Chapter 6

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Night had fallen too quickly now, and things were seeming to be calming down a little bit as a cold atmosphere was now spreading all around the place, something that seemed very necessary as the hot morning and afternoon had been upon the people for so long and it was so hot. But right now, as the moon was out right on top of them, a full moon. There was a light breeze spreading everywhere and people were very well appreciative of it. But rather they still had to walk out with some warm clothes on them. Although Sillas, on the other hand, he was sitting in a restaurant while still waiting for Jude to come to him and, for some reason, Sillas did not mind or bother that Jude was late, there would always be a reason for it and Sillas understood that very well. And now he did not mind the wait one bit, because he realized that it would take Jude some time and Sillas liked the quiet afternoon and evening he had in Elba and all by himself too. It was quite entertaining really for the old man. This being something he had intended to do and so he did not mind spending some time with himself, his mind and mostly his thoughts. Something he loved all that very much. How ever, right at this moment, Sillas was simply sitting there in a small restaurant, a local one, sitting by the window and watching the water at one side, and at the same time he had a breathtaking view of the other side as well. The opposite side was where he could watch people travelling, walking around, enjoying their vacation. He was watching both the things that he adored a lot, people watching and nature watching. It all made it healing for Sillas and for his work as he loved to know his surroundings and people as well. “Hear you go.” A waiter said, placing a bottle of scotch and bourbon with a glass on the table with some chips in the corner. “Will you be ordering something right now sir? or are you waiting for someone to join you here?” The young man asked his regular customer. But he also knew very well who this man in front of him was really. And he knew he should fear him, but never the less, the young man had a smile on his face. He wasn't afraid of the former Mafia lord. Although just like others, he too had a lot of respect for Sillas. Just like every single person here in Italy and more over the world, but people in Italy knew Sillas even more so intimately. Never the less, Sillas nodded at his head. “Why don't you bring me another glass and fish? I feel like eating fish today and Jude, on the other hand……..” Sillas said, looking back out at the road, trying to see if he was there or not. While the young man, on the other hand, he though, slightly moved back and taken a back by the Mafia lord's name being called out and in the open. And now his large grin immediately dimmed down, not being able to hold it anymore. “He… he is going to be here sir?” He asked and Sillas simply nodded his head, turning back to the young man and, clearly there he was able to notice the reaction on his face and now simply at the name“Jude” This was always very hilarious to Sillas, it never got old. He smiled at him, shaking his head. “I understand Jude can be a little intimidating by his presence, but Jude will not be a problem. He is on a day off……..” Sillas said joking a little and also laughing at his own joke, but it did not seem to have worked on the young man though. How ever, his afraid attire seemed to have burst out quite very often and out loud as well, something that man couldn't even hide if he wanted to, but never the less, Sillas moved forward a bit and patted him on his back. He was giving him a little encouragement. And Sillas knew that he might have gone a little too far. “Don't be afraid of him. If you have any bad intentions, it is when Jude would have something to do. Other than that, he would never hurt you. Jude is not like that and I haven't thought him that either,” Sillas said. And how ever, somehow this was quite reassuring to the young man now. All of a sudden, the young man started blinking his eyes rapidly now and standing up straight, nodding his head as the information got into his mind. A bright glow on his face. “Of course, I understand, sir. You are the reason we have this restaurant here and we are still here as well.” The boy said, looking around the establishment which was once a small one. But right now, it has grown into something so amazing and a large of a restaurant and one of many. And now this one was newly decorated as it was all glass, everywhere. This being for the people inside to see the view out in the open and especially at night. Chandeliers everywhere and multiple staff working here as well. This was to help him around. “If it wasn't for you, sir. Vincent’s men would have taken over this place and we would have to pay them more than we make. You and…. The Lord is the reason we have this establishment still. My father and I can never stop thanking you both for what you have done for us.” He said a little sensitive now about