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I sat there quiet but my mind was all over the place. Who could have done this because this was clearly a set up. At this time I had zero ideas on how to get out of here and I was counting on Finch to have gotten my message and was probably thinking of a good plan. For once I had to put my hopes in that coward. My thoughts were interrupted when one of the officers walked in. he had a serious look in his face. This was not General or some other scary monster out there this was the police. These guys can make you a wanted man in a blink of an eye so my only option was to cooperate with them before i figured out a way out of that mess. Officer: why do you have a gun? Me: it's for protecting my boss. Officer: is your boss the president? Me: No but he is an important person. I maintained my cool and when I said that he got interested and I saw a loophole. I had to keep him interested. Officer: who is your boss? Me: the minister for finance he laughed so hard and got up. Officer: why are you lying to me? Me: why would I lie when talking to the police? That sentence made him feel a little important. Officer: would you like us to call your boss and confirm what you are saying? That was a trick question and how i answered it was going to determine how everything was going to go after that.. Me: sure go ahead. He didn't take out his phone but instead took his seat again. Officer: why do you have a dead body in your boot? Me: am asking myself that question too. Someone set me up. Officer: we have heard that alot of times. Me: only that you didn't hear it from me. Officer: the guys who are shooting at you, who are they? Me: I have no idea. I left my car at a car wash and picked it a few minutes ago only to slow down at that junction and they started shooting at me. My guess is that they planted the dead body in my car I had nothing to do with it. He looked at me for a while then got up and went out. When you talk to someone looking them straight in the eyes, the chances of them detecting a lie are very slim. People have a perception that liars tend to avoid eye contact. I grew up not fearing anyone. My father's lessons were really tough. Even though am very soft on the outside, my dad built a confidence in me that can never be shaken easily. When I lie, I lie like my life depends on it. I have never been in police custody before this is my first time. when I got here my heart skipped beats but now am a little relaxed most probably because I have no way out so mine is to sit and wait. A few minutes later the officer came in again and sat. He looked at me keenly then leaned forward. Officer: your calmness is something we haven't witnessed in most of our culprits. Me: that's probably because am not a criminal. Officer: we have seen a little truth in what you are saying. We checked your gun and no shots were fired. My colleague and I would like to offer you a way out before tomorrow so that we can have this case closed and forgotten tonight if you know what that means. I wanted to laugh at how gullible these cops were, I mean they didn't even make me pee in my pants. Me: yeah I know what that means, so what's the price? Officer: fifty thousand. Me: okay, if you let me go I will organize for the money to reach you. Officer: I mean now. We can't release you without the money. Me: I don't have any cash on me I will have to organize for that and to do that I will need my phone. He got up and went out then came back with my phone. Officer: you need to call your boss? Me: No, am calling my brother. You don't call your boss past 9:00pm. Does he get to bring the money here? Officer: No. let him come to the junction where we picked you up. He stood there waiting for me to make the call as he listened. I dialed Finch's number and he picked after ringing for a while. Me: bro I need you to organize 50k and let's meet up at the junction near the club in fifteen minutes. Finch: I will be there. I disconnected the call and he smiled. He took off my handcuffs as he led me out of the room. We got out and the other officer was waiting outside. Officer: you will ride with him in your car as I follow with ours. It’s obvious there was no trust not only between the two of them but they also doubted if the money was going to be brought Me: what about the body? Officer: it will be just another one of the bodies collected on the streets. They transferred the body from my car to theirs then we finally hit the road. Minutes later we were at the spot where the exchange was to happen. We sat in my car for another few minutes before I saw Finch's car approaching. He got out and walked towards us and I could see the shock on his face when he saw me. I didn't have my mask on but he played it cool. It was almost mid night and the place was very quiet. The only thing we could hear was the loud music from the famous club. Finch handed him the money in an envelope then he started walking away the other officer was from helping himself by the side of the road and was walking back to the car as well. Before they could both enter the car, Finch drew his gun from the back if his jeans and shot both of them, then ran towards them and shot them again making sure they were really dead. I was shocked with my mouth wide open. He came rushing back towards me. Me: what the hell, you shot the cops. Finch: where did they think they would go with our money, we hustle hard for this s**t. He stared at me for a while. Me: what? Finch: Damn you are cute. Me: dude I’m not gay. We both laughed. Finch: damn, there was no scar after!.... Me: there is one more thing we need to do real quick Finch: what? Me: come with me. We rushed back to the police's car I opened the boot and Finch saw the dead body. Finch: s**t! Me: yeah about that, we just dropped two cops you will go shitting far away from here; help me carry him to the car. We can't leave our own behind. We carried the body to my boot and parted ways having agreed to meet the following day at 8am. I went home with a dead body in my boot. taking it to the mortuary myself would have raised an alarm having in mind that we had just shot two cops dead and left them lying by the road. Finch surprised me tonight. The way he drew his gun and shot the cops made me wonder how many guys he had killed when I was away. I wondered where he had finally got the balls to shoot not just any ordinary people but the cops. The following day I woke up and was