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I thought I would sleep well but I didn't. I kept turning and tossing. I woke up at 6 and had a shower, wrapped my towel around my waist and slept on the bed staring at the ceiling. Kevo was on my mind. Did he get me that job so that I could be his spy and what was that envelope he was given, who is he working for and could he be part of the group Finch is looking for? My thoughts were interrupted by a bang on the door. I checked the time and it was 7:30am. I hurriedly walked to the door and opened it. It was my boss. He stood there looking all fine in his grey suit. He was a medium height and almost round guy, light in complexion with well groomed hair. He looked at me as if he had knocked on the wrong door. His name was Clement but everyone else knew him as the boss. We called him Boss.. Me: goodmorning Boss. I said staring at him awkwardly not understanding why the hell he would be dressed up that early. Boss: get dressed, Finch has a lead on our competitors. We should put an end to them and mark our territory. I didn't respond but stood there looking at him blankly.. Boss: what, didn't you understand a word i said?. Me: i did but can you just give me a schedule for the entire week so that you don't have to bang on the door every morning? Boss: oh, just make sure you are awake and ready by 7:30 every day. He had a serious look on his face so that definitely couldn't be a joke. 7:30 am, seriously? I didn't like the idea of him showing up here every morning. What were phones for? I could confidently ask that since I had a phone now. I got dressed, wore my mask and matched to the car then drove him to the office. Everyone was there. "Do these people even get to sleep?" I thought to myself. They looked like slaves but at the same time, they seemed to be enjoying what they were doing. He walked in like the boss that he was. The place was quite busy. The goods were being packed in different packages ready for distribution. The boss met different clients during the day and at some point 8 had to drive him around before we got back to the warehouse. As soon as it hit 6pm in the evening, Finch came into the office and spread some photos on the Boss' table and we all took a look at them. Finch: these three men were spotted at a famous club last night. They are members of G-crew, the same group that has been giving us sleepless nights. When I heard that my heart sank. I held on to one of the photos and look a good look at it, It was Kevin and the two men he was talking to the previous night at the club. Kevin's face wasn't clearly captured so that meant I had to tip him off before the boss sent his men after them. Why would I be doing this again? Kevin was my friend as much as I hated the fact that he was using me to get information about my boss. I had to find a way of saving his life because he had my back when i need him and that's what friends do. I had seen how ruthless my boss was and he would destroy anything getting in between him and his money. He had dominated that area for a while and he couldn't let someone else take over, I had one problem though, how would I warn him without compromising my crew and blowing my cover? Boss: Beast, you are quiet what's on your mind? Me: we have the name of the crew. But we don't know who their boss is and we don't know their hide out. How about we find out a few things about them, their hide out, who their boss is, how they operate and then we can strike, that way we will be sure that no one will strike back. We attack them one by one and we might have trouble ahead. Finch: Not a good idea. We can't go there with guns blazing without knowing what we are up against. How do you intend to get all that information without raising eyebrows?.. Me: do you have a better idea genius? Finch: address me by my name dude.. Me: Dude, really?.. The boss was silent listening to us as he playfully rolled a pen in his hand. He put the pen on the table and sat up. Boss: No investigation however you need to find out where they are located and fast. Guys have been spotted selling their stuff openly I’m not sure if it's our team or theirs. We don't want the cops on our back tailing us. Finch: what do we do once we find out the location? Boss: prepare a team then let me know when you are ready. Did you find the two idiots who set me up? Finch: yes I locked them up in the store. Boss: Good, take me to them, beast come along. He opened his drawer, picked his gun, got up and was right behind Finch. I picked one of the photos folded it and put it in my pocket then hurried behind them. We got to the store and the two men were seated down on the floor with their hands tied and mouth taped. The boss pulled the tapes from their mouth and sat on a jerrican that was standing in a corner in the room. I leaned on the door as Finch stood next to the boss with his hands in the pocket. Boss: so who between the two of you was so hungry for my money that sent people after me? He asked waving his gun on their faces. None of them said a word. I think they just didn't know who they were messing with. They were used to an ever smiling and funny boss. This one was different. Boss: I don't ask questions twice so it's either you speak up or I silence you for good. They maintained their silence and i was so sure that that day, i was going to watch the boss in action but he turned to me.. Boss: Beast, Me: sir, Boss: am running out of patience can you take care of this, looks like none of them wants go speak up.. if they don't know who set me up, kill them!.. I stepped forward picked the gun from him and without