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Queen got back to collect the utensils just as he had promised and pinch had put the phone inside the empty cup. Queen had her camera on and Finch couldn't talk to her but he kept hoping that Beast got his message and he would trace the phone to that place.. I got to the garage and stayed inside the car until I saw a car drive must have been stitch. The garage was quiet as there were no activities going on there. I signalled stitch and he drove to where I was then got out of his car and got into mine only to realize I was not Loketo. He attempted to get out but I held my gun to his waist. Me: close the door. He did and I locked it from my end and told him to buckle up before I drove off in my usual speed. I was taking him away from there to have a conversation with him and if he didn't tell me what I wanted to know, I was going to kill him. There was no other way it was going to end. Stitch: where is Loketo? Me: Dead! He looked at me as if he thought I was bluffing. Me: i used him as a bullet shield when we got attacked by Dondi's men. I didn't want him dead but he ended up being collateral damage. Stitch: how did you know how to find me. Me: you are dumb as f*ck, I have Loketo's phone so I knew you would think I'm Loketo and show up anyway. You were a team, a team keeps tabs on each other.. Stitch: you mean the way you did with Finch, the guy has been alive all along and you had no clue. I c****d my gun this time round and Stich had no idea how dangerous i was especially when someone was intentionally trying to get on my nerves.. Stitch: where are you taking me? Me: some place quiet where we can have a conversation. He was silent for a minute and I could read the fear in him. I drove to some place that was not too close to the road and no one really showed up there because the houses had been constructed halfway and left. Stitch: come in man, what is this place? Me: get out. I said unlocking the door and he did. Me: toss your gun. He did and I got it. I tucked it behind and asked him to kneel on the ground. He obeyed like a little boy and something told me he had heard of the man with a mask. Me: you showed up at the hospital, issued threats and left..tell me about that day Stitch: I had come to check on you and of cause I had to do it in a way you wouldn't suspect. Finch had sent me to do that. He sent me to drop that mask too. He needed you to know that he was alive. Me: okay, where is he now?. Stitch: I don't know. I had him but guys showed up here and took him away. Me: which guys, do they have an identity?.. Stitch: I was beaten blue black..I couldn't see a face. I paced abit then stopped and looked at him again and almost immediately boss called. Me: Boss? Boss: plans have moved up. The Chinese flight is leaving in two hours. Drop everything and come over. Me: where exactly Boss: at the warehouse. I will be waiting. Joe has dropped the stuff you requested for. Me: Finch reached out. Sent in a code red meaning he needs our help. I can't trace the the phone so we need to find someone who can help us trace that text. Boss: so he is really alive? Me: yes. He needs help. Boss: I know someone. Come over and we will go together. I ended the call then walked up to stitch and grabbed his arm and got him up. Me: we are moving. Stitch: I have told you all the truth I know. Me: I'm not done with you yet. I tapped his hand and opened the boot to my car and pointed to the space.. He got in and I drove off to meet up with the boss. Candy left the house and went back to the hospital where she had been posted previous, the hospital where she met beast, the same hospital she resigned from to take care of beast. She had gone to check if she could get some recommendations for a job in a different hospital but when she got there the doctor told her that she could not practice in any other hospital. Candy: why, I reassigned. I was not fired for any bad reasons, why would my license be revoked? Doc: candy your father is a very influencial man in these streets. This is not the only hospital he said you couldn't work in. There is a list. Me: that is not fair. Doc: then address that with him. He also said you hooked up with a patient in this hospital and you know that's against the hospital policy. You cannot sleep around with patients. Candy: what patients are you taking about. Don't you think I know what I'm supposed to do and what I'm not supposed to.. steve is my boyfriend and he was not even my patient. Doc: I'm sorry candy, I can't help you unless your father decides to drop it himself and get your license working again, my hands are tied. Candy was mad, she got up, took her purse and left. Finch heard the Tosh guy who had been brought in on the other side cut out the board that had been used to separate the two rooms on the lower side just beneath Finch's bed. Tosh had a knife in his boot, something that whoever captured him failed to notice. The gypsum board wasn't so hard so he managed to make a hole through and when Finch heard stuff going on on the other side, he pulled the bed to check what was going on but the hole was still in the process of being made. Inside the rooms had no camera so no one could tell what was really going on back there. I got to the warehouse and the boss was waiting. The Chinese guys had not checked in just yet and the boss was leaning on his car smoking a cigar with one hand in the pocket. He watched me approach and he blew out the smoke before I got there. Boss: you are twenty minutes early. Me: that's enough to get some info. Boss: on what? Me: on Finch. He watched me get back to my car and grab stitch and take him to him. Boss: who is this? Me: the guy who saved Finch along side the Loketo guy I told you about. I led stitch inside and the boss followers me from behind. There was a room set a side diffusing threats or interrogation and that's where we were headed. I opened the door to that room and had stitch sit then I took off my coat and folded the sleeves to my shirt. The boss was standing