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Candy called and I told her I was not going to be home so she should just lock the door and go to sleep. Loketo and I got to some place, it was not so familiar given the fact that it was at night but I could tell the place was in an isolated area. Loketo stopped his car and I did too then I got out with my gun knowing things could go wrong any moment. Loketo: we are here. Me: I can see that. How many guys are inside? Loketo: around four guys the place has no guards but the CCTV cameras. Guards easily get compromised so Dondi got rid of them. We were standing a bit far off because if we had gone too close they would have noticed the vehicles. Loketo said we could jump in from the back for we could easily find our way back inside without raising any suspesion Me: the guy stitch, is he in there too? Loketo: he went rogue after we saved Finch. One of us had to remain on the inside to keep a close eye on Dondi. We got to the back and jumped in from the back of the house and Loketo was right, no one really guarded the back part of the house, four people, that was nothing compared to fighting a group of policemen the time Sally set me up and we got captured. Loketo: take the right, I will take the left. Me: no way. You go ahead of me in case this is a set up. I said pointing my gun at him and he shrugged staring at me like he didn't believe I would say or do that.. Loketo: you don't trust me? Me: I don't trust anyone, get moving. I pushed him ahead of me and he walked. Like I said before, I hated traitors and him coming to me with all the information meant he was betraying Dondi who trusted him. Why would I trust someone that could easily flip on his boss? Okay I didn't care about Dondi or whatever arrangements they had but I wanted to get to Dondi and get Finch. I didn't care who got hurt along the way. When we got to the front side of the house, the guys were very alert and waiting for us so Loketo pulled one of the guys from the Conor he was hiding in and kicked him to the ground and I shot the guy but before we could make any other step, two of the guys showed up and started shooting at us so because Loketo' was right before me, I grabbed him and shielded myself with him as I took cover from all the bullets and shot back at them and one dropped dead, so did Loketo whose phone I grabbed from his pocket and threw him off.. I had my vest on so I wasn't so afraid of the bullets but still I had to get my in the house and find the Dondi guy who by now had known I was around because of the gunshots.. Dondi grabbed Emily's arm and hurriedly let her out of the house and got her to the car on the parking right at the entrance of the house. Dondi: shhh...(whispering) get in and keep your head down. Emily did as she was told because Dondi had a gun pointed at her. From where I was I heard the car start and I quickly emerged from my hiding point shooting at the guy who had been firing at me and when I got to him I shot him in the head and ran towards the car but the Dondi guy shot at me as he drove recklessly towards and out of the gate. I ran after the car shooting at it and the entire back window smashed but the bullet did not get Dondi's head so I ran to my car, jumped in and went after them. I had my mask on and I had decided to have it on like the old times. There is a power that came with wearing that mask or maybe i thought so. The road was clear so going after Dondi wasn't a problem. I was soon going to catch up with them soon. I increased my speed and when Dondi felt like I was getting close, he shot at my windscreen severally and then he opened the door to the passanger seat and threw Emily off and when I saw her fall out I tried the emergency brakes that sent me spinning on the road and I ended up hitting like two other cars then the car stopped. Me: crap! I said hitting the steering wheel and getting out of the car. I ran up to Emily and she was badly injured. The imbecile had shot her then threw her off. The guys whose car I had hit got out of their cars and came at me aggressively and I put a bullet in the head of the one who was taking too much and when the other one saw what had happened, he turned around and started running but I shot him twice in the back and he dropped too. I carried Emily to my car and drove off leaving the two bodies scattered on the road. Emily needed medical attention and I had to rush before she lost her life. Dondi got away from me but first things first, I needed to save Emily's life to know why he was interested in her. I drove like crazy and since I could not go to the hospital I had to go home and take care of Emily's wound from home like we did at the warehouse. Emily had been shot on the collar bone so I don't think that was as critical as it would have been when she got shot in the chest. I put pressure on the wound all the same as I continued driving hoping not to attract the police's attention because that meant I would explain the bullet and now the police were too aggressive given the number of policemen that had died previously. The truth is Finch and I killed most of them and this, this would be bad enough if I even got caught with the gun. We got home and that was slightly around 3:00 am. I banged on the door and Candy opened then I got Emily in and had her seat on a plastic chair. She was still bleeding. Candy: what happened? She asked as I removed my mask shirt and bullet proof vest and asked her to get alcohol and one of the tiny knives and she did. Candy: