Chapter 5

1157 Words
“What the hell?” I exclaim. This must be a dream. I mean, how comes? I mean, Robin died over three years ago and I'm getting a letter signed under his name? I can't be! This is his signature and his handwriting! No! This must be a sick joke! *She might be right, you know?* The note reads. Who? What does he even mean? I've heard stories of ghosts of dead people sending notes to their living relatives but I always shrug it as mere myths. Now I'm experiencing this first hand! I'm a believer and I don't believe in the existence of ghosts therefore I decide to ignore everything and assume that the sender of the note is just someone who faked everything about my late Robin. But wait a minute... What did the sender even mean? Who might be right? The more I think about it, the more my head hurts. After getting rid of my shoes, I securely lock my house and start washing my dishes as I wait for the kids to start being brought. Knowing that my daughter is safe with Caleb and he can't hurt her somehow gives me some relief. I'm busy brewing some coffee when the kids start streaming in. They all know their way around therefore I ask one of them to guide the rest as they watch Barbie and other kids programmes. My phone rings from the kitchen seat and I pick it up. It's a new number and I answer it immediately. “I hope you received the note.” It's a lady voice. “What kind of a d**k prank are you trying to play on me?” I shout. “What did that even mean? *She might be right* who?” I'm already irritated. “Calm down Tammy. You're overreacting and that's being irrational. Read the note again and try to understand it and you'll get the answer.” “Look here madam or whatever your name is! I don't need to read s**t to digest anything. I'm trying to find my daughter in peace and if you don't have any leads to her, them keep the f**k off!” “Tammy, listen to me. Myra is...” And I end the damn call. Why is someone taking advantage of my situation to make fun of me? Don't I already know that Myra is with Caleb? What else are they trying to prove? Whoever they are, they've failed. Within no time, dinner is ready plus my coffee and I serve the kids. Most of them are so adorable such that I sometimes feel at home with them even in Myra's absence. “Auntie.” Fanuel calls me. He's one adorably chubby boy who loves Myra to the moon and back. “Yes baby. Are you okay?” “No auntie. I haven't seen Myra for sometime now. She doesn't even come to school. Where is she?” Fanuel is really concerned. I can tell he's anxiously expecting a reply from me. “Fanuel dear. Myra is safe at her uncle's place. She'll be back soon and...” “Auntie.” He doesn't even allow me to finish whatever I'm saying. “My teacher told us to be careful not to be kidnapped like Myra. Auntie, was Myra kidnapped? Who kidnapped her?” Oh my God! I've been busted! “Fan dear...” I don't want to tell him the teacher is a liar because he might end up conveying the same to her. “Myra is at her uncle's house. She'll come back over the weekend.” I say, hoping the assurance will calm him down, finally. “Okay auntie. I miss Myra. I miss playing with her at school.” He yawns a sign that he's sleepy. The kids stand up one after the other and they head to the bedroom they share. I follow them and ensure that they're properly tucked in bed. I then head back to the living room to continue watching my favourite documentary. I'm still sipping on my coffee when my phone rings and I realise it's a call from the same police officer who called me a day ago. I answer the call, anticipating great news. “Madam, you're needed at the station tomorrow morning to identify the culprit.” He says. “Where's my daughter officer?” I ask. “We have Mr Caleb here with us but we didn't find your daughter. She wasn't in his house when we arrested him. He says he'll only speak to you!” “What a stupid fool! He better produce my daughter or else..!” “Calm down madam, everything will be fine. Just come to the station in the morning to have a talk with him. Maybe he'll open up to you.” “Okay officer. See you in the morning.” After the call disconnects, I curse loudly at no one in particular. That i***t better produce my daughter or else he'll see what hell I'm made of!” My programme loses taste after the call and I switch off the TV and head to my room. I'm glad that I didn't let Caleb touch my house when he sold everything else! I slump on my bed tiredly and sigh heavily. I hope Caleb tells me where my Myra is. I so miss my ever lively baby girl! I'm unable to get sleep as visions of reuniting with Myra keep on replaying in my mind. I'm so hopeful right now. I have a feeling that Caleb will lead the cops and I to her. If that happens, I'll protect Myra with all I have and that Caleb can rot in jail for all I care. After a lot of thinking, I finally fall into a deep slumber full of disturbing nightmares. *** “Myra, my baby please don't leave me!” I shout. My baby is slowly falling from the top of a steep hill and I can't do anything to save her. I'm shouting and shouting because my hands are tied from behind by a masked man. His voice seems familiar but I can't place a finger on it. I beg him to rescue by daughter but he's hell bent on adding a rope on top of another on my already painful hands. Myra has captured a tree branch and she's hanging dangerously on it. She lets out one last scream as she spots an approaching snake. As she lets go of the tree branch, I let out a heart wrecking scream, trying hard to free myself from my perpetrator! I wake up with a start. It's still dark in my bedroom and I'm sweating profusely. I fumble with the bedside switch and when the lights are finally on, I scan the huge room for anything scary. Nothing is a miss and I sigh with relief when I realise I was only dreaming. My beddings are drenched in sweat and I panic when I recall the nightmare I've just woken up from! “Oh God!” I make a silent prayer to Him. “Please protect my daughter. Bring her back to me safely! Amen.” I'm unable to close my eyes the entire two hours and when I finally do, my alarm wakes me up and I curse loudly as I climb out of bed. I drop a text to Mrs Campbell informing her that I'll be a little bit late then start my preparations as I wait for the parents to pick their kids up....
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