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I started the car and drove off trying to find a different route. I had decided to go to the hospital since I couldn't achieve what I had planned. For a moment I felt like maybe the money I had made was enough and maybe I should just pack and go back to the country side. My mum needed me by her side now that dad was sick. Maybe it was time to be a good son. No, this is not a good idea. I can't chicken out now. not now that the boss is away and not now that Sally is alone after losing Kevo, and Finch, I needed him to man up so that should anything happen to me, he would take control of the business until the boss was okay. I got to the hospital and walked in. I was now a regular face even though my mask still attracted attention. I went straight to my bosses ward and walked up to him I looked at him for a while then pulled a chair and sat beside the bed. Me: you really look like crap lying here so helpless. I held his hand in mine. It’s weird am the one doing the killing and you are the one paying for the crimes. You are the strongest man I know, you don’t get to introduce me into this world then leave me at the peak of it. I need you to wake up from this bed and join me in this fight. It felt like I was talking to myself but I needed to vent or else I would lose it. The truth is I missed my boss's company he could be annoying and a pain in the ass at times but for some reason he inspired and challenged me and yes i was the only one who gets inspiration to do stupid things. The doctor came in to check on him so I got up from my seat and stood aside. Me: how is he doing? Doc: I still can't say. He is not responding so well to medication but we are working on him. Me: I need your opinion on something is there a possibility that he could get to walk again; I have seen people recover from such conditions. Doc: I don't want to get your hopes up, the chances of that happening here with the equipment’s we have are very slim, like thread slim so unless you have a lot of money to fly him out of the country I can't make promises. Me: am holding on to that thread slim hope. I will make arrangements for that meanwhile do what you can. I walked out of the room. I needed to make one more stop. I had to go back and see Finch. I got in my car and drove off. I was getting scared of driving alone but after the note, I was ready for anything. The confidence I had in myself was out of this word. Soldiers die in the line of duty time and again and if I had to go down, I would go down like a soldier. The thing is i was not going to rest until I found out who these guys were or what they wanted with me. A call came through my phone. It was a strange number. I very much wanted to avoid it but on second thought I received it. The caller was Sally Sally: Steve? Me: yes Sally: you were here earlier but you just left Me: I had a few things to take care of Sally: was Kevo really your friend? Me: yes why? Sally: where are you now that he is dead? I went mute. The call could be genuine but I felt like I was being accused of something. Me: like I said I have been busy, you want to meet up? Sally: I was hoping you could drop by. Me: I prefer meeting somewhere else. I don't want people reading into things now that Kevo is not there. Sally: I could spare a few minutes though I have a lot of guys coming in to mourn Kevo. Me: let me know when you can. I hanged up as I made the turn that led to the warehouse. I got out and walked in. not many people were around; I guess they had gone to do their businesses as usual. I slowly opened the door to the boss’s office and Finch was seated on the boss's chair. It seemed like he was taking a nap. I slowly pulled the door and closed it again then this time went in running as if I was being chased. I didn't know how Finch left the seat but the next thing I saw was him under the boss's table trying to reach for a weapon. I burst out into laughter as I found it hilarious how he dived under the table. That was too funny. Finch: what the hell is wrong with you? He was not laughing in fact he was so upset that i thought he would come at me with blows. I composed myself and got my serious face back. Finch: what was that? Finding his way back to the seat. Me: that was me proving to you how easy it is to kill you, dude you go under the table when trouble comes yet you have been entrusted with over 20 lives? The way he was staring at me made me realize I was being insensitive so I stopped with the jokes and got back to business. Finch: what are you doing here at this hour? Me: we have some work to do. Finch: what work? I took out the note and gave it to him. He read it then looked at me. Finch: where did you get this? Me: a lady was sent to bring it to me when I had parked my car in the hood near the club. Finch: what were you doing there? Me: trying to get information. Finch: what do you want us to do? Me: I actually came here so that we could figure it out together. Finch: you finally recognize I could help? Me: Cut the crap man, it's either