the old topics. And remember the old days when they had to live as well. Never the less, even though he was fine here, the boy was still a little agitated, and even now to this day. but not because he wanted to be sulk or disrespectful him, but it was just a matter of fact that a mafia was sitting right in front of him and the young man had all the right to be a little afraid of one of the most powerful men in the world that was sitting right in front of him. Sillas couldn't help but smile to himself now, remembering the old days as well. “Your father is a good man, he has taken care of a lot of people and fed a lot of people in his life. I could not let this restaurant go to ruins. He does not deserve that in life.” He said, as the boy listened very carefully. “And you, you should learn those principles from him before he would have to leave you…” Sillas said, being honest with him this time and warning the young man. He couldn't help but laugh a little lightly, this time nodding at his head. “I will be right back………” the young man said turning around and walking away from there, while Sillas sat there in silence yet again. And right then more and more customers started to get in. But as Sillas was sitting in a different corner slightly away from everyone else, it was quite private in here for him. But right at that moment, Sillas was alarmed and so were the people, as he and all of them heard a large roaring sound coming from outside. And immediately that was when Sillas understood that Jude was here and that was the sound of his car. Sillas though, he could recognize Jude’s car and the sound, more over his presence around him as well. From a very far distance too, it did not truly matter. Something that has happened for many years now and since he was a little boy, Sillas could do it. However, now the old man was at peace at the moment as he turned to the door to see Jude pushing the door open for himself and was walking into the restaurant. How ever, the people around him, all of them quickly backed always from the Mafia lord ever so slightly. Some bowed their head or nodding their head, acknowledging his presence and all that in pure respect for the Mafia lord. Although, Jude, on the other hand, walked in and now perfectly dressed up in his sharp suit, all groomed his hair back, showing off his charming face to the world. And as he walked there as sharply as ever, striding right past people while Jude’s eyes, staring right at Sillas as he noticed the old man almost immediately as he stepped in. How ever, as always, there was never a smile on Jude’s face. He never let out that human reaction out in the wild for people to see. Which was supposed to be very necessary in humans, but for Jude, no. Sillas looked at him very carefully, only begging god to give him a smile. Now he was seeing Jude walking up to him like a robot he was, behaving like a robot as well, and no soul inside. Sillas huffed out. However, right then Silla noticed how all the ladies and young women in the room had their eyes only on Jude, and at the same time, they were some men as well. And they all, of course, knew the power this man held in his hands. But at the same time, they all still couldn’t help but look at him and admire the man he was. In his elegant way Jude walked right past them and was making his way to Sillas. And the way he looked, the way he spoke, everything was just very admirable about the Mafia lord, but everything could only be seen from a far only, because nobody there had to guts to get close to Jude. “I am sorry, I had to make you wait.” Jude said to Sillas as he walked up to him and Sillas immediately got up from his seat and walked towards his son. However, without any warning or so, immediately Sillas pulled him into a hug and a tight one at that, as he always did whenever he saw Jude. Although, Jude did not hesitate at all. “It's good to see you back.” Sillas said to Jude as he pat him on Jude’s back lightly and Sillas backed away from him while still holding on to his arms. Looking at Jude up and down. “You seem to be looking just fine, there is not even a small scratch on your suit or on you,” Sillas said as Jude smiled softly. “I had to get rid of those clothes quick. It wouldn't be nice to walk into a restaurant covered completely in blood.” He said as Sillas noticed his head, but still he was not very used to Jude joking around. But it was still very amusing to Sillas “ However, I was very hungry, so I ordered something for both of us. And I know you like fish too but do you want to sit here, eat and talk or do you want to sit outside in a little private area and watch the sea. Maybe the lights and stars can accompany us in peace.” Sillas asked. However, Jude too did not really mind sitting anywhere as long as he could talk to Sillas, and spend some time with him before they would have to separate yet again. But before Jude could say anything, Jude quickly turned around involuntarily and noticed people's eyes were on them, him mostly. And right then, quickly, Jude looked away from and back to Sillas, and right now he did not feel like this was the right place to talk. And the fact that he did not know what Sillas wanted to talk about. “Let us sit outside.” Jude said, looking back at Sillas. And however, Sillas couldn't help but agree as he nodded his head and right then turned around and opened the back door walking right outside as Jude followed right behind. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… “Enjoy your food.” The waiter said as he placed the fish right in front of both of them with drinks and walked out of there, leaving both of them there all alone. Sillas and Jude sat there enjoying the view right ahead of them as now the city completely lit up and there was definitely noise from out there as there were tourists walking around. But they all seemed so small from the distance between them and the world out there. However, right now, the peace that they had was quite entertaining for them. It was something that they wanted but it was definitely more peaceful here than inside. Jude listened to the sound of the waves clashing and now moving as the current took it in, its speed and all of this was some how very calming to Jude. Something he hadn't felt for quite some time. And right then he slowly closed his eyes shut, and started letting out a large huff, simply letting his body release all the harsh thoughts out of him for one second, just get it all out of his system for just some time there before he had to go back to what he was, and what he was born for. How ever, Sillas noticed him and the exhaustion that was on him. And right then he also noticed that Jude was still able to hide all of his emotions very clearly. “It must be very hard to not be able to show emotion as it should be. It must be very suffocating.” Sillas said looking right at Jude as the Mafia Lord slowly opened his eyes, watching the water as the light of the moon fell right on top of it, making it shine, forcing it to look to beautiful as ever. “I have learnt to handle them, it is not all that bad.” Jude said as his thick voice spread all around the silence and now completely consuming. It was light and most welcome as well. However, Sillas nodded, but he still could not believe he had built this man right in front of him. And he thought him to be this way. “I never allowed you to show any emotions because it was not necessary back then, it was needed to be learnt,” Sillas said, now confessing. And somehow this confession did not affect Jude what so ever. Because it was the truth for him. “Well..” Jude whispered. “I too did have a great hand in this as well. I did ask you to make me the way I am today.” Jude said picking up his glass and taking a sip from his bourbon, and now enjoying the liquor as it was now going down his throat. It felt strangely calming. However, Sillas couldn't look away from Jude for a second, but then he had to look back, still staring at the man he had created. And now he knew he wanted to say so much more, but he wasn’t sure if Jude was willing to listen. Never the less, Sillas couldn't be silenced now. “Jude….. it is not all that bad to feel something for once. Once in a while, I think you can let yourself slide.” He said as Jude was now attentive but still was doing his own thing. However, Sillas got his attention though. “I can see you always restrain yourself from ever, understanding your own emotions, and feeling. And Jude..” “I don't want to have any emotions, I do not want to invite weakness into my life.” He said being very honest with Sillas as he started turning back to Sillas. And right then, there was a smile on Sillas’s face this time. “You remind me so much of me in you. But you look like your father. However, I feel as if your father has now completely disappeared from your presence and mind. Your father had good value for life, other than violence as well…… I guess it is my fault that I did not teach you these values in time.” Sillas said as Jude looked back at his drink, a thick gulp in his throat now at the mention of his father. It being something Jude did not approve of. He never talked about it voluntarily. "Your father was a very smart man, but I understand……….” Sillas said, but stopped as Jude interrupted him. “There is still one thing my father failed to understand..” He said, finally speaking his thoughts. “The thing that he failed to understand was that.......... once you are a mafia, you are always. Forever a mafia……” He let out and Sillas stayed quite, as that brutal old memory came back to him. “Jude….” “No……there is no getting out of this life, these people. There will never be an exit and it is foolish to think they will ever be one, and giving false hope like that is too brutal, Sillas.” He said, still looking down at his drink, and said it all with all the strength in him. “I knew this the moment I joined you, I knew that this life, my entire family, people I love, everything and everyone would be a part of this as well. And everyone from that day onwards had a hand in the brutality that this life is." He was