Chapter 7

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Flashback An amazingly bright limnious light was beaming through the window, and right with it there were many slight jerking movements from right to left as it went on and on like that for quite some time. And right at that very moment those jerk movements made Jude slowly open his eyes aware of his surroundings. And suddenly, the very first thing Jude noticed around him was a bright light hitting him right on his face, directly. And almost blinding that little child for one second there he immediately shut his eyes, while he sat there with a strange headache now forming. But never the less, Jude slowly opened his eyes back again, as there his eyes immediately captured the sea on his right. He was amazed by the beauty of it and now wide awake as well. Now that being his amazing view he had by the window. How ever, slowly that view was completely disappearing from him, but not entirely. Although he was in the car sitting comfortably, as the driver was in fact going faster and faster and there the view was all moving along with him. No longer was he asleep anymore. Immediately Jude sat up straight, now watching the blue sea out there, and the shine that it had on the surface was almost like glitter was sprinkled right on top of the water. All of it was a breathtaking of a view for him. Never the less, there was a small curve on the side of Jude's mouth, he seemed too glad to see the beauty he was surrounded by, something the little kid didn't know he needed. It was how ever right then, as Jude was admiring it all when suddenly, that view was replaced by buildings and people around him, and needless to say that the sudden distraction disappointed him, but he understood that they were finally now in the city, and quickly they arrived as well. Although, right at this very second, there was a massive shift in Jude's mood, and it happened very rapidly. There was a smile on his face some time ago, but it immediately disappeared from him and once again Jude was in a very grim state, a sad look on him and on his face. Slowly Jude sat up straight, looking ahead of him this time. “You are awake……” He heard Sillas say as Jude turned towards the man who had been taking care of him for the past few months. His uncle that Jude had known all his life and even today Sillas was there with him. Gradually Jude nodded his head but he did not say a word. However, Sillas, on the other hand, glanced at the little boy who still seemed so afraid even now. And of course Jude would be, Silla said to himself. All because Jude had very closely witnessed his father dying right in front of him, and there was no getting out of that horror ever in this life time. However, Sillas very well knew that even the image of his father would never leave Jude, Sillas was well aware of that fact. He had seen people go into ruins because of the trauma they had before. Now he very well knew that this would be a scar which would stay with Jude forever now. And if needed and in time, it even could grow to a very horrible extent. Jude might get out of it. One day or one day, that one scar would torment him and stay there with him forever. Jude would never heal as well. Because there a time were some memories of people simply would't leave, and maybe Jude would have to take with them forever, and to this Jude might have to take this to his grave. And that fact hurt Sillas’s heart, to know this reality for Jude. Nevertheless, it was the truth after all. Slowly then Sillas placed his hand on Jude’s head, slowly patting it softly. “Do you still want to go?” Sillas asked Jude, and now he was giving the kid an option. How ever, the little boy said nothing back to Sillas but stared at him with his big eyes wide open and softly Jude then nodded his head. Now that being his answer. Although, Sillas was very pleased nevertheless. “You don't have to do this because of me, Jude…” “I want to go, uncle…….” He said in his small voice. How ever, that is how it came out of him, his voice a small whisper and calm. And right then, the driver, on the other hand, he gradually looked back at Sillas from the mirror, giving him a sympathetic look. “Okay then…….” Sillas said, nodding his head, smiling at Jude. “And I promise that you are going to love it there. Sylvi loves making new friends and she will be very happy to know you are coming. I did inform her about you, so she already knows.” Sillas let Jude know, smiling brightly at the thought of his daughter. And Jude understood this. He was a very mature child for his age. He knew very well how to pretend to be a certain way in a certain place, and with different people. It was a gift that he possessed with him and was sharp at learning more of it as well. Because right now, he was even pretending to be okay with the change, and this day that he had to be out. And even now he was doing the same, pretending as if everything was fine. “Did you bring the gift?” Sillas asked, looking around the place. How ever, Jude was quick, and immediately he pulled out a box from under his seat and behind his leg. Sillas saw how it was completely covered with light blue wrapping and a large pink bow right on top of it. Sillas loved it and knew Sylvi would love it as well. How ever, there was a slight nervousness on Jude's face though, he wasn’t all that sure about this. “Do you think she will like this uncle?” He asked, slightly afraid now, and Sillas couldn't help but smile at how nervous he was. “She is going to love it. You can give Sylvi an avocado. She would still laugh about it and keep it until it's rotted. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it is a present, she will be more than happy.” Sillas said, laughing himself. How ever, there was a strange look on Jude’s face that he couldn't help but bring it out. And it got Jude thinking that for sure this kid was a strange one. And even though he had not seen her yet, it did not bother him. He had already made an image of her in his head, and thought that she was weird, that being enough for Jude. And for some time there, they both stayed quiet, not saying another word and that was okay for them as of now. The drive though, it continued on for them. Nevertheless, it did not take them quite some time, and with in no time they both had reached the beautiful mansion that was at the far end of the town. A large house made just entirely of stones and with multiple windows everywhere. That could be the only building seen right ahead of them, as there it stood, with its massive gates standing tall and proud as ever. However, those gates, they look too heavy and very enormous. And there were guards present on either side of the gate, with guns on them. And right then, as the Black Mercedes started to get closer and closer to the mansion, the gates started to open for them and the guard did not try to check who they were. It was as if they already knew who was inside the car. And at the same time, the men were not making eye contact with the car but were watching everywhere else. Protecting people that were inside the mansion. Jude, on the other hand, noticed everything very clearly. Jude never missed out on anything and that was something he learnt from his father. How ever, as the car started to drive up, getting to the mansion that was right on top. Jude saw that on either side of them there were multiple guards still standing guard, but what he really noticed was the garden, this entire drive all he saw was all green garden, too beautiful this was. At the same time, large bushes everywhere. And more over there were pink roses, white roses in some parts, golden shower trees everywhere as far as he could see. It was just too pleasing for the eyes this sight was. However, right then he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace while Jude was here. More over, he was so attentive that he quickly pushed his body forward and was moving his head out of the car and immediately noticed the large mansion right ahead of him. How ever, that's when Jude saw that on the ground floor there were multiple doors everywhere, and as he looked up he saw that the second floor was completely covered in flowers all around it, taking up every inch of it. And there were pink, yellow, white flowers everywhere. And the entire wall seemed like it did not exist at all. Jude though, he had seen many beautiful houses before in his short life, but this just made him feel so calm and collected that his tension was all leaving the child's body. He felt so light all of a sudden. Jude loved feeling this way. Sillas, on the other hand, he noticed that smile on Jude’s face. Sillas adored that on Jude, glad to see a shift in his mood this time. Suddenly, the car stopped right in front of the mansion, jerking the back of the car. “Come on Jude, let's go.” Sillas said. Alerting Jude. And right then, without even wasting a second, Jude immediately pushed the door open, walking out of the car almost immediately. And right then Jude fixed the nice suit that he was wearing for the day. All black and sharp as ever, something Sillas picked out for him. However, his eyes they never, not for one second left the house. And never the less, Jude walked forward with his mouth wide open, and continued running towards Sillas as the man was now walking ahead. “Sir,” A voice came from behind Jude as he stopped on his track and turned around to see the driver holding the gift that Jude forgot in the car. “You cannot go to a birthday party without a gift, sir. It might seem rude.” He said smiling softly at him. And quickly Jude ran up to him taking the large box in his hands and once again turned back around, running towards Sillas who was in fact waiting for him patiently. How ever, as they walked into the main door that was already wide open, Jude right then noticed what was inside, and there he saw an empty spot right in the middle, like