Chapter 12

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Aurora It has been one week, since that mermaid has been started feeding me fish. She has been a lot of help, and talking to her has been so much fun too. I have still been getting the training from the spirit wolf, it has been helping a lot. But I have not heard of the second Lunar Wolf yet, she has been very busy. I have already finished eating my fish, and the mermaid has gone back to the water to sleep for the night. It is almost midnight, also almost three days left till full moon and my birthday too. I have tried several different ways to get out of here, no luck at all. I have to get out of the cage to open it. Just great. Or turn into human, and that I am not doing at all. I have a feeling that is what they are waiting on. That man with the scar. I can never remember his name, because I do not care at all. He has this creepy look since yesterday, and I do not like it at all. I cannot fall asleep at all today, and I am not sure why I cannot too. Then I start hearing men coming this way. I quickly and very quietly turn myself over, this way I am facing the back of the cage that is just a wall. I pretend to be asleep like the rest of the animals here. I get a whiff of who is coming this way. Oh great. It is the man I hate and his father, and there is another man who smells like a church. “There she is father, I told you I would get her.” Aquire said to his father. “I can see that good for you son. You have got your first Lunar Wolf, and not only that, but a cub that is almost an adult one too haha.” Lord Doak said slapping the back of his son. “But she is not in human form, she is still wolf. How are we going to be doing the wedding bond, if she is still wolf?” The new man said to them. Well I found out why they want me to be human form. Wait wedding bond. Oh No, no and no. That is not going to happen at all. I am not marring that man at all. And he is not going to be my mate at all, if it happens then I am stuck with him for life. Oh Hell No. f**k No. “She needs to be human in 3, 2, 1 and now it is midnight so in four days. Got it, do whatever you have to. Oh and you promised me I could have that fur from that last Lunar Wolf, which your grandfather killed. Or was it great grandfather, I cannot remember.” He said to them. Killed, did they say killed? Wait what they have a Lunar Wolf fur here. So that would mean, they can travel back and forth from both worlds. I have to get out of here and grab that fur, wherever it is. But I need to know where they have that fur, so this way it will be a very quick getaway. I hear them still planning, and they start to leave and go back the way they came from. Good I was tired of hearing them, and I am hoping that I will get a good night’s sleep. The only way I know how you can get the fur of the Lunar Wolf, it is to skin them alive. This is the only way to do it, or the fur will disappear when they die. When my mom told me the first time, I was crying so hard that my mom was crying too. She said she had to tell me, because we use to be hunted down just for our fur. I asked her why they do that. She said because our fur has some of the magic to travel to both worlds. I start crying just thinking about it. I know I need to get some sleep, but I just cannot fall asleep from all that I have heard about. Who is this man that I am going to marry. No who they are making me marry, if I do not get out of here. I feel like I know him from a long time ago, but I cannot remember at all. I cannot stop thinking and before I know it, it is almost dawn of goodie. I have been up all night long, and I am going to be cranky today. But then again I do not care, I can just take naps today to help. I can see some of the animals are starting to wake up, even Light Wing is wake up too. “Morning little one.” I hear her say in my head. “Morning Light Wing, I have some questions I would like to ask.” I said to her and turning to face her. “Woh, have you had any sleep at all little one?! And what do you want me to answer.” She almost peeped out loud when she saw me. Her feathers are all puffed out, as if I scared her. “No I did not sleep at all, I could not fall asleep. I heard that they are going to make me marry the son in four days. Also they have Lunar Wolf fur here, how do they have it here? Also how do I know the son, I feel like I know him. But I cannot remember where I have met him.” I put my head down onto my paws again, and I just look at her. “Oh dear, so they are going to do that! If he does become your mate, then he will be able to travel back and forth. Whenever he feels like it, because of you.” She looked scared when I looked up to her. “Then we have to plan to get out of here, as soon as possible than. Because I do not want him to be my mate. It gives me the shivers, just thinking about it.” I get up and get a better look outside. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, and see in another way without my eyes. I can smell that we are in an endless forest. But not only that, but I can smell the ocean too. Also about four hours’ drive from a big city. I open my eyes and I am shocked of how close to a city we are. “I did not know we were this close to the city and the ocean too.” Walking back and forth in my cage. “Yes we have been for almost a month now, they move after two months. So that we do not get use to one place. Also so that we do not escape from them too. I better let you sleep little one, you have a long day today.” She said looking at me. “Yah that is a very good idea. Talk to you later Light Wing.” I say before passing out. I open my eyes and see, I am at the place that looks like water. I let out a howl, to let the spirit wolf know that I am here. When I am done I see that she has two others wolves with her. The one wolf on her left is a little bigger than the other two, and the other wolf is sparking. “Hello elders.” I