Chapter 6

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Estina's POV I woke up stressed out and weak. I was late for school already. I stood up hastily and rushed into the bathroom to get my business done. My thoughts were occupied with what happened yesterday. I slept late last night because I was preoccupied with the thought of the incident. I really had a sleepless night last night. I finished my business in the bathroom and walked out hurriedly. I put on my clothes and head out to college. I didn't dress extravagantly like yesterday nor did I spray perfumes for attention. I did it yesterday to impress my mates and for attention. But my mates rejected me and embarrassed me in front of everyone. I got into a tight corner with Alpha Gunner and he decides that I'm best for his contract. Maybe if I hadn't dressed sexily and extravagantly for an ungrateful Mate who later rejected me, Alpha Gunner wouldn't have taken interest in me. The twist that had happened yesterday really made me glad and gave me sleepless nights. Finally, something interesting is happening in my life. I smiled as I sat in the cab who drove towards my college. I've always known Lucian reeked of royalty and wealth. I felt he was from a high class and he really was. He was the cousin of the Alpha, Alpha Gunner and he's eligible to become an Alpha. I wonder why he was so jealous yesterday after rejecting me as his Mate. He shouldn't have a problem with whatever I do. Neither should he give a damn. We are not together. He rejected me and I think I would have to keep reminding him that because he isn't comfortable with me being with Alpha Gunner, his cousin. I alighted from the cab and paid him his money. I walked into the college in a hurry and rushed towards my locker. I brought out my things and took what I needed. Class would have started by now. I've never been late to school and now, I am. Students passed beside me and whispered amongst each other. That was when what happened yesterday crossed my mind. Yesterday, I thought I wouldn't be able to face the whole school. I felt I won't be able to attend my class anymore because of the disgrace and embarrassment I went through. But now, here I am, walking through the corridor towards my class. A new wave of courage passed through me. I raised my head and stopped hiding my face by facing the ground. I won't be the first person to get rejected by a Mate neither would I be the last. After all, I know who Lucian really is and I am now acquainted with his cousin, Alpha Gunner. I won't deny that after what happened yesterday, I came to hate Lucian. If he had wanted to reject me, he could have told me silently or secretly or texted it to me. What's the essence of walking to the podium and announcing it to the whole class knowing fully well that it will spread to the whole school and it will become a new gossip. I'm sure it's the trending news on the school blog. He could have just told me and dismissed me over and rejected me quietly. I would understand and know it's because of my poor state. I would be hurt but it's better than the whole embarrassment. But no, he acted like a jerk and announced it to the public. He slapped me and walked away with a b***h. There was no need for that, was there? Everyone would be excited about the Mate's thing but he should have cautioned me wearily. Well, that's by the way, in the past. Yesterday is my past and I don't wanna be bothered about it. Afterall, a new twist occured yesterday. "Estina!" I was about to open the door to my class when I heard a male voice calling my name. I hope it's not who I think it is. I turned around and saw Lucian coming towards me. I gawked at him and moved away from the door. He stopped some distance between us and urged me to come over. "Hey." I greeted as I moved closer to him. He looks cute as usual today with his blue eyes staring directly at him. I returned his gaze with disdain before I moved my gaze away from him. He stared at me for a few seconds without saying anything. My heart was beating rapidly as I stood beside him, not because I still have a crush on him but because I don't know why he called me. He never talked to me and the only time we had a talk was yesterday which ended up me being an object of mockery in front of the class and a trending gossip in the school blog. "Estina." He called again as he moved a bit closer to me. I moved away and left a space between us. "What is it?" I snapped at me as I looked at him directly. He was shocked at my tone but he covered it up with a calm expression. "Can we talk?" He demanded. It was more like a question. I thought people like him talk with finality. Was he regretting his actions towards me yesterday? No, I'm sure he is pretending. "What is more to talk about?" I murmured. He pulled me by my arm and walked away from the class. When I'm sure we've moved some distance away, I grab my hands away from him. I have no intentions in following him to wherever he's pulling me to. "How did you meet my cousin?" He asked. "You mean Alpha Gunner." I said folding my hands. "Why do I have to tell you?" "He's my cousin and I just want to know." He stuttered a bit. "Well, I'm not interested in telling you anything." I replied to him. "You should have nothing to do with my cousin. He's dangerous. Stay away from him!" He warned. "And why do you care? I can move with whoever I want." "Esti.." "And stop calling my name that way. It feels weird." I said cutting him off. "Listen, you rejected me yesterday and made it clear to everybody. So you have no right to meddle in my affairs nor do I have a right to meddle in yours." I replied, scolding him with hatred. He couldn't believe his eyes that I could speak to him that way. He turned his back on me frustratedly as he sighed loudly. I took that as a sign to take my leave as I turned towards the class direction. My eyes ran through Aveira, Aveira Lucas, Lucian's adored