Chapter 10

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Aurora I wake up after a bit, and feeling that I am getting very hungry. I see all of the other animals are still asleep right now. I see Light Wing is also asleep too, right now I am looking up at the sky and see it is dark already. How long have I been out, must have been that training with that spirit wolf. Or that I am very hungry. Ok so I did not sleep in a bit, I did a lot of it and I get up to make sure my legs still work. I hear something coming this way, but not sure what yet. Whoever is walking, they are walking a little weird for humans. I get my fur standing up, and get ready to protect myself from whatever is coming. I start to see what is coming, and I am very shocked of what I am seeing. I see a woman that has golden brown skin. She has greenish purple eyes that draw you in, and her hair is that changes colour, from a beautiful green to a beautiful purple with blue in it. She is wearing a sleeve less dress, which just goes past her knees. The dress is tight around her chest, and is loss around her waist. It flows like the sea, and it kind of sparkles when she moves. I have never seen a dress like that, ever. “Little one why are you in here?” She said petting me. “I got kidnaped, and I do not know what they are going to do to me. Are you a mermaid or a siren?” I said enjoying the petting. “Well I am both, because one day I will rule all of my kind. Have you had anything to eat little one?” She said looking at me. “No I have not, they tried making me eat food that has some type of drug in it. I have been trying to save my energy to get out of this place.” I said looking at her. “Ok I will be right back, I will get you some food. Do you hear anywhere, where there is water?” She said about to walk away from me. I close my eyes and listen with my ears. I hear the men talking about what to do with the animals, to show them off. They are planning as event in about a week, and they are not sure where to put me in it. Ok, I need to listen farther. To see if I can hear any type of water, that might have fish in it. I close my eyes and search with my ears. I find a lake, but the fish in there is too small in there. I have to search farther. I find one more north, and there is a lot of wildlife there. “I found one a little north from here, it is about a twenty minute walk from here.” I said opening my eyes. “Ok I will be right back little one.” She said before turning away from me, and running to the north. I lay my head down and wait for her. I know that the merfolk keeps their word. They do not make very much promises like we do. Then again, they barely leave the water at all. And they very rarely leave Mother Earth Song. That is for sure. Mom told me that when I was a very young cub. The only time I know that they come out is, when they are helping the elves with the celebration of the crystal of the dead. I am not sure what that means at all, but mom has told me it makes her cry happy tears every year. I think about what mom has said, and wonder if she is safe at home or finding me. No wait, she would look for me no matter what. That is the type of wolf she is. I hope Kaida is safe, and hope she is doing well with exams. I hear her coming back from where I told her the water is. Her walking sounds are like the ocean at the beach. It is very light and on beat with it too. She is carrying a big fish with just one hand. Ok, how strong is she. And I better not make her mad, ever. Ok, one how did she get that fish so fast, because it would take her just getting there and turning back. Second that fish, you would need both hands to hold onto it. And third how is she still dry from getting that fish, wow. “Here little one, I have fish for you. Now do you like them when they are still alive, or do you want it dead?” She said holding the ever moving fish. “Dead please, I do not think I could start eating it when it is trying to get away from me.” I said looking at the fish. She just smiles and gives the fish a good whack on top the head. It is dead right away, she smiles and rips the fish in half. Ok how strong is the merfolk? And why have I never met one till now. I have been living right near the ocean. “Now would you like the head or the tail, and do you want the guts or no?” She said smiling at me. “Tail and no guts, please. I am not use to eating in this form a lot.” I said trying not to look at the fish head right now. She nods her head and pulls out a bag, that I have no idea where she had it. She opens the bag, and puts the fish on the open bag. She starts with my tail cutting it open, and cleaning the guts with her hands. Her nails are so sharp, that it cuts the fish as if it was soft butter. Ok that is another thing I did not know merfolk could do at all. She gets the guts out and puts it into the bag, then she scrapes the scales off the fish with her nails. “Here you go little one and enjoy.” She said smiling to me. I grab the fish with my fangs, and put it down to eat it. I would thought because she gutted the fish, that it would not taste very good. But there is a little salty taste to it, and it is so good. Maybe it is because she is from the ocean that is why. I start eating my fish, and I notice that I am very hungry. I look at her and see that she is eating her fish too. She is eating the whole fish, and with the guts too. Wow that have little waste to deal with. When I am done eating there is only the tail left, and some of the bones too. “May I have the rest?” She asks me. I nod my head and she eats that part too. I am so full that I am happy, that I am so tired right now. I am so happy that this merfolk helped me, I would not know what to do at all. I look at her and see that her breathing is a little out, from when I first saw her. “You do not look well at all.” I said to her. “I just need to go back to the water. I just wanted you to have some food, before I hit the water again. I will be back tomorrow night, just to make sure you are ok and if you need more food. Ok little one?” She said getting up and looking at me. “OK, stay safe. I do not want these guys to get you too. I do not know what they would do to you.” I said to her. She comes very close to me, and looks into my eyes. I look into her eyes and I can see the ocean in them, it almost makes me cry. After a little bit she steps back with a very kind smile on her face. If any man saw her now they would fall head over heels, in love with her. “You little one have a very beautiful good heart and soul.” She said before leaving me. Wait, did that just happen. My mom told me that they can see into your heart and soul. But she never told me how they do it, or how it makes you feel after. I feel like I could run and be free once more. Also how it draws you to her too. Wow I loved it. I put my head back onto my paws and look up to the sky. I see all the stars are out and it is very beautiful. When I was a cub, my mom would do this all the time. When we were far away from city lights. She would tell me a lot of things about the stars too.
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