4 - Maria of Kent

862 Words
Maria had to take Simon with her to get the luggage. The knights behind them consciously followed from a distance, so as not to disturb the Earl and the foreign girl, and to be alert to possible dangers in the forest at any time. On the way, Simon also learned Maria's name and understood that her name was Maria of Kent. They didn't go too far. Maria quickly found a relatively hidden tree hole under the guidance of the system. Simon took the lead in helping her remove the thorn branches outside the tree hole that were obviously placed by humans, and took out a package from it. The bag was a bit heavy, and it was obviously filled with a lot of things. Maria still refused Simon's help and carried the bag herself. The system said that there were a lot of gold, silver and jewelry in it, so she had to carry it herself to feel at ease. Maria felt that she shouldn't dislike Simon's sweat. In fact, compared with other people, his sweat with a bloody smell was really nothing. Maria accepted Simon's invitation and took the bag with him to meet up with other knights and prepare to leave the forest. The journey was a bit far, and Simon said he could take her on horseback. After confirming with the system, Maria said modestly that she could ride a horse, and she escaped on a horse, and her horse was in the woods. She took out a slender and exquisite silver whistle - blew it gently, and not long after, a tall and big horse with a snow-white body ran out of the woods. Including Simon, the knights who knew horses all lit up when they saw the white horse. This white horse that suddenly appeared was like a legendary unicorn, beautiful and incredible. It was a perfect mount suitable for the battlefield. The white horse stopped beside Maria. It was taller than its owner and lowered its head to rub Maria affectionately. The white horse half-knelt down and motioned its owner to go up. Simon waved his hand, and a follower came forward to lead the horse for Maria. But as soon as he approached, Maria held her breath, and the jade lion snorted in disgust and stepped back a few steps. The follower was really smelly. They didn't feel it when they were following behind and far away, but now the follower was close and standing in front of the upwind, the smell that drifted over was like the smell of leftovers mixed with the smell of a country toilet on a hot day. In comparison, the sweat and blood smell of Simon, whom she had disliked before, could be called fragrant. Maria could only tell Simon with a stiff face that she didn't need anyone to lead the horse. "I am still very confident in my riding skills." Simon remembered that she had said that she had escaped overnight, and it was obvious that she had escaped on horseback, so he nodded and recalled his followers. However, after really setting off, Simon still slowed down, first to take care of the only lady in the team, and secondly, they had to bring back the wild boar they had killed, so the speed naturally could not be too fast. Maria was sure that she was really good at riding, so she felt relieved and controlled the white horse to follow Simon's horse closely, almost running side by side - running in the front, there was no need to be afraid of smelling the strange smell on the people behind. Simon naturally accepted this with pleasure, and tried to talk to Maria along the way to introduce Andalus County for her. Maria listened very carefully. Due to the system settings, she was as familiar with the language here as her mother tongue, and she spoke it with authentic aristocratic pronunciation, which even attracted Simon's praise. "Miss Maria obviously came from a distant place, but youra accent is very standard." Although there are many countries in the Western Continent, there are also languages ​​commonly used by various countries. This is the so-called aristocratic language. So Maria said with a guilty conscience that she learned from others during her escape, which did not arouse his suspicion. He only felt that this lady from afar was not only beautiful and brave, but also very smart. Because of the delay of the prey and the preferential treatment of the ladies, the group walked for a long time before finally leaving the forest. When Maria walked out of the forest path and came to the open area, she saw endless farmland and grassland. Many ragged people were farming and grazing on the farmland and grassland. The scattered houses and huts looked shabby and short, and the castle built on the high ground in the distance looked more magnificent and tall. When Simon's team came out of the woods, it attracted the attention of the people. Maria's hearing was also much stronger than before. She could hear their business from a long distance. "It's the Count. They are back from hunting."
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