Chapter 6

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 Rudina I am running trying to make good time before I stop, and go to sleep. I am trying to get to the mountains, before the sun goes down. I am so happy, I had a very good meal at supper. But I am little sad leaving them, without tell Kiada’s father I left. But I know Kiada understands why I left. I slow down and head to a little river, which I can hear. I head to the river to get a drink of water. Wow, I am definitely not use to running for a very long time in this form. I find the water and drink from it. I sniff the air to find out where I am right now. Almost to the mountains good, but I will need to find somewhere to sleep for the night. I can feel that I am starting to get stiff, and that means I have to keep moving. I start running more northeast to get more distance, to Monique’s place. I can feel there is a storm coming. Great just what I need for this bad day. I am just hoping it gets better, when I get to her place. I keep running for about an hour or two, before the rain hits me hard. Well time for me to find someplace to sleep for the night. I have stopped running and just started walking. Why can it just be clear for once, and not be miserable like in the books?  Being a wet wolf is not fun. The fur gets very heavy, and you really feel like a wet dog. It also makes it hard to see with this wet fur on my face. This is going to take a long time to dry. And no, I am not drying myself like a normal wolf. Eww no, that is just gross. My kind have not done that in a very long, long time and happy about it too. I find a place to sleep under a big old tree. Looks like no one has used this place in a very long time. Lucky me, I get in where is dry and give myself a very good shake. That felt very good, to get most of that water out of my fur. I find a soft part of grass to lie down on it. I hear a howl that makes me lift my head up. That howl was from Aurora for sure, but there is other wolves howling with her. I am so happy to hear that she is fine now, and that she is ok. I also know that she heard my howl, and she know I am coming for her. I just hope that I will not be the only one going to find her. Because that might kill us all. We are a pack and we need to be there for each other. I put my head down onto my paws, and get ready to sleep. I know I will be running a long way tomorrow, and need this sleep to help me for tomorrow. But I cannot seem to fall asleep right now, my nerves cannot seem to calm down right now. I raise my head, and start singing the wolf song. (Chorus) We sing this song to ourselves, We sing this song to our cubs, We sing this song to those who do not know, We sing this song to the moon, And we sing this song to the ones who have past,   We heal the ones who are hurt, We heal the ones with a broken heart, We heal the ones who cannot hear, We will stay by your side if you cannot see, And we will stay by your side if you need us,   (Chorus)   We watch you from afar, We see you in our woods, We help you when you are lost, We know where you are from,   (Chorus)   I will find you my cub and bring you home, Even if you think you are fine without me, I will show you our true world, With the spirit pack we belong, Together we are strong and free,   Be safe my cub I will see you soon, I promise you that. I put my head down, and feel some tears going down my face. Owein would know what to do with this better than me. It has been so hard trying to raise Aurora all by myself. He would talk to his mother instead of me. And traveling would be a lot better than this. Also if I think right, he was way better at tracking than me. And I am the one with the wolf form too. Wow, ok I will not be telling Aurora about this at all. Nope, done, she would have to beg to me before I will tell her that. I close my eyes, and hope that I will be able to talk to the spirit wolves for help. I can feel my body relax, and I drift to sleep. When I open my eyes I can see I am place that looks like water. I get up and let out a howl and wait. “Hello my love.” I hear a deep voice behind me. I turn around and see a wolf that is a little taller than me. I run to him and put my head onto his shoulders. I am so happy this is the only place that I can still see him. Or I would have broken down a long time ago, and not sure if I would ever pick myself up again. “I miss you so much.” I said crying to him. “I know love.” He said putting his head onto my shoulders. “I need to speak to the high wolf. Do you know where she is?” I said looking at him. “Right now with our cub. She is helping her to become an adult wolf, and training her too.” He said looking at me. “I am so glad about that, but I also have some bad news.” I said with tears in my eyes. “What is it?” He said looking worried. “Aurora has been kidnaped, by the men who killed you.” I said crying. “What!!” He said snarling. “When did this happen?” He said trying to calm down. “It happen this afternoon, when she was walking home from school.” I said still crying and looking at him. “If only I was still alive, I would help you find her right now. Did you tell my mom yet?” he said pacing. “Not yet, I am on my way there. I am at the mountains right now, letting my body rest. I wanted to tell you what has happened, and if you can keep watch on her too. Even if it is only in this world.” I said with some calm in my voice. “I will, just make sure you get to mom’s safely.” He said looking at me, with softness in his voice. “I will, and you look so good in wolf form.” I said with a smile. He just laughs and gives me a hug. It has been so long since I have seen him. I have not been here since he died. But I do know that time goes very slow here, then the other worlds. This is the first time letting myself come here, without bring me pain with seeing him. I did not want to feel sad whenever I woke up. “I better go, time for me to wake up.” I said moving back. “Ok run swiftly my love.” He says looking at me. I nod my head and let out a powerful howl. He joins me, and I hear others have too. I let the moon magic go around me and leave there. I wake up with birds chirping around me. I can feel that I did cry a little bit, when I was asleep. Wow I do not miss hearing quack in my ears. I give out a snarl and see all the birds fly very fast away. I giggle to myself for doing that. I get up and stretch, always feels good doing it in the morning. I can see why my cub loves doing this. I smell the air to know where I am. I can smell that I am already in Alberta. Good, then I am ahead of where I was thinking where I was. I go to where there is water to get a drink. Food, well I can eat some fish until I get to Monique’s place. I find a river to cover both of the things I need. First I get some water into me, then go fishing. Fishing for me is very easy thing to do. I just play with my magic to help me get my food. Love it. The cubs get taught how to do it when they are very young. Once I get some food into me I start running again. But this time I try to stay more into the trees because people do not like wolves very much. Plus being mostly white wolf is not common here at all. But I wanted to run here then bloody fly, sorry but that is who I am. I can hear that I am close to the highway. I pick up my speed and move a lot faster, then normal wolves cannot move. Plus I want to get there to get my mother in laws temper over with. I want to get there before sun sets today.
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