5 - Bad environment

895 Words
"What a big wild boar! Sure enough, there are wild boars in the forest again. Fortunately, I didn't go there today." "Look, there seems to be a young lady next to the Earl!" "I didn't see her this morning." "Her clothes are so beautiful." The eyesight of the people in the territory is obviously not as good as Maria's. They can only see Maria's unique clothes from a distance, but the light and gorgeous fabric is very expensive. Seeing Maria's dress, everyone naturally regarded her as a noble lady, because in this era, ordinary people can not only afford such fabrics, but also are not allowed to wear such gorgeous clothes. Maria heard them discussing her and guessing her identity, but she was not very nervous. Although the road leading to the castle has been repaired, it is still just an ordinary dirt road. Fortunately, it has not rained in Andalus recently, and the road is not muddy, but the feces left by the cows and horses everywhere on the road still made her frown. Although the reincarnation system says that this world is just a parallel world that is somewhat similar to the Earth but not quite similar, some things are the same. Maria was very interested in European history in high school. People in the Middle Ages were very unhygienic, which was not only reflected in their lack of bathing all year round, but also in many other aspects. Take the cow dung and horse dung she saw along the way, for example, they would not collect this excrement, but dumped them at will. Take Paris, the most famous fashion capital, for example. In the 12th century, the excrement piled up under its walls could even allow enemies to climb up the tall walls along these filthy things. The situation in the city was also very bad. Everyone could throw feces from their windows to the streets outside at will. Even if it splashed on pedestrians on the road, the latter could only blame themselves for their bad luck. The poor awareness of hygiene is really shameful. It is said that high heels were invented for this purpose, in order to avoid stepping on feces on the road. Now the Onluya continent seems to be in an environment similar to the mid-to-late 12th century, and her experiences along the way have proved this point. Servants with stinky smells, roads full of feces, and moats with all kinds of filth floating in them. When they walked all the way to the castle, the unpleasant smell like a stinking ditch almost suffocated her. This stone castle is simply a building on a cesspool. Maria can hardly imagine how Simon and his friends can live here without feeling uncomfortable. Anyway, she wanted to run away just thinking about how long she would have to stay there. The drawbridge in front of the castle was lowered when the soldiers guarding the gate saw Simon's team, and the young earl was proudly raising his hand to invite the beautiful and elegant lady in his eyes to enter. "Welcome to my Andalus Castle." Unlike the beautiful and romantic castles in 21st century movies, the interior of the stone-built Andalus Castle is actually dark, damp and cold. The passages in the castle are narrow and twisted, and you will get lost if you are not careful. The windows on the walls are very small for safety reasons, and the sunlight cannot enter the castle at all, which makes the entire castle always dark, damp and full of stench. When Maria entered, she even saw a bunch of rats running in the corner, which was a great test for Maria. Maria, who forced herself to resist the idea of ​​escaping, looked like she was in poor health as she followed Simon into the castle. Her pale face showed an abnormal blush (due to holding her breath), her steps were erratic (due to being disgusted by feces), and she looked like she might fall down at any time. "Miss Maria, you look very uncomfortable. Do you need me to call a doctor for you?" Maria froze when she heard this. She had heard a little about the treatment methods in the Middle Ages. In addition to the most common bloodletting treatment, there were various horrific treatment methods that were more torturous than torture. If she asked such a doctor to come, she might as well risk her life. "No, no, I think I'm just a little tired from the hard work of the past few days." Simon remembered that she had just escaped from the servants with ill intentions, and she must have suffered a lot along the way. He nodded in understanding and enthusiastically called the butler on the side: "Then my butler will take you to rest first. You can tell him if you need anything." After that, he ordered two maids to take care of Maria. The servants in the castle came out to greet the Earl when he came back. When the butler heard Simon's instructions, he saluted and instructed Maria: "Dear guest, please go this way." "Thank you for your trouble." Maria thanked him with a reflexive smile, turned around to say goodbye to Simon, and asked him to help take care of her horse, without noticing the surprise that flashed across the butler's face.
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