Chapter 4

1747 Words
Rudina After the phone call to John, I put phone on the charging base and head upstairs. I go to the bathroom and wipe my make up off. I go to the back of the cupboard and grab out a white jar. The stuff in the jar kinda looks like liquid soap, with sparkles in it. I take out my hair from the bun, I had it in. Then I grab about a table spoonful, and put that into my hair. It changes to my true hair colour, which is white with grey tips in it. I have not shown this since Owein died. Every two years, I need to get more of this stuff to hide my hair colour. When I wet my hair I can make my hair golden colour. When dry it because my true colour, since I became an adult wolf. I missed showing this hair, in its true colour. I almost forgot what it looked like. The only place I can get this stuff, is the wolf valley. Every wolf that comes to earth, and live or train needs it. Unless you have fur, that can very much blend here. Those would be mostly be the wolves, which are lower than my family in our pack. Or should I say my mother in laws pack. After getting my true hair colour showing again, I was my makeup off. I grab a little clear bottle from the same area, I had the other stuff from. I drop into my eyes. This has similar stuff in it, like the stuff I put into my hair. But two drops, make my eyes turn into any color I want. One drop makes my real eye colour show, and my true colour is a sliver grey colour. This is why I hide my true eye colour, do not people freak when they see it. I go to my room and go to the back of the closet. I have a chest, which I have kept hidden since we moved here. I pull out the chest, and put it near my bed. I open the chest, and see my wolf outfit. I have missed wearing it, not even Aurora has seen it. This outfit is very similar to the outfits, that ninjas wore bake than. But mine has fingerless gloves. There is also jewelry in this box too. I have moon dangling earrings, and a sliver moon choker necklace. But before I put on my outfit, I go back into my closet and grab out a bag. This bag has Aurora’s shedded fur, from last week. I put on a hoodie to hide my hair, and my mark and go see Kaida. I knock on the door, and wait for her to come down the stairs. That I can hear her from. “Rudina, I thought you went to bed? Did you forget something?” She said looking surprised. “No, but I do need your help.” I said smiling to her. “Ok, what do you need help with?” She said smiling. “I got a sewing project, for you to do.” I said chowing her the bag. “Ohh. Come on it. Let’s go to my room, I have everything there.” She said her smile getting bigger. I smile and walk in. We head upstairs and go to her room. Her room is full of dragons everywhere. There is an area that she does just for sewing. “Ok, what do you want me to make?” She said grabbing a chair out for me. “I need you to make an outfit, for Aurora.” I said sitting down. “Ohh. Then I have this book that has all of my drawings, of the outfits for Aurora. You can look and see if it will be perfect for you. You can look and see if it will be perfect for you.” She said grabbing out an art book, and giving it to me. I look through the book, and see one outfit that would look just perfect for Aurora. Also it is just in time for her to become, an adult wolf too. Also and the fur will be just perfect with it too. I know how well she did with Aurora’s grad dress, I almost burst into tears. “This one is just perfect. Also I was hoping that you might add this to it too.” I said handing her the bag, and her art book back too. “Are you sure!!! I can use this?! Yes this would work very much.” She said almost squealing for joy. “There is something in that bag too, that I need you to use as well.” I said smiling to her. Her eyes grew wide for a second, then she digs into the bottom of the bag. When she finds the thing I was talking about, her eyes grew wide again. She pulls out a box about CD case wide, and an inch thick. She opens it up, and she gasps at the sight of what is in it. In the box is a crescent moon, which looks like it is made of Opealite. But it sparkles at lot more in the light. The moon is about as big as my palm of my hand. I do not have very big hands, I have to put on size small gloves. She looks at me, then back at the box for a few times. “Are you sure, I can use this?! I have never seen anything like this, and that is saying a lot!” She said holding the box. “Yes you can use it, and I am not telling you what it is.” I said smiling to her. “Thank you. Stay safe please.” She said getting up, and giving me a hug. I give her a hug back, and get up and walk to the door. I look back to her with sad eyes. I think she knows that I am leaving today. No she does know, but she is not going to be telling her dad at all. I just hope that he can forgiving me for leaving today, and not tomorrow. I walk out of the door, and back to my house. Once I am in, I take off the hoody and put on my outfit. I take some pieces of cloth in the bottom of my chest. There are two pieces of cloth, which have long pieces of rope to tie around my waist. The cloth makes a split skirt that only goes to my knees. I tie them around my waist and put on my gloves. My whole outfit is black to blend into the night. I go to my backyard and close the door. I turn and look at my house, I cast a spell that no one but my pack can go in. That is also includes Kaida and her family. I turn around and look at the woods. I look up in the sky and see the moon in two weeks, it will be full moon.  Great just in time for Aurora’s birthday, what more can I add to this list. I take a breath to calm myself down. I close my eyes and feel the magic of the moon, and mine work together. I miss this feeling, the moon has always call to us lunar wolves. I open my eyes after a bit and take a few steps back, before running a few steps and jumping. I have my hands in front of me, and I let the magic change me. It starts with my hands, and goes all the way to my feet. I land as a white wolf with a little grey on the tips, of my ears and tail. Oh this feels so good to be a wolf again. I head to where they were walking, I make sure I am out of sight. I do not want them to call the animal control on me. I find where they had shot my cub twice, her scent is everywhere. I find the other dart, I touch it to my necklace. It disappears and I know it will be in my pouch once I am human again. I run into the woods and head to a church nearby. Once there I stay in the woods until the mass has ended. I see everyone leave, and I sneak in the church. I have been here many times. But all the other times, I was in human form and it was always on a Sunday. I can hear a woman talking to the father, about how mass went. I walk a little more to see more of the church. There is stain glass at very window, and I love how the sun hits them. I bow my head for a bit before going in more. “So tomorrow’s mass, we will need more kids to help. Because the ones who are always help, are sick and will not be able to come. I will send a prayer to them- Ahh!!” She said finally seeing me. She looks around to find something to throw at me. I just bow my head and walk more up the aisle. The father looks at me, and is frozen. Not sure if he is surprised or scared. “There is a wolf here! Do you want me to call the animal control, or what?” She said to the father. “Let us wait and see, what the wolf do first.” He said looking at me. Once I get to the front where the priest blesses. I bend down and put my head onto the ground. My right paw is straight out and my left is bent in. I do a silent prayer and ask for help to find my cub. I lift my head and I can feel a tear roll down my fur. I turn around and head for the door. “I think that was a sine, and we will leave the wolf alone.” He said once I am out of sight. I giggle to myself and leave out of the building. I go back to the woods and let out a sad howl. I will find you my cub, I promise you that.
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