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“What do you mean by me making a mistake?” I asked the voice inside my head, who calls himself a God. The voice then replied, “Well my child, you have killed something very important to this world.” I started to think for a bit as I slowly stood up, my body was almost scrapped after falling from that height. I then tried to walk and noticed my movements we're too sluggish and heavy. After noticing all that, I immediately walk back to the other adventurers near me. I then spoke to God again, “Are saying that the Megasaurus was important to this world?” “Yes my child, that beast plays a significant role in this world. It is one of the beasts that keep this world balanced. But now it has died, that balance has now been broken.” “Wait, don't tell me that I f****d up big time.” “Yes you did, but worry not my child as you will only end up with a slap on the wrist. I understand that you have no idea about this world, even the humans that you become comrade with has also no clue about the world completely.” I actually felt relieved after hearing God tell me that I was only gonna get a light punishment. But I was worried about what kind of punishment awaits me, so without any hesitation, I asked God. “Uhm… God, may I know what punishment is awaiting me?” “I will tell you my child, when you are completely healed. For now, do not worry about that, you should worry about your body first. ” “Ok God,” I spoke. “Then I will depart from you again, but I will return and layout your punishment when you are healed. So get better soon so you would be able to finish the punishment I will give you, so Peace out!” Like that time returned back to normal and God's voice disappeared. After hearing him tell me about my mistake, I immediately remember if I will receive punishment from God, will the others receive one too. I felt guilty after realizing that I might've put others in the wrath of God. “What should I do if the people will receive divine punishment from God,” I muttered to myself worriedly. As I was becoming worried about the adventurers that helped me, a voice coming from afar suddenly yelled towards me. “Hey! Mr. Destroyer! Over here!” I then looked at the source of the voice and saw Bella. Other adventurers we're behind her too, it was the Camilla adventurer party. Not only them but Ann Marie, Lyka, and Voshkosh were also there. I then walk towards them, the sound of my steps would be compared to crappy cars. Rattling sounds were heard as I walk, it was unpleasant to the ears of a human but it was uncomfortable to move for me, thinking that I may break apart any moment. Now I kinda feel sorry for the old cars that are still driven. “This is impressive for an F-rank adventurer like you, I guess I shouldn't have doubted you.” Spoke Ann Marie as she looked at the giant corpse behind me. “But you still endangered everyone from your reckless actions,” added Ann Marie. “You look messed up Destroyer… hmm… but still what you did was amazing,” spoke David who stared too close at my beaten up armor. “Impressive indeed, but you should be brought to the healers. We still don't know if your physical body received any injury, so please mister remove your armor so I could check you for any injuries. ” Spoke Marcia to me worriedly. “There's no need for that, I can heal myself.” I then started to walk towards the place where the adventurers evacuated. “Are you sure Mr. Destroyer? ” asked Karl who looked at my beaten up armor with worry. To think these kids are worried about me, I kinda wanna tell them that they don't need to worry... I guess it feels good that someone is actually worried about you. How long was it, since someone became worried about me? I don't remember but it surely brings back memories, who was it again? I don't care anymore but this situation brings back those… I shouldn't return to the past. I answered Karl after remembering those old memories, “Yeah! I don't need any, and also the healers are still useless to me. Their healing magic is not enough to bring me back to my original state.” “But we have C rank healer, maybe he could possibly do something about you. ” Spoke Marcia to me. “Nah! His skill won't be enough, just tell him to heal the other adventurers rather than wasting his mana to me.” I then continue to walk toward the new camp, while I was walking I immediately spoke to Xyra. “Can you do a repair on my body?.” “I can, but you have to summon the maintenance and repair drones. There I could repair damages done to your armor. Also sir, you have leveled up, would you like to see your status? ” “Nah, I'll see it when I get repaired, also how long will it take you to repair my body.” “Base on the damage you have received, I still need to repair some internal parts. This means I have to disassemble you, so I would say three to four hours.” When I heard Xyra spoke