Chapter 8

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Rudina Running near the highway is very easy to do. I love how I can hear other animals around me, being very happy for the morning. Now I need to find some way to get faster to Monique’s place. I cannot waste any more time then I have. I start to hear little girl crying. Oh great, now I will need to find why she is crying. The one bad thing about being a lunar wolf, you always help the ones who are lost. Just like in our song. I just this will go fast. I run where I can hear the girl crying and see her. She looks about seven years old, and she is very much lost. I can see she cannot see me yet. I can see she has cuts everywhere on her. Oh the poor little one, she must be so scared. I step closer to her that way she can see me. I am sure I walk very slowly and not look like a big bad wolf to her. She looks very scared and not sure where to go. I see that her little pink dress is cut up a lot. She must have been in a car accident but not sure where. I step closer to her and go low onto to the ground, to show her that I am very friendly. She kinda stops crying, and takes a step to me. I stay still and just look at her. She keeps coming closer to her, and she pets my head. “Pretty doggie.” She said petting me. “Where did you come from little cub?” I said to her in a very nice voice. “Over there but my daddy cannot wake up, can you help him please.” She said starting to cry again. I will try little cub. Why don’t you claim on my back, I will go to where your daddy is?” I said to her. “Ok, how can you talk doggie?” She said getting on me. Because I have magic in me, to do that.” I said once she gets on me. “Ohh, magic I love magic, can I hold this caller you have on?” She said smiling. “Yes you can, and hold on tight. Because I will try to get you their fast. And I also know where to go, because of you sent on you to your daddy.”  I said starting to get up. I feel her nod her head. I get up and start sniffing the air, to find where she came from. I find it fast, and it is the way I need to go. I start slowly getting my speed so that way I do not drop her. I can hear that she is having so much fun with this. I do not go to fast to drop her, because how small and fragile humans are. I see smoke ahead of me, and I can see where the car is. I stop just before the car to let the girl come off me. The little girl gets off and me and make sure she is safe. “Stay here, I will get your daddy for you.” I said looking at her. She nods her head and sits on a rock. I look back at the car it was flipped upside down. I can see that she got out of her seat, and started walking where the window was broken. The father was still out, and he has a cut on his head not as bad looking one. The window right beside is broken, but the main one is not completely broken yet. I look around to see if there is any other way to get him out safely. But I did not find any, and this road barely gets anyone here. I look back at the girl, and see that is playing with a bug. I kinda smile to myself, because that is what Aurora did too. But right now, I have to think some way to save him. His door will not be safe at all, to get him out. I will have to get him from the back where the kid got out. I take a step, and slowly see if I can get in and out. Without hurting myself as much. I walk past the kid car seat, and right beside him. The airbag is helping him stay upright, right now. I can see that the seat belt will take some time to get it cut. Oh boy, my fangs are not going to be happy with me. Because I cannot take it off any other way, and going back human is very much not safe to do right now. I tried using my paws to open the seatbelt, but that did not work. Well that was a big fail, I was hoping that would work. So I carefully use my fangs to cut it open. It takes some time to do it, but I do finally get it off of him. Next will be the airbag, this is going to hurt. Because the only thing I can see that is holding him there now, is that bloody airbag. f**k this is going to hurt. I put myself to where he is going to fall to get him out, and safely catch him too. I am most likely going to be feeling this, the rest of the way to Monique’s place. I touch my nose to the airbag, and take a breath to get myself ready. I open my mouth, and chomp on that airbag. It makes a loud pop sound, and he falls onto me. I yipe once I feel him fall on me. Yep this is hurting me, but now I have to get him out of here safely. Then the smell hits me like a brick wall, the car is about to blow up. Fuck. Great just what I need now. I start going out the same way I came in. Once out I see that the kid, is about to start crying again. I look at the man, who is on my back to see if he is still ok and he is. Good I am happy with that right now. “We have to go now, stay very still and trust me. Ok?” I said to her. She nods her head, and stays very still. I run up to her, and grab her dress by my fangs. She kinda yelps in surprise, but then giggles. Because once I have her in my fangs, and I start running away from the car. I can still feel that the man is still on me, when I am running. My only thought right now, is getting them away from the car and me too. I hear a boom right behind me, and it kinda makes me stumble a little bit. I can feel that I hurt myself a little. But I do not car right now, need to go a little farther to make sure, it is safe to put them down right now. I am trying to ignore the pain right now. But I do I hurt one of my back paws. Finally I made it to a safe distance, for them and myself. I put the girl down and she giggles. That crazy little girl will probably never forget this ever. I find somewhere safe to put him down. I see where a lot of moss is growing, and I put him very gently down onto it. Once he is down, I use one of my paws to make sure he is not bleeding anywhere else. I love that I can use first aid training, even in my wolf form. The girl is watching me in full amazement, oh I like this girl a lot. She keeps asking questions about what I am doing, and I tell her every step. Finally once I get that done, I can see that he has broken his left leg. I am glad it is just that. This makes my next job a lot easier, plus I think the little one might want to help. “Little cub. Can you grab me two thick sticks, which I can use