Chapter 3: Love growing daily

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TAMMY *Still on '7years ago* We're minutes late for work but it doesn't bother me as long as I'm with my boss's son. Robin is fun to be with and I wonder why he insists on working with me yet his dad has other companies where he can work at. Well, I can't question my employee, can I? As days go by, my attraction towards him increases by the day. He has never asked me to be his girlfriend but he does stuff for me suggestively. I'm already head over heels in love with him. It's on a Saturday afternoon and I've already closed the cyber. Robin called me earlier to tell me that he'll be with his father through out the day. Though I knew I'll miss him, I had no option but to work all alone. My phone rings as I wave down a cab to take me home. I pick it and I'm all smiles when I see his name and number displayed on the screen. I pick the call smiling, knowing that that's what I've been longing for the whole day. “Tammy.” His intoxicating deep voice is heard from the other side. “Hi Rob. How are you?” I reply, a smug smile displayed on my lips. “Have you closed for the day? Can I pick you up?” “Yes I have. I'm even waiting for a cab to go home.” I say. “Where are you? Don't move an inch, I'm coming for you.” Great! Just great! “I'm outside the office.” “Cool.” He hangs up and I sigh with relief. Since we spoke in the morning, I've been holding myself from calling him because I don't want him to think that I'm so much interested in him. Passing my fingers through my hair, I make sure it's neat and I gulp audibly when I notice his Audi pulling over next to me. Wow! That was so fast! The windows are filled down and I'm surprised to find his dad sitting at the back seat. I freak out immediately but Robin smiles to me in assurance, signalling me to sit at the passenger seat next to him. Hesitantly, I board the car and I acknowledge his dad with a 'good afternoon sir' greeting. He replies happily and I'm relieved that he ain't mad at his son for picking up a nobody amid their busy schedule. I'm caught by surprise when Robin leans in and gives me a peck on the cheek. At first, I panic but when I notice the smile on his dad's face through the rear mirror, I fake a smile and start fidgeting. “How was your day?” Robin asks immediately we take the highway. “It was fine though with a few clients.” I reply. “That's cool. I'll be dropping dad home then I can drop you to your house.” I nod in understanding, smiling within myself. I wonder how the domestic workers at his dad's house who know me as one of them will take it when they see me in the company of the two mighty bosses. Half an hour later, we're at the Rufus residence and Robin talks me into joining them inside. The house is as magnificent as before and I somehow feel like I'm in a mini castle! The interior is still as best as before and no one can easily notice that the woman of the house is no more. However, no one has ever told me how the wife died but all I know is that she was dear to both father and son. Robin leads me to the comfortable leather couch as his dad walks upstairs to his bedroom. I'm still nervous but I eventually relax when Robin squeezes my palm reassuringly. I notice glances or rather glares from one of the maids and the cook but that doesn't bother me so much. I reassure myself that I've found favour in the bosses' eyes therefore I've nothing to worry about. “Tammy.” I'm snapped from my temporary reverie by Robin who's scrolling through the TV channels. I tilt my head to face him and I meet a smiley man studying me keenly. “It has been a week since I came back.” He starts. “It has also been less than a week since we met.” I don't know what he's up to therefore I just nod, as I wait to know where he's heading to. “Tamara Joe, will you be my girlfriend?” I swear my heart misses a beat! It's thudding hard against my chest as I replay his words in my mind. I don't know whether to say yes or no but one thing is for sure...I'm saying yes! When I face him once more, his cute blue eyes are boring into my dark grey mine as he waits for my reply anxiously. “R... Ro... Robin... But I'm not your class and...” I start mumbling. “Class? Come on Tammy. That doesn't matter at all. I'll mould you to the woman of my class as you put it. We all must start from somewhere in life and your argument doesn't matter right now.” Wow! Just wow! Things are getting....sweet! I nod in understanding. I'm still tongue tied and I'm yet to come up with a reply. His eyes are still boring into mine and the spark in them makes me want to pounce on him and tell him how I've been longing for this moment. “Ye...yes.. I will be your girlfrie...” He doesn't even wait for me to finish the sentence. He grabs me and plants his lips on mine, kissing me passionately. I'm still panicking wondering what his dad will say if he finds us in that position. I return the kiss and gently push him away. Someone clears his throat behind me and I almost jump in fright. “Am I interrupting something?” Mr. Rufus asks. Robin smiles softly as he replies to his dad. “Tammy has accepted to be my girlfriend.” I fidget as the two converse. I'm still shy in the presence of Mr Rufus and I wonder if I'll ever be free with him. I'm trying to maintain that boss employee relationship. “Waoh! That's great. You've made the right choice son. Tamara here is a nice girl, hard working and industrious as well.” His words make my heart palpitate. It's long since I heard such sweet words from a father figure. All my life, I've never known what being happy is after I found myself in the streets after being heartbroken severally. But still, I'm thankful to Mr Rufus for rescuing me and giving me a job and a roof over my head. “Sir, Lunch is ready.” The cook announces as she leads us towards the dining table. My nervousness doesn't fade since it'll be my first time dining on the same table with my elder boss. The delicious food doesn't make things any better. I chew on the chicken slowly, still replaying Robin's words in my mind. “I'll mould you to be the woman I want!” What did he even mean? After lunch, drinks are brought and his dad requests for a toast. “Let's toast for my son's newly found love..” “Newly?” I can't stop asking myself. Well, I eventually brush those thoughts off my mind as we toast. **** Later... So much later, we leave Mr Rufus' house and we drive towards Robin's house. I don't mind going to his house because tomorrow being a Sunday, it's not a working day. My heart is full of happiness as we drive, chatting happily like the perfect couple we'll be someday...
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