Chapter 7

1453 Words
Aurora I am in the dream world again. I get up and looking around, to see if I can find the spirit wolf. I spot her right away in front of my, a little ways back. I am so glad to be here, than in the cage. Which I am still stuck when I wake up. “Hello little cub.” She said coming to me. “Hello spirit wolf.” I said to her. I bowed my head to her, and she did the same back. Mom made sure I learned the ways of the Lunar Wolf. Just in case I meet any wolves, to show them respect to the high ranking one. Thank you mom for all of your teaching, it has been a big help so far. “I see your mother taught you well little cub.” She said walking to me with a smile. “Yes she did, and I am happy about it too. So what am I going to learn today?” I said when she sat down, and I joined her. “Today I will teach you about the moons of both here on Earth, and at Mother Earth’s Song.” She said beginning my lessons. “Ok, if I think right the moon are the ones that we get our magic from. If I think right?” I said to her. “Yes and No. Yes we get some of our magic from the moon, but not all. But the true reason we get the magic is, because the moon was once one of us. Back when the first Lunar Wolf was born.” She said to me. “Wait, what!? Where do we get our magic then, and how was the moon was our first Lunar Wolf? Was there twins born, and this is one here and one at Mother Earth’s Song?” I said trying to make sense of any this. “Our magic is passed down, slowly growing stronger just like the Elves. Also the first born Lunar Wolf, was not the Eldest. She was the second born out of twelve. She was also the second daughter to be born too, from her family. She will tell you her story tomorrow. But right now it is time to wake up, and deal with your day straight on.” She said getting up. “Thank you for teaching me all of this so far.” I said getting up, and bowing my head. “You are most welcome, my dear little cub. I cannot wait, till the next time to see you.” She said before disappearing. I open my eyes, and see that it is almost dawn. Great, I am still in the cage. I look around at the other cages, and see most of the animals are still asleep. Except the beautiful bird, and she is looking right at me. There is several different shades of purple on her now, that I can see her front. Wow, if I thought the back was beautiful, the front is breathtaking. “Well I can see that they have got a Lunar Wolf cub, this time.” I hear this voice in my head. Her voice is very beautiful just like her. “Who are you, and how are you doing talking in my head? And what do you mean this time?” I said to her. “I am a very rare bird, that has no name and it is our gift to speak to you this way. I can make it that you do not talk out loud too. This way we do not wake up the humans. Also I will not answer the last question yet. You will just have to trust me Lunar Wolf, or do you have a name that I can call you.” I hear her ay in my head. “My name is Aurora, and what can I call you instead of beautiful bird.” I said to her in my head. “Hmm, call me Light Wings. Because when I did fly, I could almost never have to flap my wings. Also Aurora is a very beautiful name for you.” She said with a smile in her voice. “Thank you. How long have you been stuck in that cage?” I said looking at her. “I cannot remember. It has been so long since I was free, and could fly. They never let me out of here.” She said looking up and I see tears in her eyes. I look up in the sky, and see that dawn has hit. I look back and see that Light Wing is looking very scared right now. I am wondering why she is so scared, then I look and see why. Oh no, not him again! I am very much hating seeing him, even with this new day. “I will have to stop talking to you right now, and go to sleep. Keep your guard up cub, especially with him.” She said turning around and going to sleep. I give a nasty growl to him, as he comes to my cage. I see the cubs waking up, and see who it is there. They hide behind the elder wolf and start shacking. “Well, well, well, I see that you are still not in a very good mood Lunar Wolf.” He said smiling at me. “Who would with this treatment, which you are giving all of us.” I said snarling at him. “Hehe, oh I forgot that you can talk too, lunar wolf. But that does not matter, I came with a gift of food. For you and all of them too. We do not want our guests to die on us.” He said putting a bowl of food down in my cage. There is a small place in every cage, which has a food place. Where they feed us oh great. I look at him with a growl, and I never keep my eyes off of him. He put food into every cage, but none of the animals move to eat it. “This is what you call guests, I call prisoners. We do not belong here, and not with you either.” I said growling a lot more. Oh my temper is growing, and I cannot do much about it. Once I am free I will be freeing everyone in here. But I need to think a way to get out of here and fast. Then I will come back here ever again, that is a for sure and maybe kill him too. “Oh you are not in a good mood, oh well. Eat your food because you are going to need it. Until the next time I see you Lunar Wolf.” He said bowing to me and leaving. I snarl as he leaves, and sniff my food. I take two steps back, and look at the food again. Great they have drugged my food. But why would they do that, still I need to deal with it somehow. This way I will be tempted to eat it. I swing my tail to hit the food to make it spill all over the ground. “Wow, I did not know you could do that lunar wolf.” Said one of the cubs. “It takes time to get it right, but it does come in handy.” I said to him with a smile. “But I better stop moving, because I do not know how many of these. They will keep giving me, and why they are doing that?” I said lying back down. “If I could I would give you some of my food, but I can’t because how little they give us.” He said looking down and sad. “That’s ok little one. I will survive, I have before and will continue to.” I said looking at him. I can tell that I am getting hungry, and there is not much I can do about it at all. I need to fight for who I am and continue. I just hope I can think of a plan to get out of here fast, before I have to eat that stuff. I am not sure what drug they put in there, but I do know it is not a good type at all. But I do know they want me alive but what for, and how do they know about lunar wolves. I need to keep calm and survive somehow. Mom where are you when I need you.
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