girlfriend and a model. A classy one at that. She was with her friends, a bunch of bullies. She looks at me with a disgusted look as I knew she might be wondering what I'm doing with her all rounder boyfriend. She walks closer to me, leaving her friends who stood behind to watch the scene unfold. I knew I was in big trouble as Aveira won't let me go easily. She is a jealous type and deals with any girl who crosses paths with Lucian. She is from a wealthy background which adds to her prideness. I held my bag tight and tried to walk away. But I wasn't fast enough as she pulled me back with a drag. "What are you doing here, with Lucian? Or should I say your Mate who rejected you." She said and her minions laughed at her boring jokes. My back was turned to Lucian so I don't know whether he's paying attention to what is happening or he left already. And why was I expecting him to defend a low class girl like me? The one who he rejected. I dared not turn to check whether Lucian was still around as I feared Aveira punishment. She would hurt and bully me. I've always wanted nothing to do with her. Truth be told, I was crushing on Lucian so hard but I made sure I stayed clear of the Aveira path. When I realized Lucian was my mate, I was glad that I wouldn't have to fear Aveira because I was sure she would back off since I'm his mate if I was accepted. "I'm going to class. Please, let me leave." I said rather than pleading. "I'm sure she's here to beg Lucian to accept her back." One of her minions screamed out as they mocked me loudly. They were just jealous that I got Lucian attention and I'm his mate while they got none. "Stay away from Lucian. He doesn't want you. He made it clear yesterday." Aveira spat hatefully as she pulled my hair. I winced in pain and struggled with her. My bag dropped on the floor while struggling with her. Later, I got relieved and felt I was rescued as I moved away from her freely and quickly. I created some distance between us before I looked up to check on who rescued me. It was Lucian. He held Aveira's hands and pushed her with force. She stumbled and held up immediately. I wished she had hit her butt on the ground but she found her stamina. "Lucian?" Aveira called surprisingly. I didn't expect him to do anything but I'm grateful to him for rescuing me from her orelse I don't want to imagine what may have happened to me. They may have stripped me of my clothes and beat me while videoing it with the intention of posting it on the school blog or they may have done worse than that. I've had enough shame for what Lucian did. I don't want more! "Aveira!!" He called out annoyed. "What are you doing?" He retorted back to her. "I'm teaching this b***h a lesson. She may think she has a chance with you. Why is she here? Isn't she shameless enough." She breathed heavily as she rushed her replies. She eyed me vigorously and hissed multiple times. "She isn't a b***h. Don't you know she is my Mate?" He screamed back at her. My leg shook as I heard the word Mate. *I thought he rejected us* My Mate said with anger. *I'm as confused as you are.* I replied to her instantly. Why is he acknowledging me as his Mate when he rejected me already. "Your Mate?" Aveira repeated and scoffed out loudly. "Girls, let's go." She said to her minions and walked out of us. She glared daggers at me when passing beside me. "I will deal with you Estina. Don't think you've got a chance, you low life bitch." She spat out angrily and walked out in anger. I stared back at Lucian who was moving towards me. He picked up my bag and walked closer to me. He hands it over with a light smile. Why is he acting weird? I collected my bag and strapped it on my shoulder. "Thanks." I muttered gratefully. He may be mean to me but that doesn't mean I won't thank him when he helps me. I turned towards the class direction as I was not ready for any conversation. He walks behind me while I move ahead. When I felt uncomfortable, I stopped and turned back to him. "Why are you following me?" I asked. "I'm going to class. We are both going to class." He replied with a smirk. Oh, that is true. Lectures must have started already. "Well, people will have the misconceptions that we came together." I replied as I kept walking while he walked beside him. "Let them think whatever they want." He replied. I gave him a glance and saw him smiling. I averted my gaze quickly as I didn't want him to know I was looking at him. He may think otherwise. We walked into the class and I sighted Aveira in her seat already with her minions. I turned away from her and walked in fully. "Good morning sir." I greeted the lecturer likewise Lucian. The class broke into murmuring as they wondered what was going on between I and Lucian. *Has he accepted her back?* *I can't believe this. What are they doing together?* "Is something going on between them? Why are they together?* "It seems Lucian couldn't stay away from his mate.* The murmurs went on as I broke into a smirk. Aveira was definitely not pleased with the murmurs. I stole a glance at Lucian and noticed he acted indifferent towards the murmurs. I settled in my seat and Lucian settled in his. "Quiet down! What's going on?" The lecturer screamed, displeased with the noise. He held a confused look as he did not know what was going on. The class went on and I picked my note to not down. Halfway to the lecture, Aveira stood up and excused herself from the class. I found it strange though. This only happens when she's up to something. I saw her discussing and giving commands to her minions secretly before exiting the class. Well, I wasn't able to concentrate fully in class since she was sending daggers at me through her eyes so I saw her do that. She's up to something and I wonder what it is. Lucian won't come to rescue me everytime. I have to care for and rescue myself. I wonder what she is up to.
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