Chapter 13

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Rudina   I am finally at Toronto and tracking that man. Grr, if they hurt my cub, oh they will feel my fangs. That is for sure. I have been tracking him all day, and waiting for him to be alone. I have to say this is the most boring part of doing it. But I am doing it that he will not be able to see me at all. Right now he is in his house, talking to his wife and cubs. I can hear him saying that he will be going hiking tomorrow. But I am not sure where he will be going hiking yet, he has not told them yet. Maybe that is his cover story to tell them, whatever it is I will be fallowing him. Because time is running out, my cub will be an adult in three days. I watch him get most of his stuff ready for his so called (hike). I think it is just a cover story completely. My thought is that he might be the one of those men, which cheat on their wife. Or he is not telling his wife the truth of who he is, I hate men like him. Oh goodie he is now going to bed now, good now I can just stay here for the night until he wakes up. I might not get very much sleep tonight, oh well. But I need to find out where she is, and sooner the better. I need to talk to my mate, and see if he has met our cub yet. Oh I hope so, this way he can see how much she has grown. I lay down and get ready to sleep and meet him, I give one look at the house to make sure all the lights are off. I am back at the place with the water everywhere. I hear a howl and I start running that way. I see who let out that howl and it is my mate, oh I am so happy to see him. I run to him with tears in my eyes. He is so happy to see me, he puts his head on my back of my neck. “Hello love, I am so happy to see you.” He says to me. “Hello my mate, have you seen our cub yet?” I asked him. “Yes I have, oh she has grown so much. I am so proud of her, of who she has become and of you too. For doing this all by yourself, I know it was not easy.” He said smiling to me. I feel tears coming to my eyes. Oh I missed him so much, we would of ben so happy if he was still alive. He would make her giggle when she was twelve, and dance with her on her grad. He would of cried, when he saw he come down the stairs in her grad dress. “But I do have some bad news to tell you.” He said with temper in his eyes. “Tell me. Please.” I say looking at him. “That stupid boy that kidnaped our cub. Has. No, is going to force our cub to be his mate in marriage. The day after her seventeenth birthday, when she is becomes an adult in our pack. They have a priest to do the ceremony. I was so mad when she told me. Plus they have Lunar Wolf fur. That is what our cub told me.” He said trying to control his temper. “WHAT!!” I snarl. Oh I am so mad and I am not at all trying to control it anymore. “Oh love, you are black right now. Oh boy. You have not been this pissed off since, you were pregnant. And that was when another Lunar Wolf challenged you.” I can see he is scared right now. The Black Lunar Wolves, have very bad tempers. I would know his mother was the Alpha before me, and she still has her temper. But she can’t fight as well as she could long time ago, but she does tell me a few tricks. I have hid it all of my life, since I gave birth to Aurora. I did not want her to suffer more of an outcast, then she is right now. “Go love, find her.” He says with a nod of his head. I nod my head and turn and leave there. I wake up still very much pissed off. Oh I might just kill that man, and his boy for taking my cub. I see my fur is still black, good it means it will be a lot easier to fallow this man here. I see that he is awake, and putting his hiking stuff into his truck. Oh this is going to be a lot of fun for me. He kisses his wife and hugs his kids, before hopping into his truck. Good. Alright time to play my favorite game, and that is called hunting time. He leaves his parking lot and I start fallowing him, where he cannot see me. I am so glad it is cloudy today, it makes it a lot easier for me to fallow him. I watch him go past bars, and other places men likes to go. He leaves most of the places that are fun to go to, and he hits to a hiking area. Wow he was telling the truth, now that is a first very much so. But I am waiting till he gets deeper, where there is not many people to see me at all. He will pay for shooting my cub that is for sure. I see he is going on a trail that has barely been used, good it is almost time. He was happy when he first started, but now he is looking over his shoulder a lot now. Good, this is going to be a lot of fun for me of course. I can see that he is freaking out, and he is not watching where he is stepping. I let him get a glimpse of me, and I know he is going into full panic attack. Oh I love doing this, he is starting to run further in and he falls down. He was very much not watching where he was going, and tripped on a root of a tree. Now play time for me is over, I need answers now. I give a sharp growling sound, and he turns around and is looking at me in fear. I run and jump onto him with my paws pining him down, and he is looking right at me. “WHERE IS MY CUB?” I snarl at him. “Your cub?!” He is crying and going into full panic. “YES THE GIRL YOU SHOT THE DART AT. YOU BASTER.” I snarl and showing more of my fangs. I can see after I snapped at him that it kicked in who I was talking about. He starts very much shacking none stop, and might pee himself. But I can see that he is about to talk again. He better not lie, if he wants to live to see tomorrow. “They took her to Nova Scotia and she is there. She is near by the capital city there and in the circus. I was just told to shot her, and help them put her in a cage before they flew there. When we got to the airport, she was wolf and it made it very easy to fly with her. All I had to do was take out of cage was the wig, there was no clothing at all in there and I do not know why. Isn’t that when you change into a beast that your clothing just ripped off.” He said shacking.  “No!! You watch too many movies, stupid. Now you will go back and love your family and find a new job. One that will help people or animals, or maybe both and never hurt them ever again. Or I will hunt you down and you will never see another day ever again. Got it.” I say snarling very close to him. He whimpers what I think was a yes. I jump off of him and stay out of his sight, I see that he has wet himself and grabbed whatever stuff he has dropped. Then he runs the way he comes from, and not looking back at all. Good I think I will not hear anything back from him every again. “I know you are there, get out now before I bite you.” I say when I know the human is long gone. I hear a laugh coming from in front of me, and out comes a black wolf. But I know he is a Solar Wolf, because of the mark on his head. It is just like mine, but with the sun instead of the moon. He is a little bigger than me, but not by much. He bows his head to me, than I give a quick bow back. “So, you are the help that she told me about? Am I right Black Solar Wolf?” I order him. “Hehe, yes I am.” He laughs. “Watch your mouth cub.” I snarl at him. “Sorry. I heard a rumor that you became the new alpha for the Black Lunar Wolf pack. Plus I have been an adult wolf for about a year now, so I am no more a cub as you can tell with my colour of my fur.” He said looking at me. “Yes I know, but you are still a cub to me. Now you can help me get my cub, but I do want you to stay out of my way. Got it.” I snapped at him. He bows his head to me and waits for me to run. I start running, now that I know where my cub is. Oh there will be blood to be shed that is for sure, they will pay for taking her away from me. Like how they took my mate away from me, and my new born cub. I start speeding up running and he seems to keep up with me. Good that means we can get there hopefully, before she turns seventeen. The pack needs her, because we feel lost without her. That is who we are, we grieve together when one of us dies. We are happy when a new one of us is born. We are all happy when one comes home. We need each other, we cannot live without each other. We reach to a lake and I can see it will take forever to go around it. I can see he is trying to figure out a way around it. But I know what I need to do, but I am so out of practice. I turn to him and see he is confused that I am looking at him. “I know a way to get across the lake, but you are not going to be happy about it.” I said smiling at him. “Oh I am not swimming, and you are not riding on me. Oh, f**k no.” He snarled at me. “No, you stupid cub. Have you not heard the stories about the Lunar Wolves, and what they can do?” I snarled at him. “No, I have not. I have been with my kin, the Solar Wolves. And stop calling me cub, you Lunar Wolf.” He snarled back. “Get used to it cub. We call all the ones who are born after our generation cubs. It is what Lunar Wolves does, and always will do. Got it cub.” I snarl a little bit more. “Fine…. Grrr, Lunar Wolves… Grrr….. So how are we going to cross this lake Black Lunar Wolf?” He grumbled. “Good boy… Now I have to summon my lunar magic to run on the water. It has been a very long time since I last did this, so bear with me.” I said smiling at him. He was not happy with me saying “good boy” he very much glared at me. But when I said running on water, he looked scared and shocked at the same time. It was so cute to see it I almost giggled. But after a bit he nods his head to me, when he is ready to go. I walk to the edge of the water and summon the lunar magic in me. I know my fur is glittering like the moonlight all around me. I let out a nice and lovely how, and start taking a step closer to the water. I give a quick nod of my head to him, and start running. I can feel he is staying very close to me when running. We are running on the water, and oh I miss doing this so much. Why did I stop doing it? Oh wait, I had a cub and had to raise her by myself. Because of those humans took away my mate from me, grr. We get almost all the way across when all the sudden, I fall into the water. He falls in with me, and I hear a yipe from him. “What The Hell Happened. I thought you said you can get us across this lake, not make us swim the last bit?” He yelps at me and trying very hard to snarl at me. “I also said that it has been a very long time since the last time I did this. So stop your whining, and just swim you cub.” I growl at him. I hear him grumble, but he keeps up with me which is good. Once out of the water I give myself a good shake, to get most of the water off my fur. I look at him going the same, once he is out of the water. He reminds me of my mate, when we were younger. “We need to hurry, my cub is going to be an adult very soon. Also when we get there you will be backup for me. I will howl if I need your help, got it.” I said looking at him. He swears at the first part, and then he nods his head to me. I think he knows better than to piss off the Black Lunar Wolf. More then what she already is. I pray to the lord and to my ancestors that we make it, before it is too late.
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