wasting time, i shot both of them on the leg and they groaned in pain. Why did I do this, I was being tested. The other day in the office the Boss said that my caring heart would be the cause for my downfall. I liked Luke, he treated me well back at the car wash but sometimes you have to make a sacrifice for everyone's peace of mind. You see in this kind of business you either kill or get killed! I didn't like what I was doing but I had to try to get them to speak before my boss put a bullet in their heads. Bullet wounds were better than being silenced for good, atleast that's what i thought. I expected them to start talking but they were not cooperating. My boss sat there watching so I couldn't plead with them though i really wanted to. I didn't want anyone dead.. I shot them again, on a different leg this time. Me: I could do this the whole evening you know, you better speak up. None of them said a word. That was the thing. In drug dealing business if you snitch you die because that way you wouldn't be a threat to the team Finch: This is pointless, maybe they didn't do it. Me: shut up Finch, if they didn't do it they should be able to speak up. I will ask one last time so who of you planned the attack? None of them said a word. I felt like they were wasting my time. I needed to get to Kevin before he got caught up in a war that would end him. I hated him for lying to me and putting my life on the line but not enough to get him killed I aimed the gun at Luke's head and shot him without blinking and I did the same to James I then turned to Finch and he was so shocked that i actually pulled the trigger on them. Me: you were right, this was pointless. I handed the gun back to my boss and I walked out as they followed me like i was the new boss. I saw the fear in Finch's eyes after I shot them; he never thought I was capable of taking a life maybe because just like Kwesi, he might have thought that I was too soft for the game I didn't want my boss to doubt my capabilities of handling situations. I wasn't killing for fun, I was diffusing threats and I found comfort in that. The boss opened the lower drawer and took out a gun. Here, you need this for your safety. He handed the gun and a box of bullets to me and I took it without asking questions. He locked the drawer and threw the keys to Finch who kept stealing glances at me. Boss: clear that mess discreetly. The two of you should get in touch and find out about the G-crew. You have a day to get me all the intel. Finch, get Beast the car that Alex used. That will be his car from now on. Me: who is Alex? Finch: someone who was like you. He was killed outside his house. Boss: Finch, we don't need all that information. The boss said very much aware of where Finch was going with that. He wanted me fo be scared of the road I had taken but then again it was him not approving of the Boss' choice. Finch: it will be ready by tomorrow. The boss and I left. I had to drop him home then go find Kevin. I drove really fast taking the shortest route. I had become a pro in the streets of Nairobi and my driving skills were getting better. My boss noticed my unusual speed, he held on to his seat tightly with his one functional hand and at this point, I didn't care i mean what ware seatbelts meant for? Boss: are you after something or someone? He asked looking at me then shifting gos gaze back to the road. Me: No. I'm not. Boss: so what is with the insane driving? Me: I don't want to be stuck in traffic for over an hour like the rest of the days. Boss: how do you feel about what you did earlier? Me: I feel so good in fact I can go killing the entire nation what sort of question is that? Boss: I have to ask because it could be the reason why you want to get us killed by over speeding. Me: No, am good it has nothing to do with that. Boss: then slow down. Will you?.. I did as I took the lane that got us into the estate. As I drove into the estate I noticed something unusual. There was a car with tainted windows parked right opposite our gate. I had seen that same car at the entrance of the club the other day and one thing I knew was that my memory never failed me. I stopped the car and got the gun I was given earlier. I put some bullets in it ready for whatever was awaiting us. My boss had no clue about what was going on. He asked me why i was holding the gin but before i could answer him, i grabbed him and pushed him down.. Me: Get your head down! Boss: why what is happening? He asked from underneath the glove compartment Me: we have company I c****d my gun and watched them drive towards us. I saw a hand stretch out the window and shoot at us. This time the glasses on the windows shattered and I couldn't fight back because I was trying to find cover for me and my boss. The car was in motion so I eventually opened the door and got out still with my head down. My boss was quiet so I assumed he was just scared of death as usual. The car sped off after shattering our windows and even though I managed to shoot at it a few times, it didn't stop. All that shooting had attracted the neighbors’ attention but the interesting bit is that no one got out to check what was happening all I could see was people peeping through the windows. I rushed back to the car to check on my boss just to find his white shirt soaked in blood. Great! Another disaster had stricken. I quickly got put again, rushed to the other side and pulled my boss out he had been shot and was loosing alot of blood. I checked his pulse by pressing my two fingers on his neck; it was faint almost like it wasn't there...Damn!..
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