Chapter 5

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Aurora I can feel something moving, but not sure what. My head still feels very heavy, and I am trying to open my eyes. Once I get then open it is still very dark, and I can feel I am in wolf form. In a way I am glad I am in wolf form, it means I can bite that man if I see him. “Ok. So we have the tickets and I am so happy she is in wolf form, easier to transport her. But there is one thing that I do not understand. Where is her clothing?” One man said above me. “She is a lunar wolf, so those things do not make sense go it. Come on it is almost time to board the plane.” Said another man. Wait I know that voice. He is that man that had Kaida. Where am I? I wag my tail to feel where I am. What am I in a cage? Oh that makes me so mad, if only I can get this drug out of my systems. But I am not sure how much they gave me. Wait did they say plane?! I start to move my legs trying to get up. I find out very fast, that this cage is too small for me. Did they put me in a small dog cage, because this is too small for me? And I also think they know that I am awake now too. “Hey, I think she is awake!” One of the man said. “Do not worry she will not be able to stay awake for long.” He said with a half laugh. I try and hear what is around me, but I can feel that I am starting to go back to sleep. My legs are starting to give way, and I fall down again to the bottom of the cage. I try to hear what it is said around me but I cannot, my eyes are getting very heavy and I black out again. I am running at the same place, where I do not know if it is water or not again. But this time I know it is a dream. I stop and let out a howl, and wait to hear them. But after a bit I do not hear anything nor see anything. “Where are you, I know you are here? I have some questions to ask? And I need answers please?” I said yelling, hoping that they will hear me. “Ask away little cub, before your awaking starts. And I might have some answers.” Said a voice, but this time it is a female who said it. I turn around now that I know where it has been said. I see a wolf with the lunar mark on her head. But I can also see through her too, so I think she is a spirit wolf. She looks about the same height as an adult wolves are too. “What is this place?” I said to her. “This place is where young lunar wolves come, before they become adult wolves. The one place where you are the safest too, for you mind.” She said lying down. “Ok, but what is this place.” I said lying down too. “This place is where we first came from. You will see once you go to the wolf valley, for the first time.” She said with a sad smile. I give her a confused loo to her. But she just look up and gives a sad howl. I howl at the same time, not sure why. Once I do that I hear a lot more howls, at the same time all around me. I am not sure how many wolves are here around me? When I lower my head down again, the spirt wolf disappeared. I look around for her, but I cannot see her anywhere at all. I start running trying to find her, but I cannot find her. I am starting to hate this, because I do not know where to go. “Next time you are back here. I will teach you many things, you will need to know before you become an adult wolf. I will also show you many things too about our kind. But right now you have to wake up, and keep your guard up. There is great pain coming, and there is no way to stop it coming little cub.” I hear her voice all around me. “Wait, what do you mean great pain? Please tell me?” I said running, trying to find her. All I can hear is “soon cub soon”. I am getting angry, and I know it is not helping me at all right now. I let out a painful howl, just hoping she will come back to me but nothing. I wake up and my head is hurting. What was in that drug, because my head is kinda killing? I open my eyes very slowly, trying to see where I am. Well the good news it is night right now. Bad news I do not even know where I am. I can see I am in a very big cage all by myself. Great just what I need. Get stuck in another cage, this is not my day. Well I know this time it time it is not tiny, but I still hate being in them. I look around to see where I am. I see there is about twelve cages, which make a circle including mine. Most of them have animals in them. I see lion, tiger and of course bears. Wow, wish they did not place them in that order on my left. Next to the bears is empty, but after that there is Jaguars. Two of them in the cage, looks like they are not happy to be here either. Next to them there is another empty cage. Can they not just put the empty ones on the side, or better let us all go. Right after that one has a bird, which I have never seen. It has long purple wings that are about my human leg length long. The bird is about as tall as my waist, and up to my head. At the tips of the wings, it looks like has sliver painted very beautifully on. The bird has its back