out by 7:00am. I turned on the radio as I drove and listened to news something I don't do usually but this particular day I was interested. I wanted to know if the police we shot yesterday were found and if there was any news on who shot them. That news hadn't hit the airwaves yet but I had spotted like two or three police men around. I prayed so hard not to be stopped because should they find the dead body in my car again, that would be the end of it all. I managed to get my way without being busted and when I got to the site, I threw my keys to kwesi and asked him to get some guys and get something from the boot. He called two guys and headed out. I walked in the office and as usual Finch was seated on the boss’s seat wiping his gun and the way he looked at it made me feel like he was murderous and could go shooting anyone. I fixed myself some coffee then sat at my usual spot. He put his gun down and even before he could say a word we heard noises that were coming from the hall. Finch and I rushed out and there lay Philo's body and from the way everyone was looking at me, I was the suspect as usual. my presence did not scare them one bit in fact they continued shouting on top of their voices demanding to know what I killed Philo. Finch stepped forward and waved his hand in the air Finch: Hey, hey, hey guys! The voices went down but some were still mumbling. Finch: shut up and listen. One of the guys wouldn't stop yelling and asking Finch to shut up and threatening to leave if we didn't give an explanation. All that time I was standing in silence waiting to see how he would handle this. Finch: if you don't shut up I will make you. He dared Finch to shut him up, his courage made me think he had something to do with the situation. He was the only one overreacting. Finch walked up to me took my gun and shot him on the leg. Finch: Do I have your attention now? There was pin drop silence in the room. Now this is what I have been waiting for a long time. Finch finally stepped up on his role as a leader not letting anyone intimidate him. I stepped forward to address them with the noisy one seated on his butt. Me: Guys I know what you are all thinking. I didn't kill Phil. Someone else did and put him in my boot. I got busted by the police yesterday and Finch here can attest to that because I was with him till late in the night. I asked you to watch each other's back and be alert all the time. This is as a result of not doing so. Phil started a fight in the club a few days ago and no one can tell what happened after that, not even the ones who were with him. This type of negligence we will not tolerate. We left them to mourn their dead as we went back to the office. Finch took his usual position. Me: am impressed. Finch: I learned from the best and by the way how did that body end up in your car? Me: my guess is that someone killed him and dumped him in my trunk. I was thinking of going to the petrol station to find out but am having second thoughts. Finch: yeah if you go questioning them after what we did last night we might be busted. Me: After what you did and what were you thinking killing those cops like that? Finch: because our lives minus cops... Epic! Me: I want us to strike the G-crew; this is now becoming dangerous with the police involved. Finch: just say when and I will organize the team. Me: I need to tell you something. Finch: I’m attentive Me: General approached me the other day. He wants me to find ...... okay this is complicated let me start again. He met the me without the mask and offered him a job to find the me with the mask. He burst out in laughter. I don't blame him. I didn't know how to explain this without sounding ridiculous. Me: you know what, forget it. Prepare the crew I will tell you when we strike. Status on my car? I can't use the one I have any more; it's full of bad luck. Finch: by tomorrow you will have it. I left the office and decide to go to the office and check on Candy. I needed to see that face again. I took a cab and was at the hospital half an hour later. I checked in at the reception and asked for Candy. I was directed upstairs where they had the children's wards. I walked majestically in my mask towards the reception and found her seated alone applying nail polish on her nails. When she saw me she covered it and put it away. I stood there smiling at her and she smiled briefly before getting up. Candy: hi can I help you? Me: yeah, I have some pain in my heart and it’s been so bad in the past few days. She smiled again, I smiled back in fact, it looked like smiling was going to be our new thing. Candy: what do you want? Me: have lunch with me Candy: I can't go out for lunch. I have my lunch here in case of an emergency. Me: then dinner, coffee, breakfast or something. She blushed probably wondering who walks up to a stranger and ask them out like that. Candy: how do I know you are not a serial killer with that thing on your face? I took of the mask and her big eyes grew even bigger and beautiful. Me: I will take your number and we can pick it from there. I took out my phone, fed her number in it and smiled as I left leaving her staring at my hot back. I put my mask inside my jacket and got a cab outside the hospital. While in the cab I got a call from General asking to see me as soon as possible. I told him I would be there in a few minutes and true to my word I was. I innocently walked into his office and stood before him as he was seated rocking in his chair. Seconds later two men walked in and held their guns to my head. If I never believed in witchcraft now I do! Me: hehehe I don't like these gun games they are dangerous. General: you really think you are smart huh? Me: I would know if I had an idea of what you are talking about. Tell your guys to drop their guns. I told you I don't work well with threats. General: you don't get to make demands right now. This situation is tricky. Like I said earlier when in the hands of the enemies and you feel overpowered you don't act tough. You cooperate. Me: okay so what is this about? General: you were spotted in the car of the guy we have been looking for are you trying to play us? I laughed. Of cause am playing you fools! I thought to myself. Me: playing you? When you gave me the job did you give me the rules on how to go about it? General: No.but that doesn't explain why you were in his car. Me: when I left this place on that day I travelled to my country side then was back in Three days. I