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I got into the car and sped off. I had to get to the hospital as soon as I could. this time I didn't care about stopping by the police station first and if no doctor was willing to cooperate I would just shot my way through the ER, grab the doctor and make them do their job with a gun to his head then be answerable to my actions later. This was a matter of life and death. I drove to the same hospital we went to last time at least with them I could convince them to save his life first as I worked on anything else later. I got to the hospital and rushed in to call for help. when the doctor saw his condition I didn't have to plead or shoot anyone. He was taken in immediately and I was left explaining the situation to the doctor in charge. Doc: this is the second time in a week you have been here with bullet wounds are you thugs or something? The doctor asked obviously suspecious of what me and my boss could have been upto out there that landed us in trouble. Me: That's my Dad. We were on our way from work when we got attacked by gunmen. Let’s just say it's a case of business rivalry. I wasn't a good liar but for some reason he did buy my story. After talking for a while he left to attend to my so called dad as I headed to the police station to record a statement. I was well dressed and I didn't have a criminal history so that gave me the confidence to walk into a police station and lie to their faces. Okay, I didn't lie per say but I only told them what was necessary to their ears. I had taken my mask off at that point to avoid unnecessary rub of shoulder with the police. it took me a while at the police station and when I was done I had to drive back to the hospital. I drove for a few minutes then pulled over near a shop to send my mother some money for upkeep and for taking my dad to the hospital as I planned to visit soon. Minutes later I was back at the hospital. I paced up and down as I waited for the doctor and when I realized my pacing was making everyone uncomfortable I sat down. I thought of calling Kevin at that time but on second thought, I decided to go and see him personally for some things were better said in person. I didn't have my boss's wife's number so I couldn't call to tell her what had happened but am sure by now she had got the news. I had not met her despite being in the compound for days so maybe this was a good chance to finally see her. The doctor called me to his office and I nervously walked in. He took off his glasses and stared at me for a while. Then took a deep breath. I was anxious with my fingers crossed that he was not going to tell me that Clement was dead. Doc: I have good news and bad news. If there was good news, the bad couldn't be that bad, i thought to myself and nodded as i waited for him to tell me both. Me: am listening. Doc: The good news is that your father made it through the surgery, we actually didn't think he would because he had lost alot of blood. The bad news is that a bullet fractured his spinal cord and even if he got better, he will not be able to walk any time soon. Me: what was that?.. The doctor repeated what he had just said and this time it hit differently. I felt tears cloud my eyes but I tried so hard not to cry. Crying was a sign of weakness that's a lesson I learned from my dad. He said a man who shed tears was not different from a woman. I wasn't happy with the news but I was glad that he was still alive. Me: can I see him? Doc: yes but he can't talk at the moment. It will take a while too. The doctor took me to where he was. The sight of him made me she'd a tear even though I tried so hard not to. Just a few hours ago, he was so full of life and now, he was lying there almost lifeless. Doc: He will be fine sooner than you know it. These doctors normally think we are fools. Sooner than you know it could be 3, 4 or even ten years. I didn't trust those words but he still was the doctor. Me: yes he is a fighter. Please move him to a private wing and do not allow anyone at all to pay him a visit unless I’m here with them. You understand my reasons right? Doc: yes I do. Don’t worry; your father is safe in our hands. I left the hospital and hurried home. I drove into the compound and as soon as I parked, a woman hurried towards the car. She didn't even wait for me to get out on seeing how badly the car had been damaged with no sight of her husband inside she broke down in tears. Did I mention I don't like such scenes? Her crying got me more emotional but I couldn't afford to cry. If she was the wife I had to be strong for her and act like the man i was. I wondered what would happen if I told her the actual news. I got out of the car and she grabbed my collar and shook me hard. Her: where is he, where is my husband? She asked still looking inside the car hoping to miraculously see him even though she knew he wasn't there. Me: he is at the hospital. Her: what happened? Me: let's go inside I will explain. She let go of my collar and led the way as I followed her. When we got inside I asked for a glass of water which she hurriedly got and then