Chapter 4: Myra is yet to be found

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TAMMY *Present day* I can't get any sleep tonight. The kids are sleeping peacefully and I somehow envy them. Their parents are out there hustling for them while I'm here crying myself to sleep due to a f****d up bastard who can't work his ass out like other men. I'm just glad that Robin didn't leave all the property under Myra's name otherwise he'd haunt me to death in his grave! I'm glad that the lawyer is still holding the property till Myra grows up though he didn't disclose to me what he has in store for her. Yeah right! I was gullible to have allowed the fucktard to easily get into my pants as well as my mind when my beloved husband perished in that ill fated plane together with his dad. I'm still in denial till today because we only buried their ashes. What was I even thinking? Will I ever recover from that ordeal? Caleb left me more broken than before! Damn! Life can be f****d up sometimes! I pick my phone and scroll through it. I just want to do something to distract me from my current thoughts. At least I don't pay house rent because the house is still under Robin's name so selling it even after Caleb convinced me is unheard of. My eyes linger on Robin's number which I've been unable to delete it even after four good years of losing him in that plane. I'm tempted to try it to see if it has been allocated to someone else by the service provider but I decide against it. I don't want his memories to start haunting me four years since he died. Instead, I log into my f*******: account and I search Robin's name. His account remains dormant and all I can see are rest in peace messages and our photos together five years ago. My eyes are heavy with unshed tears as I read the quoted messages under each photo. We sincerely loved each other though we lived together for only two years before his untimely death. Overcome by emotions, I abruptly log out of the f*******: account and put the phone away to charge. I'm yet to decide whether I'll go to work at the flower shop or not. Do I even have a choice? *** Daybreak is here and the kids have already been taken by their respective parents. I can't bring myself to eat anything yet therefore I drink some warm milk and I freshen up. I need to get to work and Savage my job. I need it so far and now that I'm convinced that Myra will be home soon, I conclude that I need to work harder! I curse Caleb over and over again as I board a bus to work. That i***t is the reason why I don't have a car! I mean, didn't he sell a my cars? The thought of him being manhandled by the cops and being handcuffed makes me smile... It's just sad that the woman my father in-law remarried doesn't entertain any bullshit from anyone including me! She literally took over every company her husband owned and unlike me, she's doing better in life. She doesn't allow me anywhere near her house nor her property. She always laughs at me for being so gullible such that I let a man walk all over me and dupe me! Mrs Campbell is busy serving a customer when I finally walk in the shop. She smiles in relief when she spots me. “Tamara! Thank God you came! There's a customer who has ordered some flowers online. Kindly organise delivery to him. Here are the details...” The routine repeats itself and I'm not complaining. It's nothing I can't do because I'm used to it. *** Lunch hour is here and I request Mrs Campbell to allow me to buy a snack at a nearby restaurant. Immediately I take a seat in a lonely booth, a waiter comes to take my order. I suddenly become nervous as I feel a pair of eyes boring into my flesh. It's evident I'm being watched! Nervously, I look around but I don't see anything or anyone I can suspect. I order a burger and some juice for takeaway and immediately they're brought, I carry them and walk out, still looking around. Even as I walk inside the flower shop, I can still feel the eyes on me! Oh God! Who might be watching me? After I'm done with my lunch, I continue with my daily chores of facilitating deliveries and other duties. I'm still nervous and I keep on looking around to see if I'm being watched. “Ma'am.” I finally decide to tell my boss. “Someone is watching me! I feel like I'm being followed!” I express my fears. “By who?” Her eyes grow wide open in shock. “I don't know. I started feeling like I'm being watched when I went out for lunch.” “You're just hallucinating Tamara. Nobody is watching you!” I just shrug and continue working. This woman will never understand me however much I try to convince her about my feelings! Evening is here and it's closing time. I help my boss to lock the shop and I'm glad when she offers to drop me home. We don't chat a lot as we head home but she won't stop questioning me about how my daughter disappeared. I already gave her all the details. Of course, she didn't come back from school five days ago and my ex just called to confirm that he's with her... “Did you check her at your father in-laws house?” She finally asks. “Why should I suspect Fridah and yet she doesn't like me? Besides, Caleb has confirmed that he has her.” “Oh! I was just suggesting...but you never know!” Her point and claim is baseless! She better drop me home and go away! She's already pissing me off with her insistence! Mrs Campbell bids me goodbye and I walk to my front door, still deep in thoughts. I fish out my keys and as I unlock the door, a hand written note falls down beside my feet and I suddenly pick it up. With trembling hands, I unfold the clean sheet of paper and the words scribbled in bold letters catch my eyes!
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