I'm sure where those devices were planted, we cannot talk about finch or anything regarding the operations okay? She nodded. Candy: what about Emily. Me: what about her? Candy: what if she comes back? Me: kill her... She nodded and we left the bathroom then I walked to the living room had my breakfast quietly and was joined by candy.. Dondi and Emily were listening to the conversation between Beast and Candy then all over sudden things went quiet. Dondi: what's going on? Emily: I don't know. Dondi: are you sure you planted the device in a good place? Emily: yes and I don't think they will find it. We have to get ahead of them. So what's your plan after we get Finch?. Dondi: when we get Finch, we will then capture Beast and they will both die once I remind them how they killed my sister. Emily: your sister? Dondi: why do you think I'm doing this, Beast killed my sister. She was spying for the Fujo brothers and she was rolling with some of Beast's boys.. the phone of one of the guys he shot dead for taking videos had a clip of how he walked out with a gun after clearing them all. Emily: wait... You ordered for the death of Finch for what, I thought the cops gunned him down? Dondi: no. The cops were on the scene but the cops who shot at him were Loketo and that son of a b***h. They played me.. Emily: don't you think Beast was right for killing your sister, you killed Finch and set their warehouse on fire. He grabbed her neck and her cup of tea dropped as she held both of his hands. Dondi: do you want to die? Emily shook her head as her eyes grew bigger. Dondi: then don't talk about my sister. I set that place on fire for my own reasons. He let her go and she started coughing.. I got inside my car after throwing the hand in the polythene in the boot then drove off after asking Candy to be careful. She was going to be safe because I left her a gun and there were also explosives that she was aware about within the compound. I drove to the house where we were the previous night and Loketo's car was still where it had been. No cops no nothing. See in such operations, no cops are involved however messy stuff get because cops are a show stopper. Once taken to court you either part with good money or get jailed. In my field of work we tend to avoid both and Finch and I had a clear it all motto. Leave no witnesses was the slogan and we made sure nothing could be traced back to us. Finch got up minutes later and threw himself on the bed. Talking to that lady wasn't going to be as easy as he had thought. Finch: damn it... I need to get out of here. He said burying his fist in his hands then he lay back on the bed and shortly after he heard a knock on his window from the other side and he got up and before he was there, a piece of paper was thrown in and a pen too. He picked the paper and read what was written Inside. " I had to do that.. there was a camera on me. What did you want to talk about?" Finch smiled then got to the table and wrote back to her.. "I need a phone can you lend me yours. I need to send a message to my pregnant wife and let her know I'm okay. The stress of not knowing where I am could kill her and my unborn baby" He threw it out to her and she read through and wrote back.. I don't know you and what I'm about to do could get me in trouble but I feel for your wife. I have a button phone with me, no one knows it exist but don't make a call, you can text your wife.. I will get the phone when I collect the utensils.. She pulled out a handkerchief from her pocket and wrapped up the phone then threw it inside and left. I left my car and hurriedly walked to the gate, hanged the hand on the gate and left a note written in a huge paper.. "I don't miss twice" that was a message to Dondi. If he was brave as he had claimed, he wouldn't have run the previous night. I ran to Loketo's car. I opened the door, got in and started checking inside for any clues of where his and stitches meeting point could be and there was nothing. I checked every corner of that car and when I got to the back seat, there was a black bag that had been laying there the entire time.. I opened it and the first thing my eyes caught was the time bomb that had been counting and it was at 15 seconds.. Me: Holly s**t! I said quickly finding my way out of the car and I ran to mine, jumped in and drove off that place only to hear a very loud explosion that shook the ground a little bit. That was close but who left that bag there and why?.. I slowed down to catch my breath. What if I had not checked that bag what would have become of me? My phone beeped so I checked it before I could start to drive again. It was a text message from an unknown number.. Message CODE RED - F Trace location.. That was the messaged then it occured to me that the message had come from Finch. He was indeed alive.. Before everything got messy, I invented codes that guys used when they got in trouble out there distributing coke and code red meant someone was in danger. Finch needed me to find him but the problem is I couldn't trace where he was. Stitch also texted me asking where I was at and I texted back telling him there was a change of plans and of cause he still believed he was talking to Loketo whom he had no idea was already dead. I still had Loketo's phone with me and i was glad it didn't have any passcodes that required his dead self to unlock. Me: can't make it to the usual place.. let's meet at the garage.. got eyes on me. Stitch: whose eyes? Me: Dondi. I will Dodge him. Keep time. Stitch: cool. Stitch might not know where they took Finch but he could have seen the type of car that took him so I drove off to go meet him in some garage... I was getting closer to finding Finch...
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