The Talk

2817 Words
This is all made up; please don't hold anything against me.     Ryder’s P.O.V I sit there patiently waiting for my aunt to take down the barrier, but my patience is starting to wear thin. I could easily take down this barrier myself, and I could do so much more because I can feel this power that I haven’t felt before inside me. Instead of doing what I really want to do, I just sit knowing that my mate is waiting for me on the other side of this damn wall. I wait just a few more seconds that feel like ten minutes, and just as I’m about to take down the barrier myself it comes down. When the barrier comes down I breathe in and I smell fresh air, but then my head shoots to my mate who smells like fresh rain and pine. I jump on the couch, leap in the air in my wolf form, shift in mid-air, and then land on top of him. “Ow! What the hell was tha…'' He turns his head to see what landed on top of him, but when he sees it’s me; he turns his head back around. “Oh, um… h-hi there.” He says stuttering. I try to get a clear look of his face, but all I get is the side of his face which is totally red. The next one to speak is my aunt, and she is holding something in her hands. “Um… Ryder, you might want to put something on before you do anything. He was and is trying to respect you. By not looking at you at the moment.” She points up and down at me. I look down at myself that is still sitting on top of Grayson’s back naked. I scream almost on the top of my lungs, get off Grayson, run up to my aunt, take my clothes from her, and run to my room. I am all red in the face from embarrassment of what just happened, but I am so glad that my mate is a respectful guy; that he would do that for me. After I get dressed in the clothes my aunt picked out, and I get all cooled off about what happened downstairs; I head back down there. My aunt is getting everything back where it should be and Grayson is kind of helping, and by that, I mean asking where everything goes. I can’t help but giggle at the situation that is going on right in front of my eyes. After my little giggle, I saw Grayson’s eyes meet mine almost instantly. He put down what was in his hands, and walked towards me like in a hypnotized state; he put one hand behind his back for some reason, then I heard my aunt giggle quietly. When he got to me on the stairs, he just continued to look at me without saying anything at all. Did I have something in my teeth, my hair, did my clothes look weird? I know I didn’t really look at them because I wanted to get back to my mate as soon as I could, but I wanted to look good. I knew I should have looked at my clothes, I just knew it. “Wow, just wow. You look amazing. Of course, I don’t think anything would look bad on you.” He says with a dreamy look in his eyes. “You really think so?” I say the most unoriginal line ever; I mentally hit myself while blushing a slight red. “And you really think that nothing would look bad on me?” I say to hopefully catch myself, and to make myself sound cool. “Wow, did you really have to add the last part? I thought you sounded just fine. Just be yourself with our mate.” An unknown voice suddenly said making my jump, and looking around the room. “Oh, sorry I’m your wolf. My name is Nora, and I think I will call you Hecate.” She says with a little bit of a giggle. I roll my eyes at her, and then turn my attention back to my mate. At least try, Nora tries to keep talking to me, but the one thing that caught my attention right away was when she said, ‘I’m glad that we are back together like the good old days.’. My head snapped in a different direction than my mates and yelled, “What do you mean by that, huh?” My mate put his arm stretched out to his side to show that everything was right for the time being. He reached out his hand to me, and wrapped me in a hug. I felt the tingles and electricity run through me. I relaxed almost instantly; until Nora had to say something again. “Oh, so this is what started to wake me up. I knew it had to be something either good or bad that happened to us.” She said with a little bit of a purr in her voice; definitely enjoying the feeling of being in his arms like me, but she ruined it. I push away from Grayson, and put my hands on my head then say, “Get out of my head! What do you mean by all of that stuff that you just said hmm? Like ‘I’m glad that we are back together like the good old days.’ Or the last one that you said?” I look at Grayson with pleading eyes, “Am I going insane?” He instantly grabs me into a big tight hug, and I feel him shake his head no. “No, my beautiful mate. You are not insane, but I can’t believe what you are feeling right now is not normal. You are a werewolf, but you are a hybrid. Come, your aunt wants to explain why you are going through this now.” He leads me down the stairs, to the couches, and lets me sit down first. Me and Grayson sit a cross from my aunt, and Zander sits on the couch right next to me; that way we both could have a clear view of our aunt. We wait for our aunt to start speaking about what is going on with us because I’m sick of getting small pieces from the wolf inside my head. I hear a low growl in my head; it seems that she didn’t like the fact that she didn’t like being called ‘the wolf’. Aunt Sherry opens and closes her mouth a few times before she actually starts to speak. “As you know by now you are part werewolves. You are actually hybrids, rare at that; especially you Ryder. You are a white wolf. You are one of the most rare wolves of them all, they are supposed to be extinct. Then there is Zander who is a grey wolf, they are next in line to be extinct because they are semi-closely related to the white wolf. Both of them are told to have special abilities.” Our aunt says with a few breaths in between. “The Grey wolves either lost or locked away their abilities, so that they would stop being hunted by whoever was hunting them, most likely hunters.” Grayson interrupts her a little bit. “Now, to the part that you want to hear about, but you needed to hear about that, at least a little bit. We locked away your wolves for a very good reason, good it wasn’t just our idea, and by ‘our idea’ I mean your mom’s, dad’s, and mine.” My aunt said hanging her head a little bit while admitting who was involved in locking away our wolves. “There is a perfectly good reason that we did it; please don’t get me or them wrong. We were only doing what we could to protect you.” “Protect us from what exactly?” I ask aunt Sherry in a stern voice showing no emotion towards her at the moment until I get all the answers. “Hunters.” She says in such a serious voice that it almost scares me, but what scares me the most is that Grayson tensed up immediately as she said that. Me and Zander look in between both of them. We both know that hunters are supposed to be feared, but why is it this big of a deal? We both look at each other then look at our aunt. Zander gives me a side look as if saying I should say something, I roll my eyes, look at my mate, and squeeze his hand that I was holding the whole time that we we’re sitting there. He snaps out of his trance, and looks at me. “Sorry, Ryder, my love.” Goddess, I love the way my name sounds on his tongue, it makes me want to melt in his arms. “Hunters, as you know are not something you want to mess with, but the ones that your aunt is talking about are not just any ordinary hunts. They are the most ruthless hunters in the US maybe even in the world. They capture all different kinds of creatures, experiment on them, make them fight to the death, and do other things to them. If they have been after you since you were kids then you must have something that they really want, or really want to know about you.” “Hold up! How did you know what kind of hunters she was talking about in the first place?” Zander asked. “It’s not like you can read her mind or anything, right?” “No, I can’t but the tune of her voice gave it away. No one talks about hunters in that serious of a tune unless they are talking about those types of hunters. Not even normal hunters get in the way of these hunters because they are so merciless to anyone that gets in their way.” Grayson says in reply in an emotionless tone, and I squeeze his hand again to try to get his smile back; while it worked for a little bit, but it went back to a frown a second later. Seems like he’s worried about something. I look at him with a worried look, but it seems that he is too deep in thought to notice me looking at me until my aunt starts speaking again; which snaps him out of his trance-like state. “We don’t know why the hunters were after you two, but they could find you no matter where we went. Your parents and I came up with an idea that was risky, but it worked. Before we did anything, we had your dad talk to your wolves about our plan to see what they thought of it. They reluctantly agreed knowing that it would either be a long long time before they came back out, or that they would never surface again and be trapped inside of you forever.” Both Zander and I look down at the ground not knowing what both our wolves had sacrificed just so that we didn’t really have to forgo anything really tragic, or horrific in our live. We both look at each other and nod; we know that each other have been ignoring our wolves, but it’s time to say our thanks, and apologies for how we have treated them since they have resurfaced. “I’m sorry Nora. I didn’t know what you did for me. Just so that I, sorry we could survive.” I say in my head making