Chapter 10

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Heloisa is absorbing the information in the folder that Edita was trying to destroy. She and Edita had been friends since they were kids. The same as she, Zoey, and Mucamutara. She glances at Zoey reading the papers. “This is absurd. I don’t believe this. What reason would Edita have to betray us?” Zoey mumbles, “that bitch.” “Who knows where a person’s heart truly is.” Heloisa looks out the window at the smoke coming from the last of Edita’s burning bones and communicates with Katya through their link. Then she looks at Zoey "I hope you’re prepared for what will happen next.” "Not really," Zoey mumbles. Damon, Nico, and Felix enter the room. They’re returning from killing Razor and his men. Damon kisses Heloisa’s head, he’s still concerned about her. Nico glances at Heloisa he knows about her and Princess's conversation. Katya told him about it after she and the warriors arrived in Apple Valley. She wanted him to know their links reach that far so he could stop worrying. Heloisa hugs Damon “This is the first time I feel blindsided. I asked our granddaughter for a favor. She said she would do her best to fulfill it. Who was the assholes at the border?" Nico tells her about Razor and the war that’s headed their way. He gave her the short version of it. He knows her mind is on Katya as he is. “Kyra has notified the warriors, and I have informed the coven that we might have some unexpected visitors.” Zahn enters the room with two warriors behind him. Nico nods, “s**t, I hope Princess and the others are back before the bastards make their move. Is a damn good thing Princess didn’t close her link. So far, they haven't found the fucker. Damn, I hate this waiting game shit." ****** After picking Sofia up Katya and the women went to two addresses Zell found on the internet only to discover he had sold the properties recently. Zell hasn’t stopped cussing about the information online wasn’t updated. Sofia is trying to calm Zell down then her attention goes to two men that are across the street staring at them. Katya reads the list of addresses while contacting her grandmother to see if any addresses were mentioned in the papers. Katya is looking at the list and nods and glances across the street looking at their admirers. “Men” The men are memorized by all the beautiful women. One of the men wants to go over there and introduce himself. The other man is hesitant. His friend finally talks him into it and as they’re walking across the street the women disappear into thin air. “Did you see that s**t” One of the men yells. The other men shake his head “Nope I didn’t see a damn thing. I’m drunk, man” “Drunk my ass. We haven’t drunk anything.” The man rubs his forehead looking up and down the street. A few minutes later Katya, Zell, Sofia, and the warriors are staring at a large fenced-in compound. Katya looks around at the women. “Getting in and out isn’t the problem. Katya sniffs, looking at Zell and Sofia. “Cuidado com as costas (watch your backs) The two women nod and look around at the warriors. Sofia walks around and stops behind Anamarie. All the women disappear and appear in a large hallway. Katya is standing in front of a door, and she tries to open the door. But it’s locked. Katya started to blow the door up but kicked it in instead. “Well now look who we have here” She’s looking at four women and four men. Three of the men jump up and run toward Katya. Maia, Cade, and Tyrell grab the men and put knives against their throats. Anamaria is staring at her sister. Naga looks at her sister and drops her head. Katya walks closer to the table staring at one of the women, “I’ll deal with you ladies in a few minutes.” She stops beside a handsome black-haired man who looks to be in his late twenties “Ernie Krapence I assume.” He stands up and looks her up and down. “I take it I’m looking at my future wife. Queen Katya. It’s nice to finally meet you. Yes, I see now why my parents wanted you to be my mate/wife. Amazing. I’m sorry let me formally introduce myself. Ernie Krapence the second.” “Me, your future wife? Well Juinor, haven’t you heard I’m already married? Believe me, you don’t want my husband to hear you speak such nonsense. Nico would have killed you the second you allowed that foolishness to roll off your tongue. I’ll get right to the reason for our visit. You sent men after us because you want to marry me?” Katya sits on the table “Don’t even think about it. You would be dead before you stood up." She points at Zazie. Zazie leans back in the chair and then gasps from Sofia choking her. Brook is now standing behind Anamarie Zell and some warriors step back closer to the door. "Don't kill her. It would cheat our other sisters from watching her punishment for betraying us." Katya looks at Zazie “My father and I meant you and the women no harm. It’s time for me to have a mate and get married and have an heir. After all, you were promised to me a long time ago.” He glances at the older woman sitting at the table. Katya didn't say anything, she cut her eyes toward the door. “Come in and join us. We smelt your stink ass before we enter the building. We didn’t know who the foul scent belonged to. You must be Ernie Krapence the first. Since I have Junior beside me.” The man looks around the room at all the beautiful ladies and smiles when his eyes land on Katya. Zell looks at the older