asked my former boss to give me a job and he did. I’m now his messenger. I get to use any car that is available when running errands as I don't have one. That explains why I was in that car. He signaled his boys to drop the gun. This looked like a win for me. He didn't suspect a thing. General: okay, have you spotted him? Me: yeah I see him every day. General: okay and how far have you gone with the plans to get him here? Me: ask me that after 2weeks and you will get your report. You gave me a month remember? General: yeah. How comes you are so easy when talking to me, don't you fear me? Me: I don't see you as a threat; you haven't given me a reason to. General: you can take your leave. See you in two weeks? Me: yeah. I found my way out of that office then took a deep breath. That was way too close. Sally called and asked if I could drop by her place. I was starting to believe that Sally was full of bad luck. Every time I saw her tragedy struck. I had like a few hours to spare so I went to her place anyway. We talked mostly about expanding kevin's business and continuing what he started. The weather wasn't very friendly outside and as we were having dinner it started raining. We decided to watch a movie something I rarely got to do because of my crazy life. She left her seat then came and sat next to me. I was feeling a little uncomfortable but I wasn't worried. She was my friend’s girl so yeah there was that boundary. She started telling me how she couldn't sleep after our first encounter at the door; she couldn't get my cute face off her mind. I was silent trying to gage where the conversation was going. The truth was that I had never trusted Sally. I had my doubts about her and maybe this was the chance to figure her out. See I don't do these I can't sleep, eat and bathe crap. I prefer when people go straight to the point to save me the headache of joining the dots. Me: That day I felt like you would have banged the door in my face. Sally: I couldn't show my interest in you because Kevin was still in the picture. You are not seeing anyone are you? Even before I could answer that she got up, sat on my laps and started unbuttoning my shirt as she kissed my neck, chest and finding her way down my tummy with her fingers caressing certain parts of my body. This was Satan at work and the temptation to give in was real.. especially with her low sexy voice whispering ungodly stuff in my ears. In all honesty I liked how I was feeling at the moment but I wasn't sure if this was how I wanted to spend my night. With every attempt I made to push her off she pinned me back on the sofa and kissed me passionately. I won't lie I kissed her back in fact I had fantasized once in a while how kissing those lips would feel like. I was beginning to get the feel of the work she was doing with her hands then I remembered I had a gun at the back of my jeans and she was headed there. I pushed her off and got up. That act surprised her as it's the least of what she expected. Sally: what's wrong? Me: am sorry I can't do this. Sally: why not, I know you like me Me: yeah but not like that. I can't sleep with my friend's girl. Sally: Kevin is dead! Me: yeah, but am not into you. I like someone else. She was quiet then held her head and looked down in shame. Sally: why do you always come when I call? Me: I don't know, maybe because you are my friend's girl and I felt the need to check on you. I didn't know you had other agenda's Sally: okay, just leave. Me: am sorry if my caring led you on and communicated something else. Sally: please go. Me: okay. I opened the door and the cold that hit me made me think twice of my decision but since I couldn't go back I zipped my jacket and walked in the rain as I headed to the road to go look for a cab. I got home at around 9:00am. I took a shower as I kept reminiscing of what had just happened a few ago. As I was kissing Sally all I could see was kevin's photo on the wall staring hard at me. It’s not like it meant anything but I realized what a mistake that could have been. While in the bathroom a call came through so I tied a towel around my waist and rushed to pick it before it got disconnected. It was the boss's wife. Me: yes, Her: how is everything back there? Me: good. We are holding up just fine. How is the boss? Her: he is doing quite well. He has started his physical therapy and the progress is remarkable. Me: that's good news can I talk to him? Her: not now, he is with his doctor but will pass your regards. Me: thank you for calling Her: thank you for taking care of the business when we are away. I ended the call and put on something warm and went to bed. The following morning I was woken up by a loud knock on the door. I wondered who it was because I barely had visitors. I rushed to go and open and there stood the guard. I looked at him waiting for communication. Him: morning sir Me: morning Him: there are two police officers looking for you. I heard police officers and I saw trouble. I did not panic this time. They came looking for me and this was my territory. Me: let me get dressed am coming. The guard left. I got in and called Finch I don't know where he always keeps his phone because it rang severally before he answered. I was on the verge of giving up when he finally answered. Finch: what? Me: what do you mean what, i***t. The police are here looking for me. Finch: what did you do this time? I put him on loud speaker and we talked as I dressed. Me: you remembered the other day when you liked me a little bit and came to my rescue then you killed two cops, yeah they are here for me instead. Finch: oops! Me: what is that?.. Finch: you deal with it you are beast right?. Me: are you kidding me right now?.. Finch: yeah, where are you? Me: at home leaving in a few and it looks like I will be taking a ride in their car. Finch: send me a text and tell me what road you are passing to the police station because I know they will take you in for questioning. Me: fine.. I ended the call the rushed out to collect some nice flat wood I had seen lying around just a few steps from my door. I got the wood and taped it on my right arm then nicely covered it with my long sleeve. Today someone was going to die. I wasn't going to end up in a police cell. I put my mask in the pocket of my blazer left my gun at home under the mattress then walked out like the gentleman that I was, I found them waiting outside in their car.
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