what happened to her? Me: she got shot Candy, can't you see? I took the alcohol from candy and asked her to hold both Emily's hands and I put a piece of clothing in her mouth and let her bite it. Me: this will hurt Emily, but I need to get the bullet out okay? She nodded and when I poured the alcohol on her chest she struggled but I helped candy hold her down. I could see tears in her eyes but that was not going to hurt as much as it would when I found out what the deal was between her and Dondi. Not that I doubted what candy thought but what if Dondi used Emily to get to Finch? I pressed the shoulder and the bullet slightly slid up so I though of taking the bullet out with the knife but the knife would cut deeper. Candy: use your finger. She commanded. I dived in that wound with my finger and felt the bullet and with every struggle from Emily I kept missing it. Me: sit still damn it... I said pressing her down.. I dug in again and this time got it and pulled it out and showed it to her and when she removed the piece of clothe from her mouth when I poured the alcohol on her chest again she cursed.. Candy: you should be glad the bullet didn't get your head. I detected jealousy in the tone as she found cotton and tapes to seal the wound. Candy: you got the guy, is he dead? Me: dead, no. He threw Emily out of a moving vehicle to serve as a distraction because I was closing in on him. I said washing my hands then I went and sat by my desk as candy prepared some coffee. Emily was given some pain killers and she was resting on the couch. I got Loketo's phone and looked through it to see if it could find any leads and there were messages from unidentified numbers and then alot of calls from Dondi, koffi, and other numbers. Candy : what are you looking at? She said handing me the mug and sitting next to me. This one had skipped all the rules of breakup and she was acting as if we were not enemies fir a minute. Me: you are sitting too close yet I'm trying to concentrate on something. Candy moved an inch away then focused on the screen taking a sip of her tea. Candy: what are we working on? Me: what we? She looked at me and put her mug on the table. Candy: I didn't refuse to come to India. On the day I planned to travel, my father stole my passport and threw it in the fire and my phone too. He told me to choose between you or Ted and he told me if I chose you,I should forget I have a father. My father wanted Ted for me as a husband because his father was influencial and would help him with his campaign to be elected in some post of his interest and the election was only two months away. I had to make a choice Steve so because the post was important to my father.. Me: you chose Ted. Candy: only until he was elected and he got the seat. Ted and I got engaged but I had to find a reason to break that engagement and when I did, my father threw me out of his mansion, he had my license revoked and that's around the same time I got kidnapped by that Dondi guy... I wanted to show up and you know I would literally give my life for you. I couldn't travel without a passport and i didn't know how else to reach out to you. I didn't respond to her story but fed her in on mine based on what she had asked. Me: this is Loketo's phone, some guy who called me up earlier claiming he was going to take me where Dondi was but his condition was that I save Emily from Dondi. I found out he was the one who saved Finch from a possible death alongside the guy who came to the hospital the other day threatening to kill me then disappeared. She looked at me quite surprised. This whole thing wasn't making sense to me and not till I saw Finch would I be satisfied because he would tell me the story himself. Candy: so Finch is alive? Me: I will know that once I find the Stitch guy. Candy: stitch... Me: the guy who saved Finch alongside Loketo. Candy: and where is this Loketo? Me: he is dead. Her eyes widened and I looked at her briefly then took a sip of my coffee. Me: he shielded me when everyone was firing bullets at me, that was his job since it was his suggestion that we go there and save Emily. Emily: that was a stupid decision. Dondi would have never thought twice about killing you,he gave orders that if I ran away, I be killed. Candy: do you think Loketo set you up? Me: I don't know..he seemed genuine but when we got there, it seemed as if they were waiting for us. Like they had known about my coming. Emily: or maybe he was bugged. Loketo would never have done that. Me: you talk as if you know him too well. Emily: I did. He is the only one who cared about my sanity apart from Tosh whom Dondi said he killed. We heard Emily stretch then she yawned as she sat up and came face to face with Candy and I.. Emily: ouch!.. this hurts.. She said touching the nicely placed bandage. There was a bit of a silence.. Candy: who are you really? Emily: why would you ask me that? Me: I bugged your seat and in the conversations..I picked one... You were talking to someone and this is not Dondi.. I said playing the audio to her and when she heard that, she got up from the couch. Me: who is that man you were talking to? She didn't answer and she seemed a bit scared that I got to find out about that. Candy: answer the damn question. She didn't talk and so I felt like she was hiding something.. I got up and c****d my gun then pointed it at her from where i was and she froze. Me: see we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Do you know why I haven't killed you? She shook her head looking at my