The Explanation

1989 Words
This is all made up; please don't hold anything against me.   Grayson’s P.O.V “Ryder has lost herself to her emotions for a little bit.” Zander says, as it seems like he’s trying to concentrate on the barrier that he casted; it seems different than the rest of the barriers that I’ve seen so far. I look over at Julie who alerted me about Ryder’s questions without being detected, but it seems that we’re both not very good at lying; Cause they both saw right through us pretty much immediately, but Julie seems to be a little surprised that they are both using magic. Well I would be too if I were her, and since I didn’t tell her anything really about them; yeah, she should be surprised about everything that she is seeing. The only thing that is scaring me at the moment is that my mate has lost herself to her emotions, and that I provoked it to begin with saying that she doesn’t know what she is capable of. Now there are flames at her feet, sparks flying off of her, her and the barrier are like one of those electro balls that when you touch it the electricity follows where you touch it. “How long does this usually last?” I ask Zander. He just shrugs, and I take that as it could take as long as she wants. “I can’t hold it much longer, and I can’t push the barrier in on her; to get her power back into her. I’m surprised I lasted this long.” Zander says with sweat dripping down his face. All of a sudden, the barrier started to shrink, and Zander relaxed. Me and Julie both knew it wasn’t him. A second it dawned on me, and I look around just in time to see their aunt wake up the stairs. In blue jeans and a navy tank top; I can see some resemblances between all three of them, but they are very small similarities. Her and Ryder wear about the same size in bras as far as I can tell because both of their boobs try to come out of the top of their shirts. “Well that’s something you don’t wake you to everyday. An angry niece that is sparky, huh? Oh yeah, that was my normal when you were kids.” Sherry says. “That’s why your mom and I created that special spell for times like this.” She then notices Julie, face palms herself, walks over to Ryder who is not calm, but dazed out of her mind at the moment. She grabs her by her ear then she grabs Zander by his ear which causes both of them to say ow; which in turn causes me and Julie to growl at their aunt for causing them pain, but I soon shut up knowing what she could do to me. Ryder is partly out of her daze while her aunt is starting to talk to her and her brother. “How could you both use magic with a non-magic user here other than Grayson, hmmm? Do you know what kind of trouble we could get into, and we Just moved into the town a few days ago.” She says to both of them as Julie makes her way to the group hearing what she is saying. “Well she was going to find out sooner or later Aunt Sherry because she’s...” Zander says but gets interrupted by their aunt. “Because she is part of the pack, and is listening into this conversation just like Grayson is.” Sherry says that makes me jump from her knowing that I was listening into their conversation. “No, Aunt Sherry because she is my mate, and I think we should tell her the other thing as well. Since Grayson has obviously put his trust in her to keep us safe, and I think we should do the same with the rest of the group, so they know who they are protecting as well as what they are up against.” Zander says and it seems that he is the logical one at the moment, but how came that could always happen at that moment in time with these people. You can see her thinking about it, and then something comes to mind then she asks, “What people did you send to keep them safe? And why wasn’t I told about it from the beginning, hmm? Is that also why I feel all wolves around my house?” She turn towards me while asking. “Um… Well, Sherry. I sent people that I most trust that are our age that can protect her around the clock, they are also part of an elite team that is under my care. Julie is their leader.” They are all pretty much shock expert Ryder which I’m wondering why, but that is for another time. “The reason why you weren’t told at the beginning is because I didn’t have your number, and I wasn’t going to wake you up at 1 o’clock in the morning by banging on your door. Yes, that is why you feel wolves all around your house.” I say hopefully answering all of her questions. She looks satisfied with what I have said because she nods with a semi-smile. I then turn and walk to Ryder who is still a little dazed, but is out of it enough to tell me what is going on with her. When I get about halfway here her aunt stops me with her hand on my chest which causes Ryder to growl, and makes everyone jump out of surprise mainly while some of us are in fear of what we just heard. By who I mean who was scared it was really just Julie that was scared hearing who she thought was just a witch growl like a werewolf, and then there was her aunt that was scared for a second then started scolding her niece for growling at her for something so simple. After Ryder gets scolded for the second time this