Chapter 8

3950 Words
A very calm atmosphere spread all around the surroundings as the morning light emerged almost immediately, as it was now making its way down into the bedroom window, as those raise now were rushing at a slow pace in to the house, to the room now taking its time. And now brightening up everything it was touching all around, anything that came into its presence. And as the warmth now spread in, somehow everything looked very calm as it should be, brighter and things started to change around right there and then. However, that warm sunlight was now traveling and making its way on top of the bed, landing right on a man sleeping on his stomach, his cover spread on his lower body as he slept there with no clothes on and his face buried on a pillar. And his very thick hair now was spreading all around the pillow, covering up his face as well. The man was now deep in his sleep and the morning did not seem to have woken him up, at least now yet. But unfortunately, that did not work out for too long, and his peace was slightly falling off of him as the sunlight around him was now quickly reaching right on to him and now landed on his face, slammed on to the man. He was alarmed instantly, as he immediately pinched his eyes together tightly shut, and now quickly brought back to life. He, at the moment, was physically irritated by the bright light that was right on top of his face. Nevertheless, slowly ,very gradually, the man opened his eyes and started looking right outside of the window. That being his very first sight, that was now his view as his hazel eyes pierced through the tree that was moving outside of his room. The tree now letting the sun through and at the same time it was blocking the light as well. Summer was upon them, and he seemed pleased and no longer irritated as before. “Good morning….” A very feminine, calm and yet a very rough voice came from right behind the man and quickly he opened his eyes entirely, turning around with a smile on his face right then. And his stubbles created on his face made him look even more so charming as ever, as the lady right next to him noticed that roughness, and she looked at with with pure love in her soul for him. The man turned around and his body flexed, making every one of his perfectly carved muscles move along with him. And quickly he turned, now smiling softly at the woman right next to him. A woman who had just woken up as well, just like him. Although, her long black hair was almost covering up her face, but immediately she pushed it away and behind her ear as her large lips spread wide showing off her teeth, there was a bright sparkle and her brown eyes staring back at the man, her makeup now slightly smurged from yesterday night. “Good morning Santo.” She said to him, as Santo, on the other hand, simply just laid there looking away from her and now simply staring at the ceiling. His one hand he had placed right under her head and his other one wide open on the other side of the bed, as most of it fell over. However, the lady was simply just staring at him, looking at him very carefully. “Don't you want to wake up?” She asked, giggling at him as she noticed that he was still very relaxed as of now. However, Santo simply nodded his head at her, very slowly this time. “I just have a lot in my head right now. Might as well think over it here.” He muttered as his rough voice came through and the girl looked right at him with all the love in her eyes for this man right in front of her. Slowly, then she crawled up towards him like a child and rested her head on his shoulder. And while all this was going on, she never once took her eyes off of Santo. “You still have a lot on your mind?. I thought yesterday you took care of many matters?” She asked in a whisper of a voice. When suddenly she smiled at herself once again as a thought hit her. “This evil mind of yours never rests, does it?” She asked him, slowly playing with his messy hair now, loving the way it smelt and looked, felt to her. Natural, beautiful. That is exactly why she got even closer to him, smelling his hair, and here it was, pure love in her eyes, pure love in her soul for Santo. But never tell less, it always seemed like it was only her that felt this way, and as pure as, it should be. And she knew it to be a fact, she was well aware all this time. It was just something that she somehow did not mind that from him. And yet she still choose to stay with him and he choose to stay with her and that seemed enough for now. Gradually, the woman opened her eyes looking at the man she had fallen in love with from the very first day she saw him. As she looked at him, she saw a very strange expression on his face, something that felt like he was worrying, and that expression was strange to her. “What happened? What are you thinking about?” She asked and now a little concerned for her lover. And Santo, on the other hand, he then slowly opened his mouth, which seemed so dry now. And his eyes still stuck there as he was staring all around the ceiling. Although the woman waited for him to speak, and in pure anticipation of what it could be. “Tell me.” She said, giggling softly. ............. ................. ............... .............. ............ “Sylvian……..” He let out her name almost immediately, and right as that happened. And as that name came out of Santo’s mouth. The woman couldn’t help but feel small now, as she felt a light shiver running down her body and that one looked that she had on her, that pure love, joy, happiness and the smile too all of it, everything dropped out of her. She felt physically drained right then, unvalued this time even. However, this was not the first time she had been listening to his letting out that horrid name out of his mouth. She hated it every time Santo called out to that woman. How ever, Santo, on the other hand, there was a smile on his face, and all because he loved the way that name sounded on his lips. “Sylvian” he loved the way that name sounded, everything about Sylvian made him so happy, just as he was right now. “Do we have to talk about her this early in the morning?” She asked. And immediately Santo shut his eyes tight, now smiling even brighter than ever, smirking, and instantly he turned to the girl, now staring right into her eyes. “Are you jealous Madge.” He asked and she did not look like she appreciated that question from him, and just for that Madge stayed there just staring at him, and staying in that silent as she gulped softly. It was needless to say, that it was not easy for her, especially to listen to him talk this way, and moreover, about Sylvian. But what could she do honestly? Nothing. She knew that too well. However, it did not seem like Santo truly did care about her feelings in any manner. “I am talking about my future wife Madge, and you and I both know that Sylvian and I are meant to be together, and my marriage to her had already been planned since we were just children. You cannot be surprised still.” He said to her, and he wasn’t taunting her but loved her jealously while giving of some facts. However, Madge, on the other hand, wanted so badly to roll her eyes, but she controlled herself as always, just like many times she had done before, and this being a never-ending process now. Slowly then she smiled at him. Bringing it out as natural as it should be. However, that wasn’t going as natural as she thought it would, and Santo could see that very well. “Why would I be jealous of her? She is going to be your wife, and you have all the right to talk to her.” Madge said, having trouble, but she did it nevertheless. As Santo slowly nodded, moving forward to her, closer her and he held her tight, and softly then he planted a kiss on her hair. However, Madge, felt nothing at that moment. Even though she wanted to so badly, her anger took too much of her. “But I feel like Santo, you are the only one who feels this way about the marriage between you and your…… Sylvian.” She said back to him, but now it was her that seemed to be taunting Santo. Now she did not care this time. Needless to say, he was confused as ever about her tone, but he strangely understood where she was going with this, he knew too well. “You talking about all the possibilities between you both. But Santo, do you honestly think this is going to happen, will there be a wedding?”. Madge asked him, looking at him this time. And for a few seconds Santo looked back down at her. Both of them stared deep into each others eyes. How ever, this time he did not have the same smile on his face as before, but rather the Mafia and his rage inside of him and his blood was pouring out of him. Madge, on the other hands, she slowly pushed her body up and was now she moved away from him, she wanted to as of now. And then quickly she sat down on the bed, holding the covers close to her chest. Santo right at that moment, he felt a lack around him, and the warmth as well now gone. Needless to say, he was hating that almost immediately. She then quickly turned everywhere looking for her dress as Santo, on the other hand, watched her every move as she was getting out off of the bed and starting to dress herself up. He never looked away from her. He could not, especially after this question that was asked by Madge. She started putting on both of her heels as sh lt Snato think about her words. Santo though, he did not say a word to Madge. He did not have to but it seemed like Madge was not done speaking there yet. “Santo, I am not trying to be rude to your situation here, but the truth is…..” Madge said looking at herself in the mirror and now she was fixing her hair. “Truth is that Sylvian has no idea that you exist, and it doesn't matter of that old story, were you keep telling me about meeting her once when she was just a child. And now that one interaction means everything to you Santo, but it might not be nothing to Sylvian at all.” Madge said, standing up straight and turning around looking right at the man she had always loved and still does. “You honestly think Sylvian’s