sure that no one can hear me except Nora. This is going to get some getting use to; sharing my head with another mind. “It’s okay, Hecate. I shouldn’t have been too energetic about the whole thing either, but it’s been years since I fully get to see the world. Not just bits and pieces.” She says in a polytechnic voice. “Oh, by the way. Why are you calling me ‘Hecate’?” I ask her in a very curious voice. “You will find out soon enough. Very soon in fact, but hopefully in a safe environment.” She says with a little bit of a giggle in her tone then she cut off our mind-link It was my turn to be in a deep thought process that I didn’t even notice that Grayson was trying to get my attention. I was trying to figure out what Nora meant before she cut us off. Which was not fair by the way. When Grayson finally got my attention, he was waving his hand in front of my face, and his face was not to far from mine as well; which made me blush like crazy. Thank the goddess that Zander was busy talking to his wolf to notice, or he would make a crack about this situation, then I would have to kill him. I would too. I look at my aunt, and then Grayson with a serious look on my face. They look back at me with an almost as serious face and I say, “So do we tell anyone that we are werewolves because they all think that we're human. I mean other than the principal, your mate by the way, who I think told the alpha by now.” That makes aunt Sherry think for a minute along with blush. “I mean, it is kind of up to you two. Do you want the werewolves to know that there are now hybrids living in their territory?” I look between Zander and my mate, and I think I came up with my answer. I just don’t know about Zander. This has to be an agreement between siblings; not just one deciding for the other, or the other pressuring the other into what the other one what’s. We both look at each other. ‘What do you think Zander?’ I ask him through a mind-link that I figured out that we pretty much had it all along that way, we could basically communicate without talking out loud. ‘I think I know what you are thinking, but I don’t know. Why don’t you explain your reasoning behind exposing us.’ He said. ‘I think we should do it because they might think that I don’t trust them down the road when they find out. I’m going to be their Luna; I need to set an example, and let them know that I trust them with all my heart. But this is a sibling decision. What is your reasoning behind not wanting to expose us?’ ‘I don’t think we should expose ourselves because the hunters will be coming for us at any time, but now that I think about it’s better to have a pack by your side then to stand alone when it comes to a fight. I don’t mean to use them, I really don’t, but safety in numbers.’ He says. ‘So, what do you say Zander? Do we expose ourselves or keep ourselves hidden from the wolves?’ I say just to make sure that we are on the same page. “We expose ourselves.” Zander says in a confident voice. I just about jump for joy when I hear those words, but I hold it back with just a smile. Zander looks at me gives me a curious look and then nods, giving me the okay to jump for joy. I pull Grayson up to his feet, hold his hands, start jumping up and down, and when I get enough momentum I jump onto Grayson. I smile at him with a big old grin, and kiss him on the cheek. That didn’t satisfy my hunger for him though, and I can tell that was the same for him; we both led in at the same time, but as we were just about to touch, we heard a growl. I sigh knowing who is was. I turn my head towards my brother, and glare at him, he just shrugs it off. I turn back to my lovely mate who is still holding me, and looking at me like I am the most pressures thing in the whole world. I don’t ever want this moment to end, but this time it was my aunt’s turn to ruin our moment. She fake coughed beside us and said, “It is time for Mr. Grayson to go home. It is well past both of your guys' bedtimes, and you have school tomorrow. You can see each other at school, and plus you have an important announcement to make in front of the whole pack sometime soon don’t you, Grayson?” “I’ll walk you out.” I say disappointed that he had to go. When we got outside, I realize that he has to run all the way back to town to get to his car, and I feel so bad. He must see that I feel bad about something because he lifts up my chin, and kisses very passionately; to the point where my knees actually go weak, and I just about fall to the ground. Luckily, he catches me just in time, and holds me up while continuing the kiss. He finally lets me go, and says that it’s fine that he has to run to get to his car because it’s worth it then run off into the night.
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