6 - Talent

1189 Words
After leaving the castle hall, the narrow staircase became even darker. The butler walked in front to lead the way for her, and the two maids followed behind her with her bag. Perhaps because they all worked for the Earl, the three people did not have a particularly bad smell. Of course, it may also be because the smell inside the castle covered up the odor on their bodies, so Maria, whose nose was almost on strike, could not smell it. "System, can you give me something that can block the odor?" A small box appeared in her hand, and the box seemed to contain ointment. A refreshing fragrance instantly hit her brain, making her energetic, and the odor surrounding her nose was also driven away by this overbearing fragrance, leaving Maria with a moment of relaxation. And what surprised Maria was that when she smelled this smell, her brain automatically emerged with the ingredients contained in this fragrance. Mint,... well, the source of the fragrance should be jasmine. She went over the formula in her mind: 'What's going on, how do I know this? ' 'This is a gift talent we gave you as a plant doctor ’ She had never expected that the system would be able to perfectly analyze the composition of the drug just by smelling it. This was not something that an ordinary plant doctor would have. Then Maria thought again, if the reincarnation system was so honest, then did it do other tricks beyond her expectations? When she thought of this, she hoped to get to her room quickly so that she could explore it properly. This place looked very much like a horror castle, where supernatural phenomena could occur at any time. Fortunately, there were exquisite woolen tapestries hanging on the stone walls on both sides, covering the rough stone walls, and red carpets on the ground. Maria lifted the hem of her skirt and tried not to let the hem of her skirt touch the ground. The two maids behind her couldn't help but stop their eyes on her, and even the housekeeper who led the way turned back from time to time to remind her of the route while quietly looking at her. As servants in the castle, they had seen many noble ladies, but had never seen a woman as beautiful as Maria, but her temperament was set off by her unique dress, making her look more noble and elegant. When she took out the ointment, the butler's eyes almost popped out. He had never seen such a work of art painted on the inside of transparent glass (or was it crystal?) without a trace of impurities. He dared to say that this was definitely the most magical box he had ever seen. Even his previous owner could not produce such a thing. No, maybe not even the nobles of the capital city have it. What is the identity of a lady who can easily take out such a treasure? Perhaps, a princess from a foreign country? Mr. Butler thought so in his heart. Maria didn't care about the butler's observation. She noticed that she seemed to be walking up all the time, but the path made her dizzy and she had no way to remember the route she came from. At this time, the butler also asked: "Dear guest, do you have any requirements for your room?" Maria came back to her senses: "I want a higher residence, preferably facing the garden so that I can smell fresh air and see beautiful scenery. In addition, it would be better if the room is brighter." She actually wanted to say that she wanted a clean room away from the smelly moat and preferably without some small creatures, but it seemed a bit impolite to say so, so Maria could only swallow it back. I just hope that the room up high will not be as bad as the one below. The butler nodded to show that he understood. Then, they walked up a few floors and passed through a brighter corridor. They finally stopped in front of a door. The housekeeper took out the key hanging on his waist and opened the door. The room inside the door was indeed spacious and bright as Maria required. The brick and stone walls were covered with thick tapestries, on which were hung several landscape paintings. The most important thing was that there was a large balcony in the room. The door of the balcony was open. The sunlight pouring in from the balcony eliminated the cold and dampness in the castle, making the air here particularly dry and transparent. Maria twitched her nose and made sure that she didn't smell any peculiar smell in this room, and then nodded with satisfaction. It can be seen that someone cleans here frequently. The furniture is clean and dust-free. Fresh flowers just picked from the garden in the morning are placed in several corners of the room. A light floral fragrance wafts from the flowers, making the whole room full of floral fragrance without being too strong. Maria walked to the balcony and looked down. There was a big garden under the balcony, so the air was really good. She was standing one section higher than the outer wall of the castle, almost level with the sharp corner of the tower not far away. She could see a large area of ​​land and scenery outside the wall. Maria noticed that the room was on the left side of the same floor and the same side. There were two balconies side by side on her right. People with more courage could easily jump from one balcony to another. She kept an eye on it and turned to ask, "Is there anyone living next door to me?" "No, Miss." The butler who was waiting for her to visit at the door replied, "It used to be the room of the old earl and countess. After they passed away, Master Simon did not move to the old earl's room, but still lived in his own room on the next floor." As a butler who has been working in Andalus Castle, even now that the previous earl has passed away, he is still used to calling him Master Simon, and the latter has no intention of asking him to change his words. There are many rooms in the castle, and there are also many guest rooms for entertaining guests. Originally, the butler should have let Maria live in the guest room area, but he saw that Simon cared about this guest very much, so he arranged Maria here. Of course, it would be too obvious if Maria was arranged next to Simon's room downstairs, so the cunning butler arranged Maria next to the Countess's room, which was vacant all year round. This would not cause dissatisfaction among guests, but also reflect the importance of guests. Maria was relieved to hear that no one lived next door. It was not that she thought too badly of people, but girls always had to protect themselves a little more.
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