morning her aunt tells me to call the team to come inside to have a talk about what is going on, what may happen in the future. “Hello Luna, we are at your service. Please let us know if there is anything that you need, anything at all.” All the warriors say at the same time bowing their heads to their future Luna. She blushes at their forwardness and says, “Thank you for the offer. I really mean it, but I would really like it if we could all be friends. I don’t want to be a ruler; I want to be a friend to all of the members of my new family.” I see that they all start to tear up at what she said. “Did I say something wrong?” “No, my love you said everything right; that is why they’re tearing up.” I say in a proud manner that she is my mate, and I look at my mate lovingly. “Now, let’s get down to business.” Sherry says probably wanting to get this meeting over with. “Yes, shall we?” I say knowing that the sooner that we get this over with the sooner I can cuddle with my lovely mate Ryder. We all make our way to the living-room to discuss what is going on at the moment. We all sit in our spots that we either chose or were either assigned to; of course, I sat next to Ryder which made me smile. Being away from her was one of the hardest things that I had to do. I don’t know how dad could do it when I was younger leaving my mom for a while for alpha busy; yes, we sometimes went, but not most of the time. It must have been hard for him. My train of thought is interrupted by Sherry saying, “Well, now that everyone is here let’s get down to what we are here to talk about. You guys are protecting my niece mainly, but my nephew as well. Along with whom you will be fighting with.” She says in such a serious voice that there is almost a chill in the air. Ryder speaks up maybe to warm up the mood, “Can we hurry it up? Cause school is going to start in an hour and half, and I still have to get ready.” She ends it with a giggle that melts my heart along with some of the chilled air in the room. “Then let’s get started. First off, we are witches,” She says as she holds out her hands and small flames come out of the palms of her hands then continues, “but that’s not all that the kids are. They are witch/werewolf hybrids.” Everyone in the room was shocked except me of course since I knew about it from last night then Sherry looked at me, and I nod knowing what it means. “I bet you would like to see their wolf forms, but not right now. They are still getting used to the fact that they are werewolves, but I can say from my own eyes that both of their forms are beautiful. Zander has beautiful grey fur, and a white spot on his forehead. Yes, that means he is a grey wolf. Now, for our future Luna. She has a beautiful pure white fur with no spots or anything anywhere on her. Yes, that means that your Luna is a white wolf.” This time all of their mouths are open wide, and hitting the floor all except Sherry, Ryder, and Zander. “OMG!!!” They all say at the same time. “My mate is a grey wolf?!” Julie says and her comrades look of surprise this time. “You found your mate? Finally! Now we can tease you about this instead of being the only one that hasn’t found their mate.” One of the teammates said, making her blush. “Aww. I was hoping it would be me.” That made Zander growl which was almost as bad as Ryder's but by much. “Sorry, Master Zander.” He said, shaking just a little. “Please don’t call me ‘Master’ just call me Zander. I would like to be friends with all of you just like my sister. We will all be part of a pack; yes, I may be a grey wolf, but please consider me an equal with a little special advantages.” Zander says with a chuckle starching his face with a finger. They nod their heads and smile knowing that they have just gotten the strongest pack ever in the world; even though we were the strongest pack of the U.S., but now no one can beat us now. But mainly, that they have made new friends today. “As from who you will be protecting them from; it will be from the Hunters. Yes, those hunters. Greyson said a few minutes ago that you are an elite team, so let’s see how elite you really are.” When Sherry said the word ‘hunter’ everyone’s faces went pale, but Ryder’s and Zander’s theirs went down. “If you aren’t up for it, we understand. You don’t have to do it; we don’t want to get anyone to die because of us.” Ryder says on the verge of tears, so I grab her hand to squeeze it just a little bit just enough so I won’t hurt her. “Luna please don’t worry it would be an honor to fight for you, and if we lose our lives then please know that it was our choice to do it.” One of them said with blonde hair. “Yeah, please don’t even think of it as a sacrifice because it isn’t one. We already love you so much, and we don’t want to lose you or anyone else too.” One of the other one said with brunette hair. This time Ryder starts to cry then says, “Thank you, but I already love you guys too. So, please don’t die on us.” I growl at the fact that she said that she loved other guys other than me. “Oh, stop it you.” After she said that she kissed me.
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