rough with hid words. "It doesn't matter if you were born to this life, married to one or adopted. Once you are a part of a mafia family, everyone is a part of this life style. The moment you forget that truth........................... that is the moment you get killed.” Jude let out in all honestly. He was not holding back any more this time.. And right now, as he said all of this, Sillas very well noticed the strange flexing of his jaw that he did every time he was upset. And this being the way he calming himself down, or at least trying to. Sillas could clearly see Jude and his emotions, that were rushing out of him. But he didn’t let it out at any cost. Jude had mastered this very well in his life, and everything seemed so under control this time. And that he could suppress all of his darkest pains inside of him without even showing it out to a lot of people. Even his own people as well. And many people would say this talent of his to be very marveless though. But for Sillah it was problematic, and even more over sad as well. More to Jude’s own body, mind and soul. Sillas couldn't help but blame himself for a great man he made, but a monster is what he had truly created and given to this world. Immediately Sillas stared away from Jude and was looking at his every move. Noticing how Jude was holding on to the glass tightly in his grip, and right then his veins on his hand started to pop out, and even furiously as ever. Sillas was very well aware of what he had done, completely aware of where this would take Jude in the future, and so he realized to get back to what he had called Jude here for. Although he had to force it, but there was once again a smile on Sillas’s face. “I am going to New York in two days to meet Sylvi.” He said, and bought it up out of nowhere, completely alarming Jude in the process. And right then, slowly, Jude looked down at the glass and, still composed. He nodded his head, sitting up straight and correcting his posture. “Okay, I will make sure to have my men ready to go with you. Don't worry about anything and the men, they will be far away from you, and your daughter will not see any of them around. They all know better.” He let out as Sillas’s smile grew even more so, and this time it was turning into a smirk, gradually. “But, of course, you do have to carry a gun with you at all times. I know you do not like to have it around Sylvian, but there is no other way to it.” Jude said stricktly. “There are a lot of people who know you there as well, it’s important to be safe. But my men will also be there with you.” Jude went on and on and on about the necessity of his trip, behaving like a parent as he always did. But Sillas, on the other hand, he had a growing smile on his face and by now it had gone so wide as he was simply watching Jude rant on and on without a pause, or giving himself a breathing space . As a parent, he was just going on with how things should go. And at the same time, being a perfectionist that he is, more over at his work too. Jude was being a perfectionist here as well. Planning this trip right here and right now. “And you will also have to have a driver with you this time. I cannot let you drive. It does not seem…………….” Jude was saying. “I am not taking a driver with me, no……….” Silla said almost immediately, and stopping Jude in between. How ever, the Mafia lord though, he was taken aback as he turned to Sillas and looked right at him, a little stunned. And pissed to. “What do you mean?.” Jude asked, already furious now. While Sillas was smirking, loudly now. “I am not taking men with me either.” He let out, and now Jude was losing his mind already now. “Sillas, this is not a joke. This cannot happen. It is not safe for you to go there all alone….” “You are coming with me as well, Jude.” Sillas said to the Mafia lord. Stopping and interrupting Jude all of a sudden, and at the same time surprising the man as well. Jude simply sat there, and now with a confused look on his face. A large frown formed right there and then. “I understand that you are a very busy man Jude, but for the past couple of days you have been working like never before, so much so that your family is worried about you. I am worried about you.” Sillas said as Jude completely turned towards Sillas. And now taken a back. “I cannot Sillas……….” “I understand that you cannot come with me. But I am ordering you to come with me. I also understand that you are the lord, and nobody can order you around, but I can. And because I am ordering my son to come with me. Is that too much to ask ?” Sillas let out and the Mafia lord simply sat there listening, and now still really taken a back. So not sure if this could even be possible. “Sillas, there is too much to do here. I have to…..” “It will just be for the whole day. And I am sure my wife will hate me around her but she would love to have an extra guest. She likes you. And you have to eat my wife's Lasania. Astrid makes the best.” He let out, as Jude seemed a little too uncomfortable right about now. “And don't you want to meet