Chapter 9

1957 Words
Nico isn't happy about Katya, Zell, and the warriors leaving for Minneapolis. But he knows it's for the best and they have to find the bastard that sent humans to capture the sss women. After tucking the kid in bed Katya is taking a shower. Nico walks into the bathroom and undresses. “Would you like some company?” He winks at her and points down. She looks down at his hard shaft sticking out. “With a big invitation like that, how can I say no.” Katya pulls Nico into the shower. He kisses her while backing her to the wall and turns her around. Katya's stomach is against the wall, she moans when Nico pushes his shaft inside her sweetness and kisses her neck. Katya moans and grinds his hardness, while he’s thrusting her hard until they reach their high. Katya turns around, jumps into his arms, and wraps her legs around him. “I have a surprise for you.” “The garden?” He gives her a peck on her lips. She shakes her head, and they disappear and appear in the bedroom. “Surprise” “Princess, when did you start teleporting?” He’s looking around their bedroom. Katya tells him the first time she teleported was before dinner today. She doesn’t know why the power came into effect now. Better late than never.” He nods, “true. I feel better now about you and others traveling to Minneapolis. All I ask is that you hurry up and kill the asshole.” Nico is looking at her sliding on a pair of white jeans and a white sleeveless shirt. “Be careful, Princess.” She takes his hand and walks out of the bedroom. “I will. We’re picking Sofia up on the way. We’ll search for Ernie tonight at the addresses Zell found online. Cross your fingers that he's one of them. I'm in a hurry to kill his ass. I can't and won't allow anyone to come here thinking they can take us and use us as they wish.” Katya stops walking, “I got a bite” She starts walking fast “Bite? Who bit something?” Nico mumbles while Katya is pulling him. “Edite was in Zazie’s house, and she was about to shred these when we walked in.” Zell gives Katya a stack of papers. Katya reads the first page and looks at Edite, “what do you have to say for yourself." She glances over at her grandmother. Helosia nods and looks at Edite. She and Edite have been friends for centuries. Damon kisses Helosia's head and hugs her. The woman looks at Katya with a stone face. “Regardless of what you do to me, I’m not talking. So, torture me all you want.” “Okay, thanks for letting me know so I wouldn’t waste my time.” Katya gives Nico the folder. “Give that to grandmother.” She kicks Edite in the face. “Burn the traitor.” “Sure Princess,” he’s looking at Edite on the floor being dragged outside. Felix walks beside Nico, “barbeque time.” Nico nods, “yep.” Katya circles the pole looking at Edite “Are you still sure that you’re not talking to me?” She stops in front of her. Edite looks up into the trees. “Fair enough. Edite, as of this moment you are no longer our sister. You're our enemy. As we all know, enemies must die. We're disappointed in you for betraying the sister bond that we all share. I can't let anyone live that wants to destroy our sisterhood.” Katya held her hand out toward Zell. Zell hands her a lighted torch."Death" Katya raises the torch. “Punishment is death.” She lit the wood that's around Edite, and she and the warriors start dancing around the burning screaming woman. “Damn, Angelo missed it,” Felix whispers looking at Zell dancing. Nico looks at Katya. “Princess showed everyone that she won't hesitate to kill a bastard. No mercy. That’s good. If any more fools want to betray the sss they should sit their asses down and think long and hard.” After Edite's demise, Katya walks over to Nico and kisses him. “We should be our way. Take care of the kids. I’ll see you in the morning, I hope.” He wraps his arms around her “Be careful Princess. Don’t block me. I wonder can our links reach that damn far.” Nico frowns “We’re about to find out." Kendall walks over to Katya to teleport her. Katya chuckles “This trip is on me. If anything happens come get me.” “Yes, Your Majesty.” She nods but looks at her confused. Katya walks into the center of the warriors that have a vampire beside them. She winks at Nico and disappears. Nico smiles listening to Felix question him about his wife’s new power. Damon walks over to Nico “I see my granddaughter’s teleporting develop late as mine did. I was beginning to think she wasn't gifted with that power. When I question that asshole Dracula about it, he said it because my other powers were strong. Once I think about it after I received that power, I did receive a few more. Who knows maybe Katya will also." He looks at Nico “The same goes for you and my grandchildren.” “Maybe. I don’t like Princess going to that damn place without me. “ Nico shakes his head, “not one damn bit.” Felix is about to say something when he notices the way Zahn is looking at Nico while one of the warriors is talking to him. "Ain’t this a bitch.” Nico looks at Zahn. “s**t. A lot of damn vampires are coming