said bowing my head to them. As soon as I say that I hear the bigger wolf laugh, and has a male voice. I look up and see that he is not trying to laugh, but is failing completely. The other too is just shaking their heads at him. The one on the right gives a little snap at him, he just shuts up completely and bows his head down like a puppy. I am not sure what I am to do now, but I know that was an alpha snap. I look at her and wonder who she is, and how she made him obey her. Just like a snap of your fingers. The male one comes right in front of me, and I can see he has hazel eyes. Wait is he who I think it is, or is he someone else? “Dad?!” I say to him. “Yes little one it is.” He says trying not to cry. I put my head on his neck and start crying. I have always wanted to see my dad, now I can. He is here with the rest of our ancestors, all of them here and safe. Never completely gone from us. He puts his head on my neck and I can feel tears on my fur. I know we have not seen each other, since I was little after I was born. I finally get to know my own father for the first time, and see him when I come here again. “Ok you too, we do not have a lot of time. Before she becomes an adult wolf in the pack.” She says looking at me when saying it. “Right sorry.” My dad says moving to right beside me. “Um before we do what you have planned for me today. I have to tell you something that I know my dad, will not be happy at all about. You two might not be happy at all either.” I say looking at all of them. “Tell us little cub.” Says the wolf that is sparkling. I tell them what I heard at midnight, about me getting engaged to the young man. I also tell them about the wolf skin that they have. The more I tell them, the more pissed off they look. Once done my father’s fur is standing up everywhere, he looks like he is about to kill something. Or maybe someone, oh I am glad I am not going to be at the other end of it. “I will never allow that to happen at all.” He snaps. “One of my cubs has been skinned alive, he will pay for that with his life.” Snapped the wolf that is sparkling. “You need to get away from them as soon as possible now, if he gets you to marry him. Then you will never be free ever again, and you will never be able to come here again.” She says about to cry. “What!!” I say almost crying. “I got to go, I need to tell my mate this as soon as possible. I will see you again my cub, stay strong for us. I will find you again, you are so big Aurora.” He says looking at me. “Dad, wait. You look so good in wolf form.” I say just before he takes off. I see that he is smiling with his eyes, and is happy with me saying that. Before his temper goes back into his eyes, then he turns and he disappears. I look back at the other two, and see that they are pacing back and forth. They are very much not happy with the news that I told them. But I needed to tell them, this way they can help me get away from the crazy people. “Today I was going to tell you my story of who I am, but that will have to wait for another day. But I will tell you who I am to you. I am the first Lunar Wolf that was ever born, also I am the first Alpha of our kind too. My name is Luna, because I am the first one born with the moon mark.” She says to me. I am so shocked of what I have heard. What I remember the other wolf told me, she was not the first born. I think she said, she was the second born. But she is the first Lunar Wolf, so who was the rest of her family was? It now makes a lot of sense, when she snapped at my father. “What are you going to teach me today, Luna?” I say to her. “What do you know about our different forms, and please explain in very detail form.” She says sitting down. “Well there is our human form. It has better sense, then the average humans. Because of being able to turn into wolves. So we can smell a lot better and father then humans, our hearing is shaper too. Sight now. We can see very far, and can see more colours then humans can. I think that is about right, I hope. We can move faster them most humans, because our mussels when we are born. We can fight a lot better them most of the humans. Because we can move our bodies, almost like how wolves do.” I say just like my teacher, with a lesson then needed me to tell them with. “Good, now the wolf form next.” She says with a smile in her eyes. “Wolf form is very different, from all the wolves here. Everything is shaper then the wolves. We can see all the colours and we are very fast, you do not want to be near us when we are mad. But there is also one down side, is that no matter what form we are in. Our fur or hair is the same colour, and we have the mark in both forms. But we have found a way to hide it in our human form, with makeup and with wigs. Also the eyes do not change too, unless you have one of those colours that help you. That is very rare, but it has happened before.” I say with a smile on my face. “Ok, and was there anything else.” She says with a twinkle in her eyes. “Nope, that is all the forms that I know.” I say still smiling. “Ahh, but that is where you are wrong little cub.” She says with a big smile on her face. “Wait What!? There is more than just those two forms!?” I am shocked of what she just said. “Yes there is one more. It is the form that we are at our most powerful. This form is born to fight and protect. We only get it when we become adults in our kind.” She tells me this with that smile on her face. I have a form that is more powerful than being human and wolf put together. But how did I not know this. Wait I know why my mom did not tell me about this at all grr. Maybe she was trying to protect me, which is why she did not tell me about it. “Will you please tell me what that form is?” I say giving my puppy eyes. “Hahaha. No.” She says after finishing her laughter. “How come!” I am not sure why she is not telling me why. “Because you will see that form very soon. Did they tell