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The following morning at 8:00 I was at my boss's door. The guard had just finished washing the lady's car and in no time she was out. We got in and as usual I was the driver. I put on my mask as usual then drove off. Apart from saying hello, we didn't talk much. I wasn't very comfortable around the boss's wife not that she was bad but I didn't want us to be friends. I had this habit of finding a mother in all the good women I met. Speaking of good women I Missed mama musa's place, no I think I missed her as i hadn't been there for a while. I had been thinking of doing something for her but this gangster life had caught up with me that I barely had a minute to myself. I needed to drop the bosses wife then head somewhere shortly before going for the meeting. The lady is not used to my reckless way of driving so she kept asking me to slow down. I didn't like this driver job I had got myself and mostly because I was driving a lady who was cautious about her wig flying out the window or her eye lashes sticking on her forehead because of my speeding or her breaking her nails trying to support herself as I made an emergency brake. We got to the hospital and we both went in to see our boss. Clement's condition had slightly improved as he could move his hand and blink his eyes as a sign that he was still here with us but he couldn't talk. The doctor came in we had a chat and agreed that he would be moved on Saturday morning. The wife was working on the paperwork and everything was in control. I held my boss's hand as I spoke to him and in return he tried to squeeze my fingers and that was a good sign for me. I left at around 9:00am and headed to my next stop before meeting Finch and the guys. I needed to know who sent the text so I went to the head of the services provider for that network. I explained my case and they gave me a name as I had promised to go to the police the moment I left that place. I got to the office and Finch was waiting all excited about our session to work on his fear. I walked into the office to have a word with him before we proceeded. Me: are you ready for your test? Finch: I was ready like yesterday Me: good. What do I do with you if you fail the test? Finch: shoot my ass so that I won't ever get to sit down and sleep in the office again. I laughed. Me: you remember what the boss said, if you shoot someone and leave them alive they would come after you. I won't shoot your ass. I will kill you. His eyes grew wide. Me: do we have a problem? Finch: No Me: you have a chance to change your mind so take it. Finch: No, am ready for whatever it takes. How can someone want to kill so badly that they would put their lives on the line for it? Well, somethings are easier said than done so let's find out. Me: your gun has bullets? Finch: yes Me: come with me. We walked out of the office and everyone was waiting. Me: hi guys Guys: Hi Beast. The name had really sank and no one even knew me a Steve. Me: here to have a friendly chat and today am not killing anyone. How many of us by a show of hands like what we are doing here? Almost all hands went up. Me : how many of us don't like being here? No hand went up but I could see a lot of unsure faces. Me: okay, if we were to get an opportunity to leave this place and start a new life. Maybe give you money to start your own thing somewhere how many would take it? Around 8 out of 25 raised their hands. Me: kindly move on this side. They happily did. Me: I will repeat again, if you would like to have a new life apart from the one you have now, this is the chance. Two more joined the other group. Me: the rest of you move aside. I stepped back to where Finch was standing. Me: that's your first kill. Drop all of them dead. Finch: what? Me: Did I forget to mention that I don't like repeating myself? You remember our deal right? Finch: yes (very shaken) he took out his gun, walked forward and started shooting them. Some tried to run but the bullets caught up with them. By the time every one realized what was happening they were all down. It was a horrible sight. Finch dropped his gun in shock after killing ten people. He bent down and took a deep breath. Me: come forward the rest of you. Nobody wanted to. They probably didn't trust me anymore. Me: I said come forward! I said with a little command in my tone and they did. Me: can anyone tell me why we had to kill them? There was silence. I had never seen men so shaken before. oh I saw one, me! when I got threatened the other day. Me: there is a lesson I wanted you to learn from that. if you offer someone an easy way out and they take it without blinking, that means they would easily trade your lives for theirs or money should you happen to find yourself in a situation with them. So where do you think we would let you go with our secrets? It’s either you are fully here or not here at all. Finch picked his gun but didn't say a word. Could be that he was feeling sorry for what he had done which was okay because it is human to feel remorse. I got to the second part of my agenda for the meeting. Me: last time I shot a traitor here but sadly it wasn't only him. One of you is still here staring at me and probably gathering information to take to whoever you are working for away from this place. Someone sent me a text yesterday in the evening threatening me and as if that's not enough, you took a photo of me while standing here and I noticed it because of the c***k on that wall. Unfortunately the photo got back to me. I know you by name and am not going to put a bullet in your head because I want you to deliver a message to whoever sent you. Tell them "am on for the challenge and they should bring it on". I would rather remain with two people who are loyal than a whole bunch of you who can't wait to see me six feet under... before that happens, you will have gone down. Just so you know, before I get there, anyone who attempts to double cross anyone inside here will have me to deal with. Meeting