I started my wasn't easy but it was a relief when I heard her say it wasn't my fault. Her: I knew this day would come. I expected worse but I thank God he is still breathing. Can I see him? She asked blowing her nose and wiping away her tears. I didn't even ask how she found out about him but my guess was the nosey neighbors who saw what happened had informed her. Me: No, not tonight. The doctors are not allowing any one to see him but for you, they can make an exception for tomorrow. Her: thank you. If it wasn't for you, he would have died. Me: No worries, I'm just doing my job. Her: My husband has told me a lot about you. At this point I was wondering what she had been told because the things I had done in the past few days were not pleasant to the ears at all. Her: why are you doing this job? Me: same reason everyone works. To make money and support my mother back in the country side like any good son should. Her: your mother must be very proud of you, of cause not for the type of life you are living but for the urge to make life happen. Me: she was. She has been proud of me but I don't think that would be the case should she find out what am doing for a living. It was getting late and I needed to go and prepare for the following day then get some rest. I excused myself and promised to continue the chit chat thingy when I got time because she seemed to be a talker but i didn't want to get that comfortable with her and not because i thought something would happen between us but women were still Delilahs and Jezebels. You never know what would be going on in their minds even while having a harmless chat. I got to my room and called Finch. I didn't want to say much on the phone so I asked to meet him and all the members of the crew the following day. I had to take leadership for the period the boss was going to be absent untill he was in a position to talk again. The meeting was scheduled for 11:00am since I had to drop the boss's wife at the hospital first. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Almost every night this week I have been washing off someone’s blood off my body. How did I go from an innocent, charming and caring guy to this guy am staring at in the mirror? That night I didn't sleep, well, it's not like I did sleep the other nights but that was different. I built towers in my mind, brought them down and started again. Who were those guys who shot at us? I thought to myself, if they could wait for the boss at his gate that meant the war had become personal and maybe, just maybe the word got out that we were looking into the G-crew but through who?.. whatever the war was about was no longer a battle for supremacy based on who ruled where but they wanted him dead so that they could take over the territory. 'I will not allow them, if I wasn't sure of this before, now I am'. I said as i turned again for the tenth time I rested my head on the pillow reminiscing the events that took place during the day. I kept yawning and slapping mosquitoes on my face as I tried to stay awake. I was hungry but I had no appetite. I was on the boss's door by 8am. The wife came out looking all elegant and expensive. She was slightly taller than the boss and had a chocolate complexion. She had a dimple on her left cheek and was slim but with a nice behind. She said goodmorning then allowed me to drive us in her car as the boss's car was a total wreck. She watched me wear my mask and from the look on her face I knew she was dying to ask why but in all honesty that was one of those days I wasn't in the mood for answering questions or talking to anyone. I had spent the entire night trying to solve puzzles and my brain was simply tired of thinking, explaining or even processing words to my mouth.. When we got to the hospital I led her to the room where her husband was and excused myself since I had a lot to do that day. my mask attracted attention as usual with kids thinking I was bat man or something but I was better off being safe than sorry. I got a cab and decided to pass by Kevin's place first. I needed to warn him since things were going to get heated now that my boss had been shot. I still had a feeling it was the G-crew and from what I gathered, Kevin could have been a member of the same crew we were to look into. Was I being a snitch? See I don't know but I did not think i was since I was not selling any one out in exchange of money. I was just trying to save a life and that had been one of my new things lately. When i was close to his house, I removed my mask and put it inside my jacket. I didn't need to hide from Kevin since he knew me for who I was. This wearing and taking off of the mask was becoming quite a task but it was for my own good.. When I got there, I knocked and a lady opened. This was not the face I was used to. She ushered me in and on entering I found two more ladies with handkerchiefs in their hands with their faces soaked in tears. When kevin's girl saw me she got up walked to me and hugged me and before I could say a word she burst into tears and the ladies joined her...
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