you that, you could turn into wolf after you are born?” She is looking at me saying it. “Well, no. But I was born wolf not human, and I could turn faster than the rest of my kind.” I say thinking back to what my mom told me. “Haha. So you are more like me, then the rest of our kin. I was also born wolf too, but then again. I was born from parents that were werewolves. We may be cousins to the werewolves, but we are not the same at all.” She stopped laughing when she talking about her parents. “Ok, what is the difference from your parents then us?” Trying to think of it. “Well you have seen the movies, where they are half human half wolf. That they can only turn wolf with the full moon. Also each time they turn into any form it is very painful.” She said looking at me. “Yes I do know that, and also that sliver kills them. Just like the sun kills vampires.” I say remembering what I have read. “Yes and once you turned, you can never go back. That you are stuck that way for life. But also it is a very hard life, because you get killed. It is a very hard life for my parents and my siblings that were werewolves. In a way I was lucky I did not have to suffer with the need to eat human flesh.” She was looking were might be a moon in the sky of this place. “What happened to your family that you were born with?” Looking at her. “They might be still alive or killed, I do not know. That was one thing our kin did not get, to live forever.” She is looking at me again, and it looks like she has tears in her eyes. “Will you please tell me your story, this way I know what happened? And if I have to fight them, and if I will be able too.” I asked her. I see that she was shocked that I asked her that. But then I see tears going down her face. She bows her head for a bit, before lifting it up again. I see a smile in her eyes with tears, and I know she is going to be telling me it. “Long ago when the earth was still very young, and with the humans on it. There was a pack of werewolves, which was most feared than the rest. There alpha was very nasty to most of his pack. But then again he had the biggest pack ever known, and still for the werewolf history. The humans always hid when the sun was going down, and the moon was coming up.” I t must of have a painful memory to think about for her. “But there was one that the alpha did respect, and that was his mate. But she was much worse than he was, if someone messes with her cubs. My brother was the first born out of all of us. He was very much like our father, and was learning his ways too. I was born two years after, and just like you I was born wolf.” She laughed at herself, when saying that part. “I was the different one, because I was not born a werewolf. So everything about me, was different from them. But my mom still loved me, and made sure that no one hurt me at all. When I got older I learned to defend myself, and how to fight. So after a while most of the werewolf pack left me alone. My brother and the rest of the cubs that was born after me, did not leave me alone. The rest of them were born werewolves, after I was born. I became stronger than my older brother, and he was not happy about that at all.” She said smiling after saying that last part. “I learned things different from werewolves, but I was also able to come to the village, which my father’s pack lived nearby. The people saw that I was not a werewolf and welcomed me in. I would come see them every so often, and they will tell me stories of around them. But I still know I was the only one of my kind, and I was sad about that.” I could see tears starting at her eyes again. “But it was until I was sixteen did I see another one of my kin. He was a Solar Wolf, the first of his kind. Like I am the first of our kind, but he was not in a pack. But by himself. I was doing my morning run, when I first saw him. I was in wolf form, I find it a lot better to run. He was in his wolf form too, and he bowed his head to me. I was shocked to see someone like me. He asked if he could talk to me, since I am the first one that was not a werewolf. Nor was I human as well. I told him to stay where he was, and I was coming to him. Because he was just outside of my father’s territory, and I was just barely in it.” She was smiling again when talking about him. “He was a little bigger than me, but he also had black fur while I was still grey. But he did tell me that once he turned seventeen, his fur turned black. I was shocked about that, but then again he was very cute too. He asked if I was kicked out of my pack too, and was living on my own. I told him no, I was still with the werewolf pack that I was born into. He asked if he could meet the alpha, and maybe welcomed into his pack.” She was trying not to laugh. “I let out a long howl, to ley my parents know where I am. They both came not that long after. My father was the most shocked, to see that there was someone like me. I could see my mother was happy about it. He told them he came from a different pack of werewolves, and that they kicked him out of there pack. He has been living on his own for about a year since then. He asked if he can join his pack with me, and asked to be my mate. Oh, I was very shocked about hearing that.” I can see her turn a little pink with saying that. “Why is that?” I asked her. “Because he was the first one to ask my parents.” She was trying to hide her giggling. “Oh.” I was shocked, but then again I know that it is hard to be different. “My mom looked like she was going to jump for joy. She has been trying to find someone to be my mate, since I turned fourteen. But my father was very much not happy. He never like new wolves coming to see it they can join his pack. He told him he will not be welcomed into the pack at all, and he should leave too. My father left after saying that. But my mother did tell him to stay nearby for me, and wait till I was ready to leave this pack. I was shocked