there was no building in the middle at all. An open garden area right in between of the house and the entire house surrounding it. Needless to say, that to him it was strange and it was very new to Jude as well. But definitely this was not unseen though. However, as he walked in to the building, Jude looked around the place and saw the decorations were all over the place. Blue, yellow, pink balloons everywhere, and there were gifts covering three entire tables. And more over there were many children running around here and there, and right now Jude couldn’t help but feel uneasy. Normally, Jude would have loved it here, he would have joined them too, but now a days he likes to be alone, and isolated. More over, the little boy was now staring at the kids playing and running around as he held on to the box tightly in his hands, not knowing where he should go, and so Jude stood close to Sillas. How ever, Sillas very well saw him and almost immediately he could see the fear in his eyes, and now understanding that he had all the right to be this way. Sillas placed his hand on her shoulder keeping him close as they walked in. Although, there were already many parents who were saying there “hi” and “hellos” to Sillas and Sillas too was greeting them all. Jude however, he was avoiding eye contact with everyone there. Immediately they got to the area where there were loud screams all over the place now, right in the middle of the house, to that open area. “You made it Silla.” A voice came and Jude looked up to see an old man in a white suit now walking towards Sillas. He looks very similar to Sillas. “And you brought Jude with you, that is very good.” He said, looking down at the boy now. “How are you, Mrs. Vos Bonvich?” The old man asked, and Jude slowly looked up, glancing up at him a little skeptical, and immediately Jude nodded her head. “I am good, sir. Thank you” He said very kindly, and the old man chuckled softly messing with his hair as he immediately loved Jude and his manners. He could already see a powerful man in him and in the making as well. The old man then got up and pointed towards the table on the other side. “Why don't you put Sylvian’s present on the table. I am sure she would love you to open it later.” He said being very happy that this little brave boy was here. And immediately Jude once again nodded his head with respect to him and walked away, almost immediately leaving Sillas there. And being as brave as he could, Jude left, now passing the kids that were running all around him. Jude was very badly avoiding all of them but it went on perfectly well. But quickly he placed that gift on the table and stood back, now looking at so many gifts right in front of him. And right then he too remembered his birthday that was only a few months ago. And just like the girls, he too liked gifts very much, but mostly Jude liked food that others bought for him. That was something that he liked as a present. “Baby…. Honey, this is just for your grandma. You only have to wear it for some time, and then you can change into your yellow gown later, okay?” A very loud voice said as he came from somewhere, and fell on Jude’s ears. “NO, NO NO…..” Right then came in a different voice. this time it was smaller but louder, and now this voice alarmed Jude as he quickly moved his head to the side to see another passage that was right ahead of him. And there Jude saw a very bright pink, and only a large pink thing standing in front of him. He scrunched his nose trying to understand what it was, because it seemed like something that looked like a bubble gum standing right in front of him, a chewed bubble gum. His eyes immediately went straight, as Jude was not even sure what he was looking at. But then he moved aside and now completely got the view. And that was when Jude saw that there was a girl inside that bubble gum suit, as strange as it was. Moreover her hands were on the side of her hip and she was shaking her head from side to side. From her voice he could hear that she was very upset right now. “Baba, please. It won’t take long............." Her mother was saying to her, requesting. “No, I don’t want to mommy. NOOOO.” She said stomping her feet. But the woman there was not having any of it. “Stop acting up Syl. I am not going to say this again.” Another woman said who stood there in her blue dress, and she was taller than the girl. The lady was angry and she wasn’t hiding it, and her strict expression scared him as well. That is when Jude understood that she was the girl's mother, whose birthday it was today. How ever, Jude could very well understand the aggression that the small girl had now, that was a hideous dress that she was forced into and it looked very bad on her. It would on anyone. And especially that angry face and that pink was not doing that girl any good now. “And stop acting this way.” The angry lady said, pushing the girl’s hands away from hip, making her stand straight. “Your