Chapter 8

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Mary Elise has been trying to find a way to keep from training. She thought she could stay out of sight in her bedroom Randolph wouldn’t think about her. Randolph knocked on the door three times, she refused to answer or open it. The next thing she heard was a booming sound and she was looking at a furious Randolph. Mary Elise looks around the room, backing back. "Randolph you should calm down. We can talk about this." Randolph runs to her using his vampire speed and picks her up by her head. “How dare you go against my order. Your ass will train today.” Randolph throws her out the second-floor window. "For the record I am calm." Mary Elise is lying on her back looking up at him. "His ass has pissed me off for the last damn time. I'll get even with him. How could I fall in love with a jerk?" Redd looks at the broken window. “I take it Mary Elise took the elevator.” “Yes, that woman has always had a problem with authority. Don’t send anyone to fix it. Let it stay this way for a while. Ah, our guests have arrived.” Randolph walks out of the bedroom. Najee and Italia are walking to the door arguing because he had changed his mind. Italia convinces him to come to hear Randolph out. Since they had already agreed to meet him. Italia touches his arm “Rome deserves justice. Before you say it yes he was a bastard, but he was still our brother." Najee looks back at the SUV “I’ll hear the bastard out. Do you care to explain what the hell we brought that b***h for? Her ass reeks of foulness. You know how I detest damn werewolves foul asses." He’s looking at Hila getting out of the SUV. "Especially stupid ones and worthless." Hila walks behind them “It’s creepy as hell. I have never been around this many vamps before.” “If you keep talking like that it will be your last damn time. Hila dear, you seem to have a problem with your mouth. Every time you open it you seem to put your foot in it. Now shut the hell up." Italia put a string of Hila’s hair behind her ear. Hila narrows her eyes looking at her. “Waste of time. Remember the pet is your problem.” Najee mumbles as the door opens. “That bastard called me a pet. His ass better hope he doesn’t fall asleep when I’m around. If so, I stake his ass.” Hila’s thinking. “What is that mutt doing here? I sure as hell don’t recall extending that thing an invitation.” Randolph points at Hila Najee sits down “Don’t blame me for it. That is my sister’s f****d up idea.” Italia cut her eyes at her brother.” Hila has her own reason for wanting Katya and Nico dead. We all know neither of them is handing the Dominguez coven over without a fight.” Randolph looks at Hila and points to a chair. “Sit down and shut up. Don’t make me kill you. dam I hate werewolves." She sits down thinking "Son of a b***h. I hate vamps just as much. I'll work with anyone to get my hands on Katya." **** Nico couldn't get any work done because he was thinking about his wife and the other women. He's looking out the window when he sees Kendall and the vampires returning to the palace. "Where in the hell is Princess?" Nico frowns and runs outside. Felix, Damon, and Zahn are walking behind him. “Princess. Where in the hell is Katya? Katya.” He yells looking around at the coven’s female warriors. Kendall walks over to him. “the trespassers were humans. So the Queen sent us back.” “Humans. Why would humans come here?” Felix looks at Nico and Damon. Damon is looking at Nico and sees he's communicating with someone while looking in the direction Katya went in. Nico takes a deep breath, looking at Damon smiling. “Princess and the others are on their way back. The bastards came for the sss women. She said she had something to tell me that I wasn't going to like. Hell, she has shielded it from it. I can get through her blocking me, but her damn shield is a mutherfucker to break through.” “Son it’s not the first time. That is the reason my daughter and Zell’s mother had to travel to America. Wayne Kirk’s father, David his Beta, and his damn warriors came here to take over the women. They didn’t succeed but a lot of the women died." Heloisa and Zoey walk outside to join the men. Heloisa looks at Damon “It seems as if history is repeating itself. Katya has informed me about the humans. I thought that we had discouraged them from believing we existed. A few years after our daughter died some humans arrived here trying to capture us. We destroyed all of them but four. I had a witch cast a spell to make them believe it was only a rumor. I never expected this to occur again.” Felix is looking at Zell and Katya, they seem to be in a deep conversation while walking toward them. “I don’t think I’m going to like it either. Zell is blocking me." Nico met Katya and hugged her, “Princess what are you hiding from me?” “One minute baby.” She looks at her grandmother. "Ernie Krapence, does that name ring a bell?” “No, it doesn’t.” Helosia shakes her head looking at Zoey. Zoey shook her head “Me either. Why after all these years are humans coming at us?” Kaya looks at Nico. “Before I tell you I’m giving you a heads up again that you’re not going to like it.” “Oh fuck.” Nico rubs his face roughly. “Zell, some warriors and I have to travel to Apple Valley Minneapolis. Before the jerk decides to send more men.” Katya looks at an angry husband. Nico is repeatedly shaking his head. "nope. Hell no. Not with every damn thing that’s happening right now. Princess, I don’t want you out of my sight too damn long. Hell no.” She cups his face, “baby if we don’t go kill the fucker many more will come. I can’t take that chance.” Katya frowns, “I wonder how they knew to come at us from that side of our land. How long had they been there? I didn’t smell any of them. Then too I might have but since they were humans I didn’t think much of it. Damn it, how could I have been so off?” She’s pulling her hair back. “Damn Princess don’t pull your beautiful hair out. I love your hair and everything else on and about you." Nico takes her hand out of her hair. "None of us was expecting humans. You’re right, more will come. We have to protect the women and the coven. As much as I hate to say this. Go to Apple Valley and find the bastard. But Kendall and some of the vampires will travel with you ladies as transportation. If you get in a bind Felix, Zahn, and I will be there. “ Nico looks into her eyes “I’m not asking, I’m telling.” Katya nodded she knew Nico wasn’t changing his mind. “We’ll leave tonight. Right now, I want to spend some time with you and the kids. Zell, tells the women to spend time with their family. We don't know how long we'll be gone." She looks at her grandmother. “At first, I thought the attack had Zazie and Naga’s name written on it. That is until the men seem to be surprised when they hear the word vampires. Heloisa looks around the yard at the women repeating, “Ernie Krapence” **** After meeting with Randolph Najee, Italia, and Hila returned to Italia’s house. Italia is pouring two glasses of blood. She and Najee cut their eyes at Hila. Hila hasn’t said a word since before they arrived at Randolph’s. She can’t get over how they’re treating her. Hila doesn’t care for vampires just as much as they don’t care for werewolves. She only sees them as a way to kill Katya and Nico, since she couldn't get control of Kirk's pack. Then she will return to Savannah Georgia to kill Naomi and Raylan and take over the pack that she feels should be hers. “I'm not sure if I want to work with that bastard. “ Najee sips the blood. “We have just as many members as his ass does. Deep down I don’t believe we can trust him. Hell Italia, he wants the same damn thing we want. That is not only to kill Katya and Nico but also to take control of that damn coven. You over there” he points at Hila. “Let’s get one damn thing straight. I don’t want your ass here, but since my sister insists on having you around. All I will say is if you double-cross us I’ll feed off your ass for days before I fill your ass with silver.” “Hila smirks ‘Najee I know you don’t like me. I really don’t care. All I ask is after you and your sister have the coven and those two bitches are dead. Then you two keep the promise your sister made to me.” “We’ll keep the promise if you do your part. One word of caution keep your distance from Randolph.” Italia looks at her brother. “Have you heard from Usher?” Najee is walking toward the door. “No, he must still be on vacation. I’m going home and leaving you with your pet.” He points at Hila. Italia sits down looking at the door. She knows Najee’s hatred for werewolves because some killed Charity, his mate decades ago. Hila clenches her fist thinking “Stay calm for now. That is one arrogant asshole.”
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