man and pushes him. “You heard the Queen. She doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” He looks at Zell as if he wants to hit her while thinking. "Bitch." “Please do. Do it. So, I can kill your ass.” Zell steps up into his face. He walks over to the table and sits down. Katya rubs her head and shakes it. Nico had been cussing the moment Katya started thinking about what young Ernie said about marrying her. "Marry you. Who promised me to you? " She held a finger up and looked at the older woman," it was you. No need to say anything I have something special in mind for you. Marrying me wasn't the only reason you came to our home. The men you sent told us before we killed them they were there to capture us. Don't play us for fools." She shakes her head while still listening to Nico. He's still on his cussing rampage. Katya finally blocks him out. Zell peeps into the hallway "Kat some men are heading our way.” Katya tells her to take some warriors with her and kill all of them. Sofia motions for another warrior to guard Zazie and she walks behind Zell. Katya's attention goes to Anamarie. She's still looking at her sister. She asks her if there is anything she wants to say to her sister. Now is the time to say it. When we return home she will be killed. Anamarie shakes her head “Naga is no longer my sister. I don’t know that woman. My sister would never turn her back on me or our sisters. Especially when she knew our sisterhood was something that our mother felt strongly about. I have no blood sister.” She turns her back to Naga. Naga burst into tears. “There isn't any sense of crying now. Woman up.” Katya glanced toward the hall listening to the commotion. In the hallway warriors and men are battling it out. Sofia kicks a man in his stomach, he folds over holding himself. She knees him in the forehead and then snaps his neck. A man aims his gun at Marly. Sofia throws a knife into his neck, making him drop the gun and fall to the floor. Sofia walked over to the man yanked her knife out of his neck and cut his throat. Zell's arms are around a man choking him. Another man swings at her. She leaps into the air, hitting him with her legs. He stumbles back a little before coming at her again. Zell leaps into the air again catches his head between her legs and twists then breaks his neck and the man she has the choke hold on at the same time. Ernie Senior cut his eyes at the woman that’s sitting across from him. She nods and looks at Katya. Ernie slides a pistol that he had hidden in the back of his pants. He draws it on Katya and pulls the trigger. His son saw the gun as he pulled the trigger and jumped in between Katya and his father. The woman screams looking at the man falling toward Katya. Katya catches him and looks into his eyes as he tries to smile “I'm sorry, I've loved you all my life.” Ernie the second closes his eyes and takes his last breath. “No.” Ernie Senior yells looking at his son's lifeless body. Katya lays the man in a chair and flat punches Ernie in his chest. He falls to the floor. Katya jumps into the air and her feet land on his stomach. He's looking up at Katya. "Your silly notion of my marrying your son and ruling the sss warriors cost you your son's life. Now yours." She raises her feet and stomps his neck and Errnie dies instantly. Katya looks at the four women. Sofia walks into the room “The bastards are dead as hell. We’re all accounted for.” "Good, it's time to punish the traitors. Someone is waiting for you." Katya points to the older woman. "Take them" ******* Nico is pacing in the den and fussing about Katya blocking him with her shield. “Princess and I are having a serious conversation about that damn shield. That mutherfucker talking about marrying my wife. Damn it, his ass is lucky as hell that I can’t teleport there to kill his stupid ass." “Nico calm down. My granddaughter probably blocked you because you wouldn’t stop yelling in her head” Damon is looking at his mate. He hopes she gets over this betrayer soon. He stops pacing and cussing and gives Damon a shut the hell up look. Helosia has been quiet, thinking about being betrayed by the one person that she has always loved. Felix chuckles looking at Nico still staring at Damon. "We’re back," Katya enters the room with Zell and Sofia walking behind her. Nico points at her, “where is the bastard that wants to marry you? I want to kill his ass.” He pulls her into them and kisses her. When he releases her lips “Don’t use your shield on me again. Now where is his ass?” Nico looks down the hall. Zell tells Nico Ernie the second died at his father’s hands when he jumped into a bullet that was meant for Kat. “Oh, he had an easy death,” Nico mumbles looking at his wife. Katya is thinking about Ernie the Second's last words. She's brought out of her thoughts when four warriors escort the four women in. She still doesn't know who the young woman is. Neither does she care all she knows is the woman will die for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Helosia is staring at one of the women. She takes a deep breath and walks over to the older woman. "How could you betray us and me?" She punches the woman. The woman falls to the floor, wiping the blood off his mouth looks up at Helosia, and smirks. "Mucamutara," Helosia shakes her head. "We have the same blood running through our veins."
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