grandmother doesn't ask for much, but she got you this dress so you are going to wear it until you cut the cake… okay honey.” She said, bending down and looking in to her eyes. “Please baba, just do this for grandma.” The lady requested yet again. And even though the girl was upset, Jude could see that she was slowly nodding to her but yet not at all happy. “Okay mommy…” She let out whispering, and immediately the lady smiled. “Okay then, stay right here. I will go get your pink bow.” The lady said. “Nooooo.” Sylvian moaned in the pain she was in. Shaking her entire body, jumping up and down, angry now. her mother now laughing to herself, as the lady went back into a different room, leaving Sylvian there all alone very. Jude kept his entire attention on Sylvian, seeing her lose her mind. However, all of this was very funny to Jude as well, and this actually brought a smile on his face. Jude saw her looking down at the down murmuring something under her breath and she was stomping her legs a few times, pissed off now. Jude wanted to laugh out loud at her but he was composing it all inside of him, restraining himself. Never the less, there was a small curve on the side of his face as he turned around slowly when he felt a presence around him. “Here you go, chocolate ice cream for you…” A lady said as she handed him a cone of ice cream and walked away, passing all the children ice creams. Jude was very glad now, happy once again because he got chocolate. His mood now brighter as quickly Jude then turned around wanting to see what Sylvian was up to. But as he turned around, there he saw that she wasn't in front of him anymore, and this scared him almost immediately. He was afraid as to where she might have gone. There was no one there. Suddenly his breath started to hitch as he realized that this is exactly how his father disappeared for many days and the same thought came back to him when he could not see that little girl. Instantly he panicked, and right then Jude rushed to that opening and was looking right and left, his eyes going everywhere and only wanting to find that little girl safe. However, right then suddenly he felt a harsh stab on his shoulder, heavy. “Ahhhhh……….” A small screen came from behind him and he turned around to see it was Sylvian who ran up to him and crashed right on him. And immediately they both heard a small drop of something moist that fell down. Slowly, they both of them looked down to see his ice cream was now on the ground, done now. Sylvian’s eyes went wide now in horror. Slowly she looked up, way up looking at this big boy right in front of her and Jude, a little upset, he looked down at Sylvian, looking at her big large eyes that were staring at him. “I….I am sorry.” She was softly, but Jude did not say a word but only looked down. Suddenly, then there was a frown on his face as he quickly glanced back up at the scared little girl who was standing with her hands behind her back. She was still staring up at him, not once blinking. However, right now Jude wasn’t worried about the ice cream, there was something that had captured his mind. “Where did you run off to?. You shouldn't do that, you shouldn't run off like that Sylvi….. I know this is your house but people will take you and go away. What will you do if people take you and you never come back home?.” He asked her, and Jude was really upset that she was so careless. Nevertheless, she did not listen to any of that, because there was only one thing Sylvian noticed now. And her face scrunched almost immediately. “You cannot call me Sylvi.” She said and Jude was confused now. “What?........” He asked her. “My name is Sylvian Melete Gustavo.” She said a large name, surprising him. “Sylvian Melete Gustavo …….” He said with his own voice and she nodded at her head, bobbing it. “But your dad said that your…………..” “Only my daddy calls me Sylvi… you should call me Sylvian. He is special, not you…” She said being at most honest and rude as well, her face scrunched. And right after she said her piece, Sylvian then moved her hands forward but immediately her hands started to get stuck up with the fluffy fabric, upsetting the already upset child. That was when Jude understood that this was the reason she was mean. Sylvian was already in a bad mood. However, he did not think too much about it and looked down at his gone ice cream, as she did the same. Now she was feeling bad for him. “Don't worry about it, I can get you another one…” She said, telling him to wait, and once again she dashed off right there and then…. “Don't run……………..” He said almost like he was her dad. But it seemed like she did not listen to anything he had to say and ran off once again, not letting anyone know where she was going yet again, just like before. Jude let out an exhausted breath and watched the house. As there were multiple rooms here too, and most of them closed. However, there was no roof on top of him. He did not understand the concept of