Sylvi?.” He said and right then, Jude looked back up at him at the mention of her name. Suddenly he was very alarmed, and he had a very good reason for that as well. “I always talk to you about my daughter, but don't you want to see her for once, talk to her and get to know her? She is my daughter after all,” Sillas asked him. As Jude, on the other hand, took another sip from his drink now. And this time he had no words to say to Sillas, not a single word, and this had never happened before to him. He felt so trapped all of a sudden but also understood that Sillas had the entire right to ask him for a favor. But still, never the less, Jude tried to object once again. “Sillas……….” Jude said to him, but immediately Sillas started to shake his head. “Jude, I don't even remember if you have ever met her or not. And I don't think you have.” Sillas said, thinking over it for a second. “But Syl…….” “I have.” Jude let out almost immediately. Now being very alert and loud with his voice and words. Making sure that Sillas heard him, which he did and he was now taken a back, not quit remembering when it could have happened. “When?” Sillas asked, confused and now staring at Jude. How ever, the Mafia lord, on the other hand, he slowly looked away from Sillas as his eyes then went towards the water again. Now as Jude was going back to his memory, a very, very old memory at that. This was a small one this memory. “I was 8…” Jude whispered softly as he was mentally back to that date and time. “March 11. She was in Italy with you. She came with her grandparents, a 6 years old child and it was her birthday party. You brought me there so that I could meet her.” He let out ever so softly. And Sillas glanced down at him, now he too was right there with Jude. Back to those old calm days. “She had this pink dress on, everyone liked it but her and the whole time she looked like a large cupcake, stuff from everywhere.” Jude let out, as Sillas, on the other hand, simply watched Jude as he was recalling that moment, that reminder it was to him. As suddenly everything came back to his mind immediately. He was now remembering that day to be precise. And now very well remembering how Sylvi hated that dress so much, but she was forced into it by her grandmother, who wouldn’t take no for an answer. Also who got it for her grand daughter as well. Sillas couldn't help but laugh out loud at that truly funny memory of his daughter. However, there was something else that came to his thoughts as well, something that disturbed him, more over distracted him almost immediately, and it was the way Jude was talking about that day. And the way his tone was coming off, his voice was as of now. There was a change and Sillas noticed that too well. Suddenly it was so strange to him. Because it had been years since Sillas had heard Jude be this way, be so quiet with his words. And now there were true emotions in every one of that statements, in the memory, as Jude was now back in his old life, and now his childhood. There Sillas noticed peace in him, now clearly seen on his face. It was very strange to see this side of him, but he couldn't look away though, because Sillas was afraid that if he did look away, he would never be able to see Jude as he was right now. The old Jude that he missed so much and though he had buried all this while. Never the less, Sillas let him continue as Jude’s face scrunched and lines started to form on his forehead. “I remember she was a little upset, but that only lasted for some time. Sylvian was stumping her leg while she was walking out of the house, going back into the house and coming back out. A pout on her lips, she was fussing over the dress, but after sometime she was distracted by the games around her. Sylvian forgot everything while she was playing.” Jude said, as silent smile was forming softly at that old memory of his with her. But more over he was smiling at the fact that this memory was still fresh to him as ever in the Mafia lord's mind. However, right then, Sillas noticed all this, everything. He couldn’t miss it for the world and couldn't help but think that the man that Jude once was and had not yet left him. He was still inside of him. The human that Jude once was, and an innocent child too, had not died. They were still in there. Although, it might seem like there were a lot of things that were for sure dead inside of him over the years, but at least there were some memories that were still stuck inside of Jude. And more over they were a clear print in his mind. And that was enough for the old man. Sillas smiled to himself, thanking the lord above that those thoughts stayed.. And they also brought essence of peace in Jude, something he was about to loss. “But Jude, you said you met her. But it doesn't seem like you did.” Sillas said, encouraging in Jude to continue. However, Jude stared at the water, shaking his head now, almost like there still was more story felt that what he had said. “Oh, I met her……….. I definitely met her…”
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