adjourned... I looked around to study their reaction and it was obvious that they were really afraid. Me: does anyone have a question? Kwesi’s hand was up Me: yes kwesi Kwesi: Do you sometimes stop to think that these people you kill have families? Me: I love your courage. See everyone is everyone's mother, father, brother, sister, aunt Uncle, grandfather and so on. if you don't want to die get a decent job like anyone else who is not here and live to make your family proud.. the only challenge with is that it's not an option for any of you. Clean this mess and get back to work. Finch led the way to the office as I followed him closely behind. we got to the office and he got some water from the dispenser. I sat and watched him almost go mad. Me: have they started to haunt you yet? Finch: please don't talk. Me: alright I will sit here and wait till you are ready. I picked a newspaper and leaned back as I stole a glance or two. He was seated opposite me with his head buried in his hands. Me: what did Alex do in here? Finch: He was the boss's right hand man and he also trained us. Me: was he a lousy trainer or you are just a coward by nature? Finch: where are you getting with this? Me: am just trying to understand why you peed in your pants. Haven’t you killed someone before? Finch: is that something to take pride in? Me: what happened to the man who wanted to be like me a few minutes ago? He was silent. I put the newspaper on the table and looked him in the face. Me: I know my methods of training and correcting are ruthless but until you walk in my shoes you will never understand. if we were to switch identities just for a day you would pack everything you own fly out of this place and never to be heard from again. Finch: What is so different about your life from ours, we are all drug peddlers. Me: am not a drug peddler, am a murderer, there's a difference. The threats I get, the bullets that go flying over my head time and again, the snitches, the users, that's my world. I wasn't this person you are looking at now a few months ago. You can't choose what life throws at you but you can choose to handle a situation the best way possible to save yourself and others. Finch: so did I pass your test? Me: No. Finch: what do you mean by no, I did what you asked Me: you didn't kill those people because you saw them as a threat; you killed them because you feared if you failed I would kill you instead. He was silent for a while meaning I was right. Finch: you won't ask me to kill anyone again will you? Me: no, next time I will send guys here guns blazing then I will see what measures you will take to stay alive. I don't really have to do it myself.. He gave me a weird look, what I love about Finch is that he takes me seriously all the time. I picked my car keys from the table and started to walk away but came back briefly. Me: can I get a different car apart from the one you gave me? Finch: why Me: because I’m being haunted by a dead ghost living in it. Finch: is there a time in your life when you are serious? Me: yes. Only when talking to my dad and when killing someone. My car has been marked by whoever is after me. I need to stay alive to see you overcome your fears or watch you die a coward. Finch: That's the best we have for now but I will have someone look into it. Me: okay, see you around. Finch: where are you going? Me: if you ever ask where am going again I will take you with me and use you as a body shield. I walked away got my car and drove off. The photo of me that Sally gave me was taken inside the hall so at least now I was sure they were looking for beast not Steve. I had to call myself for a meeting. See, ever since the boss got hospitalized it was like am the only one at work, am the only one trying to get things done. It’s not like I enjoy doing stuff alone but the people am working with are not reliable. Now that Steve was safe I had to get back to my mission of finding out about the crew that Kevin was working with so I decided to pay Sally another visit. I had to leave my car by a petrol station lest I got another friendly warning this time with bullets. When I got to kevin's place I found two ladies and a guy. I got in said hello to them and sat as Sally offered me a glass of juice. She put the juice on the table in front of me then sat next to one of the girls. Sally: Steve, this is Caro and Joyce and the guy is kevin's brother Nick. I nodded. Me: nice to meet you guys. I’m here to help with the arrangements. Sally: that won't be necessary, everything is set. The burial is on Saturday. Me: that was fast. Sally: Kevin didn't have any family members except for Nick so there's not much to put into it. As we were still talking three guys walked in. they hugged Sally then shook our hands. One sat next to me as the two sat on kevin's bed. Guy1: excuse me who are you? That was addressed to me. I didn't like people being rude to me especially if they didn't know me. .okay, am rude once in a while but even so I preferred a " hi am so and so and you are?" I guess I had too much expectation. Sally: he is Steve kevin's friend. Guy2: the Steve kevin got a job for at the car wash? Me: yes. I thought it was going to be hard to know who the bad guys were but they had just completed my puzzle. Guy1: you still work at the car wash? Me: No, no one has been able to access the place since the attack. Guy 3: where have you been all these time? Me: after the attack at the car wash I went to the country side and came back a day after kevin's death for a job interview. They seemed to be buying the story though it was a lie. They couldn't know that i was still working for Clement, the guy they almost killed. I couldn't afford to make a mistake lest they found out i was the guy they were looking for. Guy 2: Did you get the job? Me: not yet but am waiting for the response. Guy 3: what will you be doing till then? Me: go back to the village and split firewood for sell. They went silent and looked at each other. I hated being asked questions but I