Chapter 6

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Taylors POV Thank god I didn't ruin dinner. I got a simple scoff as soon as they left and told me to clean up. As I was cleaning I was figuring out a way to get to Cades tomorrow. Dad certainly wasn't going to let me use his car. I wasn't about to ask him to come pick me up, and Amanda was busy. Depending on how far it was, I could walk, or take the bus. He said he would text me his address and he hasn't. I wonder if that means he doesn't want to do this. Fine by me. The less time I have to spend with him the better. There was a knock at the door. I dropped the dish back in the soapy water and wiped my hands off. We didn't have a peephole so I just had to take my chances on who it was. And if I didn't answer it in time my dad would and then I would end up getting a punishment for being lazy. Swinging the door open, without looking up, I say. “May I help you?” there was no answer. I finally lifted my eyes. My breath caught in my throat, but I kept a face of indifference on. “Can I help you?” I asked my mother. “You don't know who I am do you?” she asked. I rolled my eyes internally. “I know who you are. Can I help you?” I asked again. She stuttered over her words. “I was wondering if we could talk. I saw you at the grocery store and I...” I decided to cut her off. “I haven't heard from you in 10 years. Not once. You don't know what I've been going through, what has happened to me, you haven't even bothered to send me a birthday card. So no, we can't talk.” I had to work on keeping my voice down. Dad was in his room with his beer. He wasn't going to come out for the rest of the night if I'm lucky. But if I raise my voice, I know ill be in for it. “I do know what you're going through. It's why I left.” I actually laughed at her. “If you know what he's like then why the hell would you leave me with him? Huh? Do you know how many times he's almost f*****g killed me? I know you can see the marks on my neck and face. Those happened yesterday. I can't even begin to tell you how many broken bones I've had, cracked ribs, bruises, cuts, burns. Dear mother, do you want to know why I got these? For simply being born. As punishment for you leaving, and for just existing.” I whispered and yelled. My voice cracked at the end. I looked to the stairs and then back at her. She had tears in her eyes. Tears that she had no right to be shedding. She knew what was going on. She knew what he was like. She KNEW! And yet she left me here. I was just a child. Vulnerable, scared, defenseless and she left me here to fend for myself. That familiar feeling of anger built up in my stomach. “You have no right to cry. None. You have the perfect husband and perfect children. Do you still talk to Colton? Or did you abandon him too? You should leave. Now. Before he finds out you were here. Don't come back.” I don't know what she intended to happen when she came here. Without waiting for a second, I shut the door and flipped the deadbolt to lock it and sank down on the floor. I couldn't stop the tear or two that fled from my lids. I felt a vibration against my hand. I pulled my phone up and looked. It was Cade. Cade: Here's my address Princess. See you tomorrow around 3. Me: okay. I'll be there. And don't call me princess. My name is Taylor. Cade: sure thing PRINCESS. Seriously? He probably only called me princess because he can't remember my name. I plug his address into the GPS on my phone. He's about a 20 minute drive from my house. It would take me well over double that to walk there. Is there even a bus that will take me there? After checking bus routes, I decided it wasn't worth it to waste the money. Walking it is. Oh well. An hour later, chores are done and I am exhausted. I walk up the stairs and knock on my dad's door. He grunts a come in. I enter in my usual submissive attitude head bowed and silent. “What the f**k do you want?” he asked. His tone isn't harsh, but he is agitated. “I was letting you know my chores are done. I was checking if you need anything before I go to bed.” I mumbled. He instilled it in me that I was always to ask instead of assuming so here I am. My proverbial tail tucked between my legs and my body shaking. I'm sure he loves the reaction he pulls out of me. “No. Get out of my f*****g room. Go to bed. Leave me the hell alone.” thank god. I guess dinner tonight had him in a good mood. I scurry away and finally collapse in my bed. I had just over an hour to get there if I hurried. Why am I putting so much effort into my appearance? I put on my best pair of jeans. The ones that make me look super toned and like I actually have a butt. My shirt is a long sleeve one of course but loose, flowy, and actually looks amazing on me. It's Navy blue and it makes the sky blue color of my eyes pop! But now I'm sitting here in front of my mirror putting on makeup other than my usual foundation. I actually have to say I look pretty good. The burn on my face from the Taser is almost healed. It's still visible through my makeup, but if you don't know what you're looking for you'd never know. The bruises on my neck are covered, and I have a winged liner. I put on a bit of lip gloss and popped my lips together. I looked outside. The leaves were starting to change to a beautiful set of hues. Red, orange, yellow, and brown. The air was cooling off, and there was a distinct scent of fall. I grabbed my cream scarf and put on my boots. Thankfully my dad was working today, so he didn't need to know my whereabouts. I draped the satchel off my shoulder and headed out the door. I consider myself fit. I truly do. But this walk was going to be the death of me. I almost caved twice on calling Cade to come to pick me up. I'm currently trying to talk myself out of calling him for the third time. But my stupid pride outwins every time. I don't need anyone's help. I can do this on my own. It's only freaking 13 miles from my house. Oh, who am I kidding? I feel like my lungs and my feet are on fire. “You have arrived at your destination.” my GPS rang out and I almost jumped for joy. Almost. I would have if I didn't gawk and seized up at the size of his house. It was huge! There was a wrought iron fence surrounding the property. There were fancy cars lining the driveway. The whole estate screamed, “We have money!” I rang the bell at the gate and it started beeping and sliding open. I saw Cade step out onto the porch and propped against one of the columns. He did look yummy. Jesus Christ Taylor stop. He's off limits. He doesn't want you. We are forced to work on this project together. No one in their right mind would ever want you. His smile flashed and his white teeth almost blinded me. His sandy brown hair was styled messy but in a perfect kind of way and his eyes a warm pool of honey shined bright towards me. I could feel a blush creeping up my neck and to my cheeks. I could easily blame it on the walk and the cold bite to the weather, but he would know. He has women falling at his feet every day. “Hi,” I said. “What took so long? Where's your car?” I scoffed. Not everyone is rich, mister douche canoe. “I don't have a car.” he looked at me hard. “So you walked all the way here?” I just shrugged. “How long of a walk was it? Why didn't you just call and ask me to pick you up?” so many questions. Why does he care? “It wasn't far. And I didn't need you to. I like walking.” he stalked towards me. His height is really distinguishable now. “That doesn't answer my question. How long of a walk was it?” he asked low and gravely. His voice sent shivers up my spine. He smirks at me clearly seeing my reaction. f*****g prick. He was so close to me. I could smell his cologne. It smelled like pine and sandalwood. f**k, it smells so good. He growled a bit and it brought me back to the question. He's clearly not going to let this go. “Taylor!”
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