Chapter 7

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The following morning Nico moans and smiles. He opens his eyes looking at his Princess on top of him and moving her body. He grips her waist. She looks at him "Good morning.” “Yes, it is, a very good morning, Princess” He flips her on her back thrusting her hard. Kat moans and digs her nails into his back wrapping her legs around his back, pulling Nico into her harder. “Damn, Princess” he moans, kisses her neck, and extends his fangs. Nico sinks his fangs into her neck as they come. He extracts his fangs. Katya licks the blood off his mouth and kisses him. Nico winks at her and lies beside her. "Princess we never made it to my surprise. Out of curiosity what was it?" She lays her head on his chest and tells him about the dinner in the garden and making love under the stars. He raises his head .”We can do that right now. Let's go," Nico tries to get up. She tightens her hold on him. “It’s daytime. I’m not going out there.” Katya is sliding out of bed. Nico chuckles “Princess, I still want my night in the garden. Damn, that sounds exciting as hell.” He’s looking at his naked mate. Katya turns, looks at him, and winks “That depends on if you are good or bad.” She slaps her butt cheeks. "I prefer bad." “Bad, I can be as bad as you want” He jumps out of bed and runs behind her. She giggles running into the bathroom. ***** Kendall and Zell are in Katya’s office waiting for her. Zell had contacted Katya fifteen minutes ago. “I take it you have a lead on our two deserters.” Katya walks into the office eating a cream cheese pastry and has a tray of pastries. Both women shook their heads. “No, but we have some assholes that are brave enough to enter the forest. “ Zell picks an eclair off the tray. Katya smirks, “expedition time. That's something we haven't done in years." She's walking out of the office. Nico, Felix, and Zahn are in the hallway, walking to Nico’s office when the three women walk out of Katya’s office. Katya kisses him, “we’re going on a little expedition trip. Be back soon. I love you." Zell and Kendall give their mates a quick peck and walk behind Kat. “Oh Okay. Be careful. I love you too, Princess.” Nico looks at her and cuts his eyes at Felix and Zahn “Expedition my ass. They’re going to kill some bastards.” “Yep, a killing expedition,” Felix nods looking at Zell. "Looks like it" Zahn looks at Kendall motioning for some of the coven women warriors to follow them. Nico is about to say something when his cell phone rings. He looks at the screen and his cousin Hades’ name is on it. He answers and listens for about ten minutes or so. “You’re f*****g kidding me. Damn, that son of a b***h. There’ll be plenty of bastards to kill when you arrive.” He hangs up. “Where is Damon? He needs to hear this. Ain’t this some shit.” “Here he comes” Zahn points down the hall. Felix is looking at Nico concerned. Nico points to his man "Man you're not going to believe this shit." "Who was attacked this time?" Damon looks at him and then at the other two men. They shrug their shoulders. “Didn’t you say Dracula was dead?” Nico points at Damon. Damon nods “Yep, His ass died a long time ago." Nico chuckles ‘His ass raised from the dead then. But he’s dead as hell now. Take a seat. Man have I got a story to tell you.” He tells them about his conversation with Hades. The war he fought with Queen Jesiree and the Lycan King Can Scorpio in Ireland. Damon was shocked as hell when Nico said that Jesiree killed Dracula in the true death. He’s quiet for a few minutes. "That fucker now that explains why no one inherited his coven. His sneaky ass was in hiding. As for the Lycan King and Queen, I'm intrigued by this powerful couple. Let’s not forget your cousin. I'm looking forward to meeting him also. I wasn’t here the last time he visited. I have heard some unmated warriors gushing over Hades' good looks." "So did some of the women in the coven. They were heartbroken because he never chose one to lay with on his last visit" Zahn looks at Damon. Felix chuckles "From what Zell said so were some of the sss women. They thought he would choose one of them to mate with. When he left they were very disappointed." He looks at Nico. "What are you thinking about? Nico is tapping his desk. “If our wives aren’t back in two hours, we’re going to look for them. I don't know who the bastards are that felt the need to trespass but Princess isn't happy about it." ***** Randolph is coming from training and as soon as he walks into the house Redd meets him. “It seems you have your meeting. Italia jumped on it. Najee had to be talked into it. It seems he and Rome had some fallout. I didn’t ask why because it wasn’t my damn business. Tomorrow morning at nine.” “Good, good. Najee has always been the type that doesn't jump into anything. He didn't get that from his brother or sister. We need to find something for Mary Elise to do during that time. I don’t want her ass in this house when Italia arrives. Her smart-ass mouth will f**k it up, not to mention she has a thing about a beautiful woman being in my presence. It's not as if I want her old ass.” Randolph sits down. Redd looks toward the stairs. ”That's because that woman is hoping your ass will give in one day and f**k her. I can’t believe she rejected her mate hoping you would fall for her nasty ass.” “Her ass will be waiting some more centuries for that to happen. She’s not my type and I refuse to settle, especially when it comes down to her. The only reason she’s living in the house is because when she was turned to be my sister. I still to this damn day don’t have any clue what Dracula was thinking when he choose to turn her ass. When Damon left, I thought she would have followed him. Who was I kidding Damon couldn't stand her ass. So, I ended up stuck with her after Dracula was killed.” Randolph frowns "What have you discovered about the pack my stupid brother had planned to attack." “If my information is correct, it was the royal pack. At least that’s what I heard from some of