had to practice my patience because if you want to defeat your enemies you have to make them think they are winning. The place was getting uncomfortable so I had to find an excuse to leave. Me: Sally, guys I have to get going Guy2: you are leaving so soon. Me: I have a few stuff to do before my trip back to the village I got up to leave and Sally followed me. Sally: is everything okay, you are leaving too soon. Me: yes, like I said I have to prepare to travel. One of the guys followed us outside. Him: what if you really don't have to go? I didn't respond to that but looked at him a little confused. Him: what if I was to offer you a job? Me: a job? Him: yes, you can make good money out of it. It’s better than splitting fire wood in the village right? I was silent. Sally: well he doesn't have to give a response right now does he? Me: No, it okay. I can do the job, what do you need me to do? He handed me a card with his number on it. Him: call me we talk. Me: sure. He went back inside and I was left with Sally and we walked to where I could get a bike to drop me where I had left my car. Me: who are those guys, are you rolling with kevin's crew too? Sally: No, but they are his friends I can't stop them from coming over. Me: and the guy who just left. Is he the head of the crew? Sally: I don't know. I wasn't involved in kevin's gangster life but I had him call him General several times when he came over. So are you going to take the job? Me: I don't know yet. I will think about it. I left Sally and I decided to go back to the hospital to check on my boss and talk to him Even if he could not respond. I needed him to listen. No one else does. I got to the hospital and as I was walking in I bumped into a nurse sending her tray of medicine and other equipment’s scattering on the floor. We both bent down to collect them and in the process I looked at her and our eyes met. She smiled. I smiled back, this is the first time I had had a genuine smile in a long time. 'She is beautiful I thought to myself'. The only time I found amusement in a girl was when I saw Sally the day she opened the door at kevin's and gave me an attitude. I had a thing for dark skinned ladies with big eyes and sexy lips. I snapped back to reality as we got up and I handed her the tray. Me: am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going. Her: it not your mistakes I wasn't focused either. Me: you are new here? Her: yes I was posted here the other day. Why? Me: I come here every day but I haven't bumped into you. Her: that's because am a pediatrician. I’m always in the children's ward upstairs. Me: oh okay, am Steve. Her: I’m Candy. Nice to meet you Steve and See you around. Me: yes see you around. Stressing the around bit. Candy's beauty made me want to fall sick and have her attend to me. I watched her go upstairs and didn't move an inch till she disappeared. I found myself smiling all the way to my boss's ward. I got to the ward and the doctor was there with him. He injected some medicine into his body then wrote on a small clipboard attached to his bed. Doc: he was in a lot of pain, I had to sedate him. Me: that's okay, any improvement from earlier? Doc: not really. I wondered if these doctors were really doctor's or ordinary guys dressed in white coats. All I got from them was no improvement. The doctor went out and it was time for my diary session with the boss. I pulled the chair and sat as usual looking at him. I was no longer emotional like I was the first few times. Me: I finally got the G-crew leader, it's been a long ride but I finally did. am now a wanted person you know, the G-crew are after me and guess what, they want to give me a job, ...okay this is now Steve speaking. My friend Kevin died, apparently he was working for them. So what do I do now? I’m at the crossroads. I took a deep breath and leaned forward watching him sleep. He looked dead but he could still breath through the oxygen mask.. It’s hard talking to someone who is not talking back. I’m not even sure if he is listening or he is just asleep. At 7:30pm I decided to go home and rest. Two days from then was going to be on a Saturday, it was the same day Kevin was being buried and it's the same day I needed to travel to see my parents. Sending mum money wasn't enough I needed to see her. I lay on my bed thinking about the conversation with Generali. I thought I already had an idea of what he wanted me to do. Why did I feel like Sally was more involved and knew a lot more than she pretended to? I felt like she was just playing me, but then again why would she tell me everything about Kevin if she wasn't real? All these thoughts were giving me a headache. If only Finch was ready then maybe he could help me go about this but I couldn't trust him to be my backup we would all die. I decided to sleep on it. On Friday morning i woke up feeling a little lazy. I just felt like staying indoors and not going anywhere, talking to anyone or doing anything at all. After a whole week of running around, my body refused to take any commands from me so I decide to remain indoors and plan. Kevin told Sally everything about his gangster life and she didn't freak out, most girls I know would have fled. Money is dangerous. It makes people do stupid things me being one of them. I didn't think I would get here; I just thought I would get a few coins from the car wash get my little life going and go back to school to finish my degree in journalism. To be quite Frank, school wasn't on my mind anymore not after this life I got myself into. Enough with the pity party, I told myself. I’m taking that job not for the money but for revenge, revenge for my boss and revenge for Kevin. If it wasn't for them Kevin would still be alive. I wanted to watch the look on General’s face when I pointed a gun to his face. That would be after I bring all his crew down. Things will get ugly; I might even die in the process but am not backing out. This is me coming for G-crew.
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