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That was an awkward scene. Sally was the one crying the most and seemed like she had probably lost someone close to her or maybe they were rehearsing for some skit. Me: so what is this choir? Sally: what choir Me: I mean this situation going on here, why is everyone crying all over sudden? She looked at me amazed that i could actually ask that. I had a way of being silly when people were serious. I realized I was being insensitive to their feelings so I cut the crap and sat on a Plastic chair near the door. Sally: it's Kevin.. Me: what is wrong with Kevin? She was silent trying to get herself together. Me: Sally, what is wrong with Kevin? Sally: He is dead! I felt my heart literally shatter into pieces and when she started to cry again, I had her sit on the sofa as I sat beside her. Trying to process what she had just a said. Me: what happened, how did he die? Sally: he got shot yesterday. He was out with his friends and when I got home I found them waiting for me with the bad news. Me: where are these friends? Sally: I haven't seen them since. I got up and held my head pacing up and down the small room. I stopped and looked at her Me: I have to go for now but I will be back. Take care of yourself and I'm sorry about Kevin. I left the place in shock. I couldn't believe that Kevin was really dead. I wasn't sure of what I was feeling at that moment. I must have shot him the previous day when I shot after them. If only I had known he was in that car! I took a cab so as to go to the office. This was not one of those days I got to Pat myself on the back and convince myself that I had done the right thing. I was angry with myself for a lot of things. Maybe if I hadn't come back to Nairobi my life would not have been this complicated. I didn't notice how fast the cab had been. The next thing I heard was "boss we have arived!" I put on my mask, paid the guy and got out of the car quite confused. I stood out there for a while trying to be calm before I walked into that place and face over twenty people just to give them the not so pleasing news about our boss. I took a deep breath then walked into the warehouse. Finch saw me and met me halfway the hall. We shook hands and went to the office just the two of us. I pulled a chair and sat opposite his desk still disturbed. He looked at me all confused waiting for me to say something Finch: am waiting for you to spill. Me: yes I know that. The boss was shot yesterday. There is a traitor in this place and we must find out who he is. Finch: what do you mean by the boss was shot? Me: when we left this place, we got home and found guys waiting for us right opposite the boss's gate. That couldn't have been a coincidence. Finch: how is he? Me: Not good. A bullet hit his spinal cord and even though the surgery was successful he will be in the hospital for a while. Its not a good site.. Finch: what do we do? Me: we take over till he comes back. Are the people ready to be briefed? Finch: yes, let's go. Finch and I left for the hall. Everyone was there. I wasn't used to speaking in public but I had to. There were over 20 people all staring at me waiting to hear what I had to say. Kwesi was there with a sling hanging on his neck in support to his hand that i had shot the other time Me: kwesi how is your hand? Kwesi: painful but I'm managing. Me: am sorry about that, it wasn't personal. Kwesi: I understand no need to apologize. I smiled in my mask then turned to look at the rest of the guys. Me: am hoping everyone is here because it is very important as I’m only doing this talk once. There was nothing but silence. Me: am sure all of you by now have heard what happened to the boss yesterday considering the fact that we have traitors among us. People started mumbling and looking around. I gave them time. Maybe they were consulting each other. When the room was silent I continued. Me: when the boss and I left here yesterday we found guys in a car waiting for us by his gate. They sprayed bullets on us and as a result the boss was shot and he was badly injured. of cause everyone acted shocked. Some were genuine others were not but it didn't matter. I was going to find the traitor and make him an example to the rest. Me: Don't be worried, the boss is alive and doing well, he sent his regards. That was a lie but they didn't know. it was a way of telling the traitors they had not succeeded but on the other hand, I didn't want to cause panic and have people go rogue by telling them the exact situation at hand.. Finch had this annoying tendency of standing behind my back and letting me do all the talking while he had been there the longest and knew his team better. How did he even get that far with the boss and those people?.. Me: we don't make our money by shading innocent blood but we work smart....You are given merchandise to sell and if you make the right moves you will make good money and you will also be rewarded for it. I hope you know what you signed up for the moment you joined this brotherhood. Brothers do not snitch on each other instead we should watch each other's back. As you know, our business is not in the yellow pages so trade your grounds carefully. The cops are not our friends, they know we exist and their work is to hunt us down. I really don't care how you go about your business but we have only one rule. Do not get caught! I will take questions. One guy raised his hand and I pointed towards him. Him: this is probably a stupid question but why do you have a mask on. Me: I have a scar, a big bad one and I don't want you guys to see how ugly it is. Another hand went up. Me: yes please? Philo: apart from "Don't get caught", are there any other rules we should adhere to? Me: this business has no rules; it's you to use your brains. Don’t go running your mouth