about disassembling me, I immediately got hesitant about the repair. I don't want to see my body getting dismembered, but this fear might be due to me still being a former human. But if I were truly a robot then I wouldn't mind being dismembered. But still, I need to have my body to be fully functional. There's also a problem, there's no place here to repair myself, the other adventurers might think that the drones repairing me might be monsters that are attacking me. Wait! maybe I can borrow someone's tent and asked the owner to post as a guard while I repair myself. That would be a good idea, but who am I gonna ask though? I can't just tell some random dude that I will take his tent and make him guard outside, that would be too rude. Maybe I can ask David or Karl, but their tents are too small for me and my drones. Wait! do we even have tents left!?! Damn it, I guess I have to wait for an extended period of time before I can repair myself. I then continued to walk towards the new camp. Also behind the corpse of the giant Megasaurus was being looted by the adventurers. I kinda felt bad for the Megasaurus and the people looting it, after knowing that I killed some sort of guardian. Meaning, a big change in the ecosystem of this place will occur, maybe that's the punishment that God will give. Why am I even thinking about the punishment of others, while I still don't know mine? But as the adventurers were looting the body of the Megasaurus, I was walking towards the new camp. We didn't know that we were being watched above the sky. At some dark room in an unknown place, a purplish light that gives of an eerie feeling coming from a mirror was the only light source of the room. In front of the mirror, a man wearing a red dark robe that had a hood that covers his face saw everything that just happened through the mirror, which gave him a bird's eye view of the entire battlefield. “Looks like this will be easier, to think that they would kill a guardian that keeps away stronger monsters at bay. Humans truly are such pathetic weakling creatures, who are easily controlled by fear.” The unknown man then points his finger at the mirror, revealing his very thin arms that the bones were almost visible. “That man, the man in the giant armor, his something else. Something tells me that he is not a mere mortal. ” The unknown man then stood up and looked behind him, there was a beautiful short black-haired maid standing. The maid was also something else as her flesh was made of different parts that were stitched together, the stitches were even visible. The unknown man points his finger to the maid and ordered her, “Tell my beautiful children to start the next step of our plan.” “As you wish my lord,” the maid then gave a bow and left the darkroom. “Now that we are moving to the next step, I am getting closer and closer to my goal.” Spoke the man as he gave a sinister smile. Three hours past by... “Woah! This tent is for the two of us!?!” yelled old man Razor, who was gazing at the luxurious tent that was set up for us. “Yes, this is for master Razor and master Destroyer. This was specifically your first award for defeating the monster. Also, a feast in the table has been prepared.” Answered an unknown young adventurer, whom I've never seen before and probably will not see ever again. “Hey kiddo, isn't this amazing were getting rewarded this early for our heroic deeds!” Your too excited old man, haven't you forgotten how much you complained about you dying and haunting me when you die. Now, why did you have a sudden change of attitude like we're friends again? “Yeah…yeah… but could we enter now, I wanted to take a rest after that tiring battle.” The old man looked at me and excitedly agreed, “Yeah let's go inside!” We then open the door of the tent and went inside, there we saw two king-size beds, a table filled with many delicious foods that are neatly arranged. The floor was also made up of a red velvet carpet with some golden accents on its edges. The tent was lighted by a chandelier, which was hanging from a pole completely made of sturdy logs. The old man immediately dashed forward the table that was full of delicious food. He started to ravage the table like some uncultured beast as he ate the foods, with his bare hands disregarding the utensils near him. As he was enjoying the food, the young adventurer who leads us to here followed inside. He then spoke, “If you need anything else, please just ask me anything, I will just be guarding outside this tent. Also, I would like to say that…you two were amazing!” “I've always been amazing right kiddo?” spoke and asked proudly by the old man. I simply answered, “Yeah!” I then went back to checking my armor and weapons. “Then I will get going now, ” spoke the young adventurer as he left, but as he was about to close the entrance, I immediately asked him. “Hey, could you not allow