Chapter 11

1431 Words
 Rudina It has been one week, since Monique went to Mother Earth’s Song. I have been trying to keep calm, but it’s not that easy. My cub is stuck somewhere, and I know the father of that man who kidnaped her. She would be in a cage being shown off, like one of their animals. It makes me so mad just thinking about it, but I am now wondering how they found us. I have not been eating very well since she got kidnaped, nor getting a good sleep. John has been helping me so much this week with the pack. Owein would be very good at doing this, then I am. I am just hoping that the other Lunar Wolf packs will help us find my cub. The flowers that we picked a week ago, are finally dry and we are putting them into jars. The leaves from the flowers we picked, we put them into a bag to take to the healers. The flowers are used to bring down fevers, and help healing a lot quicker. We are almost done with the flowers, when I feel a jolt. “What is it Rudina!?” John asked looking at me. “Someone is coming back from Mother Earth’s Song.” I said dropping the flowers and running to the door. He drops his flowers too, and very quickly puts on his runners. Once I am outside I turn into wolf and keep running. I see other Lunar Wolves are coming as well, they must of felt it too. We run back to the flower area, and stand on our ground. We had monsters coming through our portals in the past. We are all ready to attack whoever comes to this side. We can see that the gate is opening, and see our true home on the other side. Then we see Monique coming through the portal. We all breathe a sigh, knowing we do not have to fight and guard our home. “It’s good to see you again Monique.” I said running to her. “Same with you, Rudina.” She said turning back to her human form. I turn back into my human form, and we hug each other. We watch as the portal closes, and we start picking the flowers again. It feels so good having her back to do her job. And me, well I never liked it. It was something I never like doing, and hope I will never will have to. “How did it go with the elders of the other Lunar Wolves?” I said picking the flowers. “Well they were all shocked of what happened, and they did a lot of meetings to planning what’s next. And I do mean a lot, they could not agree on anything at all. But at the end they finally said no to helping. Oh I was so mad, she is our future for this pack. She is as powerful as you, or even more then you. She will be taking over for me once she is an adult that is for sure. I will teach her everything, so that will stay strong.” She said picking the flowers. “So that means we have no help, finding her then.” I said trying to keep my temper down. “No they will not help. I am so sorry, I tried to tell them. But they would help because they do not want, any of their packs members to get hurt. But there is someone that will be helping. That I did get, which is a small hope for us.” She said smiling to me. “Who!?” I said looking at her with shock. “You will see soon, but it is someone you would not think at all.” She said smiling and picking some more. I go back to picking then I stop, I see a flower that looks like it turned into a reddish crystal. I pick it and put it into my pocket. I am not sure what it is, and how it got this way. All I know is that it is magic from Mother Earth’s Song. “Ok let’s get back home, and dry these flowers out. Once we get that done, Rudina give me the needle that Aurora was shot with.” She said once done picking the flowers. We all change back into our wolf form, and run back to her place. Once we get there, we all change back into our human forms. Most of them gives us the flowers, and bow their heads to us then take off. Monique, John and I head inside and start hanging the flowers up. “I am sorry I could not get much help at all Rudina.” She said trying not to cry. “Hey it’s ok. We will find her and bring her home, and not just here home. But our true home, that is for sure. The wolf valley will welcome her home, for the first time in her life. That is what the valley does, and it is not just the wolves. But the land does that too, it is always happy for the new ones.” I said trying not to cry. She nods her head, and goes back hanging the flowers up. It takes us a bit to do it, since John is making us some tea. But we do manage to get it all done, in about an hour. This is something we do a lot together. Once that is done she heads to the kitchen, and I go upstairs to get the needle. I came back down and give it to Monique. She looks at it and exams it, then she sniffs it to get the person who shot Aurora scent. “I found his scent, he lives in Toronto right now. He does not know that we have his scent. Make sure that he pays for what he has done, got it?” She said to me with her eyes glowing almost white, but with a little bit of blue in them. “Oh I will make sure that he will never do it every again, and that I promise.” I said to her putting on my fingerless gloves. “Do you want me to fly you there, it would be very easy for me to do it?” John said putting his hand on my shoulder. “No it might risk Aurora getting hurt, and I do not want that to happen at all. I will just run and show the true power of the Black Lunar wolf pack.” I said getting ready to leave. “Before you leave I have something to give to you. This is from the Red Lunar Wolf pack. Since their power is speed, they gave me some of their herbs to help you go find your cub. I used them to make jerky for you, and helped me with it.” She said handing me the jerky that is in the Red Lunar Wolf bag. “Thank you for everything, and taking me in when I was a cub. Black Elder.” I said bowing my head. “No if it was not for you, my son would never would have an amazing mate like you. You where his soul, when he fell in love with you. Now go find your cub, and bring her home before the full moon happens. If she is still trapped when the moon is at its highest point. It will make her to never have her true power as a Lunar Wolf, or it will kill her.” She said with sadness in her eyes. I nod my head to try not to cry, just thinking about it. But I do know is, that I am going hunting and I will if I have to kill them. I take some of the jerky and start eating it, then put the rest into my pocket for later. I open the back door and step outside, and change into my wolf form. I start running to Toronto knowing where to find him. The jerky is helping me run a lot faster, then I would without it. There is four days left till the full moon, and when my cub is seventeen too. Need to make up for lost time, need to push myself a lot more now.
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