to everyone. Most cops who come after us are dressed in civilian and at times they will pose as your clients. They will even go as far as buying your products and following you around. If you get caught they will detain you and ask for information and for them to let you go you will pay a handsome sum of money and at times they might never let you go until you tell them who you are working for. Now here's the thing,... If you sell anyone out, I will hunt you down myself, we are brothers and we must protect each other no matter the cost. Any other questions? This time it was kwesi. Kwesi: what happens when someone gets caught? Me: we will weigh and see if you are worth saving. Make yourself an asset by bringing in enough money to bail you out when you het in trouble otherwise we will let you rot in jail. Finch: work like your life depends on it. if you are not an asset we will not bother and if you open your mouth we will silence you regardless of where you are and trust me we will. Are we just threatening people instead of making them feel comfortable? Well, comfort were for their houses we were there for business. Me: anything else? There was silence from everyone except for Finch who cleared his throat. Me: anything you want to add? He nodded as he stepped forward. Finch: I suppose everything Beast has said is clear to everyone. No making compromising phone calls. From today onwards we use codes Red being for emergency and danger and black being for briefing and any other information that nerds to be passed. Do not send text messages. If you get in trouble send code red and we will trace you. Me: now that all is said and done you, you and you step forward please. I said pointing out to the guys I had spotted at the club a few days ago. They did come forth not knowing what was awaiting them. Me: one of you is a snitch. I know who you are because I saw you in the club going after the guys from the other gang. I don't want to hand pick you but I want you to own up so that we can have a little chat and start on a good note. None of them spoke up. I was practicing patience one of the virtues I never had. Finch pushed me back and stepped forward. Finch: listen, if you are the one please speak up. Finch had an idea of what I was capable of. No one responded even after Finch talked to them. I drew out my gun and they stepped back Me: we have tried the nice way and it's not working see I don't normally ask questions twice and the way I see it maybe you need some motivation. You have three seconds to own up or I will kill the three of you. Everyone else moved to the side leaving the three of them all alone. Me:3...............2........... Before I could say one, one of them started running headed for the door shouting at the top of his voice and people burst out in laughter. I aimed my gun at him and shot him three times on the back and crashed to the floor. The laughter stopped and everyone turned to look at me in shock. Me: I meant it when I said no snitching on a brother. May that serve as a lesson to all of you who go running your mouth anyhow. If I ask you to own up to something please do, we didn't have to get to that and all he needed to do was say the truth.. I tucked the gun in my jeans and walked back to the office. Finch followed me inside and shut the door behind him. Finch: who are you? He asked throwing both his hands in the air before making his way to his seat. Me: I'm a man who won't let anything get in the way of loyalty. They need go in know the consequences of snitching. Is the car ready? I need to attend to other things. He pulled a drawer towards him and fished out the key and handed it to me.. Finch: black Jeep, parking lot number 3. Me: you can't afford to be weak, especially now that the boss isn't around. Get things in order around here and act like a leader not a coward. With those words, I left him seated there and walked back into the Hall. Me: somebody get rid of that body! I went to the parking, got into my not so new car and drove off. On my way to the hospital I had second thoughts. I was still thinking about Kevin and I wanted to get into the bottom of whatever had taken place. Our plans to strike were on hold as we had not gotten a location for the G-crew. The boss couldn't speak to me even if I decided to go and see him so I thought I could camp around kevin's place just to take note of the guys who visited. That would narrow our search to a specific person or people. I would probably check on the boss later on in the day. I drove to kevin's hood and parked my car a few miles away. There were a few more cars parked so I wasn't worried about being noticed. A lot of guys walked in and out, no one looked suspicious most of the visitors were ladies. This was pointless and certainly not the way I wanted to spend my afternoon. Just as I thought of leaving I heard a knock on the window. My car was black and tainted. I looked up and saw a lady waiting for me roll down my window and talk to her. I did. Her: Hi Me: Hi Her: I have been sent to give you this note by the guys in that car. She pointed towards their direction and when I checked I saw a car drive away. I didn't get a glimpse of whoever was inside but I crammed the number plate before it got away. Me: who are they? Her: I honestly don't know them, am new in this hood. Me: okay. She left and I rolled up my window. I looked at the note and it read. "We know what you are here for, Keep off this hood or we will send you to an early grave" for the first time fear crept in. I wasn't sure of who these guys were or for how long they have been tailing me and being human I freaked out. The only person who could have advised in such a situation was half dead in a hospital bed so it was me to get myself out of this mess.
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