Chapter 6

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MIA’S POV When I thought everything was going as planned, I was doomed. Before me was Alpha Xander glaring at me, he shouldn't do that just because of a mere slave unless he still has feelings for her, and that's why I need to do everything possible to get Maliya out of this palace. Once he knows that Maliya is pregnant, I don't think he will come near me again, and if Maliya puts to bed a male, then I'll lose my position as the Luna. “I have to stop the truth from being revealed,'' I licked my lips and made a move out of the chamber but he drew me back. The look in his eyes made me haunted, I just hope he is thinking otherwise. “What else do you want to do since accusing her didn't cause chaos?” I could see the bitterness in his eyes, his love for Maliya was still there even though he made her a slave, and I must quench it by making sure he hated her or she disappeared. I let out a loud breath. “I need to go to my chamber and take some rest, and I never accused her—I guess she bribed the physician to cover the truth because she knows the repercussions of the offense she committed…” I uttered boldly, even though I was a bit scared. To claim him for myself wasn't easy, and so I won't let an Omega take him away from me. He scratched his head, “Then I'll meet the physician myself and question him, I believe he will tell me the truth himself because he isn't even free if he tells lies…” My heart sank deep into my belly, I had to control my emotions so he wouldn't notice that I was scared of the step he had to take. “It's alright then, whatever….” I turned and left the assembly chamber back to my living chamber. There, Rex was already waiting for my presence. He caught what was going on with me and rushed to my bed. “You're sweating, is everything okay?” I shook my head to his question. There's no way things are okay when Xander wants to visit the royal physician who can easily reveal the pregnancy to him and everything will be over with me. I swallowed my saliva, “What do I have to do with that royal physician? I don't want her pregnancy to leak…” That was all I could say, and I believe he understood what I was talking about. He squatted before me, “Didn't he align with you? I bribed him like you ordered and he agreed to obey your order..” “That dickhead didn't, and Xander is planning to go meet him because he believes that he's the only one that will tell him the truth that he needs to know.'' I wiped my face. Rex bit his lower lips, “I'll take care of it because bribing him again won't also work—” “What are you planning to do?” my eyes grew wide. “Get rid of him! That's the only way out…” he replied and stood up. I didn't want to stain my hand but in this case, I don't mind. If I don't let him take care of things as he wishes, all our plans will come to an end. He left my room immediately while I went into the bathroom to freshen up. I was sweating profusely and feeling hot at the same time—it also seemed I was having a headache. About twenty minutes later after I was done bathing and dressing up, I was lying on the bed taking a view at the ceiling when the door was banged and Alpha walked in. Everything wasn't alright because I could see danger and anger boldly written on his face. He walked straight to my bed while I sat up, waiting for him to say a word. “You killed the royal physician to hide the truth?” he screeched at me. I gulped, so Rex was already done and he already visited the physician to find him dead? What an interesting scene! I shook my head, “I don't know what you're talking about, I've been here since we returned from Maliyas cell…” He scoffed. “It's obvious that you won't do it yourself. Why did you have to touch an innocent man? Is there something going on between you and Maliya that I'm not aware of?” he yelled, his eyeballs already changing color, revealing how furious he was at that moment. I climbed down from the bed and made a step closer to him but he stepped back. Does he see me as a murderer now? That's impossible! I can't let that happen. “I have no business with the royal physician, you should ask Maliya who bribed him to hide the truth—I believe there's a possibility that he knows about his death because she wouldn't want you to know the truth that she's hiding…'' I slammed back at him angrily. He blew out hot air and turned around without replying to me. I believe he must have caught something that he wasn't expecting. “But you were the one shivering before me in the assembly chamber—you're also the only one who knows that I want to visit the physician…” he drew my attention. I licked my lips. “I was shivering because I was scared you would see me as a liar due to what just happened, and I never stopped you from visiting the physician—there's every possibility that Maliya has a spy, and that's why she came to know that her secret has been leaked that he bribed the physician because I was shocked on what happened. It made me look like a stupid Luna—” He turned to me, “Get some rest and stop saying gibberish words…” he walked out of the room. At least, he will go back and think about everything that I told him, then will end up seeing Maliya as a murderer and not me. A few minutes after he left, Rex barged in. I just hope Alpha won't notice that his Beta hasn't been at a place recently or that might be another issue. “I can't find his corpse…” Rex announced. The pillow in my hands slipped off, that was a surprise. “Then what happened to it?'' I asked anxiously, he's supposed to be the one to bury him as well. “Alpha came in immediately, he was killed, so we had to escape in order not to be caught—but when we returned to take his corpse, it was there any longer there, and there's no trace that Alpha ordered the guards to take the dead body away…” he narrated. I let out a sigh. “But he's dead! I don't think it should be a problem….” “Why do I feel like Maliya took the dead body? What will she do with it?” He paced around the room. “Isn't it time to terminate that pregnancy yourself? I'll get the drug and you hand it to whoever is in charge of her meals—let's get rid of the child and have a rest of mind…" I smiled widely at that idea, and I will surely follow it.
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