by the door watching me take care of business.. Me: have you met me before? Stitch: no. But I know who you are. Me: from where? Stitch: the Fujo brothers talked alot about you. Me: okay... Loketo mentioned that you were just recruits when you were ordered to kill finch and I. Stitch: yes. We were shown the photos of both of you and killing you was the only way to fully get into the group. Me: why did you want to be part of that group? Stitch: for loketo it was for revenge but for me, I wanted to make money. The Fujo brothers trained guys to use guns, go on missions and my life was worthless anyway. Well, life could be crap sometimes and the easy way out was easy money which also wasn't a guarantee. Alot of things could go wrong in those mission and with such brotherhood's, you swore loyalty and when you were caught, you couldn't sell the team. You die alone. Me: tell me the instructions you have on Finch and why you never killed him as ordered. Stitch: Finch was not the enemy, according to Loketo. You were. Finch apparently had been so good to guys in the block and they had nothing but mad respect for him. Me: nowonder that i***t couldn't shoot someone to save his life. So what happened, I understand you had orders to burn down the warehouse. Stitch: yes. Dondi needed to lure you out and the problem came in when the police showed up before the two of you did. The idea was to finish both of you off but then loketo came with a crazy idea. He asked that we save Finch and he gave me reasons that were quite convincing. I looked at him waiting for the reasons. Stitch: loketo told me he heard Dondi saying once we killed you both, he would eliminate me because I seemed to be the weakest link in the team. Loketo told me we could save Finch then I would run for my life and he would make sure Dondi didn't find me. He would take care of everything else then after the burial, he would tell me what to do. I tapped my finger on the table trying to connect his story. Boss: explain the part where Finch got shot but didn't get shot. Stitch: loketo and I jumped out of our van, got inside the warehouse and hid from the cops. The place had already became a war zone as someone has fired at the police and the police shot him and he fell from the upper floor all the way down. Loketo and I attacked two officers killed them dragged them to a corner and wore thier clothes. Loketo saw Finch from a distance and he was on phone so he signalled me and when Finch passed, he shot Finch from the back. He had rubber bullets so when Finch dropped, Loketo shot his phone then we grabbed him, took off his jacket and shoes and when the cops were still busy chasing after the boys, we had the guy who had dropped from up the stairs wear Finche's shoes and jacket, we got rid of his wallet and put Finch's wallet in his pocket instead. We took a photo for our boss then we dragged Finch to the van with Loketo shooting the police that had seen us then he jumped in to the van and we drove off. Finch was not dead and when he woke up he freaked out so bad we had to knock him out again. I looked at my boss who had forgotten he was waiting for clients. Boss: I must give it to you..that was smart. So how the hell did you pull that prank on Finch being in a casket because we saw Finch in a f*****g box. He said pulling a seat and sitting right opposite him. Stitch: the police took the fake Finch to the mortuary and his stuff were kept. Loketo spoke to the attendant and we had to part with a huge a mount of money for him to agree to do that for us. Finch, the mortuary attendant stole beta blockers that we used on Finch the entire time. Boss: what is that? Me:They are the most commonly used type of drug to treat palpitations. These drugs slow the heart rate and control the electricity flowing through the heart. Wait, Finch was aware of all these activities? Stitch: no. He was unconscious most of the time. We knew if we left him conscious even for a second he would take us out a d that would have landed us in more trouble.. everyone including you and our boss Dondi had to believe that he was dead.. The boss's phone rang and and the Chinese guys were there already. Boss: wrap this up then meet me out there. I nodded and we watched him leave. Me: the coffin bit? On that day we had Finch lie in a coffin and was sedated by the same mortuary guy. He told us with the sedative would make him sleep for close to twelve hours so we had planned out our timings so well such that when the funeral was done, we still had a few hours to pull him out of the grave. The guy used make up on him that made his skin a shade darker. He had to look dead. His heart was beating but the rythme was too slow no one could tell. Me: Damn! I got up and paced. I couldn't believe my ears. These guys were so damn good that their creativity took me by surprise. I turned around and had both hands on my waist staring at him. Me: what do I do with you? Stitch: spare my life. I put mine on the life to save your guy. I need you to do something for me though. Me: what? Stitch: kill Dondi. I will never be free when he finds out I'm alive, he will hunt me down. Me: how do I know I can trust you? Stitch: I have told you everything you needed to know and I cooperated even after you told me Loketo was dead. I don't want to keep living this life man, I want to be free. Me: why did you join it in the first place? Stitch: I told you for money which is not even there. Kill Dondi and the entire brotherhood. I can help you with that. I looked at him for a minute. He seemed genuine in his request but still, I could not just trust him blindly.. Me: stay here. I will be back. I left him and went to have a meeting with the boss and his Chinese clients.. Candy got inside the gate and just as she was walking towards the house, someone grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth.. Him: hello Candy? she struggled to break free but he had a handkerchief with chloroform in it and when she inhaled it, she passed out...
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