hearing that and asked why. She told me, because my father was never going to let me find a mate at all. Because I was not a werewolf, but something else. And he would let my brothers have their way with me, before they kill me.” I could see that she was hurt just saying it. “I asked her when that will happen, she told me the next full moon. That they will rape me, and see if I will give them more werewolves. If not they will kill me and my cubs that are not werewolves. I was shocked about what I was hearing that, and asked her when is the best time to leave. She told me tonight, because it was going to be a new moon. She whispered to him where for him to meet me. He bowed his head to her, and asked why she was doing this. She told him “would you want to watch your own cub be raped, and then be killed by your mate and cubs.” I was shocked and so happy for having a mother like her. I still am.” She was crying when saying her mother’s words. “My mother and I watched him leave, she told me that she will not be telling her mate of what is going to happen. I packed what little clothing I had, and some food when we got back. She kept watch just to make sure no one saw what was going on. That night she helped me get out to a safe distance. That was the last time I saw my mother. I took off and met my soon to be mate. We got far from where I came from, and never looked back. My fur became this lovely white you see me with right now. After that we found little cubs, which have been kicked out because they were like us.” She was looking out and remembering it. “We started to become a pack of our own, but we had no place to call home for us. At that time I was the Alpha of all of them, and so was my mate. While I was in a village to sell some food that I hunted. I heard them saying that there was dragons in the mountains just above them. Well I thought maybe they can help y pack, before the werewolves’ kills us.” She laughed at saying that. “I told my mate I was going to see the dragons, and see if they can help us. He told me to be safe, and be swift like the wind. I ran in my wolf form to get to the mountains, which the villagers told me about. There I found a cave with a big door, I turned into my human form and knocked on the door. I heard a female voice that told me to come on in, and that I did. In the cave was a table that was made of gems of all types. It was breathtaking to see that table.” She was smiling when telling that part. “But when I looked up, I saw there was dragons and elves there too. At that time I did not know there was elves. The one dragon asked me why I have come. I told them I need to get my pack away from the werewolves. The elf told me she was an elf, and she was trying to get away too. But not just the werewolves, but the humans too. Well the ones who know who she is. The dragon was telling me that she too wants to leave, but not sure where to go to. I asked them where they feel the magic the most.” She was laughing when she said the last sentence. “Oh, they were very shocked when I asked them that. They both said at the same time, the northern and southern lights. I said to them “well now we know where we are going than.” All of them with their shocked faces, turned into smiles and cheers. The dragon queen at that time, told me that they were going to start heading that was way at nightfall. I thanked them for inviting my pack for joining them. They thanked us for helping them to where they are going.” “I went back to my mate and told him what was happening. He was so happy that he gave me one of those big hugs. We had our kin pack everything that they could carry. We did not know how long we were going to be traveling for. It was nightfall when we were done packing, and was ready to travel. I thought at first we will be traveling by walking there, but no. The dragons came by flying down and told us that we were going to be flying there.” She was shaking her head. “The elf told us that they were going to fly, this way it will save time and food too. Well I will tell you. None of my kin has ever been in the air longer then, when we had to for jumping. That did not help at all, for most of my kin. They did not leg go, nor did they open there eyes at all. Or they will freak out or get sick. Let me tell you none of us liked being in the air at all. I kept my eyes open this way, I knew where we were going.” She shuttered when telling me about it. I am guessing that she never liked flying and never will. “But like the elf told me, it did not take long to get there at all. We were there by midnight, the elves did not like the cold but I love it. My guess is that the elves have been living, where it is warm. But when I saw the lights I was crying, because I have never been this close to the northern lights. The elf, oh I wish I remember her name. This way I can stop say the elf? But she said the best way is to get closer to the lights. Oh, I hated hearing that part very much. So we all got back onto the dragons and went up there. And that is where I felt my magic, and so did the rest of my pack. I sang that song that has been passed down. With that song we ended up at Song, and fell in love with that world. We met the merfolk there, and some vampires too. We also became the race, which makes the portals to both worlds. With our magic we let anyone we want to go through, and only them. Now you know my story and who I am.” She said smiling to me. “Thank you for telling me your story Luna. You are much one of a kind.” I say bowing my head to her. “Thank you, and be proud of where you came from. A long line of Lunar Wolves.” She said smiling to me. After saying that she leaves with the other wolf, and I know I will have to wake up and fight for another day. For who I am, and that they cannot change that from me. The history I have learned about will help me, with the coming days.
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