grandmother is the only one responsible here. All of this will go according to her forever? She asked chuckling to herself this time. “Sylvian has her own mind, she is a grown woman now and not some child. And you and I both know that this marriage was made between you both just because of the power your father had many years ago. When he was everything, and too powerful. Her grandmother thought that this alliance will do good for her family as well, two powerful families together. And she gave Sylvian to your family thinking that you would be as powerful as your father.” She said to him, looking deep into his eyes now, speaking the truth here. And Santo, made sure to be quiet and take it in, listen. “But now things are different, right?. Your father was dumb, and he proved it to the world over and over again. But then you grew up, you changed the course of time, and he got your families back up, bigger, better and more successful than your father. But Santo, this time still you are not the only one at the top as before. Jude is right there with you, right at the top, together. And every time the votes for Jude keeps increasing too. People like him, and are afraid of him as well.” She said, reminding now. And now also smiling at the thought of Jude. She too liked bringing him up. “You are both on the top now, not just Santo Wright Moskal name. Your name is not the only one at the top. Now there is Jude Bonvick up there as well. Right with you, shoulder to shoulder. You are no longer anything special, and Jude is winning everyday, even winning peoples hearts as always .” She said, showing him the reality for now. The true. “And how could you not be sure that she could have someone she loves?, because Sylvian knows nothing about this plan of her grandmother, and Sylvian might not even listen to her grandmother.” Madge said to him. However, right at that moment, Santo clenched his hand into his fist, and almost hurting himself, but he did not care about that one bit. Madge, on the other hand, she noticed his change in behavior almost immediately. She had been with him too long and there were very small and some things she could grasp about him. Madge then let out a small chuckle, because it was very typical of him to be this way. “I am honestly not trying to say something to affect you Santo. What you have to understand is that Sylvian knows nothing about her own family. She has been in the dark all her life and that alone being a fact that this isn't going to be as easy as everyone thinks.” She said now completely turning to him, facing him. “Your life does not match, you both are from two different worlds and this wedding, if it does happen, it will only be a marriage for one person, and forever. It will only be for you.” She said smirking at him. “Because the truth here is that Sylvian is already living a big lie and nothing you say and do will ever change that for her. And she might be a part of the Mafia, but she is not the Mafia…….. She will never be able to understand this life and live it, and the moment she gets here she will either be killed or tortured and she will break like a twig without a chance, like she is nothing. And that's it, she is just a normal person that is protected by her father's money and his power.” She said, fixing her earing. “Take it all out, take her father out of the picture, take out the money and then she is nothing. Sylvian will never be able to survive as a mafia, you are making a mistake with her, and she will end up dead because of you.” Madge said her entire piece that she had kept inside of her for so long, and finally it was all out. Madge did feel free as ever. And now she turned back around, looking at herself in the mirror, saying everything that she couldn't say for many years before. How ever, Santo, on other hand, he simply looked away from here, and now back at the window. The man was thinking over it but he very well knew all of these facts from the very beginning. He knew Sylvian's faith, and he still wanted her. The price of it all. He slowly opened his mouth, taking in a deep breath. “I don't know about her living or dying rate and ratio now.” He said in his thick, strong voice that was loud as she almost immediately turned back to see him, as she saw him getting out of the bed, and now completely naked as well. And with all his grace, Santo walked towards Madge, keeping his eyes on her the entire time, and never once looking away from her. However, Madge, on the other hand, she stood there still, staring at the man she had fallen in love with, and to this day she was not afraid of him. And Madge was not afraid because he had never done anything to scare her and he wasn’t trying to scare her. How ever, Santo got way too close to her, looking down at her and staring deep. “Sylvian is mine, she was mine from the very beginning of our story and of our life. But it doesn’t matter if she wants to marry me or not, she is going to have to do it, and be my wife." he said in his rough voice, he was making sure that