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I dozed off and woke up at 3pm. I decided to go eat at my favorite joint and I needed to see mama Musa as I also needed to show her something. Of late I had been feeling insecure about using my car so I had been avoiding it and only drove it when necessary. I took a cab and my first stop was where what I wanted to show mama Musa was. I had to check and make sure everything was okay. I got to her eatery an hour later and she had a number of customers. She was happy to see and I guess the feeling was mutual. She was the closest I had to a mother when mine was miles away. She saw and came to meet me. She took my hand and led me to a seat near the kitchen probably so that we could talk as I ate. Sabrina: you are most welcome my son. Me: thank you I didn't have to tell her what to serve me since she already knew my favorite. I ate as the customers left one by one. We talked for a while then told her I needed her to come with me somewhere. She agreed and took her purse as we walked out. She asked another lady to watch the place for her as we went. I promised we wouldn't be long. We walked for a while then took a cab for a twenty minutes’ drive. We could have walked but I didn't want her business to remain in attended to for long. The cab stopped and we got out. She followed me as we entered a restaurant situated just a few steps to the road. Me: how do you like this place?.. Her: its a Very nice place..i love the mirrors on the wall. Makes the place so beautiful.. Me: so how would you feel if you were to work from here?.. She looked at me surprised. Tears started flowing and these are the parts I don't want to handle. I hugged her and when she was done sobbing I watched her go around the place then came back to where I was standing. Sabrina: this is so kind of you my son, I don't know how to thank you. Me: my joy is to see you excited about the place. It has been painted so after it dries up, you can move your stuff in here then cook and serve your customers from here. She nodded for lack of words then I took her to one of the houses just above her restaurant. Me: from today you will be living in this house. The rent has been paid for a whole year. Sabrina: why are you doing all this for me?. Me: the first tome i came to your kiosk, I only had twenty shillings but you didn't chase me away. You gave me food and showed me love. She couldn't stop crying.she was overwhelmed with excitement and I felt like she deserved it. She was so humble and caring that all I wanted to give her was the life her son Musa didn't get to give her before he died. My work there was done. I took a cub to go home and rest as I waited to face General the following day. I got a phone call and checking the clock by the wall it was 8:00am. I must have really slept. Sally was confirming if I would be at the mortuary and I told her we would meet at the cemetery as I had somewhere I needed to be. This was the day the boss got to leave for his treatment abroad. I had to be there to see him off. I couldn't tell anyone else this because not even Finch got to ask how the boss has been. I took a shower got dressed in a white shirt and black blazer then stepped out. I found the lady standing by her car as the guard put her luggage at the back seat and my guess is that she was waiting for her driver. Me! When she saw me she opened the door and got in obviously leaving the driver's seat for me. I got in and started the car. I didn't say a word but looked at her and smiled. That was a sign to make her know I had recognized she was there. There wasn't much traffic on Saturday so I found myself speeding then I would constantly be reminded to slow down. I asked if I could roll down the window since it was a little stuffed and she told me to wait. She got a shawl from the back seat and tied it on her hair. Her: you can open the window now Me: is there a way you can just stick that thing to your head permanently? Her: it's a wig meant to be worn like a cape. I didn't say another word. Women have a lot of insecurities that I just can’t deal with. If you are bald just go bald. Ten minutes later we were at the hospital. We checked into the boss's room and the doctors were done preparing him and were just waiting for us. On my way to the ward I looked around to see if I could see Candy but she wasn't on sight. They helped us get into an ambulance and in a few minutes we were on our way to the airport. The wife rode with him in the ambulance as I followed with her car. when we got to the airport I saw them off then left immediately since I needed to get the car, my gun, mask and anything dangerous that beast would have back home before I found my way to the cemetery. You might be wondering why I couldn't drive straight to the cemetery. See, when you tell a lie you can't afford to forget what you said. I couldn't be splitting fire wood and the next minute am being seen in a Mercedes Benz looking expensive. I got to the cemetery at 2:30 just on time to watch Kevin being lowered into the grave. Sally was crying and I kind of felt bad for her. I had tears balancing in my eyes but I couldn't let them drop it's not like I didn't have emotions but I was being a man. A few of us bent down picked some soil and said the famous burial words. “Ashes to ashes dust to dust “as we threw in the soil in the grave before they started using the spade to bury the coffin completely. I wiped my hands then walked up to Sally to comfort her before I faced General. He was there all in a suite with his gang right behind him. By this time I had marked all their faces. If I knew this was going to be this simple I would have killed Kevin like long ago. I don't think I meant that but all the same it was worth the hustle. Sally was taken into one of the cars by a friend as I walked up to General after getting a signal from him. General: you made it. Me: yes. General: hit the ride with me. Those words gave me some cold chills but if i was going to do this I had to hit the ride with him. Me: where are we going? General: to my office so that we can have a word. I followed him into his car but opted to sit on the back seat just in case there were any plans to strangle me. I was silent all the way I had closed my eyes pretending to be asleep as I recorded everything he was talking about with his driver and when I heard something about beast I would open one eyes to peep and make sure I was still safe. it doesn't matter how less the enemy knows about you, you still have to be alert. One hour later we were at his office. This wasn't just an office; it was a