at us on the south side of the palace. Damon, will you be joining us?” He looks at him while the coven warriors are getting ready for the battle. “Hell yes. Maybe we can get some answers as to what is going on.” Damon looks at Heloisa reading the papers Nico just handed her. Felix pats Nico’s shoulder, “count me in. I'm worried about Zell and the others. I can use a few good kills." "So am I," Nico rubs his chin. “Killing some bastards will ease my mind about Princess not being here. Who am I kidding? Me easing my mind won't happen until my wife is in my arms." ***** Hundreds of vampires are close to the border when Nico and the others appear in front of them. A silvered-haired man looks at Nico and Damon and smirks “Look whose attention we caught. The current king and the former king. Don’t we feel special?” He looks at a man with golden blond hair. Damon stares at the silvered hair man wondering if they have ever crossed paths. He’s sure they haven’t. Nico sniffs and chuckles “f*****g renegades. Razor Boyega the last I saw you, your ass was eating out of a damn garage can. By the way, you’re dressed, you have come up some. Not much since you’re a renegade.” Razor points at Nico, “Nico Martino your ass still has a smart-ass mouth. But a damn good memory. Yes, those were days that I chose to forget." Felix laughs "Hell I would want to forget that too if I were you." “Who's the damn wolf?” Razor turns his nose up. "A stinky wolf." “Ask him yourself.” Nico glances at Felix. Razor and the blonde-haired man look at Felix but neither one asks him. "Ask me," Felix stares at the two vampires. He and his wolf Bruster wants either one to say something so they can tear their renegade's asses to pieces. “That's what the hell I thought. Let’s get down to business. What in the hell possessed your silver-headed ass to come here?” Nico cuts his eyes at Damon and tells him and the coven through their links, “Get ready.” “Hey asshole I’m waiting for an answer” “Arrogant as hell.” The golden blonde-haired man mumbles. Razor nods “Yep. Told your ass he was. Just attack, I’m tired of listening to his damn mouth.” Felix shifts into Bruster staring at the blonde-haired man and growls. The renegade vampires are charging at Nico’s coven. Six vampires are coming at Damon. ” Son of bitches.” Damon raises both hands at them and shoots lightning bolts into their chests and shoots fireballs at several more vampires. The blonde-haired man is reaching for a warrior of Dominquez's coven. But he screams when Bruster jumps on him. He extends his fangs trying to bite the wolf. Bruster sinks his sharp teeth into the vampire’s neck and rips his head off. A vampire jumps on Bruster's back he's trying to wrap his arms around the wolf. Bruster falls on his back and the vampire lands on the ground looking at an angry wolf with his mouth wide open. He's looking for Bruster to bite him instead Bruster swings his right claw across the vampire's chest leaving five long open wounds. Bruster growled while swinging his claw again but this time across his neck., splitting it open. Nico is standing in front of Razor. “You and your damn fuckers came for a fight. So far all I have seen is worthless assholes dying. Now it’s your time to join whatever the hell you call them.” Nico doesn’t give him time to say anything before he grabs the man's neck, lifting him off the ground. Razor's hands are on top of Nico’s trying to pry his hand loose. But he isn’t having any luck, “Damn your ass is strong as hell” He’s surprised that Nico is stronger than him since he has been a vampire for centuries. “Nico man you don’t have to kill me.” “Oh, hell yes I do.” Nico lays his other hand on Razor’s head and rives it. “Talking about I don’t have to kill his no good ass. Isn't that the reason you came here?" Nico throws the head on the ground, "bastard." Zahn pushes one of the renegade vampires onto the ground in front of Nico. “Sir this one said they are not the only ones coming at us. Rome has created a lot of scumbags and they want revenge.” “So, all these stupid fuckers because of Rome. When are they coming?” Nico snatches the man up to look at him. The vampire looks at him and stutters. "I don’t know. Razor met with some leaders of different covens. I was only following his orders." “Kill his ass,” Nico looks at Zahn and then at Damon “How many mutherfuckers did Rome's dead ass make?” Damon is looking at Zahn and Dorien pulling the man in half. "More than I thought. Damn, it's no telling how many he turned. It's as if he was planning a war the entire time." Felix is walking from behind a tree toward Nico and Damon. "Damn, today was a good day." “If it’s a war those bitches want then it’s a war they’ll get. I promise you this, not one of them will leave alive” Nico looks around at his warriors stacking the vampires up so he can burn them. Nico's thoughts go on his Princess. He's hoping they find that bastard Ernie and kill him so they don't have to be gone too long."
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