you are helping me or chickening out like you always do. I don't even know why i brought this to your attention. Finch: chill, can't you take a joke? Me: Jokes are meant to be funny. This is not. I grabbed a chair and sat opposite him. Finch: I know where G-crew is situated the name G stands for their boss General Me: how did you find that out. Finch: yesterday I didn't use my car to go home I decided to take a stroll i the hood before taking a cub home and while at it a young man approached me. He was selling cocaine and only had like two packs left. I offered to buy both. Me: you do cocaine? Finch: No I don’t. Pay attention! After giving him the cash I knew he would head straight to their spot so I followed him there and that's how i found put that he was a member of the G-crew. Me: so you really can be resourceful when you decide to? He smiled. Finch: Do we still strike? Me: Not now. Let’s lay low for a while. Till we know who this General is. I need you to get on that, can you handle it? Finch: yeah. Me: Meanwhile I will try and find out who these fools are and by the way I will be away for the weekend. Finch: Where are you going? Me: to see my dad, he has been sick for a while now. Finch: So now what, you are leaving me alone with these guys? I laughed. Me: These guys like you put it are your team. You are their leader and you have been with them the longest. Finch: What if we are attacked when you are not here? Me: Then you die since you can't even pull a trigger to save your life. I smiled as I picked my car keys and started walking away. Finch: Wait! I turned to look at him. Finch: don't you ever feel guilty? Me: About what? Finch: Taking a life? Me: I don't expect you to understand my actions and the calls I make to take lives. You will know the answer to that question when you have a gun pointed to your head. Finch: can you teach me how to be like you? That was interesting. The man finally decided to man up. Me: you don't want to be like me trust me on that. Finch: I’m serious Beast Me: Do I look like am laughing? Finch: No, but I want to be fearless like you. If you are not going to be here then someone has to take charge. Me: you are right. Finch: so, are you going to teach me? Me: you know how to handle a gun and shoot something without missing right? Finch: yes Me: Then what is your problem? Him: fear of being haunted by dead people. I laughed and the entire time it was the fear on his face that made the conversation interesting. I walked towards him, placed both hands on the table and looked him in the eyes. Me: I will tell you the same thing the boss told me the other day. That fear is what will get you and everyone else depending on you killed. Finch: I don't want to die. Me: no one does. Finch: then teach me how to get past the fear. Me: Okay, will do that tomorrow. Call for a meeting at 10am. Just remember you asked for it. Finch: what has a meeting got to do with everything? Me: you will find out tomorrow. I walked out leaving him to process our little conversation. I decided to leave my car at the warehouse and took a cab instead. The thing with gangsters is that they might not know the exact person they are looking for but they might be aware of the car you travel in and that's why most of the time they spray bullet on cars to kill anything moving in it. This was me being cautious. While in the car a text came through my phone. “Watch your back! We are coming for you". I didn't know how the guys got my phone number but they had declared war.. I needed the driver to drop me at a restaurant where I was to meet Sally she had sent me a text earlier telling me where I would find her. It wasn't far away from where I was so it wasn't long before I could get there. After reading the text I asked the driver to pull over by the side of the Road and he did not knowing what the problem was. I got out because I needed to catch my breath. These threats had a way of getting into my system and blocking all the air leaving me restless. All over sudden I was so suffocated. I had left my car behind for obvious reasons, my security and here I was being threatened by a text! Did those people even know who I was or what I was capable of? Was I afraid of that text? Not anymore, if anyone came at me, I would give them a good parting gift and like I said earlier, you have to be ready to kill or be killed... My biggest problem was the fact that I did not know who the warning was meant for between Beast and Steve. One thing is for sure, the threats were not from the same person or people. The driver wasn't sure of what was going on with me so he got out of the car and walked up to me. Him: are you okay? Me: yes Him: are you sure? The look I gave him made him lift his arm a sign of surrender. I got back in the car and waited for him to do the same. He got in and started driving again. I wasn't comfortable with the fact that Sally had chosen our meeting place because I was afraid the guys would have gotten to her and maybe they were using her to get to me, was it some sort of a set up?.. She could