The Kisses

2396 Words
This is all made up; please don't hold anything against me.   Ryder’s P.O.V While I am kissing Grayson; I get onto his lap, and run my hands through his chestnut light brown hair. I take a little break to take a little look into his emerald eyes, and also to breath as I lean in to kiss him, I hear interrupting the mood. “Okay you two, we get it. You’re mates.” I hear my brother say.  I also hear multiple oh’s and awe’s. Then I hear my aunt say, “Okay, time to stop that you two. I’m glad that we all found our mates, but I guess there is one last thing to do it’s to get ready for school. Go scat all of you. Even you werewolves; you all look like hell after what we talked about. Go shower, change, and don’t worry about these two. I’ll put a few barriers around the house for the time being until I feel all of you come back here, but in human form since you all do have school.” Zander looks at our aunt in surprise where I just yell to the point where it almost hurts everyone’s ears, and jump up and down, “I knew it! I knew it was him the moment I saw the way that you guys looked at each other!” My aunt was doing the lower your voice signal with her hands, and that’s when I realized how loud my voice really was. I give an apologetic look to everyone in the room, and they all give me a smile that says that ‘it’s okay’; other than my brother who’s ‘I’m going to beat you’. I sit back down on Grayson’s lap; then Zander gives my aunt a confused look. “Okay, now go get ready for school all of you.” Aunt Sherry says shooing all of us away. I turn around to face Grayson, and pout. He was pouting as well, cause that means that we have to separate for a little bit, and I don’t want to be without him even for a second. I look from his cupid-bow shaped lip to his eyes, trying to decide on what to do. I know that I have to take a quick shower to wash my body from what happen earlier this morning with my magic. I always feel gross after I do that blow-up stuff, and I had to do it in front of Grayson too. I mentally slap myself, and hide my face in my hands for showing him that I can be that scary. I just hope that I didn’t scare him too bad to the point he leaves me; I already love him so much. “Love? Why are you hiding your face?” Grayson says in a worried voice. “N-no reason. You don’t have to worry about it, baby.” I say trying to settle him down, but I can tell that it didn’t work because he took my hands away from my face easily. Damn werewolf strength! “What… is… wrong, my baby?” He says still holding my hands probably so that I don’t put them over my face again. “I just scared that you saw me like that this morning acting like that, and that you might leave me for it.” I look down at his lap not making eye contact with him scared of what he will say. He let’s go of one of my hands, and for a second, I want to cry then he puts his fingers under my chin making me look at him. I close my eyes for a minute, take a quick breath to take in his wonderful scent, then look into his beautiful eyes. “I could never leave you. I’m the one the provoke it in the first place, so please don’t ever ever think like that again. I love you with all of my heart already; I could never leave you. Hell, I’m already planning a future with you in my head. What it would be like to run the pack with you by my side, having our own little kids running around, and I’m already trying to come up with names for them.” He says with a shine in his eyes that I can’t help but smile at. I lean into kiss him again, but he smashes his lips into mine before I was even ready for it. So, I had granted him entry without realizing it, but I love every second of it. Up until I feel an unknown force pull us apart, literally. I am floating in the air looking around, and I see my aunt’s hands glow. She has the power of telekinesis and levitation, and she is using both of them to keep me and Grayson apart. “I thought I told you both to go get ready for school.” She says in a not too happy voice, so I know that I’m in trouble. “I’m going to put you down now Ryder, and let your mate off the couch. Then you two are going to say your good-byes for the time being, and then you are going to do what you need to for school. Do you understand me?” When she puts it that way then I don’t have a choice. She lets us both go like she said she would, we said a kind of quick good-bye, but we cut it a little shorter then I think we both wanted since my aunt was standing there watching us. I walk to my room; my aunt walks Grayson out so there isn’t another kiss incident. Which I pout at the thought of not being able to kiss him for a little while, but that makes me want to get everything done even fast just so I see him sooner. I jump in the shower to get all the yucky power stuff off of me. After I feel all refreshed, I do my usual after-shower-routine: put oil in my hair for the breakage, let it airdry, get dressed, and go downstairs to actually eat. Last time I was downstairs I was to see what was going on, not to actually eat. There’s still food that Julie made out on the counter. I take a bite of the food, and immediately regret it. Her food was horrid. I take two apples out of the fruit bowl, write a note on the fridge that says, ‘DON’T EAT THE FOOD!’ I call Zander down as I’m putting the second apple in my bag, then grab another. “Zander, come we’re going to be late!” I say before taking a bite into my apple, and tossing his up in the air getting ready to throw it at him. Once I see him, I throw the apple at him to see if he will be able to sense it coming at and catch it like he sometimes does, but I want to know if having his wolf will distract him. He cast a spell that stops the apple mid-air, he flips over the railing catching the apple before it hits the ground. “Show off.” I scoff at him while he just laughs at me. We have both had intense training mentally, physically, and magically. We never knew why we went through such training, but I guess we do now. The Hunters. Whoever they are; I don’t really get why everyone is making a big deal out of them, but if they are what they say they are then I guess we better stay clear of them. Just as we are heading to my Mustang convertible, we see that everyone is back, and is waiting for us to come out of the house. They were all waiting by a car; the two guys were standing by a 1995 Ford F-350. ‘I should really memorize their names’; I’m really bad with names which I hate about myself, but I don’t think they really even told us their names’ either.’ I think that while I look around for Grayson who is not there might I add. The Pure-Diamond blonde-haired kid notices my disappointment, and smiles at me then says, “He went ahead to the school to scoop it out to make sure it was safe for you two.” I nod with a half-smile to let him know that I understood, but I didn’t really want to understand or care about that. I wanted him here, with me, I hate being away from him; it hurts my heart. “Thanks for letting me know, but that wasn’t exactly what I was worried about. Yes, I was wondering where he is, the other thing that I was wondering about is that I don’t know your names. Other than Julie that is.” I say as I play with my right hand a little nervous of what they might say; will they think that I’m a bad Luna? “Oh right, we never introduce ourselves. We went right into the meeting, so we couldn’t exactly tell you our names right at that moment and time.” The one with Brown Sugar hair said. “My name is Wyatt Fox.” The one with Pure-Diamond hair was the next to speak saying, “And my name is Ace Griffin. It’s nice to meet you Luna." “Same here, Luna. It is such a pleasure being the first to meet you!” Wyatt says a little happier than it probably is needed, and I giggle at his enthusiasm. Which causes them to look at me a little strange, and as I look up at them, I say, “You guys can just call me ‘Ryder’, and thank you for being the first to welcome me into your pack. Also if we don’t start heading out then we’ll be late for our first classes.” We start to load up into our cars, and we decide that it maybe best that one of them rides with us for protection. Even though we don’t think we need it, but just to save ourselves from headache later on, we decided that it was best this way. Then Zander says with a little bit of a blush, “It should be Julie.” We don’t argue with him since they are brand new mates, and they probably want to get to know each other better than the little bit that they already do. We finish loading up into the cars, and head to the school before we are late for our first class of the day. Once we get to school, I see Grayson standing out front of the school; I can smell him from the middle of the parking lot. I close my eyes after I get out of the car, and start following his sweet scent of fresh rain and pine. ‘Mmmmm, boy do I love that smell.’ I say to myself with a goofy smile on my face. When I get to the sidewalk in front of the school, still with my eyes closed, I suddenly hear, and smell that I don’t know about at all right by my mate. My eyes snap open immediately to see someone hanging on him getting close to kiss him. I was about to run up to them, and rip her head off of her body. I decide to eavesdrop on their conversation by hiding behind a wall that is a few feet away from them. I take a deep breath and try to focus on Grayson, but it’s my first time trying to sort out voices. I managed to find his voice from the crowd. “Hey Grayson baby, is it true that you are ending all your five relationships? If it is, can we at least have a little fun before WE end it?” The girl with light ash blonde that is medium length, and that has layers says in a sweet voice. “Yes, I am ending it ALL with all ALL of you, and you know my rule with the fun that you’re talking about. The rule is no s****l stuff between any of my now ex-girlfriends’. I have found someone that I want to spend the rest of my life with, and she is the most beautiful person that I’ve ever seen.” Grayson says with a melodic tone in his voice, and it makes my heart sing as well as making it rush at what feels like lightspeed. I step out from behind the wall, and walk my way over to him; once I’m right in of them, I look at her with a smile that has a secret meaning then look at him saying, “Hey babe, who is this girl hanging on you like a monkey?” He gulps knowing that something may go down if something doesn’t change really quickly in the next minute. Nora is in the back of my head pretty much saying that we should just tire her apart limb from limb right here and now. I push her away in my head trying not to show what she or I am thinking, and decide not to do it even though it sounds SO tempting right now. She just looks at me with a little glare showing me that she is not going to back down anytime so. ‘Yet at least.’ I say in my head then the corner of my mouth twitches just thinking about it. “I’m sorry, I don’t think you know who I am. I’m Molly, the head cheerleader.” The girl ‘Molly’ says with a big attitude, then continues by saying, “Who the hell are you to call him ‘babe’ by the way, huh? Only his girlfriends are allowed to call him that, and I’ve never seen you before at this school. So, who the hell are you?” giving me the normal teenage girl attitude stance. “I’m the new girl you probably heard of. You know flipping the dude over my shoulder like it was nothing, right?” I say in a nice mean way. Almost like giving her a warning not to mess with me. Her face goes pale, and her dark hazel eyes go wide; probably realizing who she is messing with. She lets go of my mate’s arm that she was holding onto with his arm in the middle of her boobs. I’m a little surprised that he didn’t blush even a little bit at what was going on to him. “Now I don’t want to see you or his PAST girlfriends’ near him. Hanging on to him, or any other stuff along those lines. Do you understand me, ‘Molly’?” I say starting to get meaner and meaner with my words before I finish what I’m saying to her.
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