place where crime happened just like our site that was not far off from there. Maybe twenty five minutes drive or so. I followed the two of them inside and once in the office he offered me a seat and quickly poured me some scotch. Me: sorry I don't do alcohol General: milk, anything else you would like? Me: no thanks. He shrugged his shoulders and sat. You don't just take a drink anyhow, I couldn't even ask for water because most of the time if someone doesn't take whatever you are offering they would ask for water. Asking for water has gotten people killed if you know what I mean. Me: let's get down to business, am traveling tonight. General: we want you to help us find this man. (Showing me the picture of my alter ego) Me: what makes you think am capable of helping you find that man, I don't know him. General: yes but he works for your former boss. You must have seen him. Me: I haven't. Maybe he started working for him after I left. General: so is what I’m asking for impossible? Me: No it's not. I can find a way to get him. General: I will give you three hundred thousand down payments and another three hundred upon the completion of the job. Me: Make it a million he laughed. General: you haven't even done the job and you are asking for million? Me: all negotiations are done before the job is done. General: you are smart. I have never known how to respond to complements so I kept quiet. General: four hundred thousand down payment and the other four later. Me: fare enough how much time? General: a month at most. When will you be back? Me: next week. General: then I will add you one more week. He asked the other guy to bring the money and he did. I looked at it and it wasn't really a big deal since I roll on money, four hundred thousand was nothing compared to what I get on a daily basis. I took the money and got up. As I was leaving he called me and I turned to look at him. General: I expect results in one month or else... Me: I don't work under threats. General: okay. One month! I nodded and walked out. I took a cab and went to the office to see Finch; I needed to know if my car was ready and also to let him know I was leaving that night. I got there at around 6pm Finch was counting some money for depositing and so I sat there and helped as we did some catching up since I didn't check in the previous day. We tied the money with bands and put them in a small bag ready for depositing. The sales had gone up by 30percent and that was good news because it meant a 2percent raise in everyone's cut. Finch: when is the boss coming back to the office he should see how well we are doing. Me: soon. He will be here soon. Finch: For how long are you going away? Me: Three days at most. Finch: okay. Your car is not ready but it should be soon. Me: you have never told me where all those bodies killed inside here goes. Finch: you mean the bodies you have been killing inside here. Well we have a deal with a mortuary attendant. He comes to collect them and have a report that says they were picked on different venues that is why you haven't seen police sniffing around. Me: that's clever. Finch: doesn't mean you go on a killing spree. Me: what do you take me for? Finch: a murderer, your own words remember? He smiled. Finch: how do you wash your face with that thing on? Me: I remove it when am at home. Finch: so am never going to see how that face looks at all? Me: I don't trust you enough besides it's nothing just a big bad scar. Finch: how did you get it? Me: why are you interrogating me? Finch: am not, this is me trying to bond. Me: I thought you didn't like me. Finch: oh yeah I don't. Am just trying to find something good about you so that when you die shielding the boss, I will have something good to say about you at your funeral. I smiled and got up. Me: am leaving. Take care of things until am back. Can you drop me; I need to catch the bus. Finch: aren't you carrying any luggage? Me: I don't need luggage unlike female, we don't have to have bags for make ups, bags for clothes and bags for shoes and besides that, I had clothes back at home. I called my mum and told her I was on my way, we talked for a few minutes and she mentioned that my dad had refused to sleep on the hospital bed one more day and gave a command to be taken back home. How could he be taken home in his condition? I asked mum to keep him in the hospital till I arrived but the doctor had already given him a discharge because he didn't give anyone peace of mind. she sent me a list and asked me to bring some of his medicine with me, I asked to speak with him but he was asleep so I thought why not wait till I got home. Finch dropped me off in town and after we parted I removed my mask as I got into a chemist and bought the medicine. I booked a bus and ours was leaving at 9:00pm The ride was long and it was quite uncomfortable travelling at night with people snoring and farting others talking throughout the night. I have always traveled during the day. I know you might be thinking with all the money I have why didn't I just get a plane? The truth is I have never been on a plane before and it's not like I wouldn't want such an experience, I just choose to stick to what am used to. When I alighted in our home town I got inside a super market and shopped for my mum and grandma. Not that I wanted mum to feel the impact of her son coming from Nairobi but all I wanted was for her to have the best life. I don't want her to lack anything I don’t ever want to see her borrowing sugar or salt, salt! You know salt has always been the rating of how poor one is I think it's because it has the lowest value in all the things considered important in a woman's kitchen. I took a cab and the drive from town to my place was about 30 minutes and for a moment I was away from threats or killing people or making crucial decisions. This was indeed a good feeling. When I got to the rural area, all I could hear were women wailing and people shouting and that was something like 5 minutes from home. The driver tried so hard not to hit the mourners as others were rolling on the road and chanting God knows what. all these time it had not occurred to me that something was wrong until I reached our gate and saw people storm in carrying branches from trees and waving them in the air others holding each other's shoulders and going round crying it was such a scene. My heart sank. I got out of the car and entered the gate. When my mum saw me she ran towards me and dropped at my feet then immediately a thought crossed my mind that my dad had passed on.....
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