the young members. I haven’t verified it yet. But if it's right what in the hell was Brigham thinking” Redd notices Randolph isn’t listening to him. “Hey, did you hear me?” Randolph nods “Yea, man I heard you. His ass went after the King and Queen. Damn it. My little brother has always wanted to do s**t his way and ends up f*****g it up.” He rubs his chin. “It’s no sense in attacking the royal pack. If we kill Katya and Nico there, it wouldn’t do me any good regarding the Dominguez Coven. That coven is the big picture. Once we have the coven then we’ll take the damn pack.” Mary Elise enters the room “I’m bored” she looks at Redd turning his back to her. She looks at Randolph. “What are you two buzzards scheming?” “Nothing, tomorrow morning you'll be at training. No excuses and I don’t want to hear one damn complaint." Randolph points at her. “Do I make myself clear?” She shakes her head “That’s not going to happen. I don’t train with low-class assholes.” Randolph smirks “Oh really. Low class. Isn’t that funny coming from a prostitute? If I recall that’s how Dracula found your ass. You were dying from a nasty disease that you got from one of your male callers. Training isn’t an option. Either train or leave. I prefer for your ass to leave. It will make my day." Redd walks out of the room laughing at Mary Elise and thinking "Her ass is a complete dense." Her arms are folded and she’s rolling her eyes at Randolph. **** Katya, Zell, and one hundred sss warriors and sixty-three female vampire warriors are running to arrive at the northwest area of the forest. They don’t see anyone or anything. Katya tells the women to pair up in fours and search. She smells them and knows they’re close. Katya makes one step then she raises her hand for the women to stop then she points to the ground. She motions for all the women to go into the trees and for the vampires that can fly to go up too. As soon as they all are off the ground. Almost two hundred men and women jumped up out of holes they had dug and covered with leaves and branches. They’re looking around. One of the men is about to say something when Katya and her warriors jump out of the trees. The vampires land behind the warriors. Katya lands in front of the man who is about to speak. “I’m Katya, Queen of the sss. Why are you here?” The man is looking at her speechless as if he's mesmerized. Zell and Kendall are standing on each side of Katya. They are staring at the men that are standing in front of them. The man standing in front of Katya sneers. "Damn, I heard sss women were beautiful. But I didn’t expect didn’t this. Damn woman you’re drop-dead gorgeous.” “Thank you for the compliment. But that doesn’t explain why you and your morons are in my forest.” Kat hasn’t taken her eyes off him. The man that is in front of Zell hit the man's arm. “Yes they all are beautiful but you need to snap out of it man. We came here to do a job.” Katya cut her eyes at the man then back at the man “What business do you have here? What business do humans have here?” “Humans?” The man in front of Katya mumbles looking at her confused Zell looks at Kat “They don’t have a clue what is going on.” “No, they don’t. None at all." She raises her hands and points toward the palace. All of the vampires and Kendall back away until they are in the woods, then they return to the palace. All the men are looking in the direction the vampires left. Katya fold her arms “Now tell me what is your business here?” “Did they go get more warriors?” The man points to the woods. “No, since you all are human, I can’t allow them to kill you.” Katya put her hands on her hips. "Back to my question. Why are you here?" All the men are looking at her confused. The man in front of Zell “I want you for myself. Yes, you will be perfect for me." He leans to the right looking at her butt. "Oh yeah." Zell laughs "In your f*****g dreams, asshole." She looks down at the imprint in his pants. "Pint-size d**k. Nope, not for me. I like king size." He narrows his eyes, "Miss. high and mighty. We'll see about that." "Yep, you're right we'll see." Zell points at him. Kat cuts her eyes at him and walks two steps closer to the man in front of her “Oh, that’s it. You came here to capture us. That would never happen. Who sent you? “ Katya steps closer to him. He starts to tell her but changes his mind and commands the men to attack. He swings at Katya, but she ducks and hits him in his chest two. He falls to the ground. The man pulls a knife from his side holster and swings it at her. Katya kicks the knife out of his hand and kicks him in the stomach. He grunts and kicks at her legs. She jumps into the air and lands on his chest and stomps his neck, breaking it. Zell kicks the man in his head then two karate chops on both sides of his neck. He’s swinging at her wildly but hasn’t landed a punch yet. She does a butterfly kick, kicking him on his temper. He grabs his head and screams. Zell jumps on his shoulder twists her body, and snaps his neck. She looks at Kat and chuckles. A man has jumped on Katya’s back with his legs wrapped around her. Katya is rubbing his head “Damn I almost forgot your as is human” She grabs his hair and throws him over her. He’s on the ground looking up at her. Kat leans over him “Who sent you?” “Ernie Krapence” he manages to say through the stuttering. “One more question. Where can I find this Ernie Krapence?” She’s still leaning over him. He’s looking at her fist “Apple Valley Minneapolis.” Katya twists her mouth. “Too bad your human my coven would love some fresh blood. You're lucky” “Vampires” he mumbles then screams when Kat kicks him in the nasion of his nose. A few seconds later he stops breathing. Katya looks around at her warriors. They raise their hands and cheer. Zell walks beside Kat. “All are counted for." “Well, Ernie Krapence from Apple Valley Minneapolis. It’s time for you and I to meet.” Katya looks at Zell “This is bad timing. But it can’t be helped. Nico isn’t going to like this.”
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