she heard him loud, and very clear this time. "And with that power of her name and my name, I will be the mafia king, beating Jude’s chance of ever getting there in life. And Sylvian will be my queen forever.” He said walking even closer and she now was slightly taken aback but still she did not back away from Santo. “Sylvian might be completely useless in many otherwise and she might not know how to hold a gun, she might have to live in fear all the time, all day and maybe even die weak. But even though all of those are a possibility, Sylvian will still be my wife. That is the truth Madge.” He said to her, and now being very clear as ever, something he hadn’t been before as well. And right then Santo walked right past her, leaving Madge there all alone while Santo, on the other hand, walked out to a far distance. And Madge though, she was stunned to know this, and not in particular was Madge looking at something but what ever Santo had said to her, it had clearly broken her heart, just like he always did. Santo was always ready to defend a girl he had never met and now it broke her heart as she glanced down at the ground and her eyes had now started to fill up. Yet Madge refused to cry. She could not look weak in front of Santo, never. However as Santo was now, he walked right out of there as he picked up his phone that was on the table and made his way towards his bathroom. And once he was inside, Santo shut the door locking it behind him. And right then he opened up his phone and immediately the man noticed a text message for him. He didn’t waste a second and opened it up very quickly to see it was a picture of someone in the hospital and he couldn’t see the face though. And also did not know as to what could have happened here. He was now a little sceptical as to what might have happened and quickly Santo opened the file to see a man in a very bad condition on a hospital bed, and yet he could not recognize as to who it was. And so he immediately called his assistant. Ring, ring. “Sir…” “What is all this?. who is this in the picture?” Santo asked walking towards the shower and turning it on, “It is Vincent sir. He was admitted to the hospital yesterday.” The man said as Santo stopped right there for a second. “Was it Jude?” He asked. Staring at the wall. “Yes sir, and he took Mila and her son with him. They are both in the hospital and with maximum security.” He said, and Santo squinted his eyes, listening carefully. “But Vincent, sir.” He said, pausing. “What about him?” Santo asked curious. “He was paralyzed from his lower body. It is no longer functioning, sir. And his spine was crushed, but he is alive and there will be recovery for him, but he will be paralyzed forever. That was what the news was from the doctor.” The man said. Santo right at that moment stayed quiet, but right then there was a small smile that was cracking out in the corner of his lips, slowly going wide and wide and now making him feel as calm as ever. And right then he let out a small laugh, actually enjoying this news. “This is new. I thought Jude would kill him. It seems like Jude is getting brutal and brutal by the day.” Santo said out loud laughing to himself. “Send him flowers, many of them and wish him luck from me.” Santo said. “Of course.” The man let him know from the other side and right then Santo cut the call but he was interrupted right then. “One minute sir, there is another thing I have to inform you about..........” The man said, alarming Santo. “What else?” He asked. “Mr. Gustavo sent me a message for you.” The man said and Santo was completely alert, and that same smile that he had on him for so long left him. “What did he say?” He asked. “Mr. Gustavo wanted you to meet him this afternoon, sir. He said it is urgent because he is leaving for New York tomorrow.” The man said and immediately, Santo understood that Sillas was going to New York to see Sylvian. However, Santo did not know as to why he was calling him now, and this was making him very curious. Sillas never really liked him all that much, and he knew that this was not going to be that easy. But nevertheless, Santo knew that his father-in-law had to be respected. “Let him know that I will be there,” Santo said, immediately cutting the call and placeed his phone on a stand right in front of him, as his stepped into the shower. The warm water now hitting his head as it glider down his body. Santo shut his eyes, taking in a deep breath and letting it out, relaxing there for a while. He knew that he had to come himself down if he had to face Sillas and Jude. Both men Santo loathed in this world, his biggest rivals. But at the same time, he was forced to be friends because of power. But unfortunately, Santo was not someone who could be under anyone. He was a man for himself, he was a mafia, strong with a name of Moskal, and a powerful family that he belonged to. He was so much like Jude in all the right ways and now he wanted more and more power than that.
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