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The guy who got candy carried her to his car and drove off.. who was this who kept k********g people and what was his endgame, why did he only kidnap people in Beast's team? did it have something to do with Emily because she seemed fo have had a problem with Candy.. was it her plan?.. The boss and I had a talk with the Chinese and we sealed the deal. These guys were business minded and they were the best when it came to construction. The boss told me we could still have room for the car business Finch and I wanted to start so that it could be our fall back plan. It could be going on in the background and we built the drug empire. Nothing brought in money like cocaine did so we were never going to stop untill we got the entire territory hooked. We also thought of opening clubs and the plan to open one around the warehouse wasn't a bad idea. The club is a safe landing place and no one really gives a s**t about what happens in there because everyone is supposed to take care of their damn self. Candy could help run the club as the rest of us run around with guns making supplies and making money.. The Chinese left and they were to be back in a few weeks to work on that place. So boss and I had a short meeting where we discussed the way forward. Everything business wise was going just as planned and the connect we had bringing in the cocaine was alert. Boss: I got the stuff you asked for from Joe. You will get them from my car. Me: thanks.. so about your wife? Boss: they will be cremating her tomorrow. Her family is in the US and I will go there to have a word with them however it will take a while before I come back. I need you to take charge of this place again, my businesses I put in your hand because I trust you Beast. I nodded and and promised him that everything would be in control but I wanted him to wait until Finch was back. Boss: I can do that then again I want you to own the house or sell it and invest the money. There is also another house I bought but I have never known what to do with it. You can take residency in it. It's big so when Finch is back, he can take the servant quarter which is twice as big than the one you are in right now and then you can start your life with candy. I smiled Boss: what, don't you want to have a family? Me: I don't know man, these things are complicated. How I'm I going to be a drug dealer and have kids running around in my house. They are going to get shot one day and I don't want to be responsible for that. Boss: kids bring about a joy you can never shake off. They will never get shot because you would want to protect them with everything you have. You love candy right, Me: yes I do. Boss: then that's enough. I paused for a bit then raised my face to him. He looked disturbed and I couldn't tell what was going on in his head. Me: so what are you thinking about? Boss: nothing. I need to get going. Me: that nothing seems like the one thing that will get you killed, want to trust me with your business but you can't trust me with your headache?.. Boss: it not like that, I'm worried about going to see my wife's parents. The thing is they never liked me for her in the first place and I don't know how I'm going to break the news to them that their daughter got shot dead. Me: they don't know? Boss: not just yet.. Me: wow! Boss: yeah, that's what I thought. Me: relax... We will think of something. I walked the boss to his car, hot the stuff he bought from Joe and gave me a business card for someone who was some IT guru. His name was Bruno. Boss: call him and tell him I have sent you. He should be able to help. Me: thanks. So we meet at home? Boss: yeah, we meet at home. I will get rid of the bodies and have someone clean the place up. Me: you still have the contacts of the mortuary guy? Boss: yes. He got in the car and drove off as I went back to stitch who had been waiting for a while. Stitch: you are back, I thought you forgot about me dude.. I didn't say a word but asked him to come with me. Stitch: okay but where are we going? Me: stop asking questions. Do you know how to use a gun? Stitch: yes. Why was I even asking him that. He was a member of the Fujo brothers and he definitely knew how to use a gun. It was not my business to protect anyone and so if anyone was rolling with me. They ought to have known that. We left the warehouse for the IT guy. The car pulled over and candy was dragged out of the car and she kept asking where they were talking her. Finch heard the commotion outside and when he looked out of his window, he saw a woman being brought in, she was struggling and kicking in the air and when he looked close, she looked familiar.. Finch: candy? He watched them until they disappeared. Tosh had finished digging up a hole across the wall and after candy was brought in he signalled Finch who together they had already had an introduction.. tosh knew Finch because he was there when his death was being planned by Dondi. Tosh: what's the guy's plan, we have been here for days. Finch: I don't know but we can't wait for his plan. I've seen the lady they have brought in. I know her. Tosh: who is she? Finch: Beast's girl. We need to find out why she is here and also if Beast got my message. Tosh: how, you know we can't leave this place. Finch: yeah but we can't die in here too. I cheated death once, I can do it again. Tosh: you can't get lucky twice. Finch: I'm glad you know that,that's why we should get a perfect plan. Someone was opening the door so Finch jumped to the other side of the bed and pushed the bed to the wall and when Queen walked in she smiled at him. Finch: what's funny? Queen: you. Do you think you are going to get out of here alive?. Finch: what are you taking about? She walked up to the bed, pulled it and pointed to the hole. Queen: the boss can see that from where he is and there are consequences. Finch: what consequences? She didn't have to answer that but he heard two shots in the other room and he pulled the bed and peeped on the hole and tosh had been shot. He was dead! Finch got up and turned to her. He couldn't jump on her because she had a camera on and that could attract death to him. Finch: why did they kill him? Queen: that was his idea right? Finch remained silent probably wondering how she knew. Queen: you mean you have been in here for days and you haven't noticed a camera. Forget the one on me. Finch looked around but there was no camera. He couldn't see anything but it had to be somewhere because queen wouldn't have known about the hole. Queen: word of advice, don't try to break out of here, it will end badly for you and your pregnant wife. She smiled and walked out of the room. Finch was left looking around in shock. Tosh was dead and he was back to zero as far as his plans were concerned.. Stitch and I got to the IT guy. He had an office and when I walked in, there were two other guys working with him so I walked in and asked who Bruno was and he volunteered himself. Every one of the guys were still on my mask and they probably were wondering why I wore that. Me: I have been sent by.. Bruno: I know who sent you. He is a good friend of mine, Beast is your name right? I nodded and we shook hands. Me: I need you to help me track down someone?.. Bruno: anything I can work with? Me: trace this address. That text was sent from a phone that can't be traced. Bruno: not that it can't be traced but there is a system they have used that doesn't allow anything be traced to them. I was listening and watching him do his thing and after a few minutes he looked up at me. Bruno: you want to get access to an MPs home? Me: what? Bruno: this is dangerous. Me: what MP are you talking about?. Bruno: this is a government system and it's not like I cannot hack into it but there are possibilities that they would come for me If they found out i have been snooping.. Me: I have a dead friend who resurrected inside that MPs compound and his life is in danger. You can tell me where he is and disappear to mass or Pluto or I will put a bullet into your head myself so that they find you dead. That will make their work easier.. Bruno: your boss mentioned that you are difficult to handle but he didn't talk about you having a gun. Me: now you know me better, Get to work bro. He did quite shaken after i threatened him. Candy knew where she was the moment blind folds were taken off her face. She was home. In her own damn room. She banged on the door but no one cared to listen. Candy: I will break down this door if you don't get me out of here. She shouted and when she realized no one was coming to get rescue, she sat on her bed then a minute later got up and paced about. She was mad and couldn't wait for someone to show up there.. why did her father have her abducted?.. Bruno did his thing and then he told me where to find Finch. That Mp he was talking about was Candy's father. He won that seat and candy told me so the day she was telling me why she didn't come to India. Damn that old man, what did he want with Finch and how comes he never said a thing. What business did Candy's father have with Emily and how did candy not know Emily. Was Emily her father's mistress and how did she even get in touch with him. Why would Candy's father kidnap Finch because I'm the one who was in love with his daughter not Finch. Candy got to her drawers and started looking for the keys to open the door to her bedroom but before she could do that she heard the key turn on the lock and when the door opened, in walked her father and the fiance she ran away from. Candy: Dad?!! She said moving away from both of them...
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