gun. She seemed very scared but I knew her type. She knew exactly what she was doing. She was looking for sympathy... Me: who is that man Emily? Emily: I don't know.. Candy: but he called your house. Emily: I can only listen to one person at a time. She was giving Candy an attitude and before I knew it candy pushed her back and pressed the wound and she screamed. Candy: how did the man get your number? Emily: I was taking a stroll a few days ago when a car pulled over and a man grabbed me and threw me inside the car on the back seat. He was in a suit but and was smoking a cigar and his face covered with a hat. He looked down the entire time he was talking to me. Me: what did he want?. Emily: he wants you. He told me if I give him you he would wave off all the debts I have and give me a new start.. Candy: does he have a name, or did you hear anything that can lead us to him, give you a new start, are you in some sort of trouble? Emily: I don't know anything.. i have debts yes but I don't know where he comes in. Me: so how were you planning to hand me over? Emily: I have not figured it out yet.. Candy: what's the deal between you and Finch? Emily: nothing, we slept together then he dumped me. Candy: the kid, is she his. She didn't answer that so candy pressed the would again.. Emily: yes.. gosh! The kid is his and I thought by moving here I could figure out how to hand you over to those people. I got up and walked away from them,I had realized that I was not only dealing with the Fujo brothers but there was another person involved. Emily knew Dondi but the person who grabbed her was different, it only meant both teams were after me and wait, the new guy in question, what was his deal? I texted stitch pretending I was Loketo checking out on Finch. From the conversations, they did communicate alot except for the past few days. Loketo's phone bro, things are worsen on this end. The dude, he fine? Stitch Things got a bit f****d up here. I Was conored Man,they took away the guy. Loketo's phone Who is they? Stitch The guy in a hat. Finch is gone. Loketo's phone I have a plan. Let's meet up.. Stitch At the usual place Loketo's phone Yeah...sure. We stopped chatting and I realized that the guy who got Finch and his daughter is the same person that sent me the parcel. I walked back to Emily. Me: get up. Emily: why, where are we going?. Me: get your shitty ass up and stop asking questions. Candy got up too and followed us as I let Emily out. Candy: what's going on? I didn't answer that because when I was just about to, there was an explosion outside. Great, the landmine had blown up someone and I was curious to find out who. I handed Emily over to candy and asked her to watch her as I checked what was going on outside. As I was chatting with stitch, I heard a car drive by and shortly after the explosion.. I got out and my boss had jumped out of bed too, we met outside and one person who had jumped inside landed on the land mine and was blown up then when the guys heard the explosion I caught one more on the perimeter wall undecided on whether he wanted to jump and I shot at him and he fell in. When the guys outside heard the gunshots, they drove away fast leaving their guys behind.. Emily pretended to be walking back to the couch then turned and gave Candy a good kick that sent her banging on the wall then she grabbed the alcohol bottle that was used to treat her wound and she hit candy with it in the head and got her phone from the seat where she was seated and slowly walked out. The boss and I pulled the guys to some house that he had set aside for torturing some of the enemies that landed in his territory.. Boss: the idea worked. Me: yeah.. do you recognize a face? Boss: no. I checked the guys keenly and they had the Fujo brotherhood tattoo.. Me: these are Dondi's boys... Boss: how did they know how to find you. Me: through Emily I guess. Boss: I don't trust that Emily. She seems like a spy and she has been at it for a while..most of the time when I'm in that study room up there, she is always looking this direction and making phonecalls. With that glass, you can clearly see what is happening outside but they can't see what goes on in the inside. Me: you were right, I was going to finish her off just before the explosion happened. I need to tell you something.. Boss: go on son... Me: there is a possibility that Finch is alive. Boss: what? Me: I'm working on finding out how true that is. I will keep you updated. I need to find someone, someone who saved his life the night he got shot. Boss: but how comes, we buried Finch remember, he was dead. Me: I know that, but it's like that's what they wanted us to believe. I will find out all the details then I will get back to you. He nodded and I tapped his shoulder. Boss: let me know if you need anything... Me: sure boss. We both went back inside our houses and when I got there, candy was down and she had blood on her head. Me: what the hell.. I said looking around but Emily was not there...I checked the washroom but she was gone.. I carried candy to the bed then got some ammonia inhalant and passed it under her nose and she got up from her unconscious state.. Me: are you okay?.. Candy: she hit me and left Steve... She's Is gone. Emily ran a the way to the main road where she got a cab and got in it. Emily: the plan worked... Finch is still alive. We need find whoever got him, exchange Beast for the kid and kill them all. They believed my story...I'm on my way!....
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