to help your dad’s foot.” I said looking at her. She nods her head, and runs to grab what I said to her. I look back at him, and use some of my magic to heal his head. I can only use a very little, because I am not a Silver lunar wolf. (They have the magic to heal a lot. But that is because they are the healers, of our kind.) The kid runs back with my sticks with different sizes. Smart kid, that I can say she might become a doctor in the future. I want to help her with her future, even if it is this way. I look around to see if there is anything, that I can tie the wood to him. I can see some vines on the trees, a little higher than the kid can grab. I can grab that if I jump there, and come back down. But before I do that, I need to look at myself first. I can see that there is a sliver in my paw. “I have two things, I need your help with cub. Ok?” I said to her. “Ok, what is it?” She said jumping. “First I need you to get that sliver out of my paw. Then I need you to watch your daddy, while I go grab that vines up there.” I said lying down so that way, she can get the sliver out. She bends out and grabs out the sliver. It hurt a little bit, but then it felt so much better. I give her a quick wolf kiss, on her cheek and she giggles. She reminds me of my cub when she was very little, she loved getting those kisses. Next I get up and look at the tree, which has the vines. I back up for a bit, then I do a running start to get on the branch. Once I am up there I look down at the little cub. She claps from down on the ground, and is jumping up and down. Oh she reminds me of my own cub, with her friend a lot. I go to the main of the trunk, and go on my hinge legs. I use my front paws on the upper part of the trunk. And I use my fangs to grab, the vines that I need. Once I have them, I get down from on the tree and to the cub. “Wow, I did not know you could do that doggie.” The little cub said to me. “It is something I learned by myself. Now I will need your help with tying these vines, to your daddy’s leg.” I said putting the vines down. She nods her head to me, and starts putting the vines in a rows in front of me. I tell her what sticks to use, and where to put them. Next I help her the best I can in this form, to tie the sticks to her daddy’s leg. “Very good now you know some first aid now.” I said to her with pride in my voice. “Yay this was fun. I think when I grow up, I want to help doggies and people.” She said clapping her hands. “I think you would be amazing with that. But I want you keep a secret, just you and me.” I said to her. “I can do that. What is it?” She said to me. “Please do not tell anyone that you were saved by a talking wolf. Ok?” I said looking in her eyes. “Ok. But how come?” She said looking at me. “Because there is people that want to kill me.” I said to her. “I promise not to tell anyone at all.” She said to me at the same time, putting her hand over her heart. “Thank you.” I said and giving her another wolf kiss. She giggles again and hugs me. I am going to miss talking to this cub, but I know it is time to take her home. I sniff the air to find out where is the closest Hospital is. It does not take long to find one, and it is on the way I am going to. Good maybe I can make up, sometime this way. “Ok, I need your help to get your daddy on my back again.” I said getting closer to her daddy. “Ok, But how are we going to do that?” She said to me. Then all the sudden, I hear that her daddy is starting to wake up. She looks at me, then back at her daddy. I can see that she is very happy about that, but at the same time she is not. Because of the promise she made with me. “Ohh, where am I?” He said starting to get up. “Easy there, you were in a car crash.” I said to him. “Where is Emily!?” He said trying to look around. “Right here daddy.” She said smiling at him. “Stay down right now please.” I said putting a paw on him. “Ok. Wait, what!” He said finally looking at me. “First, I will say this right now. Yes, I can talk. That is because I am a Lunar Wolf and no I am not telling you anything else. And second we need to get you to a Hospital, and you cub did the work on your leg. I helped guide her, because I know first aid.” I said looking at him. “Thank you, and why do you call her cub?” He said to me. “Sorry habit, it is how my kin call our kids. This way we are different from normal wolves.” I said to him. “Oh, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you.” He said thinking about it. “You’re welcome, now I need you to get on my back with your cub. Please and thank you.” I said getting my paw off of him. He nods his head to me, and I help him get on my back. Emily gets back on right in front of her daddy. She grabs my necklace again to hold on, and so does her daddy too. I use some of my magic to change my necklace a little. So that he can put his legs up a little. I hear him swear a little when I did that, and then I hear him say. Ohh, I like that. I giggle to myself when he said that. I start slowly building speed again, and I hear her giggling again. This cub is enjoying this very much. I can feel that he is also enjoying this too after a while. In a way I am happy to be a Lunar Wolf, which helps people like them. I know it has been a very long time since we helped the humans here, at this world. It takes me no time to get to where there is a hospital. I slow down and stay in the trees. I stop and let them get off of me. These two now know there is other animals that are very smart out here, and I think they are happy about that too. “If you keep going that way, you will get to the hospital.” I said once they are off of me. “Thank you for saving us Lunar Wolf.” He said bowing to me. “You’re welcome, and one more thing. Don not tell anyone that Lunar Wolves are real at all. Or they might hurt you and your cub.” I said looking in his eyes. He nods his head, and bows his head to me. I bow my head back and watch them walking away from me. Once the mess with my cub is over, I will go and see if they are doing ok. It is just who I am, I like to make sure they are still safe. Once I see them get help, I let out a howl and leave. I start running to Monique’s place, and tell her what happened. Then I will go hunting for my cub, and make the ones who have kidnaped her pay very much.
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