Chapter 14

1966 Words
Aurora I wake up and it is before down, today is supposed to be my happiest day. But today, it is the saddest. Because I am turning seventeen, and I am still in this stupid cage. I should be waking up in my bed, and getting ready to see my best friend. But no, I wake up dreading and hoping, time will stop so I will not be an adult. I know my name means dawn, and I hope I do not get my true colours. I can feel tears coming to my eyes, and I do not want to face today at all. Someone please, get me out of here. This way I can be free again and happy too. I also do not want tomorrow to come at all. I do not want to marry him at all. Oh hell no. f**k no. I rather be shot than be stuck married to him, and have him stuck as my mate. It gives me very cold shivers just thinking about it. I hear noise coming from the woods, oh I will hate it if it was him and his father. I let out a little growl, to let whoever it is I am not happy at all. I am standing up and have my fur all ruffled up, and showing not happy here. But I see it is the mermaid and I can feel tears coming down my face. I am so happy to see her especially today. I let my fur go back to normal, and lay back down. She walks up to me with a smile on her face. We became fast friends since I met her, and she has helped me so much. “You almost made me drop your food, Lunar cub.” She said once she gets to my cage. “Sorry I thought you were one of those stupid humans. It is starting to become a bad day for me. I was hoping to be free before today, and very much long way from here.” I say starting to cry again. “Shh. Here eat and then tell me what is wrong with today. But you have to eat first, because I will not let you talk till you are done. Got it.” She says putting down the fish in front of me. I nod my head and eat the fish. I am very much liking eating the fish raw, it is way better than the food they try to feed me. I never eat the food they give me, I hate the smell of it. She eats the head of the fish and I eat the rest, we always eat together. “Well today I turn seventeen, which means I became an adult wolf, with a new colour of fur too. But I am still in this cage, and they are going to make me marry that stupid boy tomorrow.” I say crying again. “Oh you poor cub, well I am going to try my best to get you out. Also my name is Aqua. I know not the strangest name for my people.” She said with a smile. “Aurora is my name. Also you better go, something does not feel right at all today. I sense there is something bad today, go to the Lunar Wolves they will help you. Ok, because I want you to be safe my friend.” I said smiling to her. She nods her head and hugs me before leaving me. She gives me one quick bow, and I bow my head to her. I know I will see her in the future that is if I get out of here? Our friendship will last for the rest of our lives, and most likely with our cubs too. Both she and I have tears in our eyes, when she turns and disappear into the forest. I see the sun is coming up, I close my eyes and wait for to become an adult But I do not feel like I have turned. I open and look at myself and see I am still grey. Ok not time yet, but I know it will happen today that I can feel. I lay my head down again, I hate today and just wish I could just disappear. I wish I was home with my kin, to see me become an adult. Like how I was supposed to and how my kin has done, since the beginning just how Luna had told me. “Well, well, well. I see my soon to be bride is not happy, just the day before our big day tomorrow.” He said smiling to me. “f**k off, and leave me alone. No, let me go and I promise I will not hurt you as much.” I snarl at him. “Hmm, let me think, no. I need you and well, I need you to be human before our wedding. Oh and you to turn into human yourself today. Or we make you turn, just before our wedding tomorrow. Got it, my beautiful bride to be. Also we will not cover your lovely mark at all for our wedding. I want everyone that is coming, to see who you truly are.” He smiles and laughs at the end of saying it. If I was human he would be holding my chin with one hand, and the other hand would be touching my mark. Also I think he would steal my fist kiss from me too grr. I hate that man so much. Even with him being so handsome, I hate him with all my soul. I would never love him and I will always be his prisoner, if this marriage happens. He leaves with a big evil smile on his face after a bit. He is so looking forward to tomorrow, and I am dreading it. But I am wondering how they will make me turn into my human form. That would take a lot of magic to change me. Because moon magic is one of the most powerful since the elves came. There is fire, water, earth and air. Moon magic is almost part of water, because they work together so well. It is just like the Solar magic is so close to fire. It would take ten witches to change me, maybe more right now. And those witches have to be at the top in their class to do it. But that is because of the rank of my family in my kin. We are the fighting kind in our kin, you never want us truly mad. The Black Lunar Wolves are the best at fighting, when we are pissed off. But I am still a cub, so I am not as powerful as my grandmother. But that is what my mom has told me. Also I do not know what my mom also is. She has never lost her temper around me, ever. It is already midday when I finally stop getting lost in thought. I see that the animals are scared all around me. Poor them, they do not like the feeling at all today. I do not blame them at all. Something does not feel right in the air. I hear someone coming, but it sounds a lot like heels in the ground. Ok that means a woman is coming, well that would be a first. I see all the animals going to the far back of their cages. They are going the smallest they can be, and farthest away from her whoever she is. I see the woman and I see it is Kitty. But she is wearing a dress that is barley covering anything on her. The dress is full black and red at the edges. And she is wearing heels that I would never wear. How do woman wear those heals. “Kitty!!! What are you doing here?” I say shocked. “My Name Is Not Kitty. It is Freyja and I am a demoness. And if you do not turn into human today on your own, I will make you tomorrow.” She snaps the first part, and laughs an everlasting laugh with the other part. What she was a demon the whole time? That would explain her snarky mood all of school. But how long has she known I was a Lunar Wolf. Also I do not want her to change me into human at all. That would hurt me so much, and that would mean she is very powerful. “How long have you been a demoness?” I asked her. “Let just say I knew some powerful werewolves.” She said with an evil twinkle in her eyes. So that means when she came to school, she was doing her job. Maybe. It also tells me that she might be very old, or the same age as me. But I do know this, I need to get out of here fast. But wait then, she was the one that made my food taste off when I got kidnapped. f**k I knew it was not the berries. She watches me for a bit with that nasty smile of hers. Before she hears her name getting called and walks away laughing at me. Great, she will be here for the wedding that I do not want at all. I do not want to marry him or anyone right now, I just want to be free. I see the animals are kinda relaxing after she leaves. Those poor animals, they are as scared as I am. They also want to be free, I wish I could help them. But I am just a cub who is trapped here with them. And if I turn into human I do not know what those men will do to me. I hear the men coming back and I snarl at the men. One of them drops the food they were carrying. He swears and looks at me with a not happy face. Aww he dropped his food, what is he going to do about it. He turns to me and puffs his chest at me, like he is getting ready to yell at me. “What The f**k You Stupid Wolf.” He yells at me. “I would watch your tongue you stupid human, or I will bite it off.” I snarl at him. He stumbles back in shock or in fear. Either way he was not expecting me to talk. That will prove not all wolves are stupid like he says we are. He turns and runs, the one next to him looks shocked and runs with the other one. I hear some of the other animals laughing. They find this very amusing, I do not blame them. I think it is there first time, they have done that in a long time. I would be too if I am not in this bad mood today. Or it not being my birthday either. I look up and see it is evening and only about an hour of sun left. Great I really hate today. Then all the sudden I see clouds coming into the sky out of nowhere. Ok I do know this is not from the weather here, this is magic that is doing this. It will have to be someone very powerful doing this. I hear a howl in the air and I see that the wolves in the cage next to me yipping. All of the other animals join in with them too. I let out a howl too because I know that howl anywhere. That howl came from my mom and she is here for me.
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