this house, but it was quite beautiful to him. “Here you go…..” Her voice came once again and there was a small peace in Jude’s mind, realizing that she was back. Quickly he turned around to see Sylvian standing there and holding a pink ice cream. “Strawberry ice cream?” He whispered to himself, looking down at the ice cream and back up at Sylvian. She though, had this brightly lit smile on her that was going from one ear to another. Once again she nodded her head, making her hair fall back and forth. “I don't like strawberry….” He said, disgusted. “This is the only thing that was left….” She was softly. And now looking at the ice cream for a few seconds. She was only staring at it for some time, and that some time went out for too long. However, right then immediately she held it up and too close to his face now. She was giving it to him. “There was no other choice there,” She whispered once again, while staring deep into his eyes like she was possessed. Now getting even closer him and the cone was almost to his face now. Jude couldn’t back away anymore, there was no way out of there. “Okay, okay…” Jude said immediately grabbing it, now afraid she would just put it on her face. Instantly as he took it, Sylvian was happy, but Jude was completely disgusted by this. He hated the smell, the pink. On this ice cream and on Sylvian as well. “Why don't you smile?. what are you so angry about?” Sylvian asked. And even though she was a child smaller than him, she was very interested to know. “I am not upset..” “You are upset, you look like my grandfather after he comes from the washroom and he hasn't pooped because she couldn’t” She said and Jude just simply stared at her for a few seconds, disgusted. “My face doesn't look like I haven't popped.” “Are you lac..tod intoletant?” She asked completely messing that word badly and immediately Jude shut his eyes tight, his head hurting now. “I can not.” He whispered softly. “But you should smile a little, it is my birthday. I am six now.” She said and showing her fingers out right on his face, too close. And immediately Jude backed away from her. “Why are you so hyper?.” He asked, and this time as she saw his expression, and now Sylvian was pissed off. “Why are you so grumpy. I brought you ice cream and you are so mean to the birthday girl.” She said with her hands on her hips. “I don’t like this flavor.” He said, mad now. “Well, too bad. This is what you have to eat now.” She said. And immediately Jude huffed, as his anger was on his nose and so was hers as well. Nevertheless, he knew he was a guest here and he had to be nice. “You are so bossy.” He muttered as Sylvian smiled at him, nodding her head. “And you are so stubborn.” Sylvian let out, being as equal of a match to him. “Sylviii, Jude………………. Come. Sylvi your cake is here.” Sillas said calling for both of them. And right there he saw they both were talking to each other, and actually Sillas was very glad that both Jude and Sylvian met. “DADDYYYYYYYYYY.” Sylvain screams out. And Jude’s eyes went wide open and shock at the tone and pitch it took. And immediately he backed away, placing both his hands on his ear. He had never heard someone so loud in his entire life. Sylvian though, she has completely at this moment forgotten all about her mother, Jude and the ice cream, even her birthday. She was just so happy that her father was here and quickly she rushed towards him. And Jude looked at her with his hands still on his ear and saw the pink gum running out of there to her father. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Both Jude and Sillas were walking back to their car, as Sillas was busy shaking his head. “You were upset with my daughter over an ice cream?” Sillas asked Jude, staring at him as they both walked towards the parked car of Sillas, reaching it. How ever, Jude, on the other hand, was a little upset and was now avoiding Silla’s. With his hand now in his pocket, he was just moving forward. “It was not my favorite flavor,” he said almost immediately but with a small whisper. “She went and got you something else, and Sylvi did that while it was her birthday.” Sillas said try to argue with him and now stunned to know this even happened. But immediately Jude looked at Sillas with a betrayed look on his face. "She was the one who dropped the ice cream.” Jude said. And right then Sillas was smiling ever so brightly at the story he had heard, and for the very first time in years. “I cannot believe you both met each other, I did not even know about this. Is that why you don't talk to Sylvi Jude, or is it because she gave you a different flavored ice cream?” He said, taunting him, and laughing out loud with his stomach as it was now starting to hurt. However, Jude did roll his eyes as he and Sillas reached the car. And Jude quickly opened the door for him. Yet he did not say anything. He thought that staying quiet would be much better.
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