anyone to enter for a few hours, tell them that I and the old man needs some alone time.” The old man who was eating, almost choked on the food he was eating after hearing me. “Wait I'm not into boys!” yelled the old man. “Will you shut up! You're giving the kid the wrong idea!” I yelled out at the old man. I then turned to the young adventurer and explained, “You see young man, were gonna have a meeting that is very sensitive. It's something that the king tasked us to do.” “Wait you have connections to the royal family!?! No wonder you two are strong despite your rank.” Shit I lied, I should try to keep this boy's mouth shut about us having a connection with the royal family. If the others will hear this and word spread out reaching the king, we might get executed for lying and using the royal family's name. “Hey, kid, could you keep it a secret, that we work for the royal family. ” “No problem! It would be an honor contributing to the missions of the royal family. Just standing a guard for the plans of the leaders of this country is such an honor. Then I will be off and I will surely guard this place with my life on it!” He then left the tent and stood guard outside. The kid's too gullible, well that's to my advantage. I then looked at the old man Razor. “Hey old man, I'm gonna dismember myself, so don't start shouting when my body parts are separated. ” “Don't worry kiddo, I have already told you that I knew you weren't human” After hearing the old man I immediately summoned the repair drones. The old man had a weird look at me when I was summoning the drones. The drones were summoned by slowly materializing through, the process was quite unique if I might say, as they were first created by a boxy 3D model drones before completely materializing. When I summoned the drones, I also summoned a bed made from some sort of metal. Xyra then told me to lay down on the bed, after laying down the drones started to work. There were eight drones, each has its own tools to work with. One had a screwdriver, wrench, and pliers, most of them had the tools of what a mechanic has. The drones first removed my arms, I was kinda scared at first but after knowing that there was no pain, I immediately felt relaxed. The drones slowly removed my body parts and put them to another location near me. They then started to repair the dents, paint scratches, and some internal joint problems, they also cleaned my helmet and connected me to a strange computer. “Would you like a new color scheme sir? The drones could change the color of your current look.” “Wait I can customize my look!?” “Yes you can sir,” answered Xyra. She then showed me a screen that was too familiar to me not to remember. It was the customization of the screen of the game Destroyer. I immediately tried it out by changing my look, my current avatar was a matte black Destroyer armor, so I change the color first, I went from matte black to a shiny light-blue color. I then change the accents from the shiny yellow color to a yellow-colored LED lights. I thought LED kinda looked cool, but my stealth abilities might be hindered in the dark. Thankfully Xyra told me that my stealth skills will not be hindered by the lights. But my stealth in the dark would be lost if I won't use any skills. The old man inside the room was kinda fascinated with my body and the drones, that he completely ignored the food and watched me get repaired. I don't know but it felt kinda creepy, that a perverted old man was looking at my dissembled body. Three hours and thirty minutes passed, my body which has been repaired and repainted was being attached again. Now that I think about it, since I have come to this world I haven't repaired any damages at all. The first encounter damages I received from the mummy were still visible in my armor. But my HP went back to normal even though my body was still damaged. This begs the question, is my physical body completely different from HP? If that really is the case then how is my HP decreasing when my physical body receives damage from the enemies, then returns to normal even my body is still damaged? This is confusing, maybe I should ask God regarding this. I tried asking Xyra but she also had no answer. “Hey kiddo, your body is truly amazing, I'm starting to think that you might be immortal.” “Nah, I almost died back there old man, so me having immortality is impossible. ” “I'm not talking about immortal to wounds, I'm talking about your age being immortal to old age.” “Hahaha! Old man, an immortal is someone who cannot be killed by anything and can live for eternity, those two must be together before someone can be called immortal.” “I guess you are also right there, well I'm tired now let's go back to sleep.” The old man then went to his bed and immediately doze off “Sir, would you like to check your status?”
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