Chapter 15

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Rudina We get to where my cub is, and I see the camp down at the bottom of this hill. I let out a howl so that she knows that I am here for her. I hear some other wolves and other animals let out there happy cheer. Then I hear her howl which makes me so happy to know she is safe. “You will stay up here and wait for me, and my cub got it.” I told him. He nods and stays put. I do one last look and start running down, I am here for my cub and no one is stopping me. I get close to the camp and see that men are running everywhere. These clouds give me good cover to hide my black fur. I stay hidden for a bit until a man spots me. I jump at him and knock him out, but before I knock him out he yells. Which makes other man start running to where I am and start shooting. I hate these men a lot and most of the man end up dead, because of my bad temper. Their fault for taking this job, they should have stayed home. I am running around dodging the bullets, I am so glad to be a Black Lunar Wolf. We are the best fighters for all of our race. I see a trailer open and see something that does not look right. Ok I have to see what it is. I step into and see a wedding dress that looks about the size of my daughter. I am guessing that is the wedding dress they are going to make her wear tomorrow. It is a very beautiful dress that would cost too much, but I am not giving my daughter to them at all. They will never have her even if they beg me, they killed my mate and so many of my kin. I turn my head to the right to leave, and I see something that would make any of my kin cry with mad tears. I see grey Lunar Wolf fur with a little bit of grey blue on the tips. They killed her to get her fur, and the only way to get the fur is to skin them alive. That makes me so mad. I feel tears going down my face, this is so cruel and not something you want for anyone. I use some of my magic to let the fur disappear into moonlight sparkles. This way they will not be able to go to Song without others help. They will pay for doing this, oh very much. I am no more going to be nice with trying to get my daughter out. Once the fur is gone I get out of the trailer, and there happens to be a man just there. We’ll let just say when he looked up, he saw a wolf come out of nowhere and that is it. I know I killed him because my fangs went into his neck. I run to where I saw the cages to free my cub. Once I get there I see many animals in the cages. I even see wolves that were born on Song, and they are so happy to see me. Oh those poor animals, they want to be free too. “Mom!!” I hear a wine. I turn and see my cub. Oh my lovely Aurora, how I miss seeing you my beautiful cub. I run to her cage and see she is still grey. But I know she needs to get out now, before she is an adult. I use some of my magic and a flip to get the lock off her cage. Once open my cub gets out, and puts her head on my neck. I feel tears going down my fur, and I know she is crying. I put my head on her neck and I am crying too, I found my cub and I am so happy to see her. “Mom you are the Black Lunar Wolf! I thought it was grandma was the alpha not you?” She said once she is done crying. “Sorry for not telling, we thought it was best not to tell you yet. But look at you I thought you were more starved then what you look?” I asked her. “I had made a friend with a mermaid and she fed me. I asked her to leave because I did not want her to see me trapped with tomorrow.” She said. “Well thank goodness you made a friend, but we have to leave now. Before I kill everyone here, it is time for you to come to our real home. The Wolf Valley is our true home, and I know you will love it.” I said smiling to her. “Wait before we leave we need to get everyone out these cages. I hate how they treat these poor animals here.” She said to me. I nod my head and we both work together getting every animal out. I feel so proud of my cub for who she is. All the animals bow their heads to us and take off. The wolves I tell them where to run and they listen. I hear more humans coming and I am still pissed off. I see the man who my kin hates so much. I start running at him and I know my cub is at my tail fallowing me. Most of the men start shooting and I see fear in their eyes. I see the boy who I hate and bite his shoulder and he yells. My cub is dealing with the father, good for her. I think I hear a spell getting cast, than all the sudden both my cub and I are in pain. I jump off the boy and see that he is in so much pain. My cub is right behind me, and I see a demoness right up to the boy. I growl at her and feel my cub doing the same. She is holding the man to keep him from standing up. The father is very much dead, well I am very proud of my cub very much. The demoness is glaring at both of us, and I do not give too hoots. I am glaring right back and making sure she sees my fangs very much. I see the demoness is getting ready to cast another spell. I look at my cub and we both run away from them. I guide my cub the way to go, but she leads the way. I am making sure so one is fallowing us. This is a job she is very good at. I start feeling the rain starting, good that makes it harder for them to find us. I am noticing that I cannot keep up with my cub as much. She notices to, and she turns around and she lets out yipe. I stop running and look at where she is looking. I see blood coming out of a wound at my side. It might have been when I was getting shot at, or that demoness with that spell of hers. But I do know that it is killing me. I am losing strength, I fall onto the ground. “Mom, stay with me please.” I see my cub is crying when she said that. I feel the sun is starting to set, and I know that I will not live to see another dawn with my cub. She is fully crying now and I do not blame her, I did the same when her father died. That was a very painful day for me. I see my cub is starting to glow, and I know she has not noticed. Little by little her fur is changing to a different colour. She is finally becoming an adult within our kin, and that makes me so happy. I am so happy I get to see this, and not worry about the pain anymore. I feel life leaving me by a lot. My magic is taking over and I know it is time. I take my last breath in to tell her, how she looks. Because she will not notice till after and I want to tell her. I am so proud of her, and I leave the pack with her. “My beautiful Blue Lunar Wolf.” I say just before everything goes black.
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