to me, and looks like it is asleep. Wow if I could see the front of the bird, I would be able to see it better. And not have this pain in my head too would help a lot. Next cage is also empty as well, wow do they not fill these cages at all. Or they just leave some empty, to buy from sellers. The next three are covered, that I cannot tell what is in them. But the last one shocked me very much. There last one, the one right beside me on the right has four wolves in it. I am very surprised that they did not put me in with them. They all are looking at me and wagging their tails. This must be their first time near a lunar wolf. But one of them is calmer than the rest, but she is also much older than them too. I do not know how long they have been here. “You are a lunar wolf!” Said the older wolf. “Yes I am. I am guessing this is not your first time seeing one of my kind?” I said getting as close to them, as I can in this cage. “You are right, you are the second one I have seen. But when I met her, I was a cub and that was a very long time ago. I lived near the wolf valley on Mother Earth’s Song.” She said looking at the moon. “What?! You were born there? I heard that if any animal born there, their lives were extended by a lot. Just because of the magic there!” I said shocked. “Yes. These little ones were born there too. But they were not able to see that place at all. You know because they were born not able to see at all.” She said looking at them “What about their mother or father.” I said to her. “They were killed. The father was killed outside of their den, and the mother was killed after. They do not need milk anymore, in a way I am happy about that.” She said with a sad look. “I am so sorry, I did not know. You have been a mother to them ever since.” I said putting my head onto my paws. “Yes I have, but I want to be home. Just like you little cub. I miss feeling the wind when I am running for miles, and not stopping. I miss being in a pack the most. I was taken from my pack, and it hurts not knowing how they are doing.” She said with rage in her voice. All the sudden, I hear a howl that I know of. I get up and look at where it came from. It came from the west, and it took a long way to get here. The wolves in the next cage got up, and stayed very quiet. That howl was from my mom. Oh she did not sound happy at all, knowing her. I let out a howl to let her know that I am ok. The wolves joined me with their own howls. I am crying while howling, I miss her so much. It is our magic that will carry the howl to my mom, which is how I got hers. I stop howling after a little bit. I can still feel the tears going down my face. I just want to be home and safe. Then I start hearing voice, and people walking to where we are. The cubs go very quiet with the rest of us. They go to the back of the cage, and stay together. I get up and get ready to face whoever is coming. I am so pissed off, that I do not care if it is showing on me at all. The steps gets closer, and I see the older wolf join the cubs at the back of the cage. I let out a warning growl to whoever is coming, that I mean business. “Well, well, well. I see you are fully awake this time, lunar wolf.” Said the man I am starting to really hate. “WHO ARE YOU?” I said in my growl. “My name is Aquire, I am Lord Doak’s son. The owner of this circus, and you are the newest animal added here.” He said with a smile on his face. I almost burst into laughter, if I was not so pissed off. Wow, what type of name is Lord Doak is? But one thing is for sure is, they know about the other world. But how? Once I get out, I am not going to look at circuses the same ever again. He leaves with a smile on his face. I just growl, and keep watching him. Until he is out of my sight. I fall down onto the ground, I just want to go home. I look at the wolves, and see them come closer again. “Is he always like this for you?” I said to them. “Yes he is, and the cubs are very scared of him. But you better get some sleep, you are going to need it. And whatever you do. Do Not Eat The Give You.” She said looking at me, with concern in her eyes. “How come?” I said looking at her. “Because they will try to make you turn into human form, when you are out again. When you do not have control over it.” She said with sadness in her voice. “Well he will find the hard way, which is I was born in wolf form.” I said looking at the moon. “What! How!?” She said to me with shock in her voice. “I am not sure, but that is how I was born.” I said with sadness in my voice. “Ok. But you should better get some sleep, you are going to need your energy.” She said with a sad smile. I nod my head, and put my head onto my paws and close my eyes. Mom find me please, I need you so much. I can feel tears going down my face. I feel my body going to sleep, and I let it. I know that spirit wolf has more things, to tell me and teach me too.
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