Bonus 4

1689 Words
This is all made up; please don't hold anything against me.     Mysteries Person’s P.O.V I watch the couple from a far on top of a cliff. I had casted a spell to enhance my eyesight, and I can see like a hawk now. I can see the girl clearly, and inside the house through the window that is around the front door. When I look back at the couple, I notice that the boy is running off towards the town, and I’m kind of wondering why. But it doesn’t have anything to do with me, so I don’t care; my mission is the two teenagers that live in that house, but I’ve got to get close to them for the plan to really be put into action. I already got the plan to get close to them, I’ve just got to act on it at the right time, and I’ve gotta catch them all off guard. Which won’t be hard to do with the plan that I have in store for them. I already know that their wolves have awakened, that’s how I tracked them here to this small town; I could’ve tracked them before if I wanted, but I wanted them to be at their full strength when I came for them. After realizing that I was staring at the night sky that was full of stars thinking about everything, and I look back down at the girl. She seems to be looking around as if looking around to see if someone is watching her, but she will never find me even with her werewolf abilities. Just as I think about that, she looks basically right at me. I thank the goddess that there was a bush right in front of me, so that I could hide easily. Before I leave for the night, I look back at the house and think, ‘I will see you both soon, little ones.’   Zander’s P.O.V The next day was pretty much the same as any other; I mean other than hearing another voice inside my head. I woke up on time like I said I would to start the workout of my tryouts that are the day after tomorrow, so I am kind of freaking out. ‘Why are you freaking out over such a little thing?’ ask Andrew my wolf. “I’m freaking out because now I am a werewolf with werewolf abilities like: super-strength, shape-shifting into a wolf, super agility, super-speed, my senses are now enhanced, and I have super endurance. Who knows what other abilities I have since I’m a grey wolf.” I say in my head while pacing in my room. ‘Well why don’t we test out our abilities, and see how strong we really are. Cause we both know that’s why you are really freaking out. Because you don’t know how strong you are, huh?’ He says knowing what is really going on with me. “I don’t even know where to start right now.” I say to Andrew; who goes silent. ‘Why don’t you start with asking your sister’s mate for help? I bet he will do anything to be on her good side after basically being a player. Along with your good side too.’ Andrew says, and he says the word ‘mate’ sassily in a brotherly way. “That’s actually a good idea, Andrew. Thanks!” I say all excited about the day now, and what to come. ‘You’re welcome. Now can we please go downstairs, and get some food into us before I at least starve to death?’ He asks in a pleading voice. I nod while laughing a little bit, and make my way down to the kitchen thinking that no one else is up yet, but there’s a light on. Also, there’s the most loveliest smell coming from the kitchen; well there are a lot of smells coming from the kitchen, and they are all mixed together. The two smells that I smell most are apple and peach, for some reason. Andrew is going nuts in my head, running around in circles; while I’m basically hypnosis by the scent leading me to where I was going. I get to the kitchen, and I see this amazing, beautiful girl cooking. She has fair skin, from what I tell her hair is a type of brown hair color. When you live with a girl that wants to be a hairstylist; you learn that there are different types of colors in each category of color. “I’ll have to ask Ryder what kind of color her hair color is.” I say to Andrew. Her hair is long, wavy, and layered. Another thing that I learned from my sister about hair. She turns around all of a sudden towards me, and jumps a little bit in the air. I guess I startled her a little bit, but I can’t seem to stop admiring every inch of her. She has hazel eyes with a hint of gold in them, and her eyebrows are a little lighter than her hair along with them being plucked like Ryder’s. I suddenly hear a sneeze, and I look that direction where it came from. I see Ryder sitting. Then I turn back to the girl that has me hypnosis After a minute of silence between us, Ryder speaks up. “Um… Awkward. Morning little brother, this is Julie Snow.” My knees just about buck when I hear her name. “Grayson sent her over for some reason that I don’t Completely understand, but she offered, and insisted on cooking us breakfast. I’m guessing by the reaction you gave when you saw Julie that you two are mates. Aw… how cute.” She says. Now I know how my sister and Grayson feel towards each other. I make my way around the inland that is in the middle of the kitchen towards my mate, and to get a better look at her; as I get closer the smell of apples and peaches get way stronger. She has a top hourglass figure that seems to be very well built. I grab her hands, and I can’t help but feel the sparks run through me; I can’t help, but smile at the feeling of pleasure that fills me up from the sparks as well as the thought that I have found my soulmate. “My name is Zander Greenman. It is a pleasure to meet you Julie Snow; it seems that we are mates.” I say with a big smile on my face that I can’t hide. Without looking at my sister I mind-link her asking, ‘One: what hair color is her hair color? And two: does she know anything about our situation?’ ‘Warm Mocha Brown. And she seems to, but I will double check.’ She says back to me. “So, Julie I have a question for me.” Ryder says, and Julie moves her head a little toward her to show that she is listening. “Do you know anything about our situation? Is that why you are here along with the others outside?” Ryder says in almost an angry tone; I just about put myself in front of Julie until Ryder puts her hand up showing me that it’s fine, and that she won’t hurt my mate. I knew better to listen to Ryder, and now she’s got extra juice. So, I really don’t want to mess with her right now. Now that she mentions it, I do feel that there are other presences around us. She is also going to be Julie’s future Luna; I wonder if Julie knows about that, or feels it. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you are talking about, Miss. Ryder. About anything that you said.” Julie said, and even I could tell that she was lying. “Julie, please don’t make me do an…” Before Ryder could finish there was a knock at the front door, and then Grayson came in. “Hey, anyone home?” He says; thank the goddess that he was here now. “Ryder, what is going on here? Why is one of our pack members scared? And why are you amending a pissed vibe off you?” He says, but already seems to know the answer, also Julie didn’t seem surprised when Grayson said, ‘Our pack member’. “Okay, wise guy, you must be the one behind this.” She says almost letting her emotions get the best of her, which is not good, at all. She gets up and heads toward Grayson slowly, probably trying to calm herself down, and not lose control of anything. I finally move Julie behind because I know that things will not end well; Grayson has no idea what he is getting himself into, but he doesn’t take his eyes off her even for a second. Ryder looks over to us, and doesn’t look back at Grayson just yet for some reason. “Hi, My Mate.” She says still looking at us then turns to her mate. “As I thought, you told her, so what else did you tell her? Along with the others outside that their presence woke me up this morning?” She says almost letting her emotions take control again. He lets out a sigh then says, “Yes. I told you about being my mate, and that you may be in danger. We came up with a team that is worthy enough to protect their future Luna. Plus, you don’t even know what you are capable of yet.” I tried to stop him before he finished his sentence, dug himself into a hole, but it was too late to stop him. I step out from in front of Julie, and rush to be in front of Grayson “Oh, I’ll show you what I’m capable of, but I don’t know if you can handle it, Grayson.” She said his name in such a pissed off way that I could see that it hurt him a little bit, and it would make the most fearless man scared. I made it just in time in front of Grayson to perform the barrier spell that our aunt taught me in secret just for times like this. This spell is to contain her magic out bust that she puts out when she gets like this, but I don’t know if this spell will hold up with her extra power boost that she got. “Holy crap, what is going on?” Grayson asks.
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