have been threatened and we all know female fear guns I mean we all do but the difference is not all of us are willing to nurse bullet wounds or end up dead. Maybe I was just being paranoid. I had my gun with me so what was there to fear? The car stopped at the entrance to the restaurant, I took my mask off and put it inside my jacket then paid the guy as I took off. Sally was already there. She said hi then I pulled a chair and sat across her. I studied her for a while but she didn't look nervous at all. Me: hey Sally: hey, thanks for meeting me. Me: you didn't sound too good over the phone earlier, are you okay? Sally: am not okay. Kevo is nolonger here and I can never be okay. Me: what exactly happened to him? Sally: i told you he got shot. Reaching into her bag and pulling out a paper. She placed it on the table. Sally: that guy shot him. They were out on a mission with his friends and he got shot. Me: mission, what kind of a mission? Sally: he never told you, I thought you were close. Me: tell me what? She looked around before leaning in and whispering. Sally: he was a gangster. Me: A gang..... Sally: shhhhh! I lowered my voice. Me: what do you mean by he was a gangster didn't Kevin own and run an electronic shop? I whispered back. Sally: that is what he made everyone else believe. It was just a cover up of what he was really doing. Me: so do you know this guy? I asked looking at the printed paper playing her for a fool of cause. She shook her head. Just then the waitress came to take our orders. We gave our orders and as soon as the waitress left we continued the chat. Me: where did you get this? Sally: kevin's friends gave it to me they thought I would have wanted to know who killed him. The problem is that they are hunting him down but they don't know how he really looks like because of the mask he is wearing. Me: you knew all these about Kevin and you still choose to be with him? Sally: I loved him. Despite being all that, he was a good man. The waitress brought our foods we ate as we talked about a lot of stuff. I didn't understand why Kevin would hide all these from me. I thought we were close. He got me a job knowing he had other intentions but how had he intended to carry out his plans because he hadn't spoken to me since he got me that job. Okay, on second thoughts maybe he really didn't know I was in that car. Why am I even justifying his actions? Here I was trying so hard the other day to save his life and he was busy planning to end mine. I was lost in my thoughts and the next thing I saw was a hand waving in my face Sally: you have been in deep thought is everything okay? Me: Yes, just feeling bad about kevin's death. It was so sudden. Sally: you will help me with the funeral arrangements right? Me: I will do what I can even though I have to travel. My dad is very sick. I have to see him. When is the burial? Sally: I still don't know am trying to get some of his family members. Me: keep me posted. I have to get going. I signaled the waitress to come and I cleared the bill. I gave Sally some money for the cab and some more to keep her going a few days then saw her get in a cab as I got into the next one. The story Sally had told me startled him. I felt like someone was using her to get to me I wasn't sure, don't blame me for being paranoid. I have to be very alert and conscious all the time. Me: (to the cab driver) follow that cab. Don’t get too close. Driver: is there a problem? Me: big problem, my girlfriend is cheating on me; I just want to know where she is headed. The driver smiled and in my mind i was like "FOOL! Mind your business." We followed her for a while and when I saw her go the direction leading to kevin's place and I asked the driver to stop. Me: make a turn and take me to my destination. Him: the girlfriend is home safe huh? Me: yes, false alarm! He switched on the radio and some nice music played as I headed home. On getting home I found my boss's wife opening the door, she must have been out and when she saw me she called me. I went and we got in. she offered me a seat and I sat waiting to hear what she had to say. She sat on the sofa opposite me. Her: you were not in a very good mood this morning. Me: it happens once in a while. Her: I spoke to the doctor. He said my husband is not in a good condition. Me: yeah he mentioned that he is not responding to medication. Her: what do we do? Me: the only other option we have is to fly him out of the country for proper treatment. Her: that's a good idea. I actually hadn't thought of that. Will you drive me to the hospital tomorrow? Me: yes. I have to be there before I start attending to other stuff. We need money to get the boss out of the country will see what my guys have raised in the past week. Her: money should not worry you at all. Leave that to me. Me: okay. What time will you be ready? Her: 8am is good. Me: okay. Have a good rest. I got up and went to my room. I got a text from Sally telling me she was home safe. I loosened up, took a shower then slept.
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